Protecting pedestrians: cracking down on careless cyclists

Consultation to look at whether a new offence equivalent to causing death by careless or dangerous driving should be introduced for dangerous cyclists.

Continue reading Protecting pedestrians: cracking down on careless cyclists

Justice Committee questions use of remand in Scotland

Holyrood’s Justice Committee has found that the proportion of remand prisoners in Scotland is high. This is particularly true amongst female prisoners, where remand prisoners account for almost a quarter of the total female prison population. Continue reading Justice Committee questions use of remand in Scotland

School holidays: keep your eyes open, warns child protection group

Everyone in Scotland should be keeping their ‘Eyes Open’ for children at risk during the school holidays. That’s the message from Child Protection Committees (CPCScotland) across the country as term time ends and children and young people spend more time unsupervised over the summer months. Continue reading School holidays: keep your eyes open, warns child protection group

Travelling with confidence: initiative to support older people

Whilst a bus journey is one of the safest ways to travel on our roads, a bump on the bus that might be brushed off by most of us could lead to a loss of confidence and independence or a serious injury for an older person. Now police, bus companies and other partners have teamed up to make bus travel even safer for some of the most vulnerable members of our communities. Continue reading Travelling with confidence: initiative to support older people

Fans warned to behave ahead of Hibs Rangers clash

“I know the vast majority of supporters behave responsibly but I’m asking everyone to think carefully about how they behave on Sunday”.

Police in Edinburgh are advising fans attending tomorrow’s Hibernian v Rangers match at Easter Road to enjoy the final fixture of the football season for both clubs but behave responsibly. Continue reading Fans warned to behave ahead of Hibs Rangers clash