NEN: we don’t often blow our own trumpet, but …

NEN hits vast majority of targets set by city council


North Edinburgh News (NEN) exceeded eleven and partially met six of 18 targets set as part of the Contact in the Capital communications project, councillors heard last week.

North Edinburgh’s long-established newspaper and media resource managed to hit targets set for 12 months, despite only embarking on the project in August –  fully FOUR MONTHS LATE – and through no fault of our own, I should add!

The NEN failed to meet just one of 18 targets: it failed to hold two ‘open door’ type events during the duration of the project.

In mitigation, it should be said that the NEN’s Board was busy dealing with other things: in particular, persistent attempts to undermine and ultimately derail the project almost from the day it started.

Malicious insinuations and allegations made by local individuals were subsequently fully investigated by the city council and found to be totally without foundation. However the allegations did damage to the project in terms of time – many hours were spent gathering evidence and information to rebut spiteful allegations; time that could have been spent working on positive aspects of the project – things like ‘open door’ days!

However, that’s behind us now and there is a lot to be satisfied with in the report (see below). Yes, it’s a pity we couldn’t have got started sooner, and it’s also a real shame that so much time was wasted on negative things, but we got there – despite the detractors. And imagine what we could have achieved in a full twelve months!

What’s next? We’re looking to recruit new Board members. Our present board has shown admirable commitment to the community newspaper but there’s a need for new blood to help share the load and take the organisation forward.

Would you be interested in joining the NEN Board? Do you have skills and experience that would strengthen our team? If you’d like to be involved, please send us an email telling us what you could bring to the NEN and why you’d like to be part of the NEN team. Keep it short and simple – say a maximum of ten bullet points, around 200 words – and send it to

We look forward to hearing from you!



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Edinburgh reporter and photographer