United We Stand at North Edinburgh Arts

buildersTownsend Theatre Productions are bringing their latest play to North Edinburgh Arts Centre next Friday (17  October).  Their last two plays – ‘The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists’ and ‘We Will Be Free’, about the Tolpuddle Martyrs –  were brilliant and attracted a full house.

United We Stand is  based on the true story of the 1972 Builders Strike and the Shrewsbury 24 who were prosecuted for their involvement in the strike.  The Shrewsbury Campaign, led by Ricky Tomlinson,  is still seeking to overturn the unjust prosecution of the 24 workers.

We are hoping for a full house next Friday so if you want a ticket for yourself or a group you run or are involved in, please contact  either the Arts Centre on 315 2151 or email me asap.  The tickets are £8 full price, £5 concession and £3 good neighbour (you must live locally and have a Good Neighbour card which is free).

I am running a bus which will do pick ups  throughout the area.  Please let me know if anyone you know who requires transport to get there and back.

The play starts at 7.30 sharp but the bar is open from 6.30 to allow people to meet and have a blether before the play.

Hope to see you next week.

Lynn McCabe


North Edinburgh Theatre: play your part!

masks (2)News from Stephanie at the North Edinburgh Theatre Project:
Hello everyone,

Music Workshop

This is a special reminder for everyone who is interested in the music side of the 1d Tenement Opera project:

Lynda Peachey, our Musical Director, is leading a Music Workshop on Saturday 11 October (11a.m. – 2p.m) at North Edinburgh Arts.

Design & Costume

Ali Maclaurin, our Designer, is leading a Costume and Design Workshop on Saturday (11 October) 11a.m. – 2p.m. at North Edinburgh Arts.

You are very welcome to join in with these Workshops, even if you are not a regular participant; it will be great fun and of course we have a crèche, as well as tea and coffee during the break.

Our regular Theatre Workshop is on Friday 10 October 6 pm – 8pm at North Edinburgh Arts.

Please get in contact if you have any questions and we look forward to welcoming you.

Stephanie Knight, 
North Edinburgh Theatre project

01578 750694


PYCP’s Gig Group to stage referendum sketch show

yes no images

Pilton Youth & Children’s Project (PYCP) Gig Group is staging a drama sketch show about democracy and the independence referendum next week. Yes? No? Maybe So!! takes place in The Greenhouse on Tuesday (16 September) at 6.45pm.

Tickets are only 50p, and all proceeds go to a charity of the young people’s choosing – but hurry … places are strictly limited and tickets are selling fast!

An outstandingly brilliant performance from the kids…this show will be a hit and these young stars will surely soon be appearing in West End shows…a must see!! ***** – PY Times

Now with reviews like that, can you afford to miss this show?




Award-winning theatre company seeks young performers

MIRA ÅKERMAN 10Creative Electric Young Company are creating a new piece of theatre, Flux, and are looking to cast young performers aged 16-22yrs.

Flux noun
1. a flowing or flow.
2. continuous change, passage, or movement:
3. a performance by Creative Electric which is subject to change, is yet unknown!

Creative Electric is a critically acclaimed, award winning company who create contemporary performance based on real experiences. Often their work is interactive, sometimes its personal, at times it’s one to one.

Their work has been performed in both Scotland and Sweden, in theatres, studios, skate parks, nightclubs, on trains, in fields, city centre squares and on rooftops!

They are dedicated to working with young and emerging performers and so run a young company in Edinburgh for artists age 16+. Creative Electric Young Company have showcased their work at the Bongo Lives Festival Edinburgh, The National Festival of Youth Theatre (2010, 2011 & 2012) and the National Theatre of Scotland’s Exchange 2010 as well as performing in their resident space The Bongo Club.

Flux will be devised and performed by Creative Electric Young Company. Workshops will take place on Wednesday evenings 7-9pm at The Bongo Club. Young company members pay a fee of just £5 per week for workshops with bursaries (free places!) always available.

There are two start dates for new performers: Wednesday 10th September & Wednesday 17th September.

For more information or to register your interest please email Heather at Creative_electric@hotmail.com



North Edinburgh Arts launches Autumn programme

Summer’s almost over, but cheer up – North Edinburgh Arts have just launched their exciting Autumn programme!


 The holidays are over but the fun doesn’t have to be!

North Edinburgh Arts can’t wait to see you all back again to enjoy our packed Autumn programme.

Activities for Children

Join Alice in Zoo Arts every Wednesday from 4.00 – 5.30pm. These visual art sessions are for local young artists (9-14 years) who would like to be inspired, improve their creative skills and get involved with exciting visual art projects that run on a 2-4 week basis. Sessions are 50p per child which includes a healthy snack. Follow them onFacebook here.

Thursday and Saturday mornings see the return of Create, our very popular creative, messy play project for 0-5 year olds and their parents/carers. The sessions demonstrate resourceful and inspiring ways to actively learn with your wee ones. These drop-in sessions run from 10am -12noon and are are 50p per child per session. ‘Like’ them on Facebook here.

Eco Kidz is back with more ideas to turn recylcing into crafty, sellable items. Learn a variety of skills in these fun sessions including art, design, craft, marketing and retailing. The group will eventually go on to sell items made in these weekly sessions. Eco-Kidz is on Friday, 1.45 – 3.15pm and all sessions are free. ‘Like’ them on Facebook here.

If you’re looking for a way to burn off some energy and get creative on a Saturday morning, NEA has everything you need . Along with our Create sessions, we also runart and danceworkshops for children aged 5-12 years. Between 10am – 12noon, the two age groups (5-8 and 9-12years) alternate between high energy dance sessions and colourful art and craft workshops. A healthy snack is provided half way through and it only costs 50p. Arrive in plenty of time as these popular drop in sessions are always busy!

Programme for Adults

The North Edinburgh Theatre Project is working on a very exciting project, 1d Tenement Opera project for production in January 2015 and you are very welcome to join.

Join in if you are interested in singing, dancing, making costumes, lighting & sound, making sets, drawing and designing, writing for the blog and doing stories, photography, social history, making sure the people of North Edinbrugh tell the stories… and spreading more whispers and rumours about the project.

If you are interested in some of the activities and you would like to find out more, please contact box office on 0131 315 2151.

United We Stand, 17th October, 7.30pm
Townsend Productions presents a powerful new play by Neil Gore based on the true story of one of the most turbulent industrial battles – the 1972 Builders’ Strike.
Tickets: £8, £5 concession, £3.00 good neighbours.

The Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival
24th October,
7.00 – 8.00pm
The SMHAFF is one of Scotland’s most diverse cultural events. North Edinburgh Timebank Temptation singers showcase the transforming power of communal singing in their performance of various rock, folk, pop and world music titled ‘Lean on Me’.
Tickets are free. Booking is advised.

Lockerbie: Lost Voices, 31st October, 7.30pm
Lee Geshuny’s new play follows six passengers onto Pam Am Flight 103 destroyed over Lockerbie by a bomb in 1988. Tribute to those who tried to uncover the truth about the tragedy.
Tickets: £8, £5 concession, £3.50 good neighbours.

Luminate Festival  1st – 31st october
If Luminate has one message, it’s that creativity has no age. Luminate includes new work, collaborations and international projects specially planned and programmed for the festival, as well as independently-run projects led by a wide range of cultural and community organisations.

To book tickets for any of the above events, call box office on 0131 315 2151 or emailadmin@northedinburgharts.co.uk.

Pop-In Cafe

Our Pop-In Cafe is open Monday – Friday, 10am – 2pm and Saturday 10am – 12noon. We use ingredients grown in our very own garden and Michele cooks up delicious specials every day to make lunch time a real treat. We also serve delicous freshly ground coffee and home made cakes everyday. See full menu here.

NEA Garden

The NEA garden run Tuesday afternoon drop-in sessions, 1-5pm for families and 16+ years (children must be accompanied). Learn how to grow your own vegetables, herbs and other useful gardening skills in these free sessions run by Valla, outr community gardener. If you would like to be involved in the garden outside of these sessons, please contact Valla directly at northedinburghgrows@gmail.com. Keep up to date on their blog here.


Full Autumn Programme here


Theatre Project meeting reminder

I hope you are having a lovely Summer!

This is just a wee reminder that there is an open meeting for everyone who is interested in participating in the amazing 1d Tenement Opera project, on

Thursday 14 August at 11am at North Edinburgh Arts.

I attach the flyer once again (below) and please forward this to everyone who you think will be interested. Looking forward to seeing you next week,

Stephanie Knight

NETP flier 2

Arts for all! Date set for exciting new theatre project

We first revealed news of this exciting new North Edinburgh Theatre community project last month, and a date’s now been set for an introductory meeting to get the ball rolling.

Whatever your skills and interests, there’s sure to be something for you in the 1d (that’s an old penny!)Tenement Opera project! Why not attend the first meeting at North Edinburgh Arts on Thursday 14 August at 11am?  It could be the start of a something big – and there’s even free tea and cake!

Interested? See the flyer for details …


Fancy being a zombie?

zombiesDo you want to be a zombie in the ‘most exciting show ever to hit the Edinburgh Festival?’

Have you got what it takes to be a zombie? The Generation of Z hurls you head first into a world ravaged by the undead. The survivors will fight for their future as they journey through a battle against extinction. Set within a maze-like security containment depot swarming with zombies, the audience are in the thick of it until the bitter end, be it rescue … or death. Inspired by the movies and video games of the zombie genre, The Generation of Z is a multimedia horror play on steroids that takes a chainsaw to the fourth wall

After two hugely successful seasons in New Zealand , Royale Productions are bringing their fully interactive immersive Zombie Horror experience to the Edinburgh Festival.

The Generation of Z is a site-specific, immersive, theatrical event set within the maelstrom of a zombie apocalypse. There are no seats, no stage, no niceties and definitely no “fourth wall”. As a zombie you’ll play an integral part, you are in the thick of it from the first gunshot to its violent and thrilling finale. You will be made up in Hollywood style zombie make up and trained on how to be a zombie by our friends at ScareScotland. You will be trained by some of the best professional scare actors in the country at the Undead Academy.

All zombies will be volunteers, and we can guarantee you a whole lot of fun as you scare the audience witless.

We ask that you attend the “Undead Academy” on the 20th July( venue tbc) and fill in the registration form that will be emailed to you.

No performance experience is required. This event will be running for three weeks from the 31 July -25 August with two performances a night. We don’t expect you to be able to take part in the full run, but to perform when you can. The more you perform the more fun you can have.

Interested? Tthen contact Stevie Douglas of ScareScotland at


and a registration form will be sent to you with the time,date and venue of the Undead Academy.


Making a drama out of a referendum at Craigroyston!

referendum flags

Yes, no, still don’t know? Then maybe some live theatre can help you make up your mind with The Great Yes No Don’t Know Five Minute Theatre Show!

Craigroyston Community High School will be streaming a series of live five minute theatre plays made by everyone for an audience of everyone on Monday (23 June) from 5 – 7pm.

There’s tea, coffee, juice, bacon rolls – and if your not on the Electoral Register yet there’s an opportunity to register too!

Everyone welcome!

The Great Debate

Time traveller Karen calls in at college

Karen Gillan 3

Pictured: Performing arts programme leader Scott Johnston, David Robertson, Karen Gillan, Marlee Pearson and Kay McAllister.

Local lass (and soon to be Galactic superstar!) Karen Gillan returned to Edinburgh College Granton Campus – where she studied performing arts – to give students an insight into the life and career of a top actress.

Karen, who studied at the college’s Performing Arts Studio Scotland (PASS) from 2004 to 2005, met around 70 students during her visit, answering questions and posing for pictures.

She spent 45 minutes with the students from the NC and HND Acting and Performance courses at the waterfront campus, talking about the career that has taken her from the BBC’s Dr Who to Hollywood films and a starring role in an American sitcom. She discussed everything from the intricacies of working with the green screens used to add digital effects, making her way as a Scot in Hollywood and London’s media worlds, and how her college education has helped her progress in TV and film.

Karen visit came at a busy time – she’s never been in higher demand. She features in two major major films to be released this summer: the unsettling horror Oculus and the latest Marvel blockbuster Guardians of the Galaxy. In Guardians of the Galaxy, she will share the screen with the universe’s toughest talking raccoon and his walking tree creature friend, as her blue-skinned villain Nebula does battle with the heroic Guardians!

She also has a starring role  in a new sitcom called Selfie on America’s NBC Network.

The visit to Edinburgh College was arranged by performing arts programme leader Scott Johnston, who taught Karen at the college and has stayed in touch with her since she left.

Karen said: “It was such an honour to be welcomed back into the college that taught me so much. It was great to see so many enthusiastic students. It made me nostalgic for my time spent studying with Scott and the things I learned.”

Scott said: “It was an absolute joy to have Karen back at the college. The students loved meeting her. They got the chance to ask her loads of questions and learned a lot about what it’s like to try and make it as an actor, so it was really valuable for them. After the Q&A she stayed behind to pose for selfies with the students so they were delighted. She’s a great actress and a lovely person, and we’re very proud of how she’s doing.

“We try to give our students as broad an understanding of the industry as possible to make sure they appreciate all aspects of it when they begin their careers, so we arrange regular visits by actors, writers, directors, agents and other roles. When it’s someone like Karen, who studied here on the same course they did, that can be incredibly inspiring. She’s a brilliant ambassador for the college and we hope our students can follow in her footsteps.”

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