Granton & District Community Council meets tomorrow

Please find attached agenda of our next meeting and draft minutes of November 2018 meeting.

 Next meeting will take place on:

Monday 28 January 2019 at 6.30pm – 8.30pm

Venue: Royston and Wardieburn Community Centre,

11 Pilton Drive North, Edinburgh EH5 1NF

Looking forward to see you on Monday.

Kind regards

Mizan Rahman

Secretary, Granton and District Community Council 

E-mail: | Tel: 07930 183352 |

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Funding Cuts: Greenspace Trust forced to end community gardens support

Edinburgh & Lothian Greenspace Trust is another high-profile casualty of the EIJB Health & Social Care grants process: 

We have an important announcement in regards to our community garden activities. As part of the recent Edinburgh Integrated Joint Board funding round we have unfortunately missed out on securing ongoing funding to continue the community garden programme. 

Over the last 8 years, the Community Garden Development officers have been involved in the set up and establishment of over 40 community gardens in Edinburgh and the Lothians. The input from the Officers has been instrumental for offering support, signposting volunteers, and helping build the confidence of the people running the gardens

After eight years we will be saying good bye to the role of Community Garden Development Officers here at ELGT. While this is a sad time for us, we want to reflect on the brilliant work by the people who have been involved in making Edinburgh a greener and happier place to be.

Some success stories that we have been particularly proud to be a part of are:

  • African and Caribbean Christian Fellowship at Carlton Hill -Developed a unique community space next to the Nelson Monument
  • Cairn Housing Association at Madelvic Square, Granton – Roof garden created for the residents enabling them to socialise outdoors
  • Ravencroft Teen+ in Gilmerton-Worked with cared for teenages to encourage them to be outdoors more.
  • Whinpark Medical Centre – Created a garden for people within the community
  • Drylaw Young Persons Centre – Encourage young people to learn about food and how to cook it.
  • North Edinburgh Dementia Care, Seagrove Centre-Ran fun sessions to help them enjoy being outside
  • Penumbra in Gilmore Place-Encouraged social interact with people recovering from poor mental health
  • The Action Group at Leith Links -Helping people with learning difficulties to live independently by developing their skills.
  • Pilton Equalities Project: Developed an outdoor space for them to socialise (below).

Over the years we have had lots of very positive feedback:

“I just want to say a big thank you for all your support with the project, it’s been really enjoyable (and educational)” – Ryan , Drylaw Young Persons Centre

“Very helpful with members, getting everyone involved and doing it in a fun manner!, Members has a great time planting, encouraged them to be social and reminisce about their Gardening Days. Great Activity!” – Seagrove Centre.

‘I found the gardening sessions very therapeutic’ – The Action Group.

We will still have the online community gardening map on our website, for people to find their nearest community garden, but the change will be that they need to contact the garden directly.

This will be the same for potential volunteers as there will be no one at ELGT who is responsible for matching up volunteers with gardens.

We will also direct people to Social Farm and Garden who have great resources on their website for people who wish to start up their own community garden, the link is here

We are in the process of seeking funding elsewhere to enable the work to continue but if anyone has any suggested sources that could be suitable then please get in touch through info through

Donate Online here
Donate by text:
To give £10 Text ELGT01 £10 to 70070
To give £4 Text ELGT01 £4 to 70070


Save Leith Walk planning workshop this Saturday

The Save Leith Walk campaign would like to invite the community of Leith to a Community Planning Workshop in order to develop an alternative vision for the land on Stead’s Place as well as the 106-154 Leith Walk red sandstone building. Continue reading Save Leith Walk planning workshop this Saturday

Granton CC signs off for 2018


Monday’s meeting, our last meeting of 2018, went very well. Please find a few things below:  

1.   Newsletter: Please find the GDCC Newsletter of November 2018 edition (Click here). Would you please share with your networks/contacts who might be interested on local information/events, etc.


2.   Changes of the GDCC meeting time: Please note, our all future meetings will take place on 6.30pm at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre. Our next meeting will be on 28 January 2019. Meetings papers, etc can be found here.

3.   Waterfront  Pharmacy: The closing date for the Public Consultation on the proposed new pharmacy for Granton Waterfront is 27th December 2018. Please take a look and have your say on proposed plan. Here is the consultation link .

Wishing you season’s greetings, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2019.

Kind regards
Mizan Rahman
Secretary, Granton and District Community Council 
E-mail: | Tel: 07930 183352 | 

Communities Secretary to address EVOC annual general meeting

Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations’ Council (EVOC) is delighted to announce that Aileen Campbell MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government, will deliver a speech at this year’s conference and AGM. Continue reading Communities Secretary to address EVOC annual general meeting