Everyone in Scotland should be keeping their ‘Eyes Open’ for children at risk during the school holidays. That’s the message from Child Protection Committees (CPCScotland) across the country as term time ends and children and young people spend more time unsupervised over the summer months. Continue reading School holidays: keep your eyes open, warns child protection group
Tag: community safety
Travelling with confidence: initiative to support older people
Whilst a bus journey is one of the safest ways to travel on our roads, a bump on the bus that might be brushed off by most of us could lead to a loss of confidence and independence or a serious injury for an older person. Now police, bus companies and other partners have teamed up to make bus travel even safer for some of the most vulnerable members of our communities. Continue reading Travelling with confidence: initiative to support older people
Fans warned to behave ahead of Hibs Rangers clash
“I know the vast majority of supporters behave responsibly but I’m asking everyone to think carefully about how they behave on Sunday”.
Police in Edinburgh are advising fans attending tomorrow’s Hibernian v Rangers match at Easter Road to enjoy the final fixture of the football season for both clubs but behave responsibly. Continue reading Fans warned to behave ahead of Hibs Rangers clash
Staying safe online: Saturday workshop at Annandale Mosque
Government moves to tackle gender-based violence on campus
New practical guidance for universities to tackle gender-based violence on campus has been published. Guidance and training for staff, better data collection and well-publicised support information for students are some of the recommendations set out in the toolkit, which has been produced by the University of Strathclyde and funded by the Scottish Government.
The toolkit, which will be adapted for colleges, takes forward the principles set out in the #emilytest campaign set up by Fiona Drouet, in memory of her daughter Emily (above).
An additional £396,000 of Scottish Government funding will support the roll-out and implementation of the toolkit.
Further and Higher Education Minister Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “Universities and colleges have a duty to foster a culture on campus that is clear in its condemnation of gender-based violence and gives staff and students the confidence to report unacceptable behaviour.
“That is why I have made the adoption of the policies and procedures outlined in this toolkit a key feature of my Letter of Guidance to the sector this year. I know universities and colleges are up for the challenge and I am keen to see this commitment translate into real, demonstrable action and change for women living, working and researching on campus.”
Fiona Drouet said: “The launch of the toolkit, along with the Ministerial letter of guidance to the Scottish Funding Council, is a significant turning point with regards to gender-based violence on campus. It is a very important day for all Scottish students.
“This is Emily’s legacy and I hope both staff and students will feel empowered by this resource. Institutions now have the help they need to pass the #emilytest and I believe that had this been in place while our daughter was at university it could have saved her life.
“We couldn’t help Emily but the #emilytest can save others – a legacy Emily would be proud of.”
Dr Veena O’Halloran, the University of Strathclyde’s Secretary and Compliance Officer, said: “Universities are well-placed to take a leading role in tackling gender-based violence wherever it may occur, through research, teaching and knowledge exchange. As a socially-progressive University, Strathclyde aims to be at the forefront of this work.
“We are delighted that the Equally Safe in Higher Education toolkit is being made available to universities across the country. We are determined that Scotland has an environment where every student has equal access to help and support, and where university communities – staff, students and alumni – tackle gender-based violence head-on.”
The Equally Safe in Higher Education Toolkit recommends that each university:
- develops a strategy and implementation plan to tackle gender-based violence.
- establishes a Strategic Group to oversee the implementation of the strategy and appoint a named champion or coordinator to report on progress.
- introduces guidance and training for staff in responding to disclosures of gender-based violence and supporting victims/survivors.
- develops a secure data collection system to record incidences of gender-based violence and undertakes research to ensure the extent and nature of the issue on campus is fully understood.
- ensures well-publicised points of contact for students reporting gender-based violence
- introduces policies for staff and students, including a clearly established code of conduct, disciplinary procedures and sanctions for perpetrators of gender-based violence
The University of Strathclyde received over £600,000 of funding over two years from the Violence Against Women and Girls Justice Budget to pilot a 2 year project to develop an Equally Safe in Higher Education Toolkit for preventing gender-based violence within higher education institutions (£292,729 in 2016-17, and £311,231 in 2017-18).
The Toolkit was developed at University of Strathclyde in close collaboration with a range of external partners and stakeholders including, Police Scotland, NUS Scotland, Glasgow and Clyde Rape Crisis Centre, ASSIST Glasgow, Zero Tolerance Scotland, Glasgow Violence Against Women Partnership, Scottish Women’s Rights Centre and cottish Women’s Aid.
The Emily Test Petition was set up after Mrs Drouet’s daughter, Emily, a student at the University of Aberdeen, took her own life in March 2016. The campaign calls for increased Scottish Government funding for colleges and universities to support students affected by gender based violence (GBV).
Be Water Aware: Scottish Fire and Rescue Service supports safety campaign
Assistant Chief Officer David McGown warns of the dangers water can present
Many people who accidently drown never intended to enter the water, statistics show. Over 300 people in the UK tragically die every year after tripping, falling or simply underestimating the risks of being near water. Now, the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service has joined forces with UK colleagues to raise awareness of the dangers. Continue reading Be Water Aware: Scottish Fire and Rescue Service supports safety campaign
Paths for Everyone information events in Trinity
Tuesday 24 April and Thursday 26 April
Five Ways Junction, Trinity
4.0 – 7.0 pm Continue reading Paths for Everyone information events in Trinity
Advice to supporters ahead of Easter Road clash
Police in Edinburgh are urging fans of both Hibernian and Celtic to behave responsibly and keep themselves safe during today’s match. The clubs kick-off their SPFL Premiership match at 12.30pm at Easter Road Stadium, with a sell-out crowd expected. Continue reading Advice to supporters ahead of Easter Road clash
Stay secure as the clocks go forward
With the clocks due to go forward this weekend, police are urging people to keep home security in mind when they start to enjoy the lighter nights and warmer weather over the coming months. Most thieves are opportunist and will take the chance to enter a property left insecure or simply take high value items from gardens or outbuildings. Continue reading Stay secure as the clocks go forward
First Minister praises care and response services
The First Minister has praised the efforts and resilience of those involved in responding to the recent extreme weather conditions. The worst may be over, but Scotland is still expected to face difficult conditions at the start of the new working week. Continue reading First Minister praises care and response services