Family tribute to father and son hillwalkers who died in Glencoe

Around 7.25pm on Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 two bodies were recovered from Stob Coire Nan Lochan, Glencoe.

They have now been identified as father and son, Tom Parry, 49, and Richie Parry, 12, from Cheshire.

Gemma Parry has released the following statement:

“Tom was a caring and loving father to his children and a loving husband to me, his wife Gemma. Richie was an energetic, loving boy who loved his quizzes, maths, and sports. He always cared for others as well no matter what”.

“We would like to take this chance to thank the Scottish and Cheshire police as well as the mountain rescue service along with all the other emergency services involved in finding Richie and Tom”.

“We would also like to say to the press to give me and my family some privacy during this time of grieving”.

“We would also like to thank to thank the community of Alsager and all of our family friends who have helped us and supported us throughout this time”.

“Tom and Richie will be sadly missed and never forgotten”.

There are no suspicious circumstances and their deaths are being treated as the result of a fall. A report has been submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.

Inspector Katy Duncan said: “Our thoughts remain with the Parry family at what is a very difficult time for them.

“We would like to thank everyone who responded to our appeal, to all emergency services and Mountain Rescue volunteers.”

Water-based deaths increased in 2021 from previous year, reports Water Incident Database

The latest figures from the Water Incident Database (WAID) indicate that in Scotland there was an increase in water-related fatalities in 2021.

The database, which is maintained by the National Water Safety Forum (NWSF) and focuses on gathering information related to water-based incidents, also revealed a marked rise in accidental drownings last year, too. The released figures from 2021, show that there were 58 accidental water-related fatalities in Scotland, and form part of the total water-related fatalities in the country which stands at 105 for last year.

Water Safety Scotland (WSS) has released its annual trend report which details the latest figures in comparison to Scotland’s Drowning Prevention Strategy (SDPS) and the previous year’s data.

Carlene McAvoy, Water Safety Scotland’s Data Subgroup Chair, said: “Unfortunately we have seen an increase in water-related fatalities from the average number usually seen in Scotland. 

“The recent figures for accidental water-related fatalities show a 16 per cent increase in comparison to the SDPS baseline – bringing accidental water-related fatalities to their highest point for the last five years.”

Water Safety Scotland and its partners have responded to the tragedies that occurred in 2021 by releasing an Interim Review of Scotland’s Drowning Prevention Strategy which monitors the changes that have occurred from the original release of Scotland’s Drowning Prevention Strategy (SDPS) in 2018.

It also maps out the planning of future actions and objectives to help reduce the number of water-related accidental fatalities in and around the waters of Scotland.

The Minister for Community Safety, Ash Regan, has also released a Water Safety Action Plan, which acts to complement the strategy.

In a bid to counteract the rise in water-based incidents, and ahead of the summer, Water Safety Scotland is urging people to be safe and follow their three-part Water Safety Code:

  • Stop and Think, Spot the Dangers
  • Stay Together, Stay Close
  • In an Emergency, Call 999

Expanding on this advice, free education resources have also been released by WSS and Education Scotland prior to the summer break to assist teachers and practitioners by providing key lifesaving information to students in schools. These resources are free to use and are age and stage-appropriate. Linked intrinsically to the water safety code, more resources for all levels will be released over the summer and autumn.

Michael Avril, Chair of Water Safety Scotland, said: “The figures released today are a reminder that the work undertaken by WSS and its partners is vitally important. WSS will continue to work in partnership to prevent water-related fatalities by working with communities and national partners for a consistent approach across Scotland. Drowning is preventable and together we can help prevent future water-related fatalities and ensure that people have a safe and positive experience around our waterways”

Fire and Rescue Service issues urgent water safety warning

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service is urging people to stay safe in and around water this summer. The reminder has been issued following the deaths of six people in Scotland’s waterways between Friday, July 23 and Saturday, July 24. 

This included the recovery of a 16-year-old from the water at Balloch Country Park on Friday, July 23, an 11-year-old from the Alexander Hamilton Memorial Park in Stonehouse on Saturday, July 24, and a 13-year-old from water at Hazelbank, near Lanark on Sunday, July 25.

On Saturday, July 24, a further three people lost their lives in water near Pulpit Rock, Ardlui. They were a 41-year-old man, 29-year-old woman and a nine year old boy, while a seven year old boy remains in hospital in intensive care.

Alasdair Perry is the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s Deputy Assistant Chief Officer and Head of Prevention and Protection.

DACO Perry said: “I would like to offer my sincere condolences and those of everyone at the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service to those affected by this weekend’s tragic events. 

“They are a very sad reminder that Scotland’s waterways can be dangerous, and we are asking everyone to take care and heed all available advice.”

Many people have chosen to visit lochs, rivers, and reservoirs due to the warm weather.

However, despite high temperatures, the water can still be extremely cold and people can get into difficulty due to cold water shock. This can interrupt breathing, cause loss of strength and coordination and affect swimmers of any age, fitness, or experience level.

Scotland’s many waterways can also have hidden dangers such as fast moving currents or obstacles which can also present a risk.

DACO Perry advises: “If you do get into trouble, try to keep calm then control your breathing. Lie on your back, spread out your arms and legs and float or swim. Then shout for help and, if you can, make your way to safety. 

“We would ask that no-one swims alone and that, where you can, have the proper buoyancy and safety equipment. Never leave children or young people unattended and do not mix alcohol with swimming.”

Water Safety Scotland is a voluntary association of organisations and individuals whose main purpose is to understand the risks around water in Scotland and engage with partners to develop a consistent approach to the prevention of water related fatalities.

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service is a member of that group.

DACO Perry added: “We are committed to working with our partners and through Water Safety Scotland to educate as many people as possible about the risks involved in swimming or playing in water.

“In coming weeks, we will be conducting more visits to popular areas to engage with swimmers and visitors directly. “I would urge people to visit our website to find out more about how to stay safe.”

For more information on water safety see:

Greens: Edinburgh must act now to protect cyclists and pedestrians

Scottish Greens Lothian MSP Alison Johnstone has lent her support to a grassroots campaign calling for urgent action to protect cyclists and pedestrians after a spate of accidents, including the deaths of a three-year-old boy and an NHS nurse in recent days.

Hundreds gathered to reclaim a road in Edinburgh today in a vigil for the deaths, which come after years of campaigning to protect cyclists and pedestrians in the capital.

Alison Johnstone said: “I fully support the many Edinburgh residents who have gathered today to demand that enough is enough. Yesterday a man was killed while he was cycling to work, and the day before a three-year-old boy was killed on a pavement. There have also been other cases of accidents involving cyclists and pedestrians this week. It’s absolutely heartbreaking.

“It’s not good enough to just offer condolences. In 2012 I called for capital road safety summit and raised these concerns at Scottish Government’s road safety group with many of the people campaigning today, and I can’t believe eight years later we’re still mourning cyclists killed on our streets.

“We need to see urgent action on the ground to make streets safer for people walking and cycling.

“If we cannot afford basic safety for people merely cycling to work or walking on a pavement we fail a basic test of leadership. Edinburgh needs to drastically cut traffic, like most normal historic European cities have done.”

BAME community and coronavirus: we need answers

A recent publication released by the government states that BAME communities – including the Bangladeshi community – are disproportionality impacted by COVID-19 (writes Foysol Choudhury). 

My community would like to know: how many Bangladeshi people have actually died from Covid-19? Where is the evidence regarding why they died?

We are asking for factual information to relay back to the communities as misinformation has a detrimental impact on people’s mental wellbeing, which has become clearly apparent from speaking to the local BAME community members.

As an organisation and as community activists, it is our job to ensure our communities are given the current and correct information in a manner they understand. Failing this causes paranoia, worry and stress. This is very detrimental for those people who already have underlying health issues and mental condition such as depression and anxiety.

Public Health Scotland published some interim data about two weeks ago that suggested that there was no evidence of disproportionate impact on BAME communities in Scotland. A few weeks ago it was mentioned that Black people are at higher risk of dying from Covid-19. Why?

Information given in the media relating to BAME people should be based on science facts and provide clear explanations to why BAME people are at higher risk of Covid deaths.

Is it due to the lack of PPE provided for front line workers, or poorer working conditions and poor health? Why are certain ethnicities more at risk? In particularly, those who are working as carer, patient handlers, porters, cleaners etc.

An analysis of survival among confirmed COVID-19 cases and using more detailed ethnic groups, shows that after accounting for the effect of sex, age, deprivation and region, people of Bangladeshi ethnicity had about twice the risk of death than people of White British ethnicity.

People of Chinese, Indian, Pakistani, Other Asian, Caribbean and Other Black ethnicity had between 10 and 50% higher risk of death when compared to White British.

If this is the case, where are the UK statistics? What is the government proposing to do to eliminate such disparities? I am keen to get Scottish Covid 19 related data on BAME communities; test results, hospital admission, death and suspected infected.

It is the responsibility of the government to release true, reliable statistics – not to create fear and division in the community by releasing data that has no scientific evidence.

As a member of the Bangladeshi community, I am fully aware of community members going through many difficulties during this pandemic. I am also fully aware of only a few Covid-19 related deaths in Scotland.

It is shocking to hear that Bangladeshis are apparently at a higher risk of this disease. Please provide the data requested so that the community can protect themselves.

Foysol Choudhury MBE

Chairman, Edinburgh & Lothians Regional Equality Council

Action Against Inequality

A new expert group will work with the Scottish Government to provide a clearer picture of the impact on minority ethnic communities of coronavirus (COVID-19).

Following indications that minority ethnic communities may face higher risks from COVID-19, the group will consider evidence and data being gathered by the Scottish Government, Public Health Scotland, National Records of Scotland and the NHS, and advise on policy actions to mitigate any disproportionate effects.

As part of its immediate response to the pandemic, the Scottish Government has provided more than £500,000 to organisations working specifically with minority ethnic communities across Scotland.

Equalities Minister Christina McKelvie said: “The Scottish Government is deeply concerned by reports that suggest people from ethnic minorities have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19 both in terms of health and wider social and economic impacts.

“Although the current analysis in Scotland appears to show that there is not a higher level of COVID-19 cases than would be expected, I understand that many people will be anxious about protecting themselves and their families. I want to reassure them that we are taking this issue extremely seriously.

“We are working to better understand the data on how the pandemic is impacting on our minority ethnic communities in Scotland so we can take the appropriate action and this new group will use their expertise to challenge, inform and shape future work.

“Equality and human rights issues such as this are at the heart of our policy response to the impacts of COVID-19, and in particular in our recovery and renewal work. This is part of our wider work to advance race equality, backed by over £2.6 million in the last year.”

Angela Leitch, Chief Executive, Public Health Scotland said:  “Understanding whether minority ethnic communities are at greater risk from COVID-19 is a crucial part of our response to the virus, particularly in light of reports from other parts of the UK and across the world.

“Public Health Scotland is undertaking work to review the available evidence understand emerging patterns including comparisons between the situation in Scotland and other parts of the UK.

“We are also working with National Records of Scotland and the Scottish Government to analyse and report on the impact of COVID-19 by ethnicity. Working with other members of the expert group, our evidence and data will enable the development of an effective evidence-based response and ensure the health of all of Scotland’s communities is protected.”

Care Inspectorate takes legal action over Skye’s Home Farm Care Home

The Care Inspectorate has taken legal action over the running of a private care home on Skye where seven residents have died in a coronavirus outbreak.

The inspectorate has asked the Sheriff Court to cancel the registration of the HC-One-owned Home Farm 40-bed nursing home facility in Portree.

It follows an unannounced inspection of the home on Tuesday.

A spokesperson for the Care Inspectorate said: “An inspection has identified serious and significant concerns about the quality of care experienced by residents at Home Farm Care Home in Skye. 

“We understand this is a difficult and distressing time for residents, their loved ones and staff at the home.

“However, our first priority is always the health and wellbeing of residents.

“We have submitted an application to the sheriff court seeking cancellation of the care home’s registration.

“This could mean new care arrangements will be put in place for residents at Home Farm care home.

“We are working closely with partners including NHS Highland to ensure that residents experience appropriate care during this difficult time.”

In addition to the seven deaths, 30 of the nursing home’s 34 residents and 29 staff have tested positive for Covid-19.

A spokesman for HC- One, who operate 56 homes in Scotland, told the BBC: “We have accepted the shortcomings at Home Farm and apologise to our residents, their families, and the local community. We are fully committed to making significant improvements at the home and determined to put things right.”

On HC-One’s website – their slogan is ‘the kind care company’ – Home Farm is described:

‘The home’s caring team has created a family atmosphere, encouraging everyone to eat and celebrate special occasions together. Residents are invited to decorate their rooms with small items of their own furniture and treasured belongings so that it feels just like home. Daily life is carefully designed to support mind, body and soul.

‘Home Farm’s Home Manager makes sure that all Residents receive the kindest possible care. Our extensively trained team will deliver all the nursing and specialist care and support services that your loved one requires.

‘Personalised care plans consider not only medical, personal and dietary needs, but also the individual’s likes and dislikes, religious preferences, and suggestions from family members that might make their stay with us that little bit more enjoyable’.

On 29 April, HC-One wrote to local authorities seeking additional funds:

As we have done throughout the coronavirus crisis, we firmly believe we have a responsibility to our Residents, our Colleagues and to the wider public to highlight the challenges facing care homes at this unprecedented time.

This is why we have published online each day the total number of coronavirus cases and deaths experienced at our homes, and why we are also publishing in full the letter we have sent to the Local Authorities we work with regarding our request for financial support.

The Government has previously announced £3.2bn of additional funding for Local Authorities in response to the additional costs placed on them and their partners, which include all social care providers, by the coronavirus outbreak. We welcomed this announcement and the priority now is that this money reaches the front line.

As set out in our letter, HC-One has been significantly impacted by coronavirus including most importantly and most sadly the loss of more than 700 Residents and three Colleagues from this terrible virus. Alongside this, admissions have understandably fallen, and costs have significantly increased as we invest in the PPE needed to keep our Residents and Colleagues safe.

As a responsible provider, we entered this year and this crisis in a very strong financial position. In response to the financial impact of coronavirus we have taken a range of measures, including engaging with our lenders and our owners, to make sure we have the balance sheet resilience needed to see us through this challenging time.

These are prudent and responsible steps to take, as is looking at our income in the short term and engaging with the organisations that pay for the Residents living in our homes.

The Local Government Association and the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services, which represents Local Authorities and Social Care Commissioners respectively, have highlighted that care providers experienced a predicted 10% increase in costs linked to their coronavirus response.

Our letter therefore seeks to start a conversation with our Local Authority partners on how we can access some of the additional funding provided by Government to cover these additional costs.

We clearly set out the impact of the virus on our organisation, the statistical modelling we’ve completed that shows the predicted future impact of this deadly virus, the proactive steps we have taken to build financial resilience, and our request to discuss an income guarantee to assist us in the short term.
This request aligns with the Government’s COVID-19 Social Care Action Plan, which states Local Authorities must “protect providers’ cashflow”, and reflects the offers we’ve already received from some of our Local Authority partners who recognise the vital role our homes play in communities across the UK.
We are fortunate to be in a financially stable position, and to have the support of owners who are invested in the organisation and its mission for the long-term. We are therefore confident we can ‘weather the storm’ caused by coronavirus. Nevertheless, the responsible and prudent action was to engage with our funders, commissioners and lenders to make sure we build the most resilient financial position possible to achieve this.  
As we move forward during this public health emergency, HC-One will continue to focus solely on protecting the health and wellbeing of our Residents and Colleagues.

This includes providing the PPE, training and wellbeing support our teams need, but also engaging transparently in conversations with our funding partners about the additional financial support required to support our organisation.

Since the Care Inspectorate’s intervention it has been announced than an eighth resident has died.

Health Secretary Jeane Freeman and Scottish Care CEO Donald Macaskill have wriiten a joint letter to all care home staff in Scotland this morning.


An inspection report will be published in due course.

Pollution causes 157 deaths in Edinburgh in just one year

  • Proportion of air pollution-related deaths highest in Edinburgh, and lowest in Aberdeen
  • Estimated 628 air pollution-related deaths in Scotland’s cities in just one year
  • Councils need more money and power to reduce killer air pollution

More than one in 29 deaths in Scotland’s largest cities and towns are related to long term exposure to air pollution, according to new estimates in Centre for Cities’ annual study of the UK’s major urban areas – Cities Outlook 2020.

The proportion of deaths related to the deadly toxin PM2.5 are highest in Edinburgh, with the latest data linking it to 157 deaths in just one year, or 3.7% of all adult deaths in the city.

But Glasgow has seen the most deaths overall in Scotland – 354 in just one year.

In total, an estimated 628 people were killed by PM2.5-related deaths in Scottish cities in just one year.

Aberdeen has the smallest proportion of deaths related to PM2.5 Scotland. There, PM2.5 caused 63 deaths – or 3.0% of all adult deaths in the city.

The proportion of deaths in Scottish cities linked to PM2.5 toxins is lower than the rest of the UK due to their distance from London – by far the biggest emitter of PM2.5 in the UK – and from continental Europe, as some emissions are blown over the English Channel.

But action can still be taken in Scotland to reduce air pollution-related deaths. Transport is a significant, but not sole contributor to air pollution; burning fuels is also a major cause. For example, half of deadly PM2.5 toxins generated in cities and large towns come from sources such as wood burning stoves and coal fires.

PM2.5-related deaths in Scotland
Rank City Total number of PM2.5-related deaths PM2.5-related deaths as a percentage of total deaths
1 Edinburgh 157 3.7%
2 Glasgow 354 3.4%
3 Dundee 55 3.1%
4 Aberdeen 63 3.0%
Deaths in people aged 25 and over, 2017

 Half of local authority leaders polled by Centre for Cities highlighted the environment as a major concern, but progress has been slow and they must do more to prevent more avoidable deaths from air pollution. Cities in Scotland should:

  • Introduce Ultra Low Emission Zones to charge car and van drivers in city centres.
  • Ban the use of wood burning stoves and coal fires in areas where air pollution exceeds guidelines (in coordination with the Scottish Government).

Meanwhile, the Scottish Government should do more to help local politicians in Scotland act by providing financial incentives for cities to improve air quality through the establishment of an Environmental Impact Bond.

Finally, the UK Government should make securing plans with the EU to tackle cross border air pollution a key component of the future relationship. It should also adopt the World Health Organization’s stricter guidelines on PM2.5 – as the Scottish Government has already done – and make a legally binding commitment to meet this by 2030 at the latest.

Andrew Carter, Chief Executive of Centre for Cities, said: “More than half of people in the UK live in cities and large towns. And while they offer people good employment and lifestyle opportunities, Cities Outlook 2020 shows that they also having a damaging effect on their health, with air pollution killing thousands of people living in cities every year.

“Politicians often talk tough on addressing air pollution but we need to see more action. People in Scotland should be at the centre of the fight against its toxic air and councils should take the steps needed, including charging people to drive in city centres and banning wood burning stoves.

“To help the Government needs to provide the Scotland councils with extra money and introduce stricter guidelines. Failure to act now will lead to more deaths in Scotland.”

George Blaikie funeral

George Blaikie sadly passed away last Monday and his funeral takes place on Wednesday (6 November) at 1pm at Warriston, then on to Victoria Park. 

Royston Wardieburn Community Centre has organised a minibus for people who require a lift there and back.  The bus will leave at 12.30 – people should contact the centre (call 552 5700) if they need a  lift.

Thanks to Lynne McCabe for this information.