Port of Leith Housing Association: Shaping the Next Five Years – community consultation

Do you live in Leith? Join Port of Leith Housing Association’s community consultation ‘Shaping the next 5 years’ for a chance to see our 2020 – 2025 draft plan in progress . 

You can  take part online at www.polha.co.uk/the-future or visit one of the pop-up consultations (see below). Continue reading Port of Leith Housing Association: Shaping the Next Five Years – community consultation

Public invited to take part in consultation about designs for West Princes Street Gardens’ future

  • Public consultation puts new designs of West Princes Street Garden improvements to Edinburgh public
  • Drop-in information events being held across Edinburgh throughout November, and online at www.thequaichproject.org/consultation
  • New visuals showing welcome centre, pavilion & amphitheatre, family area and path network to be unveiled as part of the consultation

Continue reading Public invited to take part in consultation about designs for West Princes Street Gardens’ future

MSPs seek views on animal welfare and wildlife protection laws

Are maximum penalties for the most serious animal welfare and wildlife offences severe enough? Would increased penalties be a deterrent? Should the protection of service animals be increased? What about compensation for owners? Continue reading MSPs seek views on animal welfare and wildlife protection laws

Share your views and experiences of gender inequality in sport

The First Minister’s National Advisory Council on Women and Girls (NACWG) is calling on residents from Edinburgh to share their views and experiences of gender inequality in sport.

The Advisory Council use these insights to help develop recommendations for its annual report to the First Minister to drive forward gender equality in Scotland. Continue reading Share your views and experiences of gender inequality in sport

Five year terms for MSPs and councillors? Have your say

Should politicians get an extra year in office – or is four years already too long? Proposals to change the way national and local elections are run in Scotland are to be examined by the Scottish Parliament’s Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee. Continue reading Five year terms for MSPs and councillors? Have your say