Wednesdays and Thursdays are WE DANCE DAYS!

Wednesdays and Thursdays are We Dance Days at North Edinburgh Arts Centre!

Last May, North Edinburgh Arts – working with Imaginate and Dancebase – was awarded 18 months funding from Creative Scotland to host a dancer in residence. Funded through the pARTners scheme, the residency focuses on the health and wellbeing benefots that dance can bring to children, young people and their families living in Forth.

North Edinburgh Arts dancer in residence Skye Reynolds is now running dance workshops with children to explore and experiment with many dance forms and styles. On Wednesdays five to eight year olds from 10 – 11.15am and on Thursdays it’s eight to twelve-year olds from 4 – 5.30pm – so let’s dance!

The Fringe – what's hot and what's not?

This year’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe guide runs to 376 pages, packed with a cornucopia of comedians, dance troupes, musicians, actors and novelty acts – good, bad and downright dire – all vying for your attention at 378 official venues.

Choosing just what to go and see – and, more importantly, what to avoid! – is tough, so perhaps you can help. Let us know what’s worth seeing – we’ll publish your reviews on the blog. And if a performance is truly awful, it’s best that we know that too!

Enjoy the shows!

The Fringe – what’s hot and what’s not?

This year’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe guide runs to 376 pages, packed with a cornucopia of comedians, dance troupes, musicians, actors and novelty acts – good, bad and downright dire – all vying for your attention at 378 official venues.

Choosing just what to go and see – and, more importantly, what to avoid! – is tough, so perhaps you can help. Let us know what’s worth seeing – we’ll publish your reviews on the blog. And if a performance is truly awful, it’s best that we know that too!

Enjoy the shows!