Man convicted for serious sexual offences in North Edinburgh

A man responsible for a series of serious sexual offences against women and children in Edinburgh has been convicted.

Yesterday at Edinburgh High Court (5th May 2022), John O’Flaherty was found guilty of serious sexual offences, including rape committed against 4 females between the 1980s and 1990s.

The 65-year-old became the subject of a public protection investigation after the victims, who are now all adults, came forward to report the abuse they were subjected to.

The sexual abuse survivors were aged between 7 and 32, with the majority of attacks taking place within the North of the city.  However, other addresses and locations within the South West were also identified during the inquiry.

Detectives from Edinburgh’s Public Protection Unit spent more than two years gathering evidence against O’Flaherty before he was initially arrested in June 2020, with further charges added over the following months.

He will now be sentenced at a later date.

Detective Inspector Jonny Wright said: “For more than two decades John O’Flaherty targeted young woman who lived within, or frequented, the North of Edinburgh and subjected them to horrific levels of sexual abuse.

“The impact of his offending had a significant and long-lasting effect on communities within the North and had it not been for the outstanding courage of these women in coming forward, then O’Flaherty would not have been brought to justice.

“I want to thank each survivor of O’Flaherty’s abuse for their strength during our investigation and I also wish to acknowledge the outstanding work of the detectives and criminal justice partners who worked so diligently to ensure this case reached a successful conclusion.

“Today’s conviction should serve as a reassuring reminder to the public that time is no barrier to our investigation and whenever reports of sexual assault are made, we will utilise all resources at our disposal to investigate thoroughly and provide those affected with all the relevant support they require.”

Police appeal following attempted murder in Balfour Place

Detectives are appealing for information following an attempted murder in Edinburgh.

At around 11pm on Tuesday (3 May, 2022) a 25-year-old man was with two friends in a blue Honda in Balfour Place. The man was sitting in the front passenger seat when two men approached the car from Pilrig Park and began speaking with him.

The two men then attacked the 25-year old, stabbing him, before running off.

The man was taken to hospital where medical staff describe his condition as stable. No-one else was injured in the incident.

The suspects are described as two males, 14-18 years old, skinny build, one with ginger hair, wearing a blue hooded top and one with dark hair.

Officers have been carrying out door-to-door enquiries and are checking relevant CCTV for any information it could provide which could assist the ongoing enquiries.

Detective Inspector Kevin Tait said: “A young man has been stabbed in what we believe to be a targeted attack. I am appealing to anyone who was in the Pilrig Park and Balfour Place area, around the time of the incident to get in touch with us.

“Did you notice the two men in the street, did you see the car? Any small piece of information could prove relevant to our enquiries. I would also ask motorists who were driving in the area around that time to check their footage as it could have captured images which could help us in locating the two men responsible for this attack.”

Anyone with information is asked to call Police Scotland via 101, quoting incident number 3627 of 3 May 2022. Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 and give your information anonymously.

“Juliuszek left us the most beautiful memories that will remain in our hearts forever.”

Lukasz Czapla, 41, has been sentenced to at least 23 years in prison following his conviction for the horrific murder of his two-year old son Julius in Muirhouse.

Czapla, who claimed he suffered from poor mental health, murdered his son in a drink and drug-fuelled jealous rage to get back at the child’s mum Patrycja Szczesniak.

The court heard that, on the night Julius died, Ms Szczesniak had told Czapla he was seeing somebody new. 

Passing sentence at the High Court in Edinburgh yeserday, judge Lord Beckett said that Czapla’s use of drink and drugs were no excuse for what he did to Julius.

Lord Beckett said: “Your son will never grow up and his loving mother has lost him forever and will forever be haunted by the truly evil act that you did.

“Your son will never grow up and his loving mother has lost him forever and will forever be haunted by the truly evil act that you did. 

“You acted out of spite to punish his mother for leaving you and getting on with her life.

“Suffice to say you showed considerable determination to ensure that a defenceless child would die in considerable distress. 

“It is no excuse that you were full of drink and drugs. Indeed it is significantly aggravated given that you were being asked to look after a two-year-old.”

Emergency services were called to the family home at Muirhouse Place West in November 2020, where Julius was found seriously injured. He was pronounced dead at the scene a short time later.

The jury heard that Czapla shot Julius three times in the head with a gas-powered air pistol. Three ball bearings were later recovered from the child’s head. Czapla then stabbed the toddler with a metal skewer before smothering him with a pillow.

Detective Inspector Bob Williamson, of Police Scotland’s Major Investigation Team, said: “Julius was a bright, happy young boy and his loss in such horrendous circumstances has been devastating for his mother and his family.

“Lukasz Czapla is now facing the consequences of his actions. The outcome of this case will never bring Julius back but it does bring this aspect to a close. Julius’s family have understandably asked for privacy during this difficult time.

“I would like to thank the local community and our dedicated team of officers, along with our partner agencies, who assisted throughout the duration of the investigation.”

Patrycja Szczesniak, Julius’ Mother, has also released the following statement through Police Scotland and asks her request for privacy to please be respected:

“I only wanted the best for you. If only I could only turn back time to have you in my arms again my child.

“Despite the breakup with Juliusz’s dad, I wanted him to have contact with our son. I never stopped him seeing Juliusz. Julek loved him like every child loves their dad. He trusted him, he trusted him completely.

“Juliusz was murdered only for revenge. His dad wanted me to suffer, he succeeded and achieved his goal, at the cost of my beloved little boy’s life.

“If only I knew what was going to happen. I would have never thought he could do this to my child.

“He was only two and a half.

“Every day I think about Juliusz. I can’t imagine what his little, helpless heart felt that night and I feel his fear and pain every day. He was part of me, part of my heart and soul.

“I wish I could hug him, play with him and watch him grow.

“Every day I ask myself why there is so much evil in this world, why the innocent have to suffer.

“He not only took Juliusz life but my life too.

“That day, the world stopped, not only for me but also for my mother and my sister.

“Juliusz was a very happy child. He lit up the place wherever he showed up. He could put a smile on anyone’s face and always looked forward to calls with his Grandma and Auntie. They managed to build a strong relationship despite the distance in miles between us and enjoyed every minute they had together.

“It is breaking our hearts that we are no longer able to take his hand and lead him through life. To watch him enjoy riding his bike and eating his favourite ice cream. Listen to his giggling and laughing and being amazed by the things he learned every day.

“There was so much we wanted to show him but this chance was brutally taken from us and now the only thing we can do is to prey for the highest possible punishment. We want to believe in the justice system and that justice will be served, although I know there is no sentence that will bring my angel back to life.

“Czapla should not have the right to any defence and we will fight to ensure that monster never leaves prison.

“My suffering and my pain will stay with me for the rest of my life. But the unconditional love I have for my baby; my dearest child Juliusz will never end.

“My family, friends and l will miss him dearly and we will suffer his loss until the end of our days.

“Juliuszek left us the most beautiful memories that will remain in our hearts forever.”

Madeleine McCann: Charge imminent?

Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner WILL BE CHARGED WITHIN WEEKS an investigator claimed yesterday.

Jon Clarke said he had been informed of the bombshell development by a source in the office of the team of German investigators probing the jailed sex offender. (TUES).

Clarke, a journalist who has led the way in investigating her disappearance, also believes the DNA of the missing girl may still be found in one of the vehicles Brueckner was driving on the night of her disappearance 15 years ago.

He told GB News: “I can tell you that there’s lots of circumstantial evidence, but today I was made party to some evidence to suggest that there may be traces of Maddie’s DNA in one of the cars that Christian was driving on the night that she went missing.

“He was living very close to the resort, regularly burgled homes and the results clearly has a long track record of child sex abuse.

“He’s currently in prison serving seven years for rape and will be will be charged later this month.

“I’m told by my sources from the German prosecutor’s office he will be charged with three if not four cases in the next couple of weeks with the Madeleine charge likely later in the year.”

He was speaking to Alex Philips on the 15th anniversary of her disappearance during We Need To Talk About on GB News.

Mr Clark also talked about how he was one of the first on the scene after she was reported missing from an apartment complex in Praia da Luz in Portugal.

He added: “I was actually able, believe it or not, to go up to the back of the apartment, to walk under flimsy pieces of police tape and step up the steps right up to the front of the apartment.

“As you probably know now, I think 26, 27, 28 people actually traipsed right away through that apartment in the early hours of the morning making the crime scene completely null and void really for future investigators.

“The golden hour was a complete disaster from start to finish. I did my best in those early hours and … just went around and asked lots and lots of questions and I’ve continued to do that to this day.”

New ‘fraud squad’ will crack down on criminals who steal taxpayer money

  • The Chancellor has announced that a new fraud squad, recruited from data analytics experts and leading economic crime investigators, will crack down on criminal gangs who rip off the taxpayer.
  • Operational in July and based in the Cabinet Office, the new £25 million “Public Sector Fraud Authority” will double funding for the Government’s central counter fraud capacity.
  • More details of the new fraud squad confirmed at the first meeting of the Chancellor chaired Efficiencies and Value for Money Committee.

A NEW £25 million central government taskforce that will enlist an elite team of experts to crack-down on fraudsters who attempt to steal taxpayers’ cash will be operational by the summer, the Chancellor has announced.

Rishi Sunak unveiled the new Public Sector Fraud Authority, which will be up and running by July, doubling the Government’s central counter fraud capacity.

The new body will recruit leading data analytics experts and economic crime investigators to recover money stolen from Covid support schemes and spot suspicious companies and people seeking Government contracts. Counter fraud experts will also mount mandatory inspections on Whitehall programmes to uncover vulnerabilities.

Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak said: “We will chase down fraudsters who rip off the taxpayer. This elite fraud squad, backed by £25 million, will ensure the latest counter fraud techniques are being used to track down these criminals.

“People are rightly furious that fraudsters took advantage of our vital Covid support schemes, and we are acting to make sure they pay the price.”

Minister for Brexit Opportunities and Government Efficiency, Jacob Rees-Mogg said: “Hardworking taxpayers must and will be protected. Anyone who tries to defraud the public purse will know that we as a government are coming for them and we are going to put them behind bars.”

Recruitment for the Chief Executive of the Public Sector Fraud Authority will start in the coming weeks, with candidates picked from leading counter fraud experts. The new CEO will answer directly to the Chancellor and the Minister for Brexit Opportunities and Government Efficiency.

Mr Sunak unveil details of the new counter fraud squad when he chaired the first meeting of the government’s new Efficiencies and Value for Money Committee on Thursday, set up at the request of the Prime Minister.

At the committee the Chancellor also launched the Government’s Plan for Protecting the Taxpayer to cut waste by slashing the Government’s property bill, doubling the NHS efficiencies target, reducing non-front line civil service head count, as well as “quango” budgets and cracking down on fraud and error.

The committee is chaired by the Chancellor and deputy co-chaired by Simon Clarke, Chief Secretary to the Treasury and Jacob Rees-Mogg, Minister for Brexit Opportunities and Government Efficiency.

The full membership of the committee, confirmed today, is Steve Barclay, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Oliver Dowden, Minister without Portfolio and Michael Ellis, Paymaster General and Minister for the Cabinet Office.

New Year’s Day assault and robbery in Clermiston: Police issue CCTV appeal

Police have released a CCTV image of a man they believe may be able to assist an ongoing investigation into an assault and robbery in Clermiston.

The incident happened around 6.40pm on Saturday, 1 January, 2022, on Essendean Place. A 43-year-old man was assaulted and robbed, sustaining facial injuries.

Officers believe the man (pictured below) may be able to help with the investigation.

He is described as white, aged in his 20s, around 5ft 10in, medium build, wearing a hooded zip up top and Adidas jogging bottoms with short, dark hair and moustache.

Detective Constable Richard Paton, of Corstorphine CID, said: “We have released a CCTV image of a man we would like to speak to in connection with this incident.

“Despite extensive enquiries, we have not been successful in identifying the man in the image.

“I would urge the male or anyone who recognises him to come forward as soon as possible.

“Anyone with information is asked to contact Corstorphine CID via 101, quoting incident number 3992 of 1 January, 2022, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

Did planning dispute lead to Alistair Wilson murder?


Detectives investigating the murder of Alistair Wilson at his home in Nairn in 2004 are appealing for information about a local planning application they believe may be significant to the enquiry.

Mr Wilson had objected to a large decking area outside the Havelock Hotel, opposite his home in Crescent Road, shortly before he was shot dead on his doorstep.

Detectives recently travelled to Canada to interview a key witness regarding this planning application and are appealing for the public’s help to gather more information.

Officers from Police Scotland’s Major Investigation Team, which is carrying out the investigation, can also confirm they now believe the answer to Alistair’s murder lies within his personal life and is not connected to his employment with the Bank of Scotland.

Detective Superintendent Graeme Mackie said: “Shortly before his murder, Alistair had objected to the building of a large decking area within the car park of the Havelock Hotel, directly opposite the family home which he said was responsible for increased noise and litter in the area.

“The decking was built in the summer of 2004 and subject to a retrospective planning application at the time of the murder.

“While we cannot rule out any scenario, we believe this could be significant to our enquiries and I am asking anyone with information about this issue to please come forward and speak with officers.

“Alistair did not disclose his disapproval regarding the decking to many people, however we understand that his formal objection was sent by the Local Authority to the Havelock Hotel on the Thursday before his murder and knowledge of his objections became public before his murder on the Sunday, which may be significant.

“I would also appeal to anyone who was involved in the building of the decking area at the Havelock Hotel in 2004 to come forward.

“Through significant enquiries being carried out we believe the answer to Alistair’s murder lies within his personal life and not in his role with the bank.

“Someone locally will have that piece of information that could be crucial to catching his killer and providing answers for his family.”

Anyone who believes they can assist police is asked to contact 101 quoting incident 515 of 4 March 2022 and Operation Sorn or you can e-mail a dedicated inbox at

Last month Police Scotland issued an appeal for information about two men seen with a handgun on a beach near the town a month before the fatal shooting.

Following recent appeals for information, a witness has reported seeing two men, one aged in their 20s and the other between 40 and 60 years old on East Beach, Nairn.

The witness has said the younger man was in possession of a handgun.

Detective Superintendent Mackie said: “We have been very clear that time is no barrier to justice and I hope these recent appeals will further reassure the public that we are determined to bring Alistair’s killer to justice.

“I would like to thank the local community for the positive response to our recent appeals for information.”

Following a recent review of witness accounts, further analysis of timings from the night in question and investigative developments, officers altered the description of the man they want to trace in connection with Alistair’s murder.

Detectives believe the man who shot Alistair on his doorstep to have been aged between 20 and 40-years-old at the time. This would mean he is now aged in his mid-30s to almost 60 years old.

He was approximately 5ft 7in tall and was wearing a baseball cap and jacket.

Previous appeals described the gunman as being between 30 and 40-years-old.

Mr Wilson was shot around 7pm on Sunday, 28 November 2004 after a man called at the family’s home on Crescent Road, Nairn, spoke to his wife Veronica who answered the door and asked for her husband by name.

Mr Wilson went downstairs to speak to the man and was handed a blue envelope with the word “Paul” on it. He went inside briefly and then returned to the door for a second time when he was fatally shot.

Anyone who believes they can assist police is asked to contact 101 quoting incident 515 of 4 March 2022 and Operation Sorn or you can e-mail a dedicated inbox at

Muirhouse youth project ‘devastated’ by arson attack on minibus

MUIRHOUSE Youth Development Group’s minibus was the victim of arson on Saturday afternoon.

All at MYDG are devastated as this will have a massive impact on the project’s programme and what they are able to offer local young people.

If you have any information please contact @PoliceScotland on 101

West Pilton incident: boy charged

Following the theft of a motorcycle from the North West of Edinburgh, which was reported on Monday (18 April), police were made aware of a linked incident in the West Pilton area later that day involving a group of youths.

This resulted in a 13-year-old boy being identified and charged in connection with attempted robbery and possession of a blade.

Enquiries are ongoing into the theft of the motorbike.