Violence Reduction Unit set for RIE

emergency department is being extended to Edinburgh


A successful violence reduction project based at a Glasgow hospital emergency department is being extended to Edinburgh. The Scottish Government is providing £70,000 to extend the Navigator project, run by the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit, to Edinburgh’s Royal Infirmary.

The Navigator programme at Glasgow Royal Infirmary helps patients who have been the victims or perpetrators of violence to make the changes they need to improve their lives.

Continue reading Violence Reduction Unit set for RIE

Terrorist attack is biggest fear, public tell Police


The threat of terrorism is the main issue of concern to people across Scotland, according to the first results from Police Scotland’s new online survey, ‘Your View Counts’. Edinburgh citizens highlighted housebreaking and antisocial behaviour as their main concerns. Continue reading Terrorist attack is biggest fear, public tell Police

Two face court following ‘significant’ drugs haul

police hat

A ‘significant amount’ of Class A and B drugs have been recovered in Leith following an intelligence led operation.

Officers from the Edinburgh division proactive unit executed separate warrants on Thursday at addresses in Great Junction Street and Pilrig Heights. A subsequent search resulted in the seizure of a substantial amount of cocaine, heroin and cannabis worth an estimated street value of £66,500. Continue reading Two face court following ‘significant’ drugs haul

Total Craigroyston – the final report


The Total Craigroyston initiative came to a close at the end of March, as the localities model of the City of Edinburgh Council begins to be implemented. A ‘checking-out’ session was held on 23 March at Pilton Children’s and Youth Project to share with local people and workers the progress that had been made and to identify key messages for the locality management team (writes Tim Packer). Continue reading Total Craigroyston – the final report

Union concerns for tenants’ safety as service faces cuts


UNISON’s Edinburgh branch is warning that cuts to the council’s Private Rented Service Team could threaten safer housing for private tenants and lose the council hundreds of thousands in income. Continue reading Union concerns for tenants’ safety as service faces cuts