WOW! Living Streets launches nationwide badge design competition

Pupils in Aberdeen were joined by special guests on Monday to celebrate the strides they have been making to get more active on the school run and to launch the search for the UK’s best young designers.

Cllr Malik, the Education Convener joined pupils from St Joseph’s Catholic RC Primary School in Aberdeen to hear first-hand the benefits they have experienced from walking to school.

St Joseph’s RC Primary School takes part in WOW – the walk to school challenge from Living Streets Scotland, part of the UK charity for everyday walking.

WOW is a pupil-led initiative where children self-report how they get to school every day using the interactive WOW Travel Tracker. Pupils who walk, wheel, cycle or scoot at least once a week for a month are rewarded with a badge.

Cllr Malik joined Living Streets’ mascot, Strider, to hand out WOW badges to pupils who had travelled actively this month.

Councillor M Tauqeer Malik, Aberdeen City Council’s Education Operational Delivery Convener, said: “It is wonderful to be here today to celebrate the great work that the St Joseph’s pupils and staff are doing in partnership with Living Streets and which really ties in with our priorities as a Council.

“The health and wellbeing of our children and young people is at the heart of everything we do as can be seen from our progress towards becoming a Unicef -recognised Child Friendly City and last year’s unprecedented Summer of Play which saw us provide over 15000 free bookable activity sessions as we celebrated coming out of lockdown.  

“Congratulations to everyone involved in making St Joseph’s an even healthier and happier school”.

The school event also marked the launch of Living Streets’ WOW Badge Design Competition 2022. The charity is on the hunt for the UK’s best young designers and is asking children to design the 11 badges to be awarded to pupils next academic year. This year’s theme is ‘Walk Through Time’.

Chris Thompson, School Manager, Living Streets Scotland said: “From Aberdeen to Aberystwyth, the hunt is on for the UK’s best young designers. Winners will have the pride of seeing their creations worn by pupils across Scotland, England and Wales.

“We’re encouraging pupils to stretch their imaginations and depict something from the past that they find really interesting and inspiring. This is an opportunity for originality and diversity to shine.”

To find out more about the WOW Badge Design Competition and how to enter, visit:

Education: Going further and higher

How collaboration between colleges and universities can transform lives and places

A new report calling for greater collaboration between colleges and universities has set out recommendations for governments and sector leaders to support regional priorities and deliver UK-wide economic recovery.

The Civic University Network, the Independent Commission on the College of the Future and Sheffield Hallam University have published Going Further and Higher: How collaboration between colleges and universities can transform lives and places. With case studies and analysis from across the four nations of the UK, the joint report is a call to arms for the two sectors to work together. 

The report argues that further and higher education must no longer be pitted against each other – both nationally and locally – if post-16 education and skills systems across the UK are to deliver on  pressing societal challenges such as closing skills gaps, supporting economic recovery, and delivering on net-zero goals.  

The report identifies how unequal investment and a lack of clarity on the role that universities and colleges play has led to years of unnecessary tension.

It warns that post-16 education and skills systems can suffer from being too confusing and difficult to navigate for both students and employers and that competition between institutions exacerbates this. 

It calls on colleges, universities and governments to commit to creating joined-up education and skills systems with a focus on shared responsibility for the sectors to deliver for people, employers and their places. 

Amongst a number of key recommendations, the report calls on governments across the UK to commit to a more balanced investment and to define the distinct but complementary roles of colleges and universities through a new 10-year strategy.

Following extensive consultation and input from education leaders and policymakers from the four nations, the report provides a blueprint for more collaboration between institutions to support people, employers and communities. The recommendations apply to varying degrees across the four nations, with many of them inspired by existing practice and policy.

 Recommendations for sector leaders, which focus on creating strong local networks:

  1. Agree the institutions who are involved in the network and embrace the local geography and specialisms that already exist.
  2. Develop a cohesive education and skills offer for local people, employers and communities built around lifelong learning, ensuring  inefficient duplication and competition is reduced.
  3. Move beyond personal relationships and agree how the whole institution is involved in collaboration, with clear roles and shared responsibility for partnership.

Recommendations to governments across the four nations to build better education and skills systems:

  1. Set an ambitious 10-year strategy to ensure lifelong learning for all and to deliver on national ambitions. 
  2. Balance investment in FE and HE to ensure the whole education and skills system is sustainably funded so that colleges and universities can work in the interests of their local people, employers and communities.
  3. Equal maintenance support across loans and grants for HE and FE students, regardless of age, personal circumstances, or route into education.
  4. Tackle the ‘messy middle’ by defining distinct but complementary roles for colleges and universities to avoid a turf war over who delivers various types of education and training.
  5. Create a single funding and regulatory body for the entire post-16 education and skills system in each nation to deliver more aligned and complementary regulatory approaches that will ensure smoother learner journeys.

The report also provides a number of UK-wide case studies of best practice for policymakers, institutions and sector leaders to learn from.

Sir Ian Diamond, Chair of the Independent Commission on the College of the Future, said: “This report rightly highlights that universities and colleges are vital institutions offering transformational education and skills. If we are to face the long-term impacts of the pandemic and to drive a sustainable, inclusive economy, then it is clear they have to increasingly do this together.

 “The report marks a moment when the two sectors can commit to delivering on a bold joint mission for supporting people, productivity and places. I know from my time in both sectors that many leaders are driving the change needed to bring this to life. Through the work of the Commission we have drawn great learnings from practice and policy across the four nations. This report champions the best of what exists.

Richard Calvert, Chair of the Civic University Network Partnership Group and Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Sheffield Hallam University, said: “This report provides an opportunity for both sectors to come together and recognise our potential to make an even greater impact if we work in partnership.

“As we have found through this report, there are excellent examples of collaboration across FE and HE – but too often those examples are the exception rather than the rule. We must do better in learning from each other, and taking action to deliver better outcomes for learners, employers and our local communities. 

“It is also important for governments to recognise that there are policy levers which can support collaboration, rather than encourage competition. A joined-up further and higher education sector across the UK could be transformative in redressing regional inequalities, delivering lifelong learning and underpinning the levelling up agenda.”

Audrey Cumberford, Principal & CEO at Edinburgh College and member of the Independent Commission on the College of the Future, said: “As the Principal of Scotland’s capital college, I know the impact that is possible when education and skills leaders collaborate for the good for their region. This report sets out the untapped potential of what colleges and universities can do together.

“In Scotland we are increasingly operating in a coherent strategic policy environment, with strong recognition for the concept of a national tertiary ecosystem. Working more and more symbiotically has meant that we have established good practice in learner-focused articulation from college to university, which is rightly highlighted in this report.”

Mark Huddleston, Director at jheSOLUTIONS Limited and formerly NI Commissioner for Employment and Skills, said: “Colleges and universities in Northern Ireland are integral partners for many businesses and their partnership only makes this more powerful.

“A vital feature of the future for both  FE and HE systems is playing their part in supporting people and businesses with lifelong learning. This report brings to life how collaboration in delivering this must continue to come to the fore.”

Professor Ellen Hazelkorn, author of the review of the oversight of post-compulsory education in Wales and Commissioner and member of the Independent Commission on the College of the Future, said: “Building a more seamless post-secondary education system has to be the direction of travel, mirroring the shifts other countries are taking to address long-standing societal and economic challenges. 

“Six years on from the review of the Welsh post-compulsory system, which I led, the Welsh government is moving ahead with mechanisms for a coordinated system of further and higher education.

“Today’s report recognises the progress being made in Wales, and across the UK, and identifies where the policy needs go further to ensure that the education and skills system keeps up what the world needs.”

David Hughes, Chief Executive of Association of Colleges, said: “The report rightly calls for us to do away with the historically narrow view of education pathways that have ingrained rigid ideas of what and who a college or a university is for. It’s led to unhelpful arguments about who gets a bigger slice of the pie when it comes to funding and finite resources.

The shifts in the world of work and the economy require a rethink about how people access learning at different stages throughout lives and at different levels. Collaboration, not competition between colleges and universities is key to this, to every citizen being able to be a lifelong learner.

“For too long the system has focused on one group of adults – those who have progressed into higher education –  at the expense of another group – those who have not . That is not fair and does not deliver strong communities. The recommendations for government and for colleges and universities, if implemented, would be a giant step towards more people being able to improve their work and life chances.

“The UK Government’s Levelling Up White Paper, published last week, sets out the need for fundamental ‘systems change’ to level up left behind places, through a cross-government, cross-society effort. This report sets out the role colleges and universities can and must play at the heart of that effort, and ways in which local leaders can step up to work together in new ways, and policy change that will enable this too.

Iestyn Davies, Chief Executive of ColegauCymru, said: “This publication sets out a clear challenge and expectation to all institutions and individuals that work in further and higher education and echoes the call in our manifesto, Further Success: Policy Recommendations for the next Welsh Government.

“While there are some great examples of collaboration between colleges and universities, there is still much that can be done to improve joint working and cooperation. 

“In Wales, the proposed Commission for Tertiary Education and Research offers an opportunity to address this which is why it is vital to establish that body in in the right way. 

“It is time that further and higher education moved forward together as equal partners. It is now for institutions to step up and outline how they will respond to the opportunities set out by the Welsh Government and contained within this report.”

Local Adult Education Courses starting this month

Green Woodwork in the Woods

This course will focus on learning to safely carve with wood carving knives to make a range of simple useful and decorative items from twigs and small pieces of wood.

Projects may include chop sticks, butter knives, spoons, flowers, animals, birds, etc. Other tools and projects may include shrink pots, coat hooks, small bowls, brooms. It takes place outdoors.

This is a 6 week course on Tuesdays from 1am – 12 noon, starting from 22nd February.

Enrol on at least a week before (14th February) to secure a place.

Permaculture Garden Design

We will use the Salisbury Centre Garden as a base to explore various elements of permaculture and garden design. Ideally there will be some practical sessions in the course as well as theoretical. Students can decide if they want to make bird boxes or other projects.

This is a 6 week course on Mondays from 1pm – 3pm starting from 21st February.

Enrol on at least a week before (14th February) to secure a place.

Essential DIY

This is a fun, informative 6 week course working with wood and developing basic DIY skills, for home improvement or for making frames or other personal wood based projects.

Learn to use carpentry tools, drills, sanding machinery as well as how best to upcycle furniture and optimum ways to paint. Everyone welcome – complete beginners who want to learn about safety and simple DIY and also more advanced DIY enthusiasts who would appreciate some tips and techniques.

This is a 6 week course on Mondays from 10am – 12 noon starting from 21st February. Enrol on at least a week before (14th February) to secure a place.

Scottish Government: Exams on track

Contingency measures and support in place

It remains the Scottish Government’s ‘firm intention’ to hold National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher exams this Spring, Education Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville restated yesterday.

Taking into consideration ongoing disruption within schools, the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) has decided to invoke its Scenario 2 contingency and will provide revision support in early March to aid learners in preparing for their exams. 

It complements the significant modifications SQA has already made to reduce the volume of assessment and ease the workload of learners, teachers and lecturers.

SQA also announced a series of measures that will support delivery of the qualifications this year and that acknowledge the disruption caused by the pandemic:

  • exceptional circumstances back-up for learners who are unable to attend their exam or exams due to illness or bereavement
  • grading exams this year will look to factor in the impact of the pandemic on learners
  • once the results have been published, learners will have free direct access to appeal

Ms Somerville also confirmed that £4 million will be used to support schools and colleges provide targeted exam preparation sessions for learners who need it most over the Easter break.

In a statement delivered in the Scottish Parliament, the Education Secretary said: “It remains my firm intention that exams will take place as planned – they will only be cancelled if public health advice says it isn’t safe.

“While the number of full and partial school closures has been small, it is clear that many secondary schools have experienced extreme disruption as a result of the Omicron variant – particularly in the first half of January – in relation to both student and teacher absences. 

“This package of measures is designed to ensure our learners are fully supported in their learning and preparations for the exams this year.”

The Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) has confirmed that a package of support services – including some further help with exam revision – will be available for learners who are taking National 5, Higher, and Advanced Higher courses in 2022.

It is still the clear intention for SQA exams to take place during April to June.

The additional support being announced today follows the significant modifications already made to course assessments at the start of the school year to help reduce the volume of assessment and ease the workload of learners, teachers and lecturers, whilst maintaining the credibility and integrity of the qualifications.

SQA has been closely monitoring the levels of disruption to learning and teaching across the country, including learner and staff absences.

Following discussion with partners across the education system, and agreement by the SQA Board of Management, SQA is now moving to ‘Scenario 2’. This means that some revision support will be published for learners during week beginning 7 March to help them with their revision in the final run up to their exams.

SQA will provide revision support for all courses that have an exam. This will be tailored to reflect different types of question papers, any modifications to the question papers that are already in place, and the type and volume of content that is assessed in each question paper.

Fiona Robertson, SQA Chief Executive and Scotland’s Chief Examiner, said: “I fully understand that there remains significant disruption to learning and teaching caused by the pandemic.

“Teachers and lecturers across the country are working exceptionally hard to ensure learners receive all the support they need. I am also aware that learners may be feeling apprehensive or anxious about sitting formal exams for the first time this year.

“The substantial package of additional support SQA is announcing today is the fairest and best way we can help support all learners to demonstrate their level of knowledge, understanding and skills for each course, while also maintaining the integrity, credibility and standard of the qualifications.

“With the support of the education system, we will continue to do all we can to deliver for Scotland’s learners this year.”

Jim Thewliss, General Secretary of School Leaders Scotland, said: “Given the significant disruption to learning and teaching as a consequence of staff and pupil absence, and the resultant level of anxiety which young people are experiencing in the lead up to National examinations, it is important that as comprehensive support as is possible to provide is made available to them.

“This wide-ranging support package will go a long way to enabling exam candidates to better demonstrate the true level of their knowledge and skills.”

Stewart Nicolson, from the Association of Directors of Education in Scotland said: “Given the level of disruption, it’s important that additional support has been identified for learners taking National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher exams this year.”

The other support services now available to learners are:

Exam exceptional circumstances service (available while exams are taking place)

This service is available for learners who are unable to attend an exam due to a reason beyond their control, such as a medical condition (including Covid-19 related absence) or bereavement, or who are affected by disruption on the day of the exam as reported by the Chief Invigilator.

The exam exceptional circumstances service will involve SQA appointees – practising teachers and lecturers – reviewing alternative assessment evidence that learners have completed through the year. Schools, colleges and training providers will need to send the evidence to SQA. This evidence will be judged against the national standard.

Grading (takes place once exams have been sat and marked)

In recognition of the disruption that learners have faced over the last two years, and the different approaches to assessment, this year we are prepared to be more generous in our approach to grading than in a normal year to factor in the impact of the pandemic on learners. In line with the approach being taken across the rest of the UK, SQA therefore expects that the overall outcomes in 2022 will represent an intermediary position between 2021 and pre-pandemic years.

SQA’s approach to grading the exams in 2022 will be based on its established awarding processes. Using ‘grade boundaries’ – the marks needed to achieve an A, B or C grade in each course – SQA will check that each assessment was set at the right standard or level of difficulty, making sure learners are treated fairly and that their grades accurately reflect what they know and can do.

During the grade boundary setting process, SQA appointees – practising teachers and lecturers who are subject experts in each course – will determine the 2022 grade boundaries by looking at all the available assessment evidence and course information, including the impact disruption has had on how learners have performed in the assessments.

This process also maintains the integrity and credibility of the qualifications and ensures learners are awarded the results they deserve. This is of vital interest to all those who hold qualifications now, for those who will achieve them in the future and for further and higher education establishments and employers.

Appeals service 2022 (after results have been published)

All parts of the Scottish education system agree that, as in any year, it is important that there is an appeals process available for learners who want to question their SQA results. In 2022, all learners will continue to have free direct access to the appeals service and a priority service will also be available for those applying to university, college, training or employment.

This year’s appeals service will involve SQA appointees – practising teachers and lecturers – who will review alternative assessment evidence that learners have completed through the year. This will be the same evidence as that used for an exam exceptional circumstances request, which will be judged against the same national standard for that course. SQA will also conduct a clerical check on the exam script. Schools, colleges and training providers will need to send the alternative assessment evidence to SQA.

Learners’ grades through the appeals process will be based upon the higher grade of the two types of evidence.

More information, including criteria for using the exam exceptional circumstances and appeals services, will be published over the coming weeks.

These measures have been developed in close consultation with members of the National Qualifications Group, including the Association of Directors of Education in Scotland (ADES); Colleges Scotland; Education Scotland; Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS); National Parent Forum of Scotland (NPFS); School Leaders Scotland (SLS); Scottish Council of Independent Schools (SCIS); Scottish Government; Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA); Scottish Youth Parliament (SYP).

Record number of students from deprived areas attend university

The number of Scots from the most deprived areas enrolling at Scottish universities is at a new record high.

Higher Education Student Statistics, published today, show a new overall record number of students enrolling in Scottish institutions – an increase of 8.6% compared to last year. This includes a new record high of Scottish domiciled students enrolling at university.

There has also been a large increase in the number of non-EU domiciled students – up 17% on last year.

Commenting on the figures, Higher and Further Education Minister Jamie Hepburn said: “Every young person should have an equal chance of success no matter their background or circumstance, so it is great to see the number and proportion of Scots from the most deprived areas at university hit a record high.

“By 2030, we want 20% of students entering higher education to come from Scotland’s most deprived backgrounds and the Commissioner for Fair Access has previously said that Scotland is ‘setting the pace’ in the UK in widening participation.

“Today’s data also shows the number of students enrolling at Scottish universities hit a new record high and we have seen a large increase in international students. This highlights the fact that Scotland, along with our world class higher education institutions, remains an attractive place to study and live for prospective students.

“However, we have seen a continued drop in EU students coming to study in Scotland following Brexit. EU students enrich our campus life and I hope we can still welcome many of them to our world-leading institutions.”

Higher Education Student Statistics UK 2020-21 show:

  • A record number of students enrolled at Scottish HEIs in 2020-21: an increase from last year of 8.6% (+22,385) to 282,875

Scottish domiciled                180,170         (+7.9%,   +13,120 since 2019-20)

rUK domiciled                       34,520            (+8.4%,   +2,685 since 2019-20)

Non-EU domiciled               47,630            (+17.0%, +6,935 since 2019-20)

EU domiciled                        20,550            (-1.7%,    -345 since 2019-20)

  • 16.7% of Scottish domiciled full time first degree entrants to Scottish HEIs are from the 20% most deprived areas in Scotland. This is an increase of 0.3 percentage points, or 545 entrants, from 16.4% in 2019-20.

Roll out of digital devices for city pupils is underway

The roll out of personal digital devices for every school pupil from P6 to S6 in the Capital, part of the city council’s ‘ambitious and inclusive’ education strategy Edinburgh Learns for Life, is underway.

The programme, being carried out in partnership with the City of Edinburgh Council’s strategic technology partner, CGI, will see 27,500 new iPads being issued to pupils/teachers, refreshed iPads for up to 12,000 pupils/teachers and expanding connectivity by providing additional wireless access points in schools.

As well as the personal distribution to pupils, additional iPads will be handed out to P1 to P5 year groups so they can be shared for learning. Staff in early years will be getting 250 new iPads and having 900 iPads migrated.

The roll out for the Empowered Learning programme, which has been funded thanks to a £17.6m investment from the Council’s budget, is due to be completed by the end of this year and also includes a comprehensive programme of professional learning for teachers.

Benefits of the project include: providing equal access to education, personalising learning, improving teacher feedback, preparing students for future working, collaborative on and off-line working and, critically, supporting efforts to raise attainment.

This week, from Monday 24 January, pupils at St Augustine’s RC and Gracemount High Schools will be receiving their devices.

Leith Academy is one of the schools where digital devices have already been distributed. Council leader Cllr Adam McVey and deputy Lord Provost Joan Griffiths visited the school last week.

Head teacher Mike Irving said: “The roll out of digital devices to all P6-S6 young people and staff across Edinburgh’s schools is a significant, positive and exciting development for learning.

“Young people will discover new and innovative ways to engage by using many of the features available through the applications and technology available at their fingertips.

“Digital devices are not there to replace teaching and learning, but to enhance it further so youngsters can engage in learning that is relevant, fun and most importantly impactful.

“Young people know when they are being invested in, and this step from the Council is a significant and sustained investment in the future learning, outcomes and achievements of Edinburgh’s children and young people.”

Shlok Godiyal, S3 pupil at Leith Academy, said: “I think having the iPad will give me greater flexibility in how and when I can work on tasks, topics and assignments. There will be times when I need to log onto Teams sessions or complete work at home, the iPad helps me with this ability to work anytime, anywhere.

“I also think the iPad will open opportunities in learning by using features such as video recording, use of 3D imaging and it will help me with my independent learning and study as I progress into S4, S5 and S6. As young people today we are used to technology in our lives, so this is a good addition to our learning.”

Councillor Ian Perry, Education Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “It’s great to see the roll out getting underway as the Empowered Learning programme is about both investing in our children and young people and our teachers to maximise the exciting learning opportunities in Scotland’s Capital city.

“We’ve committed £17.5m from our budget so pupils from P6 to S6 can have their own devices and have equal access to learning. This programme opens up the opportunity for pupils to learn in new and exciting ways, brings with it a raft of wider benefits including extra support and professional development opportunities for teachers and is expanding wifi to provide fast and reliable internet access in every school.”

Councillor Alison Dickie, Education Vice Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “The roll out meets a key element of our Council business plan which is increasing attainment for everyone and reducing the poverty-related attainment gap.

“Ensuring pupils have their own device means they have personal access to digital learning whether with their teacher in school or at home. “

We want every young person to achieve their fullest potential and the Empowered Learning programme is another tool in the educational toolbox to equip our pupils with the skills and knowledge to succeed in a future that is becoming increasingly digital.”

Tara McGeehan, President, CGI in the UK and Australia said: “CGI is delighted to be working in partnership with City of Edinburgh Council to deliver Empowered Learning to pupils and teachers in the capital.

“Empowered Learning provides a learning environment that’s engaging and inspirational. It directly tackles the attainment gap and recognises the key role of educators in delivering a digital classroom.

“Through Empowered Learning, educators can create and tailor lessons to personalise learning, and access new ways of bringing learning to life. Above all, Empowered Learning delivers learning that is rich and rewarding for both pupils and for their parents, as well as providing the highest level of security and safety standards.

“The roll out meets a key element of one of the 15 outcomes and actions from the Council’s three year business plan ‘Our Future Council, Our Future City’: ‘increasing attainment for all and reducing the poverty-related attainment gap’.”

The 1:1 programme reinforces our commitment to becoming one of the world’s ‘smartest cities’ – in 2020 Edinburgh approved a new digital strategy to push forward its ambitions for becoming a sustainable Smart City.

All hands on deck: Students drafted in to aid Scotland’s pandemic response

Around 12,000 students will assist in the safe delivery of health and social care as services continue to respond to the pandemic.

More than 3,000 nursing and midwifery students are heading out on placements this month. A further 7,000 students will be placed across the service in February, complemented by around 1,500 Allied Health Professional students and more than 500 paramedic students who will also be involved in the delivery of care via supervised practice.

The practical component of student learning remains centred on supervised involvement in the frontline delivery of patient care as part of accruing the hours necessary for registration as a healthcare professional. It is an integral part of the ongoing work to respond to the challenges of COVID-19, and is greatly valued by the workforce.

Health Secretary Humza Yousaf said: “As part of their professional programme of education, and throughout the pandemic, these students have worked tirelessly to support our NHS, making an invaluable contribution to the delivery of care as part of their supervised practice in health and social care environments.

“As we go into a third year facing up to the challenges of COVID, we are fortunate to combine good quality learning attained by students as part of their supervised practice with the positive impact these students have on the delivery of safe, effective patient care and their ongoing support of our NHS. And I wholeheartedly thank them for their hard work during this difficult time.”

Senior Charge Nurse for Critical Care at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary Steve Walls said: “As part of their learning experience, students have adapted to what has been very challenging time, providing the highest quality of care as valued members of clinical teams across a broad range of services, from our hospitals to the community.

“For me it has been fantastic to see how they have developed while providing an extra pair of hands, eyes and ears to make sure our patients are safely cared for as we respond to the pandemic. They also bring with them an enthusiasm that can lift the mood of a shift.”

Honours nursing student at Glasgow Caledonian University and mother-of-three Natalie Elliott, from Lanarkshire, was one of the first students to go out on supervised hospital placements in April 2020. She said: “ I learned so much. The experience has helped boost my confidence and improved my performance.

“It was a real privilege to be part of the pandemic response and to feel that you’ve made that little bit of a difference. There was a sense of camaraderie on the wards and I really felt part of the team.

“It has also helped me develop more self-awareness. Nursing can be stressful but I’ve learned to look after myself and be more resilient when I feel overwhelmed with the challenges I face, particularly when wards are short staffed and there are difficult cases to deal with.”

Edinburgh women to Flourish in jewellery design

Funded by Creative Scotland, The Flourish Jewellery Project is an exciting craft jewellery project. Working in partnership with North Edinburgh Arts and Four-Square’s Womanzone, Jewellery Artists, Lisa Arnott and Jessica Howarth have enabled women who are recovering from trauma from domestic violence, drug and alcohol addiction, social isolation, and economic hardship to develop new skills in jewellery design and making.

Working with a variety of organisations who support women, Lisa and Jessica created a series of outreach jewellery sessions introducing and enabling the women to make rings, pendants and bangles from silver. For these participants, being part of this project has provided a space for them to dare to dream and have a moment in their week where their creativity is realised.

From the outreach session, 12 women then went on to engage with the project on more intensive weekly jewellery and metalwork sessions. During this time, they learnt the foundations of metal and jewellery work which included saw piercing, soldering, texturing and shaping metal.

Despite the various challenges the women experienced, the project has provided materials, travel and childcare alongside safe and high-quality jewellery workshops.

Having never made any jewellery out of metal at the start of the project, the women from the Flourish Jewellery Project have now produced a small collection of silver jewellery which will be on display at the project’s exhibition, which takes place from 22nd until the 25th January at Custom House in Leith.

The exhibition, which is sponsored by fine jeweller, Hamilton & Inches, with support from the Scottish Goldsmith Trust and Scottish Historic Building Trust, will display beautifully handcrafted items.

Lisa Arnott (above) and Jessica Howarth said: “We were both delighted to have received funding from Creative Scotland for the Flourish Jewellery Project.

“By working in partnership with Foursquare’s, Womenzone project and North Edinburgh Arts in Muirhouse we have been providing jewellery making opportunities for women from across the city.

“This project has enabled women who have experienced trauma, social isolation and/or economic challenges to develop traditional jewellery making skills.”

A Flourish participant said: “The Flourish Jewellery Project has made me find myself. I’m shocked at who I was when I first started coming as to who I am now”.

Earlier this Autumn the Flourish Jewellery Project was featured at The New York Jewellery Week 2021’s the ‘Power of Jewellery’ and was shortlisted for a Creative Edinburgh Award for Best in Collaboration. 

Lisa and Jess (above) have also taken part in research undertaken by University College London and Birmingham City University and collaborated with a host of local artists and designers.

This has included Professor Sandra Wilson from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, furniture designer Colin Parker, web designers Erin Smith and Zena Walczynska, illustrations by Kinship Press, Photographer Shannon Tofts and Media Scotland who are co-producing a film reflecting the women’s experience of the project.

The project is now becoming a community interest company and has secured further funding to enable six women to continue to develop their jewellery training further.

Scotland’s teachers report soaring workload in new EIS survey

Scotland’s teachers have faced soaring levels of workload throughout the pandemic, and at a time when they are being offered a significant real-terms cut in their level of pay by COSLA and the Scottish Government.

The EIS conducted an online survey in November, and more than 16,000 teachers across Scotland took part. Amongst the key workload-related findings in the EIS survey are:

  • 88% of teachers indicated that their workload burden has increased during the pandemic.
  • 61% of teachers report that workload levels have increased “significantly” during this period.
  • 80% of Secondary teachers reported significantly increased workload related to SQA qualifications.
  • The vast majority of teachers (93%) work above their contracted hours each week.
  • 45% of full-time teachers work more than 8 extra hours every week – equivalent to over one extra full day of work each week, over and above contractual commitments.

EIS General Secretary Larry Flanagan said, “Teachers have continued to face a rising tide of workload throughout the pandemic, for a wide range of reasons. Clearly, changes brought about in response to the pandemic have had an impact on teacher workload with additional tasks requiring to be undertaken on a daily basis to help keep classrooms safe.

“The increased emphasis on digital learning – be that in the classroom or remotely from home – has created challenges for teachers, often associated with a lack of suitable equipment and resources. Teachers are also reporting a significant amount of time dealing with pupil behaviour as many young people continue the struggle to overcome the negative impact of the pandemic on their lives.”

Mr Flanagan continued: “The survey also identifies a substantial increase in the workload associated with supporting pupils with Additional Support Needs. 61% of all teachers identified meeting the Additional Support Needs, including the mental health support needs, of pupils as a significant driver of workload increases over the past year – with the figure even higher (66%) within the primary sector.

“This is a vital area of work, but the level of demand is increasing and this is clearly placing additional strain on already hard-worked teachers.”

Mr Flanagan added, “In addition to the challenges of keeping up to date with government Covid safety protocols, which affect all teachers, teachers in Secondary schools face additional difficulties with SQA-related workload.

“The challenges brought about by short-notice changes to the qualifications system have been a major driver in additional workload over the past two years for Secondary teachers. Meaningful reform of the examinations system is now required to ease the workload burden of teachers and students alike.”

Returning to school safely: pupils urged to take LFD tests

Secondary pupils are being advised to take at-home COVID-19 tests before they return to school to limit the spread of Omicron.

Those without symptoms should do a lateral flow device (LFD) test the night before or on the morning of the return to classes following the festive break. After that, testing should be done twice weekly.

All LFD test results – positive, negative or void – should be recorded via the online portal.

Staff in schools and early learning and childcare settings should follow the same advice.

Anyone who receives a positive LFD test result, those with symptoms, or those identified as close contacts should immediately self-isolate and book a PCR test.

Education Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “It is our absolute priority to keep schools safely open and minimise further disruption to learning. To achieve that, we need the help of the whole school community. Taking lateral flow tests before returning to school, and continuing to test regularly will help prevent outbreaks of the virus.

“We are grateful to schools for their continued efforts to stress the importance of asymptomatic testing. Parents of secondary pupils can also help by encouraging their children to make testing part of their weekly routine – and, importantly, to report all results online, whether positive, negative or void.

“Safety guidance for schools was updated in December in light of Omicron and it is crucial that all the mitigations are strictly followed. These include physical distancing, one-way systems and the correct use of face coverings.

“By testing regularly and following the mitigations, pupils and staff can all play their part in keeping themselves, their families and their schools safe.”

Chief Medical Officer Professor Sir Gregor Smith said: “With Omicron spreading so rapidly, it is vital that we all do what we can to limit its transmission. Rapid lateral flow testing helps us to find infectious cases that might otherwise have been missed, as around one in three people with COVID-19 does not show classic symptoms.

“That’s why it is really important that secondary pupils and school and early learning and childcare staff take lateral flow tests before they return to classes and settings after the break, and that they keep testing regularly throughout term.

“They should also take LFD tests before they meet up with others outside of school or ELC settings.

“Pupils and staff who are eligible for vaccination should get their jags, and, where appropriate, boosters as soon as they can to receive greater protection from the virus.

“Those aged 12-15 are being offered second doses of the vaccine from this week and I would urge them to take up the offer.

“Drop-in sessions will be available for this age group from today (January 3 2022), while those who have already been given a date for their second jag can call a helpline to bring their appointment forward and get protection from the virus earlier.”

 LFD tests should only be used if you don’t have symptoms. You must NOT use a LFD test if you:

  • have symptoms – you must self-isolate immediately and book a PCR test 
  • have been asked to self-isolate because you are a close contact of a positive case. You must self-isolate and book a PCR test 

All LFD test results should be recorded via the online digital reporting portal

If you receive a positive LFD test result, you must self-isolate immediately and book a PCR test.

If parents or pupils haven’t already been provided with LFD kits by their schools, they can be accessed in a range of different ways before returning to school. Information on accessing test kits

Drop-in vaccination sessions will be available for 12-15-year-olds from January 3 2022. Those who have already received a scheduled appointment can bring it forward by calling 0800 030 8013. 

NHS Inform and local health board websites will provide further details of where drop-in sessions are available in each area.

Following JCVI advice, this age group can get their second vaccination from 12 weeks after their first dose.

Anyone under the age of 18 who has previously tested positive for COVID must wait 12 weeks from infection to be given their second dose

Guidance on reducing COVID risks in schools

Testing measures to ensure young people return to classrooms in England

All secondary schools in England have been asked to provide one on-site test for pupils ahead of their return to the classroom this term to help reduce the transmission of Covid-19.

Education staff and college students are being asked to self-test at home before they return, and were sent home with tests ahead of the Christmas break.

Schools and colleges ordered tests before Christmas and have received these in advance of pupils returning, and will continue to be able to order additional tests through a separate supply route. Schools and colleges made test kits available to pupils before the end of term and they will have access to more as needed.

Students returning to university have also been advised to test before they travel back to campus.

Secondary, college and university students and education staff and early years staff should then continue to test themselves twice a week, and more frequently if they are specifically asked to do so, such as in the event of an outbreak.

12-15 year olds are encouraged to get fully vaccinated (two doses), to ensure they are protected. 16 and 17 year olds are now eligible for boosters and are being strongly encourage to take up this offer when invited to do so, along with university students.

Education Secretary Nadhim Zahawi said: “Being in face to face learning is undoubtedly the very best place for children and young people’s education and wellbeing, and my priority remains on keeping early years settings, schools, colleges and universities open so that face-to-face education can continue.

As we enter this new term, I want to thank all staff working in education for their continued dedication and resilience. It is through the hard work of all of you that we have ensured, and will continue to ensure pupils and students get the learning that they deserve. We must continue to look forward and not forget how far we have come in our fight against this virus.

The very best way we can continue to protect ourselves and our families is by getting the booster, or second jab if you are aged 12-15 – as soon as possible. I urge anyone who hasn’t done this to do so now.

Health and Social Care Secretary Sajid Javid said: “We are doing all we can to minimise disruption this virus causes to everyday life, including keeping children in school, and regular testing is a key way to support schools and protect face-to-face teaching.

“Vaccines remain our greatest line of defence so I urge all 12-15 year olds who have not come forward yet to get vaccinated, and all teachers to Get Boosted Now to protect yourself and those around you.

Children’s Commissioner for England Dame Rachel de Souza DBE said: Children have told me how much they really value and appreciate school as a place to learn, build friendships and take part in activities that benefit their physical and mental wellbeing.

“As Children’s Commissioner and having run schools all my life, I’m always excited about the start of a new term and the return to school. I am especially focused on this one, as it is so important schools are open and ready to welcome children.

“We are so fortunate to have great teachers and parents who have already done so much to have children back in the classroom, and former teachers happy to volunteer extra support to keep children there. I want our classrooms open and operating because I firmly believe it is where all children belong and want to be. We owe it to them to make sure this happens.”

Proportionate safety measures will also remain in schools, colleges and universities to help reduce the transmission of the virus, including increased ventilation and good hygiene, with older students and staff wearing face coverings.

All early years settings, schools, colleges, and universities are advised to continue to follow the latest guidance set out by the department which is kept regularly under review.