Jewellery theft at Western General

Lothian and Borders Police are appealing for witnesses following the theft of two rings worth £10,000 at the Western General Hospital last week.

The incident happened around 3.15pm last Tuesday (23 October). A 33-year-old woman was in one of the bathrooms and took off her wedding ring and eternity ring off to wash her hands. After leaving the bathroom, she realised she’d left her rings inside and when she returned to retrieve them, she found they were gone. Neither item was handed in to security, so the woman has contacted police to report them stolen.

The wedding ring is a platinum band with a single one carat diamond while the eternity ring is platinum with around 24 diamonds around the circumference. The rings (pictured below) have a combined value of around£10,000.

A police spokesman said: “The woman has been left devastated at the loss of her rings and is desperate to have them returned to her as soon as possible. Anyone who comes into possession of the rings is asked to hand them in to their local police station. We would also ask that anyone who can assist with our enquiries into this theft contacts police immediately.”

Anyone with information can contact Lothian and Borders Police on 0131 311 3131, or the charity Crimestoppers in confidence and complete anonymity on 0800 555 111.

Police release description of Stockbridge suspect

Lothian and Borders Police have issued a description of the suspect they wish to trace following a sexually motivated assault in Stockbridge. A 23-year-old woman was walking home along St Vincent Street at around 2.40am on Sunday morning when she was grabbed from behind and forced to the ground.

During the struggle with her attacker, the victim screamed loudly before the male made off towards Stockbridge. The woman was then assisted by two members of the public and returned home where she contacted police.

Officers can now confirm the description of the man believed to be responsible for this incident and anyone who can assist in identifying him is asked to come forward. He is described as white, between 25 and 30-years-old, 5ft 8ins to 5ft 10ins tall with a skinny build. He was wearing a navy-coloured hooded top with the hood up and jeans.

Chief Inspector Gavin Phillip said: “Following further enquiries with the victim, we have been able to establish a description of her attacker and are now keen to hear from anyone who believes they saw this man in the area. The young woman’s screams would have been easily heard by local residents or other members of their public making their way home at the time and there is a strong possibility that someone may have witnessed the male running off or loitering nearby prior to the assault.
Anyone who recognises the description of the suspect, or who has any other information that can assist police with their investigation is asked to contact police immediately.”

Those with information can contact Lothian and Borders Police on 0131 311 3131, or the charity Crimestoppers in confidence and complete anonymity on 0800 555 111.

Five charged following East Pilton drugs raid

Police in Edinburgh have seized close to £100,000 worth of drugs following enquiries carried out in relation to drug-related criminality in the Capital.

A total of five men have been arrested and charged in connection with alleged drugs offences following an enquiry that culminated in a raid on a property in East Pilton Farm Avenue yesterday (Wednesday 10 October ), where a large quantity of herbal cannabis was seized. The total estimated value of herbal cannabis seized as part of this enquiry is £37,500, and three men, aged 49, 32, and 43, are due to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court today in connection with yesterday’s seizure.

In a separate enquiry, officers seized amphetamine and cannabis worth an estimated £56,250 following a raid on an address in Lorne Street yesterday. A total of £4,445 in cash was also seized. A 32-year-old man and 30-year-old woman were arrested and charged in connection with alleged drugs offences, and are due to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court tomorrow (Friday 12 October).

Detective Inspector John Kavanagh said: “These seizures come as part of our ongoing commitment towards tackling drug-related crime in the Capital. We rely on the public to provide us with information on drug dealers or any other serious and organised criminality taking place in local communities, and I would urge anyone with information to contact Lothian and Borders Police on 0131 311 3131, or Crimestoppers in confidence and complete anonymity on 0800 555 111.”

Dead sheep dumped on Pennywell Road

Police are investigating after a dead sheep was dumped on Pennywell Road. The animal was discovered at around 8.00pm last night and Police acted quickly to remove the dead animal. Police have confirmed the animal was dead prior to be dumped on the Zebra crossing outside the shopping centre.

Last night a male was assisting Police with their enquiries but a Police spokesperson said “An inquiry was ongoing to establish the cause of death and where the animal had come from. So far no one has been arrested or charged in connection with this incident “

Help catch these Millennium Centre thieves

Two thieves stealing cash and food from Muirhouse Millennium Centre have been captured on CCTV, and the footage has been posted on YouTube in the hope that the heartless robbers can be caught.

The incident happened last Wednesday afternoon, when the Centre – which is already suffering financially after a series of funding cuts – was visited by the two men. One of the men distracted a wheelchair-bound volunteer at the front desk, while the other sneaked into the kitchen and stole £155 from the locked till and a single packet of bacon from the freezer – despite there being another nine packs inside!

Millennium Centre staff at the centre have now posted CCTV footage capturing the theft on YouTube in a bid to shame the pair. The video appears with the message: “This is not a rich centre. The money that was taken goes towards running the clubs and paying the bills so the thieving scumbags should be ashamed of themselves – stealing from children and old folk. If you know him let the police know!”

Centre manager Peter Airlie said: “The older man started to talk to the volunteer at the front desk. He said one of them was just out of jail and they had thought the community centre was the housing association, as he was trying to find ­somewhere. The other one went through to the cafe area and took money from the till and bacon from the freezer. We really just want to see them named and shamed – they’re the lowest of the low.”

The men were then seen getting on a bus at Pennywell Road in the direction of Ferry Road.

One of the suspects is described as a white male in his mid-twenties, 6ft 2, of heavy build with short brown hair, clean-shaven and wearing black, thick rimmed glasses. He was wearing a light blue and white Adidas jacket with blue stripes down the arm and dark jogging bottoms.

The other man is aged between 40 and 50, around 5ft 4, with a local accent, of slim build, had a shaved head with a receding hairline and a “prominent chin, forehead and a weathered face”.

To see the footage visit: or go to YouTube and type in Millennium Centre robbery.


Man found in Pilton street with stab wounds

An investigation is underway after a man in his 20’s was found lying in West Pilton Bank earlier today with stab wounds. The man was found by two members of the public who called the emergency services and the man was taken to the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary for treatment.

His injuries are not throughout to be life threatening.

Lothian and Borders Police are investigating the incident and the road was closed while forensic officers searched the area.

Police attended the scene were the male was discovered. (Picture: Robert Pearson)

A spokesman for the force said: “Police responded to West Pilton Bank around 11.25am today after a man in his 20s was found with a number of significant cuts to his neck and arms.

“The man was taken to hospital for treatment, however his injuries are not believed to be life threatening.

“Enquiries are ongoing to determine the full circumstances surrounding this incident and anyone who can assist police with their investigation is asked to call immediately.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact police on0131 311 3131.

Jay Soso jailed for raping and killing Drylaw pensioner

A man who raped and killed a local  pensioner who treated him like a grandson has been jailed for 12 years and eight months.

Jay Soso, 20, from the Tollcross area of the city, attacked 63-year-old Marie Reid in her sheltered home in Easter Drylaw Way in November 2010.

Mrs Reid lay dead for up to four days before her body was discovered.

Jay Soso raped and killed Mary Reid

Soso was initially charged with murder, but admitted a reduced charge of culpable homicide.

At the High Court in Edinburgh today, judge Lady Dorrian said Soso had been aware that his victim, who lived alone and suffered from poor health, was vulnerable.

She told the guilty man: “You knew her and there was an element of trust in the relationship you had with her.

“The rape was clearly forcible and violent, causing injuries to her and leading to her death.”

Teenager stabbed in Trinity

A teenager was stabbed as thieves robbed two friends in Trinity last night.

The 16-year-old victims were walking under East Trinity Road, near Bangholm Recreation Grounds at around 9pm when they approached by two men. One of the thieves, described as 18 to 19 years old with a local accent, was carrying a knife and demanded the girl and boy hand over their belongings.

One of the vivtims was stabbed as the thieves made off with a phone and a handbag containing an iPod, purse and other personal belongings.

Lothian and Borders Police are appealing for witnesses to come forward.

Both of the suspects are described as white males, aged between 18 and 19 years old and had Edinburgh accents. One is thought to be about 5’9″ tall and of a slim build with short dark hair. He was wearing a dark or black-coloured hooded top. The other suspect thouoght to be 5’8″ tall, with short blond or fair hair. He was wearing a light-coloured hooded top.

Anyone with information about the incident is asked to contact Lothian and Borders Police on 0131 311 3131 or call Crimestoppers in confidence on 0800 555 111.

Criminal profits from communities – no more!

Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill joined the Proclaimers and young musicians who are developing their career skills thanks to cash seized from crime.

North Edinburgh Arts Centre is one of eighteen studios from across Scotland to have received investment to allow 12 to 25 year-old musicians to record their first demo tracks and allow them access to professional standard recording and rehearsal facilities.

It’s part of Creative Scotland’s Cashback for Creativity project which uses crooks’ cash to benefit young people of Scotland through a series of cultural diversionary activities. Over three years £2.25 million is being invested into dance, film and music programmes.

During 2012 in the Year of Creative Scotland, the CashBack for Creativity programme will create opportunities for over 8,000 budding young film-makers, dancers and musicians to develop their skills.

The CashBack for Communities Programme takes funds recovered from the proceeds of crime and invests them in back into communities, putting young people on a positive path in life by providing opportunities for them to take part in thousands of free activities and projects – over £46 million has been reinvested to benefit over 600,000 young people since CashBack began.

Mr MacAskill (pictured above) said: “CashBack gives young people the chance to get creative and broaden their horizons. I was delighted to meet Jack Hincks and his Band from Biggar who have been given the chance to record professional music at CP Productions in Edinburgh and develop their personal, social and career skills. And who better than the Proclaimers – one of the most successful and popular Scottish bands of all time – to be on hand to share their skills and some of the secrets of their success.

“Jack Hincks and his Band are some of scores of young musicians from across Scotland who will benefit from professional standard recording facilities – and some might follow the likes of the Proclaimers in making a successful career in the music industry.

“Providing opportunities for young people to get involved in the arts, theatre and cultural activities can help improve confidence and give them a sense of achievement whilst also demonstrating that there is more to life than petty crime. Investment in our young people and their communities will always be money well spent.”

David McDonald, Youth Arts Manager at Creative Scotland, said: ‘The CashBack for Creativity programme has allowed recording studios across the country to open their doors to over 161 young bands and acts. The experience of recording in a professional recording studio with experienced producers at such an early stage in their development will hopefully inspire them to achieve their potential in their future careers, perhaps even the music industry.

“The CashBack programme has also given thousands of young film makers and dancers the opportunity to shine and express themselves creatively. Taking part in creative activities can make a real difference to the lives of our children and young people, it can help build confidence, enable them to make friends and teach them how to work as part of a group.”

The Proclaimers’ Charlie and Craig Reid (below) added: “We are delighted to continue to support the Scottish Government’s imaginative policy on community based funding for worthwhile projects, using the confiscated funds from criminal activity.”