Drylaw Telford to try again

Attempt to re-establish local community council

Edinburgh held the triennial community council elections last autumn, but Drylaw Telford was one of the neighbourhoods that failed to receive the minimum number of nominations required to be established. An attempt is now being made to rectify this and to re-establish Drylaw Telford Community Council once again. Continue reading Drylaw Telford to try again

Turning politics on it’s head

Pilton Community Health Project holds Upside Down hustings

On 23rd November 2016 over 30 residents of north Edinburgh attended an event at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre to start a discussion with candidates for the election to the City of Edinburgh Council (writes PCHP’s Anita Aggarwal). Continue reading Turning politics on it’s head

Tackling electoral fraud: Pickles report published

Sir Eric Pickles has made fifty recommendations to tackle electoral fraud in the UK. The former minister says the changes, including producing ID at polling stations, are necessary to ensure the democratic process is not undermined – but opponents say the moves would discourage poorer people from voting. Continue reading Tackling electoral fraud: Pickles report published

Refreshing democracy: Wightman proposes fiscal framework for local government

Green MSP Andy Wightman delivered the annual Stephen Maxwell Memorial Lecture at SCVO’s annual general meeting at the Royal Society of Edinburgh in George Street last night.   The MSP’s theme was ‘how to renew, refresh and revitalise’ democracy and the redistribution of ‘economic and political power’. Continue reading Refreshing democracy: Wightman proposes fiscal framework for local government

Parliamentarians lead the way on youth issues


Last week, MSPs and Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs) came together to focus on the views and voices of young people in Scotland. The Parliamentary reception focused on the Scottish Youth Parliament’s 2016-2021 Manifesto, Lead the Way.

Lead the Way is based on the analysis of 72,744 consultation responses from young people all over Scotland, and outlines their views on 54 different issues, everything from climate change to physical assault on children. At the reception, Ben Macpherson, MSP for Edinburgh Northern and Leith, got the opportunity to meet with local MSYP to discuss the issues affecting young people, specifically in the area.

Commenting Ben Macpherson, MSP for Edinburgh Northern and Leith, said: “It was a pleasure to meet Lucie, Shannon and Eilidh to hear about the great work they are doing to ensure that young people’s voices are heard in Scotland.

As Scotland continues to move forward, the Scottish Youth Parliament’s work is extremely important to ensure that children and young people are listened to, at every opportunity, as we continue to build a fairer and more inclusive Scotland.”

Pictured: Lucie Duffy MSYP, Shannon Donoghue MSYP, Ben Macpherson MSP and Eilidh MacKay-MSYP

First meeting of new West Pilton West Granton CC tonight

Dear All,
This is notification of the first meeting of the new Community Council for West Pilton West Granton.
It will be held in the West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre from 7pm to 9pm on Tuesday 1st November.
This is the usual venue for the meetings which are on the first Tuesday of each month.
The minutes of each section of the last meeting will be there.
Looking forward to seeing you .
Barbara Robertson
The result of the Leith Links Community Council election was announced last week – the only community council requiring a ballot following the nomination period.

Following the nominations period to join the Capital’s 44 community councils in September, a poll was required in Leith Links Community Council area where 17 valid nominations were received for 12 seats.

Voting opened on Thursday 20 October 2016 and closed at 8pm on Thursday 27 October 2016. Eligible voters were able to vote online throughout this period and in person at a polling station on Thursday 27 October 2016.

A total of 588 people voted and a list of the successful elected members has been published on the Council website.

Councillor Maureen Child, Convener of the Communities and Neighbourhood Committee, has congratulated everyone who took part in the election process. She said: “Community Councils are an ideal way to support communities to thrive, to allow people from all backgrounds to meet and share ideas and to make change happen.

“My congratulations go to all of the candidates who were successful in the 2016 Leith Links election. I wish them all the very best and look forward to working with them on the issues which matter in the Leith Links Community Council area.”

The first community councils were established in Edinburgh in 1980 in Merchiston and Longstone, and more than 500 people are now members across the city.

They each receive a grant to cover running costs and training is available for the members. They are represented on each of the city’s 12 Neighbourhood Partnerships and work alongside elected members, representatives from NHS Lothian, Police Scotland, the voluntary sector and Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

For more information on community councils visit www.edinburgh.gov.uk/communitycouncils or contact the community.councils@edinburgh.gov.uk

City Council Question Time: Thursday 10 November


Question Time 

7.15–8.30pm, Thursday 10 November 2016

City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh

We would like to invite you to play your part in ‘Question Time’, an event designed to give members of the public the opportunity to quiz our panel of senior councillors on changes to council services.

The proceedings will be chaired by Euan McGrory, Deputy Editor of the Evening News, Scotsman and Scotland on Sunday, and broadcast live via the Council website.

If you would like to put a question to the panel, or just come along and be part of the audience, please complete this short online questionnaire by 7 November. Please note that places are limited. If you are not able to attend please pass the invitation on to a friend, family member or colleague.

This is a great opportunity to play your part in our public engagement to help us reshape council services. You can also get involved before 18 November 2016 by:

·         going online to fill in our survey

·         submitting your ideas to the dialogue page 

Your feedback will help the Council to make its final budget decisions early next year.

Find out more at www.edinburgh.gov.uk/playyourpart
