This round’s on us – First Minister invited to local to discuss the future of Scottish pubs

Campaign for Real Ale invites John Swinney for a drink

The newly appointed Scottish First Minister, John Swinney, is invited to a pub of his choice to discuss the issues surrounding the Scottish pub and beer industry, such as pub business rates, alcohol advertising, planning laws and the Scottish Pubs Code.

The First Minister’s appointment arrives soon after Scottish Government’s decision to implement a new statutory Scottish Pubs Code and Adjudicator. CAMRA would hope to build on this long-awaited, but welcome, news in a meeting with Mr Swinney to make sure there is a robust Pubs Code to protect tied pub tenants and to secure pubs at the heart of Scottish communities.

CAMRA represents thousands of beer and cider consumers all across Scotland, who are worried about the future of their locals, unless action is taken in the near future.

CAMRA’s Scotland Director Stuart McMahon – representing Scotland’s CAMRA members – is inviting the First Minister for a chat at his local about the importance of fairer business rates on pubs in Scotland, in order help secure the future of community pubs and slow the rise of the price of a pint.

McMahon also wants the new First Minister to close a planning loophole that allows pubs to be demolished without planning permission.

Campaigners also want to see a commitment from the Scottish Government not to bring back draconian plans to ban all alcohol advertisement and sponsorship.

Commenting, CAMRA’s Scotland Director Stuart McMahon said: “We would like to congratulate John Swinney on becoming the First Minister of Scotland. While we are sure he has a lot on his plate, urgent discussions must be had to ensure a successful future for Scottish pubs.

“This is why we invite the First Minister to a pub of his choice to discuss the various ways in which pub, brewing and cider making industries can be improved to ameliorate the pub-going experience for beer and cider consumers.

“Our priorities for this meeting, and for the Scottish government, will be fairer business rates for pubs, confirmation of a decision to allow alcohol advertising in Scotland, a more secure planning law system and a muscular, robust Scottish Pubs Code.”

Letter to First Minister:

Dear John Swinney, 

Join CAMRA to discuss the future of Scottish pubs 

We are writing on behalf of CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale. We are a consumer organisation with thousands of members across Scotland. We campaign for great quality cask beer, real cider, and perry and thriving community pubs in all of our communities. 

We would like to congratulate you on becoming the First Minister of Scotland. While we are sure you have a lot on your plate, urgent discussions must be had to ensure a successful future for Scottish pubs.  

This is why we invite you to a pub of your choice to discuss the various ways in which the pub, brewing and cider making industry can be improved to ameliorate the pub-going experience for beer and cider consumers.  

We know that you understand that beer and pubs are not only important to local economies, but also to our communities, culture and heritage. Our pubs are a vital part of our social fabric – playing a pivotal role in communities across the country, providing a space for local people to meet, helping to tackle loneliness, and having a positive impact on the personal wellbeing of pub-goers. 

The pub-going experience, however, is changing with the prices of pints continually on the rise, potentially pricing out consumers, and the widespread closures of pubs becoming commonplace.  

CAMRA members and pub-goers across Scotland are worried that this trend of pub closures will continue, and that their community local might be next.  

Pub-goers up and down the country want to see a fairer business rates system for pubs, a sensible re-think on alcohol advertising and sponsorship plans, more secure planning laws to save community locals and a robust Scottish Pubs Code to protect tied pub tenants and consumer choice at the bar. 

We would like to invite you to a pub of your choice to meet and have a drink (on us!) to discuss the issues facing consumers, licensees, pubs and breweries in Scotland, and how CAMRA members can work together with you to promote and protect great Scottish beer and pubs. 

Yours sincerely, 

Stuart McMahon  

CAMRA Scotland Director 

Spokes public meeting: Thursday 29th February

“Edinburgh’s Future Streets policy, and the place of cycling


  • Cllr Scott Arthur  Edinburgh City Transport Convener – the Council’s ‘Future Streets’ plans, the place of cycling and when/how will the policies lead to action
  • Laura Laker  Cycling, transport and environment journalist – to critique the proposals. Laura researches and writes on cycling issues extensively, including in national/international media such as The Guardian and Bloomberg; and in specifically cycling publications such as Cycling Industry News and Road.CC
  • … followed by our one-hour panel QA, chaired by Ewen Maclean, organiser of Blackford Safe Routes – your chance to interrogate and challenge the speakers.


  • Where Augustine United Church 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EL
  • Date Thursday 29 Feb, 2024
  • Time Starts 7.30, Ends 9.30. Doors open 6.45 for coffee, stalls and chat
  • Queries & Questions Queries, or questions for the speakers, can be emailed to, up to a day in advance. However, questions in person from audience members are likely to have greatest priority on the night
  • Online We hope to live broadcast on our youtube channel – details nearer the time on Spokes website. We also intend to make the recording available later.


Party leaders discuss climate ambitions for Scotland

First Minister chairs cross-party meeting on net zero

First Minister Humza Yousaf chaired a cross-party discussion on Scotland’s climate change ambitions at Holyrood yesterday.

Inviting party leaders to discuss how we can all address the climate crisis, the First Minister highlighted the Parliament’s shared goal of securing a future that is fair and just for all.

He urges all parties to lead and promote behaviour change from everyone in society.

Chris Stark, Chief Executive of the independent UK Climate Change Committee (CCC), presented information on where Scotland is in its journey to net zero.

Speaking ahead of yesterday’s meeting, the First Minister said: “Tackling the climate and nature crises is the collective fight of our lifetime, with implications for generations to come.

“The discussion will focus both on the challenges and opportunities we face in reaching net zero. We collectively made a commitment to deliver on net zero when Parliament backed the Act on a cross-party basis.

“There must be a recognition from across the political divide that we require bold action to tackle the scale of the climate crisis, and meet our ambitions on net zero.

“In addition to our Climate Change Plan, we are developing the first set of Just Transition Plans to set out how these changes impact different parts of society and how we can promote a fair path to a net zero and climate resilient Scotland.

“We will continue to implement net zero policies and deliver funding to where it is needed the most – with the highest impact.

“From today’s meeting, I am hopeful that we can continue to work together to implement net zero policies – thereby helping to create a better and more sustainable planet for us all.”

EACC: Community Engagement tops the agenda at August meeting


NEXT MEETING: Thursday 31 Aug 2023: 18.50 for 19.00 on Microsoft Teams.


Andrew Field: CEC; Head of Community Engagement and Empowerment;

Helen Bourquin: CEC; Manager, Community Engagement and Empowerment.


The roll-out of Edinburgh’s Locality Improvement Plans 2023-28.

Under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, the Edinburgh Partnership is required to develop and deliver Locality Improvement Plans (LIPs) for each of the four localities in the city.

Work on this is already underway in the North-West and is building-out elsewhere.

I’ve invited Andrew and Helen to talk through:

The scope and target outcomes of the LIPs;

The community consultation process intended to shape the right priorities for each locality; and

Where the LIPs stand currently in terms of their early progress.

Here is the screen meeting link:

Microsoft Teams meeting

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 357 770 829 32

Passcode: yR9Kg8

Hope you can join us.

For the diary:

Tuesday 12 September at 19.00, on Teams.

Roger Colkett (Tollcross CC) is on the EACC Members’ Board and covers Licensing issues. He sits on the Edinburgh Licensing Forum.

He will host a one-hour screen meeting and invites all community council Licensing Leads to join him to chat through what is currently happening on the city’s Licensing front.

I’ll issue a reminder in two weeks or so, along with the meeting link. For now, please make sure your community council colleagues looking after Licensing have this message.

Ken Robertson


Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (EACC) 

The EACC website homepage is:

Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (

Book Festival: Greta Thunberg event CANCELLED

THE Edinburgh International Book Festival has announced that Greta Thunberg’s event, which was due to take place on Sunday 13 August, will no longer go ahead.

Greta Thunberg said: “I am unfortunately unable to attend the Edinburgh Book Festival. As a climate activist I cannot attend an event which receives sponsorship from Baillie Gifford, who invest heavily in the fossil fuel industry.

“Greenwashing efforts by the fossil fuel industry, including sponsorship of cultural events, allow them to keep the social license to continue operating. I cannot and do not want to be associated with events that accept this kind of sponsorship.”

Nick Barley, Director of the Edinburgh International Book Festival, said:“While I am disappointed that Greta will not be joining us on the 13 of August, I fully respect her decision. I share Greta’s view that in all areas of society the rate of progress is not enough.

“However, in applauding Greta for standing by her principles, we too must stand by ours.

“The Book Festival exists to give a platform for debate and discussion around key issues affecting humanity today – including the climate emergency. As a charitable organisation, we would not be in a position to provide that platform without the long-term support of organisations such as Baillie Gifford.

“We strongly believe that Baillie Gifford are part of the solution to the climate emergency. They are early investors in progressive climate positive companies, providing funds to help them grow. While they acknowledge there is still work to do, we have seen them make rapid progress throughout our 19-year relationship.

“I apologise to all the people who bought tickets and were keen to meet Greta – and especially to the hundreds of young climate campaigners who we had invited to come along because of their hard work to change the system in Scotland. We will of course refund all ticket-buyers in full.”

Baillie Gifford said: “We are not a significant fossil fuel investor. Only 2% of our clients’ money is invested in companies with some business related to fossil fuels. This compares to the market average of 11%. Of those companies, some have already moved most of their business away from fossil fuels, and many are helping to drive the transition to clean energy.

“We are investing on behalf of our clients to grow their savings and retirement funds. When we invest in companies on their behalf, we do so over long time periods – typically 10 years or more – so this has naturally led us away from traditional fossil fuel firms. Currently, 5% of our clients’ money is invested in companies whose sole purpose is to develop clean energy solutions.

We believe in open debate and discussion which is why we are long-term supporters of the Edinburgh International Book Festival.”

The Final Curtain?


  • A quarter of music venues (27%) are concerned they may need to close down[1], as more than a third (35%) of business expenses go towards energy bills[2]
  • Many are running at half capacity (50%)[3], and have resorted to production cost cutting (17%)[4] and raising ticket prices by up to 25%[5]
  • Two in five (39%) have also found that customers are purchasing less expensive seats and buying fewer refreshments[6]
  • Three in five (60%) music venues say that energy bills are their top concern for the next year, above inflation rates and staff costs[7]
  • Uswitch for Business energy expert, Jack Arthur advises businesses to check the contract they are on and to review energy usage across all organisational levels.

Energy bills are taking the centre stage of concern for live performance venues, as energy bills make up more than a third of overall business costs, according to Uswitch for Business, the business energy comparison and switching service.

Performance venues are widely recognised as energy-intensive spaces, and the new research of UK music venues, concert halls and theatres shows over a quarter (27%) are concerned about potential closure due to rising costs.[1]

Air conditioning, heating, as well as extensive sound and lighting systems required to create immersive experiences for audiences are all adding towards total energy expenditure costs, with venues needing between 6 -1,000 kw to power low level concerts to major artist events[8].

Venues of all sizes report running at half capacity (50%) on average[3]. More than one in four (26%) sold fewer tickets this year, compared to last year. [9]

Consumers attending live performances are also more inclined to choose less expensive seats (39%) or buy fewer refreshments (39%)[6].

The show must go on: responding to the high energy costs

One in six (15%) venues report having to increase ticket prices[4], at an average of 25% per ticket to cover increased expenditure[5]. In addition, more than a quarter (27%) have also increased the prices of refreshments.[4]

Venues are also looking at new ways to reduce their energy output to directly tackle the problem. Training staff in energy efficiency measures (45%), switching to more energy efficient or LED lighting for both onstage and offstage (41%), and turning off, down or restricting air conditioning and heating (36%) are just some of the tactics. [4]

Nearly one in five (19%) are also choosing to only open their doors during peak times of the week, and 17% are using less energy intensive movable staging and production measures.[4]

But as energy prices continue to oscillate at high levels, three in five (60%) businesses are citing bills as their top concern for the next year, followed by inflation rates (41%) and staff costs (30%).[7]

Venues say they may have to make considerable changes if business costs were to increase further, especially as more than one in three (34%) state their business margins are now lower than before the cost of living crisis.[6]

Two in five (40%) fear they may have to make staff redundant to reduce costs, and one in three (35%) worry they may not be able to pay their energy bills on time.[1] Overall, 32% feel anxious about the future of the industry.[10]

Jack Arthur, energy expert at Uswitch for Business comments: “Live performances are central not only to the UK’s culture and entertainment sector, but also to the UK economy.

“While the sector has seen some recovery since the pandemic’s impact, the cost of energy has added new additional challenges.

“With higher utility costs taking the stage, venues need to be meticulous about how energy usage is being considered at all levels of their organisation – from the stage floor to sound production.

“Investing in more energy efficient appliances where possible may help to bring costs down, and prevent the final curtain for many.

“Music venues should also make sure they’re aware of their energy contract terms and end date, so they can shop around for the best rates at the time of renewal. Getting expert advice where needed and speaking to someone could help many businesses make significant savings.”

Elspeth McBain, Chief Executive of Lighthouse Poole Centre for Arts says: “Energy costs have been a major challenge to our venue, and indeed all venues in the last year, just as we were beginning to recover and get back on our feet following the devastating effect of the pandemic on culture and hospitality.

“In 2023 our electricity bill alone will increase by 200% and we are doing everything we can to meet this cost. However, this is on top of the significant increase in the cost of living which has increased our costs in all areas of the business and has also meant our audiences have less leisure spend available, restricting the number of times they can attend cultural events.

“Together, these factors have made it a testing time for organisations like ours and theatregoers alike. I am desperate for energy and living costs to come down so that we can keep bringing top class artists and productions to Poole, support local talent development, provide opportunities for cultural participation, and ensure that culture within our region continues to play a vital part in our community.”

Mark Davyd, CEO & Founder of the Music Venue Trust says: “We have seen an incredible explosion in energy prices right across the grassroots music venue sector in the last 12 months.

“The current situation is really on a knife edge, with venues essentially clinging on to the end of existing fixed term contracts and any new tariff effectively immediately creating a venue under threat of permanent closure.

“We desperately need some action from Ofcom and the Government to make the energy market work for music.”

The issue will be debated at the ‘Festival of Politics,’ which will be held in Edinburgh between Wednesday 9-11 August.

The panel, being held on the evening of the 11th, is entitled ‘Scotland’s Music Venues’ will examine why, despite Scotland’s worldwide reputation as a music nation, Grassroots Music Venues are under extraordinary financial pressures with many facing closure, and how politicians can step-up and help create security for these spaces.

Chaired by Michelle Thomson MSP, Convener, cross-party group on music, the panellists will include Scottish singer-songwriter Hamish Hawk, MVT COO Beverley Whitrick and major event professional Jim Frayling.

Entry to this event is £6 or £4 concessions – available here:…/scotlands-music…

Unless otherwise stated, all figures taken from omnibus research carried out by onepoll on behalf of Uswitch for Business.

This was an online poll of 100 entertainment venue decision makers in the UK. The research was conducted between 6th and 9th June, 2023.

  1. Respondents were asked ‘If costs of the business you work at were to increase to higher levels, which of the following do you believe could happen to the business?’, 40% said ‘it may have to make staff redundant’, 35% said ‘it might be unable to pay energy bills on time’, and 27% said ‘it may have to close down’.
  2. Respondents were asked ‘Please estimate the proportion of your total business expenses that can be attributed to energy bills?’, the average response was 35.2%.
  3. Respondents were asked ‘At what capacity (i.e., number of tickets sold) is the business you work at currently operating at for shows/performances?’, the average response was 50.4%.
  4. Respondents were asked ‘What actions is your business taking to deal with high energy costs?’, 45% said ‘training all staff in energy efficiency measures’, 41% said ‘switching to more energy efficient / LED lighting (onstage or around the venue), 36% said ‘turning off, down or restricting air-conditioning or heating’, 27% said ‘increasing prices of refreshments at venue bars’, 19% said ‘opening the venue only during peak times of the week, 17% said ‘using less moving staging and production during shows, and 15% said ‘increasing prices of tickets’.
  5. Respondents were asked ‘By what percentage have you had to raise overall prices?’, the average response was 25.1%.
  6. Respondents were asked ‘What effects has the cost of living / rising energy prices had on your business?’, 39% said ‘customers are buying less refreshments’, 39% said ‘customers are choosing less expensive seats when buying tickets, 34% said ‘our business margins are smaller than previously’, 19% said ‘less of a demand for on the day tickets’.
  7. Respondents were asked ‘What are your biggest concerns for your business in the next year?’, 60% said ‘energy bills’, 41% said ‘inflation rates’, 30% said ‘staff costs’, 27% said ‘customers reducing non-essential spending’.
  9. Respondents were asked ‘Does your business currently have as many tickets sold compared to this time last year?’, 26% said ‘it has less tickets sold than this time last year’.
  10. Respondents were asked ‘Which of the following statements do you agree with’, 36% said ‘my business was just starting to recover from the impact of the pandemic, and now energy costs are providing an even worse challenge’, 35% said ‘I am hopeful that the price of energy will drop in the next 3-6 months’, and 32% said ‘I feel anxious about the future of the industry’.
  11.,capacity%20of%20less%20than%201%2C000. (small – less than 1,000 seats /  large – up to 20,000 seats)

“A City where you Don’t Need a Car”

Spokes public meeting, Wednesday 24 May


  • Cllr Scott Arthur, Edinburgh City Transport Convener – the Council’s plans
  • Phil Noble, Strategy Manager for Active Travel and Streetspace – more detail on the policy delivery documents, including ATA, the Active Travel Action Plan
  • Adrian Davis, Professor of Transport & Health at Napier Transport Research Unit – he will critique the policies – are they sufficiently ambitious? will they work?
  • … followed by our one-hour panel QA, chaired by Dr Caroline Brown, Spokes member, Transform Scotland policy adviser, transport academic – your chance to interrogate and challenge the speakers


  • Where Augustine United Church 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EL
  • Date Wednesday 24 May
  • Time Starts 7.30, Ends 9.30. Doors open 6.45 for coffee, stalls and chat
  • Queries & Questions Queries, or questions for the speakers, can be emailed to However, questions in person from audience members are likely to have greatest priority on the night
  • Online We hope to live broadcast on our youtube channel – details nearer the time on Spokes website. We also intend to make the recording available a few days later.


Edinburgh City Council is consulting on a new Active Travel Action Plan (ATAP) and a series of other Mobility Plan ‘delivery documents’ all aimed to support Edinburgh NetZero 2030, and a 30% reduction in car-km by 2030.

Our public meeting will hear from the Council, followed by an expert critique, and then there’s a full hour panel discussion – your opportunity to challenge the speakers.

Do the delivery plans live up to the Council’s ambition to cut car-km 30% by 2030, alongside greatly increased travel by foot, bike and public transport? Will they enable more people to live car-free? Will they lead to speedy implementation? Our meeting is your opportunity to find out!

The ambition “to create a city where you don’t need to own a car to get around,” mentioned in several of the documents (e.g. Parking Action Plan, p8) is very welcome, for reasons of climate, public health, congestion and equalities. Such an ambition is also essential if the Council is to achieve its ultra-tough target to reduce car-km 30% by 2030.

A top cycling takeaway from the draft ATAP is the new focus on main road segregated routes. It says [chap 5],

The (off road) traffic-free routes will continue to play a vital role, and we will seek to improve their comfort,safety and security. However, we now plan to develop a joined-up network of routes that feel safe to everyone at all times of day. This network will need to use segregated cycle tracks on main roads, as well as unsegregated on-street routes that have low volumes of motor traffic.

The three highlighted phrases above [our emphases] neatly summarise important major developments, which we strongly welcome, in the Council’s approach to cycling policy, and we urge determined implementation.–

** Spokes:

Campaigners call on Scottish Government to develop national strategy to prevent child sexual abuse

Stop It Now! Scotland and NSPCC Scotland are calling on the Scottish Government to develop a national strategy to tackle child sexual abuse that focuses on prevention to make the country a safer place to grow up.

The two charities hosted an event in partnership with the Scottish Parliament this week (Wednesday, March 15) with leading experts in the field.

They discussed the devastating harms and long-lasting impact that sexual abuse can have on victims, that punishment alone will not eradicate this problem and what we can do to prevent children being abused in the first place. They also talked about the next steps we need to take to guarantee Scotland is the safest country for children to grow up.

They are urging the Scottish Government to develop a comprehensive and coordinated national approachto prevent child sexual abuse, which involves health, police, education, community safety, children’s services, social services, housing and the wider community. The child protection charities say it is vital that everyone understands what child sexual abuse is and knows how they can be part of preventing it.

A review of UK data revealed that 15 per cent of females and 5 per cent of males will experience some form of sexual abuse before the age of 16.

This means at least 80,000 children in Scotland will have been affected by this issue before they leave high school. Although this is thought to be an under-representation of the scale of the problem and the actual number of children who have experienced sexual abuse in Scotland is not known.

The charities say that to understand the numbers of children in Scotland affected and the scale of the suffering it is crucial that a prevalence survey is conducted.

Professor Elizabeth Letourneau, Director of the Moore Centre for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse, School of Public Health, John Hopkins University, said: “Child sexual abuse affects about one in nine children – 12 per cent of all children – globally. Victims are at risk of immediate harms, such as fear, injury, and pregnancy, and a broad array of serious health problems can emerge and last across the lifespan.

“Only one in five cases of child sexual abuse are ever reported to the authorities. This means that we miss at least 80 per cent of cases, so punishment will never be enough if we are to effectively address this public health problem.

“I believe our failure to focus on prevention stems from a general misgiving that child sexual abuse really is not preventable. That people who are at risk of perpetrating abuse are monsters and their behaviour cannot be predicted or prevented, and they will only respond to punishment.

But we know this is not true. We already have good evidence that we can effectively prevent child sexual abuse perpetration.”

Pat Branigan, Assistant Director of NSPCC’s Together for Childhood, said: “One of the most important messages from today is that child sexual abuse is preventable and not inevitable.

“The ultimate goal is to develop a framework, based on evidence of what we know already works, which can be used to support agencies and organisations to work together and prevent child sexual abuse in communities.

“We need to create strong local partnerships between social care, schools, health, voluntary groups, the police and communities that focus on preventing people from offending, and empower and educate children and adults to recognise the signs of abuse and how they can report their concerns.

“Ultimately it will not be governments, experts or professionals who eradicate child sexual abuse, it will be individuals, families and communities.”

Stuart Allardyce, Director, Lucy Faithfull Foundation / Stop It Now! Scotland, said: “Last year we helped 7,000 people across the UK through our Helpline.  Not all were adults worried about their own sexual thoughts, feelings and behaviour, but around half of them were.

“We also had adults who were worried about another adult, or because they had found evidence their partner has been seeking out child sexual abuse material online.

“We believe that if you build prevention initiatives, people will come – professionals, protective adults, but also those who worried about the risk that they may present to children. We can no longer say that people won’t use self-help prevention resources, because the evidence is that they can and do and that prevention works.”

Childlight, based at the University of Edinburgh, also launched the first comprehensive global data repository this week, which will look at all forms of child sexual exploitation and abuse (CSEA), with the aim of being able to show the scale and nature of this abuse. 

Children and young people can contact Childline for free, confidential support and advice 24 hours a day online at or on the phone on 0800 1111

Anyone with concerns about a child’s wellbeing can contact the NSPCC Helpline on The NSPCC practitioners provide free and confidential help and advice and can take appropriate steps to help keep children safe. If a child is in immediate danger, please call 999.

The NSPCC also has advice and resources for parents, carers on how to have simple, age appropriate conversations with children to help prevent sexual abuse through their Talk PANTS campaign. This helps children understand that their body belongs to them and to recognise when something is not okay and how to tell someone.

A Basic Income for Scotland event

BASIC Income Network Scotland are launching a campaign centring Basic Income within discussions for Scotland’s future, starting with an event on Tuesday 29th November.

Join us at the Wee Red Bar in Edinburgh for an evening of speakers, dynamic discussion, and live music.



Adult Education Film Courses

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Cinephiles – why not take advantage of National Cinema Day on 3rd September to see a £3 film and use the savings to sign up for one of the adult education film courses to view, analyse, and learn about films with a very experienced tutor who can offer insights into directors, script writing and context to add to your awareness and enjoyment.

The courses will include viewing clips or short films and time for discussion.

Choose from: 

Films of Paul Laverty & Ken Loach

At Queensferry High School    Monday evenings 6.30-8.30pm 

& Brunstane Primary School Thursday evenings 6.30-8.30pm 


Hollywood Greats 

At Queensferry Rosebery Hall Monday afternoons 3-5pm 


Scotland in Film 

At Craigroyston Community High School Friday afternoon 2-4pm 

These 10 week courses start from Monday 26th September 

Enrolling now on 

Or ring 0131 556 7978 or 0131 469 3003

Standard fees £87.00 – Senior / student fees £43.50 – 

Benefits of all types fees £17.25