Cross Currents dance performances this Friday

Dance students from Performing Arts Studio Scotland at Edinburgh College are inviting dance enthusiasts to attend their annual end-of-year production, ‘Cross Currents 2013’ at The Royal Lyceum Theatre this Friday (31 May). Pass Dance students will perform to over 1300 people on Friday, when performances include a free Schools Matinee at 1.30 and two evening shows 5.30 and 8.30.

Inspired by the rugged beauty of Scotland and the Scots, Cross Currents will bring flavours of urban and rural Scottish movement and music, blending inspiration from contemporary, tap and jazz techniques. This eclectic mix will tantalise the imagination of lovers of dance, music and theatre, of those who have the beat in their veins and music in their hearts.

‘Cross Currents 2013’ features the choreographic work of the dance teaching staff who reflects best practice in knowledge and skills by continually working within the industry. Student dancers range from foundation to degree level – and will showcase a combination of styles.  PASS at Edinburgh’s College  has an excellent reputation for its accomplishments in dance and the annual ‘Cross Currents’ show is one of the College’s highlights of the year. This year we are proud to announce our first collaboration with the music students from the Sighthill Campus. This will be an exciting theatrical experience brought to you by the dedicated team and talented students from PASS at Edinburgh College.

For further information and tickets for the matinee only, please email Jennifer Figures at

Tickets for the 5.30pm & 8.30pm performances can be purchased from the Lyceum Box office, telephone 0131 248 4848 or email


Jennifer Kelly

Community Liaison, Edinburgh College

Cross currents 2013

Roll up, roll up: breakdance, circus and parkour project to launch in North Edinburgh

G Force, a breakdance, circus and parkour dance project, is to launch in North Edinburgh later this month giving the area’s young people the chance to participate in a six month project where they can train ans learn new skills with some of Scotland’s foremost performers and tutors.

The G Force Project has been developed by the Edinburgh Mela and Bright Night International and is supported by Cashback for Communities. The 16-25 year old participants will have the opportunity to join an intensive training programme culminating in a performance onstage at the Mela’s World Dance Feste tent , at the heart of the 2013 Edinburgh Mela programme. G Force will develop the young people’s skills and confidence, giving them the chance to work with some of the best dancers and performers in Scotland and enhancing their employability. Participants will be given opportunities to progress onto further learning, training and personal development, through existing connections to local organisations and practitioners.

Taster sessions are being held on four dates this month in partnership with North Edinburgh Arts Centre and Duncan Place Resource Centre. These are free of charge and are open to all those aged 16-25 with an interest in dance, acrobatics, parkour and circus.

G Force builds on the success of two key projects at the 2012 Edinburgh Mela: Bright Night International’s hiphop and parkour dance theatre piece 925 , which was creatively led and devised by leading Scottish hiphop artist Xena Gusthart of Xena Productions and commissioned by the Mela for their 2012 World Dance Feste; and The G Code Project, a seven-month collaboration between the Edinburgh Mela and North Edinburgh Arts Mela’s 2012 G Code Project, which offered diverse groups of young people the opportunity to develop their skills as music producers, hiphop artists, singers and rappers, and created a group which still meets and performs.

Free Taster Sessions Dates and Venues:

North Edinburgh Arts Centre, 15a Pennywell Road, EH4 4TZ

Tuesday 14th May 5pm to 8pm

Saturday 25th May 11am to 2pm

Duncan Place Resource Centre, 4 Duncan Place, Leith, EH6 8HW

Wednesday 15th May 5.30pm to 8.30pm

Wednesday 22nd May 5.30pm to 8.30pm


For further information go to Bright Night International’s website at 
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Wednesdays and Thursdays are WE DANCE DAYS!

Wednesdays and Thursdays are We Dance Days at North Edinburgh Arts Centre!

Last May, North Edinburgh Arts – working with Imaginate and Dancebase – was awarded 18 months funding from Creative Scotland to host a dancer in residence. Funded through the pARTners scheme, the residency focuses on the health and wellbeing benefots that dance can bring to children, young people and their families living in Forth.

North Edinburgh Arts dancer in residence Skye Reynolds is now running dance workshops with children to explore and experiment with many dance forms and styles. On Wednesdays five to eight year olds from 10 – 11.15am and on Thursdays it’s eight to twelve-year olds from 4 – 5.30pm – so let’s dance!

The Fringe – what's hot and what's not?

This year’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe guide runs to 376 pages, packed with a cornucopia of comedians, dance troupes, musicians, actors and novelty acts – good, bad and downright dire – all vying for your attention at 378 official venues.

Choosing just what to go and see – and, more importantly, what to avoid! – is tough, so perhaps you can help. Let us know what’s worth seeing – we’ll publish your reviews on the blog. And if a performance is truly awful, it’s best that we know that too!

Enjoy the shows!

The Fringe – what’s hot and what’s not?

This year’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe guide runs to 376 pages, packed with a cornucopia of comedians, dance troupes, musicians, actors and novelty acts – good, bad and downright dire – all vying for your attention at 378 official venues.

Choosing just what to go and see – and, more importantly, what to avoid! – is tough, so perhaps you can help. Let us know what’s worth seeing – we’ll publish your reviews on the blog. And if a performance is truly awful, it’s best that we know that too!

Enjoy the shows!