Ensuring no child is left behind: Cllr Ian Perry speaks out on the city council’s schools review

Education Convener Councillor Ian Perry explained the benefits of larger schools as part of the current review into west and south west Edinburgh schools in yesterday’s Edinburgh Evening News:

There has been a lot of debate over the proposals for changes to schools in the west and south west of the city over the past six weeks.

Much of the focus has been on the potential impact any changes might have on local communities but it’s important to highlight the benefits that state of the art schools of an optimum size can bring for pupils and communities.

Everyone agrees that we must prioritise the learning needs of all our young people and focus on our aspirations for them and future generations – we are not talking about the educational impact over the next six years but the next sixty years.

Larger and newer schools can provide enhanced opportunities on site for all pupils both within and out with the curriculum. More pupils mean more staff so the curriculum choice can be expanded with extra subjects and advanced levels on offer to increase their learning experience. A wider curriculum, increased sporting facilities and opportunities for more varied cultural/social clubs can only be of benefit for our pupils. Over three quarters of our high school pupils, around 15,000 young people, are currently or soon will be educated in new or refurbished buildings.

Active links with special schools, such as those between Currie Community High and Woodlands, would still be maintained and where possible enhanced. Myself and my Vice Convener, Councillor Alison Dickie, have already met with the Woodlands head teacher and members of the parent council to reassure them.

Some questions have been raised that suggest vulnerable pupils may not be supported in a larger school.  This is not borne out by the experiences of our other larger schools in the city. We saw this on a recent visit to a 1,200 pupil high school with inclusion and nurture spaces that allow those pupils who need additional support a place where they can feel safe and be supported.

Everyone should remember that we are only at the informal consultation stage with the review and I want to repeat our appeal to hear people’s ideas and solutions. As part of that process we will hold events at schools later this month and in early February which will allow discussion of the ideas proposed with Council officers. An update on the discussions and recommendations about what should happen next will come to the Education, Children and Families Committee in March.

Yes, change brings with it hurdles to overcome but if everyone works together it can only be positive. Where community links presently exist with schools these will be maintained and if possible expanded and new schools, like the one proposed in the west of the city, will have new and strong community links established.

We’re determined to improve attainment and achievement for all and to make sure no child is left behind. The educational outcomes for our young people should be at the heart of our future plans and providing schools that fully meet the needs of our learners is key to our success moving forward.

Full details of the schools review can be found on the Council website.

A real green deal for Leith Primary

Nova Innovation to sponsor school football teams

Nova Innovation, the global leading tidal energy firm based in Leith, have announced a deal to sponsor the local Leith Primary School football teams.  The deal, which will last for a period of up to 5 years, will also see ‘Socks for the Streets’, the homeless charity set up by Leith Primary School pupil Joseph Cox, benefit from a donation. Continue reading A real green deal for Leith Primary

Look up to the stars …

New constellations based on modern day inspirational figures created in a bid to get more children across the UK looking up to the stars and interested in the universe  

In a campaign to get more young people interested in the universe, The Big Bang Fair has partnered with astronomers at University of Birmingham to create ‘Look Up To The Stars’: a new set of constellations representing icons from sport, entertainment, science and activism that children are inspired by today. Continue reading Look up to the stars …

Brexit fears blamed for fall in EU student numbers

Macpherson concern over Brexit uncertainty

The latest UCAS figures reveal that a record number of Scots were accepted to UK universities in 2017 and Scottish universities opened their doors to record numbers of new students. Scotland has also bucked the UK trend with increasing numbers of Scots accepted to universities here – but there is a note of concern: after years of positive growth, UCAS has cited Brexit as a possible cause for the 4.4% decline in EU applicants choosing to come and study in the UK. Continue reading Brexit fears blamed for fall in EU student numbers

Record number of Scots go to University

A record number of Scots were accepted to a UK university in 2017, figures published today show. Over 36,500 Scottish domiciled applicants accepted a place for this academic year – an increase of over 850 or 2.4%.

All other UK countries saw a decrease in the number of their residents accepted to university.

The figures were released by UCAS in their first End of Cycle Report 2017. It also shows a record number of all applicants accepted to Scottish higher education institutions in 2017 – up 1.7%.

Further and Higher Education Minister, Shirley-Anne Somerville, said: “It is great to see that Scotland is bucking the trend across the UK, with more of our prospective students securing a place at university. This follows on from the record numbers last year.

“It shows that our education system is supporting an increasing number of people to access higher education – giving them the skills they need to succeed.

“This is also another record year for Scotland’s universities, with the highest ever number of applicants accepted to study here. It is testament to the fact that Scotland remains a destination of choice for students, due in no small part to the reputation for excellence that our institutions have worked hard to achieve.”

Equally Safe: strategy to address violence against women expanded

A strategy to prevent and eradicate violence against women and girls is to be expanded and backed by more than £1 million of additional funding. The Equally Safe delivery plan includes measures to teach school children the importance of consent and healthy relationships and will see Rape Crisis Scotland’s sexual violence prevention programme rolled out across a further 11 local authorities.  Continue reading Equally Safe: strategy to address violence against women expanded

WHEC and Currie Community High Schools to go? New schools proposed for West Edinburgh

City schools review kicks off in West Edinburgh 

Plans to tackle the expected increase in pupil numbers in the west and south west of Edinburgh have been drawn up by the City of Edinburgh Council. Proposals for West Edinburgh would see Wester Hailes Education Centre and Currie Community High Schools closed and replaced by two new High Schools.

Continue reading WHEC and Currie Community High Schools to go? New schools proposed for West Edinburgh