Chinese man ‘serious’ following Pilton race hate attack

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A Chinese father of three is being treated in hospital for serious injuries following a horrific attack by three men in West Pilton last night. 

The victim suffered multiple injuries – including stab wounds – during the vicious attack which happened near the corner of West Pilton Grove and Park at around 9.30 last night. He has been named locally as Jie Yu, owner of the Peking Garden takeaway on Ferry Road Drive, and it’s thought he confronted to men as they attempted to steal his car.

One of the alleged attackers has since been detained and police say they are following a ‘positive line of enquiry’.

Superintendent Liz McAinsh said: “This was a vicious assault which left the victim in need of medical treatment and he remains in hospital in a serious condition.

“Hate crime is completely unacceptable and Police Scotland will relentlessly pursue those responsible.

“I would like to reassure the public that we have devoted significant resources to this enquiry to identify and apprehend those responsible”.

If you have any information call Police Scotland on 101 or Crimestoppers in anonymity on 0800 555 111.

pilton investigation


Edinburgh is the UK’s safest city

Edinburgh tops YouGov safest city poll

edinburgh (4)A new survey has revealed that Edinburgh is seen as the safest city in Britain. The YouGov research asked participants how safe they feel ten British cities are – and Edinburgh came out well on top.

When asked about the capital, 68% of participants – 1724 from across the UK took part in the survey – said it is ‘totally safe’ while only 14% believe Edinburgh is ‘totally unsafe’.

The other cities surveyed were Glasgow, London, Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield, Bradford, Liverpool, Manchester and Bristol.

Glasgow came eighth in the poll, with 44% of people saying it is safe and 38% saying it is unsafe – although Scots who took part in the survey put both Scottish cities higher: 86% said Edinburgh is safe and Glasgow polled 68% – but Bradford was seen as the least safe city in the UK.

riotsBradford is perhaps best remembered to outsiders for the race riots of 2001 which lasted three days and led to hundreds of arrests (above). It is the only city mentioned in the poll where more people (42%) say it is unsafe than safe (35%). Britain’s second most dangerous city according to the public is Birmingham: people are divided 41-41% on its safety.

Edinburgh’s senior police officer Chief Superintendent Mark Williams welcomed the findings and said he is ‘delighted but not surprised’ by the poll.

Do you think Edinburgh is a safe city? Let us know!

Police seek Comely Bank raider

police (2)Police are looking for witnesses following a foiled raid on a wine shop in Comely Bank last Friday.

The would-be robber, who was wearing a trilby type hat, entered Appellation Wines on Comely Bank Road at around 4pm on Friday and threatened a female shop worker with a metal pole before demanding money. The woman suffered minor injuries as she managed to fight off the thief, who then ran off empty-handed.

The suspect is described as white, aged between 50 and 60, around 5ft 8ins tall with an average build and grey stubble.

If you have any information please contact the police on 101 or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

Police appeal following Leith rape

Woman attacked as she walked to walk

PoliceTapePolice are appealing for witnesses following the rape of a young woman as she walked to work in the early hours of Saturday morning. The 20-year-old was attacked at the entrance to Swanfield Industrial Estate off Bonnington Road at around 4.30am.

The attacker is described as in his mid-to-late 20s, 5ft 7ins to 6ft tall with a slim build. He had a gaunt appearance with a pock-marked complexion, short blonde receding hair combed forward and an eastern European accent. He was wearing light-coloured jeans and a black long-sleeved jacket with a hood.

Police have been carrying out door-to-door enquiries in the area and have appealed for information.

Detective Chief Inspector Alwyn Bell, who is leading the investigation, said: “This was a violent sexual assault on a young woman as she was walking to her work. Specially-trained officers are providing help and support to the victim.

“Such an attack is extremely rare and it is essential we catch this man as soon as possible and bring him to justice.

I am appealing to anyone who was in the area in the early hours of Saturday morning and who saw, or heard, anything unusual to contact us as soon as possible on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

“Additional officers will be on patrol in the area to help us in the investigation and to provide added visibility and reassurance to the local community.”

Local arrest following Operation Wolf activity

policecarA Drylaw man is one of seven men arrested and charged for domestic abuse and sexual offences following an Operation Wolf day of action in Edinburgh this week.

Wednesday’s activity saw officers from the Public Protection Unit and the Divisional Violence Reduction Unit target a number of individuals for various crimes including rape, indecent assault, lewd and libidinous practises and assaults.

The 31-year-old man from the Drylaw area was charged with a number of domestic assaults.

Other arrests included a 44-year-old man from the Duddingston area, who was detained following reports of historic sexual assaults which were made in May this year. He was subsequently charged for numerous offences relating to six separate victims.

A 40-year-old Bo’Ness man was also arrested, two men aged 38 and 64 from the Restalrig area were both apprehended and charged in connection with historic sexual offences against children and will appear in court at a later date,

A 13-year-old male from the Craigmount area was charged in connection with a recent sexual assault on a female youth. He has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal and Children’s Reporter.

Last year, Police Scotland received a report of historic domestic violence and serious sexual assault and enquiries were undertaken into these crimes. As a result, a 29-year-old man from Bathgate was arrested and is also due to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court.

Public Protection officers had also been investigating numerous reports of historic sexual abuse that took place at various areas within Edinburgh in previous years.

Detective Chief Inspector Alwyn Bell said: “Police Scotland is committed to tackling violent crimes such as domestic abuse and any offences of a sexual nature.

“As part of the ongoing Operation Wolf, various activity was carried out across Edinburgh and in West Lothian and a number of males are now subject to legal proceedings for a range of crimes including rape, indecent assault and domestic violence.

“These arrests should send a clear message to our communities that regardless of when a crime takes place, we will investigate the matter thoroughly and anyone found to be responsible will be brought to justice.

“I would urge anyone who wishes to report a crime to come forward and rest assured that your report will be treated with the utmost sensitivity and professionalism.”

Anyone wishing to report a crime can do so by contact Police Scotland on 101 or alternatively, the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Witness appeal as man falls from moving van

PolicePolice are appealing for witnesses after a 24-year-old man fell from a moving vehicle which then sped away from the scene. The incident took place on Raeburn Place at 5.25pm on Friday evening. Police said the vehicle, believed to be a Ford Transit van, was seen being driven erratically through Stockbridge streets after the incident.

The man who fell from the van was taken to hospital but did not suffer any serious injuries.

Two men are understood to have been in the van at the time of the incident – one, the driver, was wearing a white tee-shirt. Stockbridge was busy at the time of the incident and police are appealing for witnesses to come forward.

Det Sgt Bob Williamson said: “Our officers are working hard and making extensive inquiries to establish the full circumstances of what happened. The events described and the irresponsible actions of the van driver are obviously concerning and we would urge members of the public who may be able to identify the vehicle or its occupants to come forward immediately.”

“Anyone with information that could help the investigation should contact Police Scotland on 101 or, alternatively, phone the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

Police seek ‘distinctive’ thief following Stockbridge robbery

policecarA thief who held up an Edinburgh off-licence with a needle before stealing a three-figure cash sum is being sought by police. The robber entered Vino on North West Circus Place at 21:35 on Wednesday evening and demanded the till contents before making off in the direction of Stockbridge.

Police have a good description of the man. He is described as white, 6ft 3ins to 6ft 4ins tall and having a Scottish accent, 30 to 40 years old, with short dark hair, a receding hairline and bald on the crown. He had a small vertical curved mark or scar on his right cheek.

He was wearing a royal blue hooded jacket, dark bottoms with a single light coloured stripe down each side and red trainers, and carried a large brown holdall with a broken shoulder strap

Det Sgt Bob Richardson, of Police Scotland, said: “The suspect was wearing distinctive red trainers and a blue hoodie, and we ask that anyone who saw a man fitting that description at the time of the robbery, or who witnessed the incident, to contact police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

Man detained after girl hit by motorcycle

police (2)A nineteen year old man has been detained by police following a motorcycle collision with a young girl near Marine Drive. The incident happened at around 5pm last night.

A spokesman said: “Police Scotland was called to an incident in Silverknowes, near to Marine Drive, at around 5pm on Wednesday after a motorcyclist collided with a six-year-old girl. The girl sustained minor injuries and a 19-year-old man has been traced and detained. Inquiries are ongoing and there is no further information available at this time.”

Mikaeel: mother pleads guilty to reduced charge

High Court plaqueRosdeep Adekoya, the mother of three-year-old Mikaeel Kular, has admitted killing her son and hiding his body in a suitcase. Adekoya had originally been charged with murder but admitted the reduced charge of culpable homicide when she appeared at Edinburgh’s High Court yesterday. She will be sentenced next month.

Advocate depute Alex Prentice said: “The basis for the plea tendered being accepted is that the Crown accepts that the accused had no intention to kill Mikaeel and that the assault perpetrated upon him, although severe, fell short of the wicked recklessness required for murder.”

However there is some anger that the Crown agreed to the reduced charges. One neighbour, who was involved in the two-day search for the little boy and was present at the High Court, said the decision was ‘a disgrace. This was murder’.

Mikaeel died two days after being beaten by Rosdeep Adekoya at the family’s flat in Muirhouse in January. She put his body in a suitcase, which she then dumped behind her sister’s house in Kirkcaldy. Ms Adekoya told police that Mikaeel had disappeared from the family home, sparking a massive major two-day search.

Adekoya also admitted attempting to defeat the ends of justice by pretending to police that Mikaeel had gone missing.

She pleaded guilty to repeatedly punching her son and causing his body to hit against a hard object or inflicting blunt injuries on his head and body between 12 and 15 January at their home in Ferry Gait Crescent.

She also admitted wrapping Mikaeel’s body in a duvet cover, putting it in a suitcase and driving to Dunvegan Avenue in Kirkcaldy, Fife, where she hid the case under a bush in woods behind a house.

She had called 999 to report her son missing to police, telling officers he got out of bed and climbed on a stool to unlock the front door of his home.

She admitted causing a major search for her son, involving police, the fire service, coastguard, mountain rescue crews and members of the public.

The court heard harrowing details of how Mikaeel died on the night of Tuesday 14 January from injuries inflicted the previous Sunday. Ms Adekoya then took Mikaeel’s twin sister to nursery at Flora Stevenson’s School before driving over to Fife with the three year old boy’s body in the boot of the car.

The court heard that Adekoya later broke down during a police interview and told officers: “It was an accident and I panicked. I am going to go to the jail.” She subsequently then took police to her son’s body in the woods, where it was found in a suitcase covered with branches.

The cause of death was found to be “blunt force abdominal trauma” – Mikaeel had more than 40 separate injuries to his body.

Sentence was deferred until 25 August.

Ferry Gait Crescent