More arrests following local crime spree

Operation RAC: Crime crackdown continues

ferry rd drive

Police have arrested and charged a 25-year-old local man following a number of thefts and housebreakings in north Edinburgh. The arrest follows the arrest of two others in connection with drugs offences in West Pilton earlier this week.

On Wednesday, officers executed a search warrant at a property on Ferry Road Drive following intelligence received from the public. Various stolen items were recovered and officers are currently conducting enquiries to reunite the stolen goods with their rightful owners.

The man was subsequently arrested and charged for housebreakings to business premises on Queensferry Road, Cheyne Street and Raeburn Place as well as an attempted break-in on Dean Street.

He was also charged in connection with the recovery of an abandoned Mercedes C-Class, which had previously been stolen alongside another vehicle from an address on Prospect Bank Road, and used in several business housebreakings in the Capital.

Superintendent Alan Porte said: “This arrest should reinforce that we will we act on any intelligence we receive and will pursue all possible lines of enquiry to bring perpetrators of housebreaking and vehicle crime to justice.

“The public can be assured that any information given to us will be treated with the utmost confidence, and used to keep our communities safe for everyone.”

The latest breakthrough follows the arrest of two men who were arrested under the Misuse of Drugs Act earlier this week, following the discovery of a significant quantity of Class B drugs in West Pilton.

Drugs Team officers executed search warrants at flats in West Pilton Drive and West Pilton Loan, where they found cannabis with a potential street value of approximately £90,000.

A total of 128 mature cannabis plants were found at a home on West Pilton Drive along with a further 15 vacuum sealed bags each containing 1oz of herbal cannabis and six 250g bags of herbal cannabis worth a potential street value of approximately £55,000. A 30-year-old has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal in connection with this incident and will appear in court at a later date.

Police Scotland officers also recovered 51 mature cannabis plants and 32 seedlings at an address on West Pilton Loan with a potential street value of approximately £35,000. A 20-year-old man was arrested on Wednesday and a report has been sent to the Procurator Fiscal.

Detective Inspector Stuart Harkness from the Gayfield CID Proactive Unit said “These searches removed a significant amount of illegal drugs from our streets and highlights that Police Scotland continues to tackle those involved in organised crime within the city.

“We will continue with a robust approach to tackle crime in the communities we police and I would appeal for the public to provide us with the information we need to disrupt those involved in criminality. This information may be provided to your community officers, through contacting police on 101 or alternatively in anonymity by contacting Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

Anyone with information can contact Police Scotland on 101 or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Leith pensioner attacked and robbed in his home


An 80-year-old man has been assaulted and robbed in his home in Leith. The attacker forced his way into the pensioner’s home in Buchanan Street at about 9:20 on Saturday morning.

Police Scotland said the attacker then assaulted his victim before stealing a sum of cash and making off.

The robber is described as a white male in his 30s, about 5ft 6in tall with a medium build and short brown hair.

Police have appealed for witnesses. Detective Inspector John Kavanagh said: “This was a distressing incident for the victim. We are eager to trace this suspect as a matter of urgency.

“Anyone who saw a male matching the suspect description in the Buchanan Street area yesterday, or has any other relevant information, is asked to contact police immediately.”

Wardieburn assaults: man to appear in court today


A 31-year old man has been charged with serious assault following a disturbance in Wardieburn that left three people in hospital. He is expected to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court later today.

Two men and one woman were taken to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary after the incident in Wardieburn Street East at 4.50am on Wednesday, which saw police cordon off the area. The men were later released but the female victim remained in hospital yesterday afternoon.

Two men were initially detained in connection with the Wardieburn incident, which is understood to have involved a knife. Police have confirmed that they are ‘not looking for any other persons in relation to this incident’.

Chain reaction: Community rallies to support Forthview following bike thefts

Mackenzies serves up support for school hit by robbery


The Forthview Primary School community was devastated when their storage shed was broken into over a holiday weekend in May. Thieves stole bikes which had been borrowed to help teach pupils cycling proficiency, leaving the school facing a potential bill of one thousand pounds it could ill-afford to pay.

Forthview’s Tracey Berry said at the time: “Bikes that we had borrowed, so that Bill Stobie could teach bike ability to P6, have been stolen, along with footballs and gardening equipment. We are responsible for the bikes: it will cost us about £1000 to replace the them!

“Our fundraising is meant to be for outings and activities for Forthview children, not replacing things that thoughtless people have stolen. If you find one please hand it to the school – the more we find, the less money we have to pay out from the school funds.”

An appeal went out to trace the stolen bikes (see NEN blog ‘Forthview break-in: can you help trace bikes?, 11 May) – and the community response has been nothing short of remarkable!

Forthview head teacher Eileen Littlewood said: “Not only have parents, grandparents and their friends rallied to make donations for us, but a fairly new restaurant in Davidson’s Mains contacted us when they heard about the theft. They are very eager to support the community in any way they can and they offered to hold a fundraising night where staff and other people could come and enjoy a taster menu with wine for £30 a head.

“Staff who went along had a wonderful evening and the food was delicious. We enjoyed 8 courses and half a bottle of wine each. The cuisine was superb and at the end of the evening, Grant and Jamie who are the partners in the business gave us every penny back – £550!

“They did not even want to cover the costs of the food. We have been overwhelmed by their generosity. As one staff member said: ‘what a fundraiser – we made a lot of money, had a brilliant meal and wine as well!’Forthview FundraiserThe business in question is Mackenzies Restaurant and Bar in Davidson’s Mains, which opened under new management at the end of April. Mine hosts Grant and Jamie are local lads- from Granton and Wardieburn – and together with Grant’s partner Trisha pledged to help a local school in need.

The Mackenzies team’s tremendous support is greatly appreciated by all at Forthview – and they may just find that their generosity is reciprocated by a grateful community. Well done, Mackenzies!

PS: And the icing on the cake – a number of the missing bikes have been recovered too! 



Police seek four following Trinity attack


Police are appealing for witnesses following a serious assault on two people on Laverockbank Road. Four people, one of whom is a woman, are being sought following the attack.

The incident happened at around 1am on Sunday 31 May, when the two victims and four suspects left a business premises separately.

The first suspect assaulted the 34-year-old male victim, and the 28-year-old female victim was assaulted when she tried to intervene. The other suspects then joined the attack and the female victim was knocked unconscious.

Both victims sustained facial injuries, which were subsequently found to be more serious than first thought. Police attended at the time of the incident, and officers have conducted various enquiries in an effort to trace the suspects.

The first suspect is described as a white man in his 30s, 5ft 10inches tall with a medium build. He had a shaved head and a heart tattoo with a keyhole on his right forearm.

The second suspect is described a white man in his 30s, 5ft 11inches tall with a heavy build. He had short dark hair and was wearing a dark jacket.

The third suspect was a white man in his 40s, 5ft 10inches tall with a slim build. He was wearing a light-coloured shirt.

The fourth suspect is described as a white woman, 5ft 6inches tall, with a medium build. She had long dark hair and was wearing a black jacket.

Detective Sergeant Clark Martin said: “This was a seemingly unprovoked and brutal attack and we are eager to trace anyone who may have witnessed the incident, or has any information which can help with our enquiries.

“We’re also eager to speak to a taxi driver seen in the area at the time of the assault, who may be able to help with our investigations.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact Police Scotland on 101 or contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Youth Forum focuses on crime in Forth


North Edinburgh Young People’s Forum launched the third edition of their The Matter? newspaper at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre last night. It was an opportunity to catch up with what the group has been doing and their plans for the future.

The latest issue focuses on young people’s perception of crime in the Forth ward. Late last year NEYPF contacted over 150 young people across the area to find out what they thought about crime in their neighbourhood.

The conclusions? NEYPF is calling for more police patrols in the area and an improved working relationship between police and young people. There’s also a call for improved CCTV and better street lighting

The group’s findings were presented to the Scottish Government at a National Discussion Day event in April and NEYPF’s input will help to influence the Building Safer Communities programme.Matter2Stolen motorcycles and joyriding remain a big issue and the group announced exciting new plans to develop a community repairs workshop and garage. This project would encourage young people to gain new skills and qualifications.

NEYPF members have also recently undergone peer educator trainign and plan to create a peer education programme based around community perceptions of crime.

First up, though, it’s an invitation from local Inspector David Happs to visit to Drylaw Police Station and meet the local officers there, and also an opportunity to share their findings with #StrongerNorth’s Gold Team.

For further info contact

visit the Facebook page

Twitter: @NEYPF

As we see it: Youth Forum looks at local crime

Read all about it! North Edinburgh Young People’s Forum newspaper investigates attitudes to crime in Forth

burnt out car

North Edinburgh Young People’s Forum would like to invite you along to the launch of our new newspaper which focuses on the perceptions of crime in the Forth Ward through the eyes of young people. We shall also be seeking opinions on ways we can develop this work and our future plans and ideas.

 NEYPF`s Crime Perception Newspaper Launch

@ West Pilton Neighborhood Centre

Wednesday 3rd June 2015

5:30pm – 7:00pm (Registration from 5pm)

Refreshments are provided

All at the Forum hope to see you on the night!!

Drink Driving: don’t take the risk

A driver will be stopped and breath tested every two minutes this summer


The Scottish Government and Road Safety Scotland have launched their 2015 Summer Drink Drive campaign in support of Police Scotland’s Summer Safety Campaign. Using the strapline ‘Don’t spoil summer’, the campaign reminds drivers that getting behind the wheel after even one drink isn’t worth the risk or the consequences.

New data released yesterday shows that in Scotland there has been a 17% reduction in drink driving offences from January – March 2015 (997) compared to the same period in 2014 (1,209). This follows the introduction of Scotland’s new lower drink drive limit on 5 December, which means that even just one drink could put a driver over the limit.

Police stop a driver approximately every two minutes in Scotland Scotland, and have the powers to breath-test many of them. Police Scotland enforcement activity is running alongside Road Safety Scotland’s social marketing campaign, which highlights the often spontaneous nature of summer socialising.

Following the success of the legislation change in Scotland, the Police Federation of England & Wales last week issued a call for the legal limit in England and Wales to be in line with Scotland.

Cabinet Secretary for Justice, Michael Matheson, said: “Since the introduction of the new lower drink drive limit six months ago, Scotland is starting to see a real change in behaviour. The 17% reduction in drink driving offences indicates that Scottish drivers are avoiding alcohol when they are driving.

“Fewer drink driving offences is a positive story for Scotland and shows that we’re leading social and legislative change in the UK. We’re urging Scots to take care this summer and to remember it’s safer to avoid driving if you’ve consumed alcohol.

Michael McDonnell, Director of Road Safety Scotland, said: “Summer can be a time for getting together with friends and family, and many people go for a drink with colleagues after work on a sunny evening. Because this drinking is often unplanned, people may not have thought about the journey home. And many people don’t realise that just one drink can put them over the legal limit.

“Evidence shows that even one alcoholic drink before driving makes you three times more likely to be involved in a fatal accident. It is estimated that one in eight deaths on Scottish roads involve drivers who are over the legal limit and, despite what many people think, eating food or a perceived alcohol tolerance don’t reduce its effects. Even a small amount impairs your judgement and reactions so, the best advice is just don’t risk it.”

Chief Superintendent Iain Murray, Head of Road Policing at Police Scotland, said: “Our message is simple – don’t spoil summer for you and your family or another family by drinking and driving. Police Scotland stop more than 20,000 Scottish drivers a month. That’s one vehicle every two minutes. If you have committed an offence, or if we have reasonable cause to suspect that you have been drinking, you may be subjected to a breath test.

“Even if you’re just over the limit, you’re still a drunk driver in the eyes of the law – there is no grey area. This may affect your current and future employment and can have wider implications for other areas of your life including overseas travel, even just for family holidays. If you drink and drive, you won’t just spoil summer.”

Find out more by visiting or the Road Safety Scotland Facebook page.

If you suspect someone of drink driving, call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 your local police office by dialling 101. In an emergency, dial 999.

Pair face court for Wardieburn housebreakings


Two local men are among the latest arrests made by Edinburgh Police during Operation RAC enforcement activity. 

On Wednesday 22 April a flat in Royston Mains Crescent was broken into and a computer games consol, computer games, jewellery and handbags were stolen.

This was followed by a housebreaking in Wardieburn Road on Thursday 30 April, where various electrical items were stolen along with jewellery and a three-figure sum of cash.

Community Investigation Unit officers conducted enquiries into both incidents and executed a search warrant at a home in Wardieburn Terrace where various pieces of property from the break-ins were recovered.

Two men aged 25 and 21 were subsequently charged and are due to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court.


Superintendent Phil O’Kane said: “In addition to the continued investigation of housebreakings across the city, which has resulted in more arrests, officers regularly conduct proactive patrols to detect and deter criminal activity.

“Housebreaking has been identified as a local policing priority and we are using a range of tactics to target the criminals committing these offences, who clearly show no respect for the property of others.

“Local communities can be reassured we are prioritising all of the specialist resources available to us to arrest the offenders and prevent further crimes occurring.

“The public can help us in our crime prevention efforts by always ensuring their homes, businesses and outbuildings are appropriately secured and to utilise additional security measures such as alarms and lighting were possible.

“Further advice on safeguarding your properties is available by speaking with your local policing team or by visiting our website at”

Crackdown on housebreaking continues

‘All reports of housebreaking are being thoroughly investigated in Edinburgh and we are arresting people every day for these offences’ – Superintendent Alan Porte


A second man has been arrested and charged as part of an ongoing investigation into a housebreaking and theft in Craigcrook Road on 24 March. 

A Honda Civic and Volkswagen Passat were stolen during the incident and were later recovered in the West Pilton area. Following continued enquiries an 18-year-old was detained at his home in Granton Mill March and charged with the break-in and theft of the vehicles.

He is scheduled to appear in Edinburgh Sherriff Court.

In a separate development two men have been arrested and a vehicle recovered during further Operation RAC activity in Edinburgh.

Plain-clothes officers attended at Harrison Park in the early hours of Friday morning (22 May) following reports from the public of a group in possession of a motorcycle.

A 21-year-old man was subsequently detained and a Yamaha bike seized. The motorcycle was established as stolen from nearby Harrison Road and the male was charged.

He is due to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court tomorrow (Monday 25 May). Police are following a positive line of enquiry to trace others believed to have been involved in this offence.


Superintendent Alan Porte said: “Those responsible for breaking into people’s homes and stealing their valued possessions, such as vehicles, may think they are immune to the law. However, we continue to demonstrate through Operation RAC that this is not the case.

“All reports of housebreaking are being thoroughly investigated in Edinburgh and we are arresting people every day for these offences.

“We will continue to actively pursue anyone involved in acquisitive crime and our communities can help us by reporting any suspicious activity they witness, as well as ensuring they keep their homes, outbuildings and businesses appropriately secured at all times.

“If you have information relating to housebreaking in your area, or wish to receive information on crime prevention then please speak with your local policing team or contact Police Scotland on 101.”