Let’s be clear: award for Port of Leith Housing Association

Crystal clear communication from PoLHA 

port of leith

Port of Leith Housing Association (PoLHA) has been awarded two Crystal Marks on behalf of the Plain English Campaign for its Customer Engagement and Antisocial Behaviour leaflets. Continue reading Let’s be clear: award for Port of Leith Housing Association

Trinity CC April Newsletter


Here are the main points from our 11 April meeting:


Police have arrested two people believed to responsible for 9 house break-ins locally. The level of housebreakings has fallen in the last 2 weeks but shed break-ins are on the rise again so take precautions. Car windows also appear to be a current target. We are aware of some residents’ concerns regarding the statistics given for crime levels and are discussing this with the relevant Police staff.


The Hospice is a nationally and internationally recognized centre of excellence for end-of-life care which we host in our community. We received an informative update from CEO Jackie Husband on its history and plans following the recent redevelopment. While there had been recurrent concerns from nearby residents during redevelopment we should look forward to being good neighbours with a constructive and fruitful relationship.

Perhaps the most persistent concern has been the impact on parking. Various measures are now in place (increased on-site parking, better positioning for bike racks, delivery time slots etc) and, of course, construction traffic has stopped. So things have improved rather. But this is one of the things which we will monitor in partnership with the Hospice.

Did you know that St Columba’s has 180 staff and 700 volunteers and works closely with establishments in Iceland, Uganda and India? Want to know more? There’s a 5 year strategy document “Care and Compassion Matters” which, among other things, describes how the focus is increasingly on at-home care, education, hands-on creative work and supporting families through GPs and teachers.

Better still, why not arrange a visit? Always willing to welcome people seeking a greater understanding of their work you will doubtless be impressed by the warmth and friendliness of all the Hospice staff and volunteers. And if that’s something you mean to do but never get round to, there’s an annual community event which folk can drop in on.


Despite consistent pressure from TCC for a review of traffic through North Edinburgh and various encouraging noises, we are now told that this must wait to be considered within the next Local Development Plan. That is very disappointing given that this whole saga started when we highlighted the inadequate coverage in the LDP which is about to be signed off. We will be pressing further.


CEC Planning now advise that the outcome of the Reporter’s visit to 127 Trinity Road is likely to be announced near the end of April.


trinity walkabout

This will start from the statue of Edward VII in Victoria Park at 10 a.m on Saturday 23 April. We will tour the ideas that the newly-formed Friends of Victoria Park have, then take in part of the Dudleys before inspecting the Vennel behind Trinity Academy through to the new Sainsbury’s site in Craighall Road. Must be something you have to say on at least part of that route! So please come along for the start or join at any point. Everyone welcome!


Following our recent article on Japanese Knotweed and damage it can do to building one of our readers has been helping identify and treat the stuff locally. Let us know if you would like some local help and we’ll put you in touch, but CEC also has a statutory responsibility to tackle it and remember that if it’s neglected, that owners may be prosecuted.


We have not yet received a firm date but expect that Community Council elections will be scheduled for September/October. This is a fun way in which to contribute to Trinity’s collective wellbeing. Why not stand for election?


Fine House Invite
We all know about the wonderful (if discrete) architecture which exists in Trinity. Now local resident, Lesley Kelly has even made it the title of her new novel, “A Fine House in Trinity”. This will be launched on 21 April at Waterstones in Princes Street to which we are all invited. Should be a great holiday read!


RBS has agreed to fund a number of planters at/near the site of their much-missed former branch at the South Trinity Road/Ferry Road corner. We are finalizing the details for this with various parties who will take on maintenance.


Change goes on and to our east, another much-loved former outlet has received a new lease of life. The site of the old Peacock Inn is now occupied by Italian-themed “Sasso” who have moved and expanded from their old base in the south side of the city. Morningside’s loss looks like being our gain!

While to our west, for anyone who enjoys a stroll along the foreshore, there’s now a handy amenity in the form of the newly opened Boardwalk Beach Club. Named after architect Sir Terry Farrell’s vision for a ten-mile boardwalk running from Cramond to Portobello this is the sort of regeneration to be welcomed. So why not earn that snack with a walk first? Guilt-free coffee and cake!


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More on Facebook or TCC website or at our next meeting on Monday 9 May at 7 pm in Wardie Parish Church, Primrose Bank Road when we will consider the latest Quarterly Report from Forth Neighbourhood Partnership. Hopefully also an update on the street-lighting programme and CEC’s Transformation.

TCC meetings are open to all. Come and give us your opinions. Or contact a Community Councillor. Tell us your views so that we can represent them!

Did you find this bulletin useful or informative? If so, why not show it to a neighbour? Anyone in Trinity can subscribe to the bulletin simply by emailing tcc-comms@outlook.com Or drop us a line and tell us what you think could be better.


Sharing information with Living in Harmony

LIH info event 060416

I’m writing to invite you to the next Living in Harmony forum meeting on

WEDNESDAY 6 APRIL from 10am -1pm

at Pilton Community Health Project, 73 Boswall Parkway.

The theme for the meeting is community information, and there will be short talks from local organisations as well as city wide agencies that work specifically with BME groups.

The meeting will be useful to residents – especially if they have recently moved to the area – and to workers who would like to update themselves on what is on offer locally and city wide. There will be opportunities to network in an organised and informal way, and we will finish with a Nepalese lunch together – again with the hope of people having the opportunity to chat.

I’m attaching a draft agenda to give you an idea of what will be happening, as well as a poster. I would appreciate it if you could invite residents who might find it particularly useful.

6th April agenda public

Community Information Event

Hannah Kitchen

Development Worker, Living in Harmony

0131 551 1671



Like us on Facebook for regular updates www.facebook.com/PiltonCommunityHealthProject


Trinity CC: October report


Trinity CC met on 12 October. Here are the main points:

Police Report

Few can be unaware of the recent spate of housebreakings with 12 attempted and 6 actual break-ins in the last month. One was successfully detected and police hope that this will help resolve others. Police presence has been increased but the fact remains that with darker nights and Christmas approaching, the next 3 months are likely to see an increase in burglaries from homes and garages. Bikes and cars are favourite targets. Think security! There’s plenty we can do to help ourselves. Check out


You can also request an individual Home Assessment by phoning 101.

Particularly disturbing was the robbery of A&A Newsagents convenience store at the corner of S Trinity Rd and E Trinity Rd. This is still under investigation and if you have any knowledge of anything unusual whatsoever on that day, the police would be delighted to hear from you. Happily, Joe seems to be fully recovered from his ordeal. We send our best wishes.

Aside from robberies there was a suspicious incident in Victoria Park when a child was approached and there has also been a rash of incidents across North Edinburgh involving youths on motorbikes, notably on the cycle paths and Granton Road.

Second Waterfront Regeneration Conference

This took place on 30 September chaired by Cllr Day, bringing together landowners, developers, CEC staff, residents and their representatives, including Trinity CC. With 5 separate developments in the area bounded by Marine Drive, W Granton Rd and Granton Square, Trinity’s immediate interest is in Granton Harbour but what happens to the west will also affect us. It is clear that extensive development will take place. Our interest is to encourage that to be sensitive to the surrounding area and its history as well as delivering high quality living space and improving amenity. Some highlights:

The developer has ambitious plans for Granton Harbour but has challenges getting them off the drawing board. Trinity CC will continue to watch closely to see that delivery lives up to promises and that the impact on local traffic is considered.
 EDI/Waterfront Edinburgh Ltd planning 550 homes and 9000sq ft of commercial space on some land remaining in WEL ownership.
 A development strategy for North Shore, West Harbour Road and Lower Strand is being prepared.
 Retail and leisure complex planned for an area known as Madelvic 9
 Plans in hand to use Madelvic House as a community arts hub.
 National Galleries/Museums progressing plans for a national collections facility some of which will be open to the public.
 The future of the gasometer still under discussion. Decontamination estimated at £10 – £15M. Retention will restrict nearby development as a safe “fall zone” would be required.
 Plans for the area around Caroline House, including the Mediaeval Garden and the putative “Granton-by-the-sea” are under review.

Want to help regeneration?


Idea 1: Exhibition called “Made in Granton” at Madelvic House on 24 October (11am. – 2.30pm) (above) focusing on local manufacturing history and looking for ideas about how to use the building as an arts hub. Why not go along and contribute?

Idea 2: Granton Improvement Society are bidding for Lottery funding to develop their plans. An easy way to help is simply to go online and “like” their Facebook page.


Consultation on the Major Issues for this closed on 30 September. Trinity CC submitted a detailed response to all 27 Questions but our main themes were:

  • Inadequate east-west traffic planning for North Edinburgh
  • Importance of reinforcing alternative east-west routes (notably City Bypass)
  • Insufficient consideration of the Firth of Forth as an amenity and potential for transit routes to/from Fife
  • Validity of the underlying economic assumptions
  • Needs more emphasis on quality of place for living in including integrated design of green networks at the outset.

Goldenacre Planters

It had been hoped that RBS might sponsor planters in recognition of the years when the Goldenacre branch was open but this now appears to be receding. But we have located some second hand planters from CEC Parks Dept and now hope to set up maintenance arrangements using local volunteers. Would you be interested? Do get in touch if so.

Planning Matters

The application to sell cars from 144 Newhaven Rd has been resurrected and we have resurrected our objections. A CEC hearing was scheduled but the applicant was not present, asking instead through his solicitor that the hearing be postponed. This was granted but only after we had given our time and evidence. We are very concerned about the implications that this raises for how planning applications are conducted. Next hearing is scheduled for 13 November.

Application for a house + annexe at 7a Boswall Road withdrawn.

Chargeable Parking Hours

CEC has initiated a consultation on extending parking charges into late evening and over weekends. Will this affect you? Give your views direct at: http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/news/article/1928/have_your_say_on_citys_parking_action_plan_proposals

Want to know more about St Columba’s?

Hospice will have an Open Day on 30 October (10am – 4pm) – see below.

columas open day

Much more at our next meeting on

Monday 9 November at 7 pm in Wardie Parish Church, Primrose Bank Road.

Open to all. Come along and give us your thoughts. We need to know them so that we can represent them!

Did you find this bulletin useful or informative? If so, why not show it to a neighbour? Anyone in Trinity can subscribe to the bulletin simply by emailing tcc-comms@outlook.com or drop us a line and tell us what you think could be better.

Get super connected: still time to take up broadband offer

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Small to medium sized businesses in Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife and the Scottish Borders are being reminded that there is still time to apply for vouchers, which could connect them to superfast broadband.

The scheme has helped 442 businesses in Edinburgh with superfast connections so far. To date there has been a lot of interest in the scheme and businesses are encouraged to apply before funds run out.

Funding for the project is part of the UK Government’s £150 million super connected cities programme being delivered locally by City of Edinburgh Council.

Vouchers are awarded to businesses to help cover the installation costs of connecting to superfast broadband services up to the value of £3,000. Businesses pay the VAT costs and the ongoing subscription.

To qualify for a voucher, organisations should be small to medium sized located in the City of Edinburgh Council area, have fewer than 250 employees and a turnover of less than £40m. Further information and an application form can be found here.

Cllr Frank Ross, Convener of the Economy Committee, said: “The vouchers will provide much needed financial assistance to small to medium sized businesses in the city who don’t already have a fast connection. We have worked hard to secure this opportunity for local businesses and I would strongly recommend those without a fast connection apply for a voucher as high grade broadband is more reliable, faster and it will make your business more efficient and competitive.”

Further information

  • The voucher scheme is part of the City of Edinburgh Council’s Connected Capital Programme, which aims to improve Edinburgh’s broadband connectivity. Follow on Twitter @connectedinburg.
  • Businesses in Lothians, Fife and the Scottish Borders areas can access the vouchers through the Edinburgh scheme
  • In the vast majority of cases the voucher should cover the total installation cost but where it doesn’t, businesses will have to cover the difference themselves.
  • Edinburgh’s Connected Capital Programme is part of the£150m Super Connected Cities Programme which is being delivered through Broadband Delivery UK, which is part of the UK Government’s Department of Culture, Media and Sport. Other projects forming part ofthe Connected Capital Programme are an outdoor wireless network delivered though a service concession contract, wireless hotspots in a number of public buildings. Wi-fi on the trams and buses is already in place

Superfast broadband is defined as speed of at least 30 Megabytes per Second (Mbps) and ultrafast is defined 80 to 100+ Mbps. 

NEN: we don’t often blow our own trumpet, but …

NEN hits vast majority of targets set by city council


North Edinburgh News (NEN) exceeded eleven and partially met six of 18 targets set as part of the Contact in the Capital communications project, councillors heard last week.

North Edinburgh’s long-established newspaper and media resource managed to hit targets set for 12 months, despite only embarking on the project in August –  fully FOUR MONTHS LATE – and through no fault of our own, I should add!

The NEN failed to meet just one of 18 targets: it failed to hold two ‘open door’ type events during the duration of the project.

In mitigation, it should be said that the NEN’s Board was busy dealing with other things: in particular, persistent attempts to undermine and ultimately derail the project almost from the day it started.

Malicious insinuations and allegations made by local individuals were subsequently fully investigated by the city council and found to be totally without foundation. However the allegations did damage to the project in terms of time – many hours were spent gathering evidence and information to rebut spiteful allegations; time that could have been spent working on positive aspects of the project – things like ‘open door’ days!

However, that’s behind us now and there is a lot to be satisfied with in the report (see below). Yes, it’s a pity we couldn’t have got started sooner, and it’s also a real shame that so much time was wasted on negative things, but we got there – despite the detractors. And imagine what we could have achieved in a full twelve months!

What’s next? We’re looking to recruit new Board members. Our present board has shown admirable commitment to the community newspaper but there’s a need for new blood to help share the load and take the organisation forward.

Would you be interested in joining the NEN Board? Do you have skills and experience that would strengthen our team? If you’d like to be involved, please send us an email telling us what you could bring to the NEN and why you’d like to be part of the NEN team. Keep it short and simple – say a maximum of ten bullet points, around 200 words – and send it to northedinnews@gmail.com

We look forward to hearing from you!



Just capital! Free wi-fi in Edinburgh this Easter

Connected Capital: Enjoy free wi-fi this Easter

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Edinburgh residents and visitors are to benefit from free wi-fi in 70 public buildings across the city as part of the City of Edinburgh Council’s Connected Capital Programme.

Attractions such as the majority of Edinburgh Leisure centres and the National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh Zoo and Dynamic Earth, will be live in time for Easter and the rest will come on line in the coming weeks and months.

Those travelling on Edinburgh’s trams and Lothian Buses are already benefitting from free wi-fi as the project is rolled out across the city.

Edinburgh is one of 22 cities across the UK benefiting from the Government’s SuperConnected Cities £150m Programme, which is being delivered through Broadband Delivery UK.

Councillor Frank Ross, Economy Convener, said: “This is great news as the new service will mean that everyone will be able to get free access to the latest information on their favourite apps and websites while out and about and when going to the gym, taking in some art or when taking their children to one of Edinburgh’s many museums. It is also great timing as some of the attractions gearing up for Easter crowds already have public wi-fi installed.

“This project is central to the Council’s plans for growing the city economy, and encouraging residents and visitors to stay longer and increase their spend.”

Edinburgh Leisure, ICT Manager Stuart Fairbairn, said: “Edinburgh Leisure is delighted to offer free wi-fi in 13 of its venues thanks to this funding from the UK Government via our partners at The City of Edinburgh Council.  It will allow us to provide our busy customers with a great opportunity to stay connected while working out or relaxing in these venues, giving them yet another reason to stay healthy and active with Edinburgh Leisure.”

Hugh Wallace, Head of Digital Media, National Museum of Scotland, said: “We’re already seeing a healthy level of uptake, and people connecting to the service are then linking to museum-based material on our website (what’s on information, downloadable apps, e-newsletter sign-up). When we fully promote the service we will encourage the sharing of content, engagement with the museum’s collections, and offer further downloadable options – something we hope will provide a real step change for our visitors.”

Culture Secretary Sajid Javid said: “I’m delighted Edinburgh took up the challenge to become one of the UK’s Superconnected Cities as part of the Government programme. It’s vital that our cities have the digital infrastructure like superfast broadband and wifi in place to deal with the demands of the digital age. Our investment in Edinburgh has delivered a welcome boost to the local economy, and is all part of our long term economic plan.” 

Buildings that currently have free wi-fi include: 

  • Edinburgh Zoo
  • National Museum of Scotland
  • Dynamic Earth
  • All Edinburgh Leisure centres with the exception of Warrender Swim Centre and the Edinburgh International Climbing Arena (EICA)

Buildings which will go live at some point in the next few months:

  • Queen’s Hall
  • Nelson Monument
  • People’s Story Museum
  • The Lyceum
  • Festival Theatre
  • King’s Theatre
  • City Art Centre
  • Edinburgh Festival Fringe
  • Scottish Poetry Library
  • Out of Blue Drill Hall
  • Museum of Edinburgh
  • Museum of Childhood
  • The Writers’ Museum
  • Museum Collections Centre
  • Lauriston Castle
  • Old City Observatory and the Dome
  • Trinity Apse
  • The Church Hill Theatre
  • Usher Hall
  • Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
  • Traverse Theatre
  • Warrender Swim Centre and the EICA (EICA)

Free wi-fi is also being installed in a number of the Council’s community centres, care homes and young people’s accommodation.