Leith Links set for community council election – but local CCs fail to attract enough members


An election is to be held for membership of Leith Links Community Council due to the volume of nominations submitted, but it’s a different story for two local community councils: both Drylaw Telford and Muirhouse Salvesen CCs failed to attract sufficient nominations to reform.

The nomination process closed on 26 September and membership has now been confirmed for the city’s other community councils.

Continue reading Leith Links set for community council election – but local CCs fail to attract enough members

Council services: have your say at Question Time

Residents are being encouraged to attend a Question Time event being organised by the City of Edinburgh Council as part of wider engagement about changes to Council services. 


Taking place in the City Chambers on Thursday, 10 November (7.15–8.30pm), the event is part of a seven week engagement period, asking people to play their part by giving their views through various channels including an online survey and dialogue page where residents can speak to other people in their local area. 

The engagement period which started on Friday 30 September ends on Friday 18 November.

The event is being run in partnership with the Edinburgh Evening News for the third year running and will be chaired by Euan McGrory, Deputy Editor of the Evening News, Scotsman and Scotland on Sunday. Residents who are unable to attend can watch via the Council’s webcasting service.

Those attending will have the opportunity to submit questions in advance or ask questions on the night, which will be answered by a panel of six senior councillors. The panel will include Council Leader Cllr Andrew Burns; Deputy Leader Cllr Frank Ross; Finance and Resources Convener Cllr Alasdair Rankin; Culture and Sport Convener, Cllr Richard Lewis; Transport and Environment Convener, Cllr Lesley Hinds and Health and Social Care Convener, Cllr Ricky Henderson.

Cllr Alasdair Rankin, said: “We have an increasing population, inflationary pressures, decreased budgets and greater demand for our services so it is really important that we get residents’ views on how we can more efficiently deliver services.

“We’ve had an excellent response to our Question Time event over the last two years and I would encourage residents to attend and take the opportunity to have their questions answered about our services in person.

“Of course, for those that can’t make it, they can tune in live  and ask questions, via the Council’s website.”

Last year’s event was well attended with an additional 237 tuning in live via our webcast and was subsequently watched by 3,759 people via the archive.

Register for the event 

Further information on wider engagement:

Social media –  use the #playyourpart

Email – playyourpart@edinburgh.gov.uk

Survey and dialogue page

Phone – 0131 200 2305 (8.30am to 5pm Monday to Thursday, 8.30am to 3.40pm Friday)

Write – Freepost, RSJC-SLXC-YTJY, Budget, Council Leader, City Chambers, High Street Edinburgh EH1 1YJ

All together now? Capital sets it’s sights on collective city vision


Edinburgh residents, businesses, partners and stakeholders are being called upon to share their vision for the Capital’s future. The ‘2050 Edinburgh City Vision’ – which begins development today – will encompass the diverse needs of the city, ensuring it continues to thrive as a great place to live, work and visit over the next 30 years. Continue reading All together now? Capital sets it’s sights on collective city vision

Community groups welcome at Anti-Cuts event

Still time to register for Saturday’s conference

Edinburgh Labour Anti Cuts Conference

Saturday 1 October, 9.15 am – 4.00 pm, St Thomas of Aquin’s High School, 2- 20 Chalmers Street, Edinburgh

Hi, a reminder that if you haven’t already done so you can still register here for Saturday’s event:
Full details of the event can be found here:
We’d really welcome your attendance and involvement.

West Pilton West Granton: your community needs YOU!

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Please get your application to be a Community Councillor form in to our Returning Officer, Councillor Vicki Redpath immediately!!
A nomination form is attached (see below)
You have to get it signed by 2 other residents who propose and second your nomination.
Please send the completed form to Vicki. Her email address is below but your form has to be actually signed.
Either give it to her directly or leave your form at the West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre early on Monday where I will pick it up and deliver it to Vicki.
Vicki is on 0131 529 3262 or vicki.redpath@edinburgh.gov.uk
Vicki will leave some blank forms at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre at about 11 o’ clock this morning. Forms can be filled in and then left at Muirhouse Library for her to collect when she does her surgery on Monday at 6pm.
Please tell anyone else you know would be interested in becoming a Community Councillor. We only have till Monday night to get nominations in!
Please make this a priority, we need you!!
Barbara Robertson

End of summer and time for new faces at Trinity CC

Here’s your first update of the autumn together with details of how to join Trinity Community Council.  It’s really very simple.  Just get two other residents who haven’t already nominated someone to sign the attached form (below) , fill in your own details, sign the second side of it and return both to Cllr Allan Jackson at Edinburgh City Chambers by 4pm on Monday 26th September.





Muirhouse Shopping Centre to be demolished

Gunner to go for good as regeneration plans unveiled


The mutli-million pound regeneration of Muirhouse and Pennywell has taken another significant step forward with the launch of a consultation exercise on Muirhouse Shopping Centre and the surrounding environment. Continue reading Muirhouse Shopping Centre to be demolished

Your community needs YOU! – be part of something great!

Community Council nominations open on Monday

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Nominations for Edinburgh’s community councils open on Monday (5 September) and the city council is calling on people passionate about their area to play an active role and be part of something great! Continue reading Your community needs YOU! – be part of something great!

Constance: ‘Huge appetite for community involvement’


An overwhelming number of Scots – 96% – think that local people should be involved in making decisions about the design and delivery of their public services. The 2015 Scottish Social Attitudes (SSA) survey, published yesterday, also shows that 35% of people had either volunteered at, or help set up, a local community organisation, and well over half (61%) think improvements can be made. Continue reading Constance: ‘Huge appetite for community involvement’