Tomorrow is Primary Schools Open Day

Find out about all the great learning taking place in your local primary school – drop in for a visit on Primary Schools Open Day TOMORROW:

If your child’s date of birth is between 1 March 2015 and 29 February 2016 they are due to start primary school in August 2020.

If you are in the City of Edinburgh Council area you must register your child for P1 at one of your catchment schools.

Registration week is 4 to 8 November 2019. Please check opening times with the school you are registering at.

Bonfire Season: keeping Edinburgh residents safe

Councillor Amy McNeese-Mechan, Chair of the Edinburgh’s Community Safety Partnership, writes about protecting the public around Bonfire Night:

“In recent years we’ve seen an escalation in anti-social behaviour in the time leading up to Halloween and Bonfire/ Guy Fawkes Night. Protecting our communities from harm during Bonfire Night and beyond, is a priority for us in the Edinburgh Community Safety Partnership.  Continue reading Bonfire Season: keeping Edinburgh residents safe

Edinburgh’s Home First policy to tackle bed blocking

Edinburgh Integration Joint Board (EIJB) has approved plans to accelerate approaches to care for people at home and in a homely setting.

Designed to reduce the number of people being delayed leaving hospital and improve the care patients receive in their own community, Edinburgh’s ‘home first’ approach sets out plans to shift health and social care systems to provide greater support for people in their own or familiar surroundings. Continue reading Edinburgh’s Home First policy to tackle bed blocking

Jump in growth for Active Schools

The latest data published by sportscotland shows that the national Active Schools programme continues to have a positive impact on children’s physical activity levels.

It revealed that 7.3 million visits were made to activities across Scotland in 2018/19, an increase of 0.4% on the previous year. Continue reading Jump in growth for Active Schools

Black History Month: a lesson for everyone

This Black History Month, Education Vice Convener Councillor Alison Dickie writes about the need for change:

You could have heard a pin drop.  The young black man, there to tell his story, looked up from his speech notes and commented on the sea of white faces of the 63 councillors who sat before him.  ‘That doesn’t sit well with me’, he said.

I say it shouldn’t sit well with any of us! Continue reading Black History Month: a lesson for everyone

Preventative repairs approach sees road conditions improve, says council!

Conditions on Edinburgh’s roads have seen the most significant single year improvement in more than a decade, with over £15m invested in roads and pavements in 2018/19 – almost £6m more than 2017/18 – according to a report produced for the city council.

The Capital’s Roads Condition Index (RCI), an independent rating given annually as part of the Scottish Roads Maintenance Condition Survey (SRMCS), is also the city’s best since 2011/12.

Continue reading Preventative repairs approach sees road conditions improve, says council!

Here we go again: Tram works to start on Constitution Street next month

Work to take trams to Newhaven is to begin on Constitution Street in mid-November, following six months of joint work by the Council and contractors to finalise the construction programme.

Continue reading Here we go again: Tram works to start on Constitution Street next month

Battling poverty is the focus for plans to change Capital, says Finance Convener

Councillor Alasdair Rankin, the city council’s Finance and Resources Convener, highlights how the Council is “embracing opportunities despite budget constraints“:


All over the country, in support of Climate Week Scotland and Challenge Poverty Week, citizens, agencies and other groups are raising their voices and speaking out about the very real impact of poverty and climate change. How fitting, then, that we’re taking action in Edinburgh to prioritise poverty and sustainability in all of the budget decisions we make. Continue reading Battling poverty is the focus for plans to change Capital, says Finance Convener