Prime Minister pays tribute to Sir David Amess MP

PM Boris Johnson paid tribute to Sir David Amess MP in the House of Commons yesterday:

The passing of 72 hours has done little to numb the shock and sadness we all felt when we heard of the tragic and senseless death of Sir David Amess. This House has lost a steadfast servant, we have lost a dear friend and colleague and Julia and her children have lost a loving husband and devoted father.

Nothing I or anyone else can say will lessen the pain, the grief, the anger they must feel at this darkest of times. We hold them in our hearts today, we mourn with them and we grieve alongside them.

Sir David was taken from us in a contemptible act of violence, striking at the core of what it is to be a Member of this House and violating the sanctity both of the church in which he was killed and the constituency surgery that is so essential to our representative democracy.

But we will not allow the manner of Sir David’s death to in any way detract from his accomplishments as a politician or as a human being. Because Sir David was a patriot who believed passionately in this country, in its people, in its future.

He was also one of the nicest, kindest, and most gentle individuals ever to grace these benches.

A man who used his decades of experience to offer friendship and support to new members of all parties. Whose views often confounded expectation and defied easy stereotype. And who believed not just in pointing out what was wrong with society but in getting on and doing something about it.

It was that determination to make this country a better place that inspired his outstanding record on behalf of the vulnerable and the voiceless. The master of the private members bill and 10-minute rule bill he passed legislation on subjects as diverse as animal welfare, fuel poverty and the registration of driving instructors.

He was a prodigious campaigner for children with learning disabilities and for women with endometriosis, a condition in which he became an expert after meeting a woman at one of the constituency surgeries.

Behind the famous and irresistible beam lay a seasoned campaigner of verve and grit whether he was demanding freedom for the people of Iran or courting votes in the Westminster Dog of the Year contest whether he was battling for Brexit or fighting his way to the front of the Parliamentary Pancake Race.

And as every member of this House will know, and you just confirmed Mr Speaker, he never once witnessed any achievement by any resident of Southend that could not, somehow, be cited in his bid to secure city status for that distinguished town.

Highlights of that bulging folder included a world record for playing most triangles being played at once; a group of stilt-walkers travelling non-stop from the Essex coast to Downing Street; and a visiting foreign dignitary allegedly flouting protocol by saying he liked Southend more than Cleethorpes.

A compelling case, Mr Speaker, and as it is only a short time since Sir David last put that case to me in this chamber, I am happy to announce that Her Majesty has agreed that Southend will be accorded the city status it so clearly deserves. That Sir David spent almost 40 years in this House but not one day in ministerial office tells everything about where his priorities lay.

He was not a man in awe of this chamber, nor a man who sought patronage or advancement. He simply wanted to serve the people of Essex, first in Basildon, then in Southend. And it was in the act of serving his constituents that he was so cruelly killed.

In his recent memoir, Sir David called surgeries a part of “the great British tradition of the people openly meeting their elected politicians”. Even after the murder of Jo Cox and the savage attacks on Stephen Timms and Nigel Jones he refused to accept that he should be in any way deterred from speaking face to face with his constituents.

And so when he died he was doing what he firmly believed was the most important part of any MP’s job: offering help to those in need. In the awful moments before we knew the full horror of the tragedy a member of Sir David’s constituency association, her voice breaking with emotion, told an interviewer that “we need him, the country needs him”. And we do.

This country needs people like Sir David, this House needs people like Sir David, our politics needs people like Sir David. Dedicated, passionate, firm in his beliefs but never anything less than respectful for those who thought differently.

Those are the values he brought to a lifetime of public service.There can be few among us more justified in their faith in the resurrection and the life to come. And while his death leaves a vacuum that will not and can never be filled, we will cherish his memory we will celebrate his legacy and we will never allow those who commit acts of evil to triumph over the democracy and the Parliament that Sir David Amess loved so much.

Sir David Amess MP’s murder is terrorist incident, says Met Police

The Metropolitan Police issued a statement shortly after midnight:

The fatal stabbing in Leigh-on-Sea has tonight been declared as a terrorist incident, with the investigation being led by Counter Terrorism Policing.

The investigation is being led by the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command who are working closely with colleagues from the Eastern Region Specialist Operations Unit (ERSOU) and Essex Police.

Senior National Coordinator for Counter Terrorism Policing, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Dean Haydon formally declared the incident as terrorism. The early investigation has revealed a potential motivation linked to Islamist extremism.

Essex Police responded to an incident at an address in Eastwood Road North, Essex, shortly after 12:05hrs on Friday, 15 October.

At the scene, officers found a man with multiple stab wounds. He was given emergency medical treatment by emergency services, but sadly died at the scene.

The man was identified as Sir David Amess, Member of Parliament for Southend West. Specialist officers are supporting his family.

A 25-year-old British man was arrested at the scene on suspicion of murder. He is currently in custody at a police station in Essex.

As part of the investigation, officers are currently carrying out searches at two addresses in the London area and these are ongoing.

It is believed that he acted alone, and we are not seeking anyone else in connection with the incident at this time. However, enquiries into the circumstances continue.

Detectives would urge any witnesses or anyone with information about this incident to contact police.

If you have any information that could assist the investigation, then please call police in confidence on 0800 789 321. Anyone with moving footage or pictures is asked to submit them via this link 

West Granton Road attempted robbery: man to appear in court

A man has been arrested and charged following an attempted robbery at a convenience store on West Granton Road.

The incident happened around 7.45am yesterday (Sunday, 10 October). The 31-year-old man is due to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court tomorrow (Tuesday 12 October).

Detective Inspector Kevin Tait said: “Fortunately no one was hurt and there was no threat to the wider public. I would like to thank the public for their patience.”

Police Scotland: Sextortion scams continue to cause concern

Police continue to be made aware of an increasing number of so-called “sextortion” crimes recently, with more and more social media users falling victim to this unpleasant type of scam.

These usually involve the victim being enticed to send nude or explicit photos or videos to someone who has befriended them online, then being blackmailed into sending money (or in some incidents, gift cards) to prevent them being distributed to people they know.

Detective Sergeant Oliver Healy from Gayfield Police CID said: “The perpetrator’s aim is to build trust and convince the victim that they are interested in becoming involved in an online sexual interaction with them which often takes place via a video chat platforms initiated by the perpetrator.

“During the video chat, the perpetrator will persuade the victim to expose themselves which they record without the victim’s knowledge. This will be followed up by a demand for money from the victim and the threat of sharing the recordings with their friends and family.

“We would ask people to consider what they share and who they share it with. They should, ideally, only share pictures online that they are happy with their friends, family and others seeing. Switching communication from one platform to another is a tactic used during these scams to gain as much information about a victim.

“The simplest way to avoid falling victim is to refrain from accepting friend requests from people you don’t know.

“If you find yourself being blackmailed or extorted in this way, contact us on 101 or 999 in an emergency. You will be given support and your report will be taken in utmost confidence.”

Further information on keeping safe online can be found on the website –

City police investigate abduction and attempted murder incident

Police in Edinburgh are appealing for information following an abduction and attempted murder incident which happened in the city centre overnight.

At around 10.45pm on Wednesday, 6 October, 2021, officers were alerted to a disturbance in Claremont Court where men were reported to have been fighting with weapons. One man was seen to have been forced from his vehicle, a grey Audi S5, into a second vehicle, which is described as a dark coloured hatchback.

This vehicle was reported to have blue flashing lights activated on the dashboard. The vehicle left Claremont Court along with two other vehicles; the grey Audi S5 and a white van.

A short time later officers were called to McDonald Road where the man forced into the back of the hatchback was found injured. It is believed that he had been assaulted while within the car, which had then driven at him when he exited the vehicle. This car then fled the scene.

The injured man, aged 26, was taken to hospital for treatment. His injuries are not life-threatening.

At around 1am this morning (Thursday 7 October), officers were called to Magdalene Avenue following a car fire. The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service extinguished the fire.

The vehicle found here has been confirmed as the grey Audi S5, which was stolen from the 26-year-old man in Claremont Court earlier in the night.

Detective Inspector Kevin Tait said: “The level of violence and intimidation shown during this incident is shocking and thankfully the victim was not left seriously injured. We believe this was a targeted attack.

“The suspects involved in his abduction from Claremont Court are believed to have arrived at the scene in two vehicles, the first a dark coloured hatchback, and the second a white van. Witnesses have reported there being four men, all wearing balaclavas.

“I’d urge anyone who witnessed the incidents in Claremont Court or McDonald Road to come forward and speak to officers. We’re especially keen for anyone who may have captured the incidents on dash cam or private CCTV to check their systems and provide relevant footage to us.

“The dark coloured hatchback vehicle the suspects used had blue lights activated on top of the dashboard at the front windscreen. This was not a police vehicle. I’d urge anyone who knows more about this vehicle, or could help us trace it and those connected to it, to get in contact with officers as soon as possible.”

Those with information should contact Police Scotland on 101 and quote incident number 3764 of 6 October. An anonymous report can be given to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Another weekend, another deliberate fire in Drylaw

There’s been another deliberate fire in North Edinburgh – for the third successive weekend.

This time, a garden shed in Easter Drylaw Drive was set ablaze in the early hours of this morning. Police, fire and ambulance services were on the scene from 1.30am and the road was temporarily closed while the fire was tackled.

It’s the third weekend in a row that there have been wilful fireraising incidents in the North Edinburgh community – and all have taken place in the early hours of the morning.

Last week’s meeting of Drylaw Telford Community Council discussed the arson incidents that took place on 18 September and the group issued an appeal on their Facebook page:

‘These fires were devastating to those affected and we are extremely lucky that more people were not injured. The “what if’s” do not bear thinking about.

‘The unusually dry weather for September that we have had recently would make any fire spread faster therefore It is so important that the perpetrators are caught and for this not to happen again.

‘The police have been talking to residents that have CCTV but we would urge anyone with CCTV, ring doorbell camera’s etc who have not yet been contacted to please contact:

  1. The Police on 101 quoting incident number 0765 of the 18th
    September 2021.
  2. Anonomously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111
  3. Message this page and we can forward information

‘Likewise, if anyone has any information at all, then please make contact using the above methods.’

Investigations are ongoing.

RoSPA alarmed by rise in cyclist and child road deaths

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) is deeply concerned that latest Department for Transport (DfT) figures show an increase in the number of fatal collisions involving cyclists and children, despite an overall reduction in the number of road deaths following a year of lockdowns.

The DfT published the Reported Road Casualties Great Britain 2020 which shows that last year 1,460 people were killed on our roads, which is a fall of 17 per cent compared with the figure in 2019.

In 2020, there were a total of 115,584 reported road casualties of all severities, which was a fall of 25 per cent from the previous year. For much of 2020, there was a COVID lockdown and the RAC estimated that miles travelled in Great Britain were 21 per cent down on the previous year.

Alarmingly, data from the DfT shows that in 2020, 141 cyclists were killed in road accidents. This was up 41 per cent from 100 deaths in the previous year. The number of children killed on Britain’s roads also increased, from 49 in 2019 to 52 in 2020.

David Walker, Head of Road and Leisure Safety at RoSPA said: “By any measure 2020 was an abnormal year. It is of no surprise that the overall number of road casualties fell. This is in no small part due to less traffic on the roads.

“With traffic levels returning to pre-pandemic levels and some understandable reluctance towards using public transport, we must today continue to focus on the harm to motorists and more significantly, from motorists.

“We welcome the fact that more people have been getting out on their bikes and recognise the reduction in the rate of deaths per mile travelled. However, this should not distract from the shocking fact that more cyclists and more children died on our roads than in the previous year.

“At RoSPA we believe that having more cyclists and pedestrians should not result in an increased number of serious and fatal accidents involving vulnerable road users.

“We must continue to act decisively if we want to maintain the position of British roads being among the safest in the world.”

With travel restrictions in place throughout 2020, there was a huge increase in the number of people electing to use active travel such as walking and cycling.

According to the DfT‘s Road Traffic Estimates in Great Britain 2020, pedal cycle traffic was up by 45.7 per cent from the previous year.

Crimestoppers Scotland receives record number of calls

Over the past year (1st April 2020-31st March 2021) independent charity Crimestoppers Scotland and their youth programme Fearless received a record 16,500 calls and contacts from the Scottish public.

This increase sees the most disseminations to Police Scotland and Law Enforcement ever – representing a 10% increase in crime information compared to 19/20 and a 65% increase over five years.

Responding to school and youth service closures, Fearless delivered 12 Scotland-wide campaigns focused on empowering young people with key information about high harm crimes.

Over 58,000 young people from all across Scotland visited the charity’s youth website and reported crime – 100% anonymously – more than ever before. 

Information from the public also achieved:

  • 549 Criminals arrested and charged (thanks to Police Scotland & Law Enforcement)
  • Three people were arrested and charged with murder/unlawful killings.
  • ‘Street’ Value of drugs recovered £1,479,599. Nearly ONE AND A HALF MILLION.
  • Six Wanted Persons and Fugitives were arrested and charged.
  • 27 disqualified and uninsured drivers were arrested and charged.
  • Five arrested for possession of a firearm and five firearms recovered.

Angela Parker, National Manager for Crimestoppers Scotland, said: ‘The past year has been unprecedented and very challenging, but people across Scotland came forward and trusted us with their information.

“From drug dealing to child harm and neglect, we heard from thousands of people concerned about crime in communities. We are so encouraged and grateful for the people who contacted our charity – thanks to the Scottish public, life is better for many and communities are safer.” 

 Assistant Chief Constable Gary Ritchie (Partnerships, Prevention and Community Wellbeing) said: “We want the public to know they can trust us when they come to us with information, we take their reports seriously and carry out thorough investigations into incidents or crimes that may be reported. 

“We also understand though that speaking to the police in person about certain situations can be daunting for some. In that respect, Crimestoppers is an essential partner for Police Scotland, enabling people to submit information anonymously and allowing that information to be shared with us quickly.

“We’re also grateful to Fearless for its ongoing survey giving young people a chance to speak about what they think about crime and how safe they feel in their communities. Their input will help shape our approach and interactions with young people for the future.’’

Ash Denham MSP, Minister for Community Safety said: “The Scottish Government is committed to tackling crime in Scotland by working across the country with partners, such as Crimestoppers, to help communities remain safe and resilient where people can live their lives safe from crime and harm.

“By picking up the phone and contacting Crimestoppers you can help to prevent, detect and solve crime. The number of reports to Crimestoppers has reached a record high in the past 12 months.

“This has been of particular importance and value during these challenging times and I would like to thank them sincerely for the part they play in helping keep people in Scotland safe.”

Three sought following attempted robbery in Claremont Court

Detectives in Edinburgh are appealing for information following the attempted robbery of a man and woman in the Claremont area. The incident took place around 10.50pm on Tuesday (28th September) in a property at Claremont Court.

The victims, a couple in their 60s, were approached and threatened by three males, who arrived and left Claremont Court on a motorcycle.

The suspects are described as follows:

Suspect 1
Male, Asian appearance, with Scottish accent, around 6ft tall, of medium build and clean shaven. He was wearing dark clothing and possibly wearing a hat.

Suspect 2
Male, described as either Asian or African appearance, with a Scottish accent, around 5’10, of medium build and possibly clean shaven. He was wearing dark clothing and possibly a hat.

Suspect 3
Male around 6ft tall, of medium build. He was wearing a dark coloured motor cycle helmet, dark coloured clothing and dark coloured gloves.

Detective Sergeant Oliver Healy, from Edinburgh CID, said: “It is thankful that the victims were not injured as a result of this incident, however they were left badly shaken.

“We are appealing for anyone who was in the Claremont Court, Claremont Street, Broughton Road or Logie Green Road areas on the evening of 28th September, and believes they may have seen the suspects in question to please come forward. We are also keen to speak with any motorists with potential dash cam footage from the area at that time.

“Anyone with information should call police on 101, quoting incident 3657 of 28 September 2021. Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, if you wish to remain anonymous.”