Car ban and tram extension: Capital Coalition’s ten year ‘vision’

Time to ‘grasp the nettle’, say Capital Coalition leaders

“we are at our best when we take brave steps into the winds of change”

For over a thousand years Edinburgh has grown and thrived, balancing adaptation with conserving strengths (write Cllrs ADAM McVEY (SNP) and CAMMY DAY (Labour)). Continue reading Car ban and tram extension: Capital Coalition’s ten year ‘vision’

Leith Walk consultation sessions

The city council are holding a series of public consultation events on the future of a development site at Leith Walk / Halmyre Street. The site area is shown on the plan below although the surrounding area will be considered in the consultations. Continue reading Leith Walk consultation sessions

City for Sale?

The commodification of our public places

One of the defining issues currently in front of the City of Edinburgh is how we value our public places. Should Princes Street Gardens be an oasis of green-ness and tranquillity, or should it be the city’s performance hub, the Go To place for happening events and Festival activities?

Should civic spaces be open for the unrestricted access of City dwellers and City visitors alike; or should they be a gated venue accessible only to ticket holders and promoters?

How we value public space is how we value the city overall. The Cockburn Association has been increasingly concerned about the commercialisation of our squares, our parks and our streets. We are concerned about the erosion of public investment in public places.

We are concerned that the voice of residents is decreasingly heard. We are concerned that this view is shared by many. Is this right?

As the city prepares numerous strategies and policies including City Plan 2030 (a new Local Development Plan) and a new Tourism Strategy, now is the time to galvanise opinion.

On Wednesday 22 January 2020, we will hold a Public Summit in the Central Hall, West Tollcross, open to all who share our concerns (and those who don’t too).

Save the Date. Further details will be available in early 2020.

Terry Levinthal

Director, The Cockburn Association

Edinburgh Civic Trust


Leith Walk SAVED!


The Leith community is celebrating news today that the Scottish Government’s Reporter has upheld the city council’s decision to reject Drum Property’s development plans for Leith Walk. It’s a huge victory for people power and in particular Save Leith Walk’s energetic grass roots community campaign. Continue reading Leith Walk SAVED!

Industry awards for modern apprentices

The hard work and dedication of modern apprentices at the City of Edinburgh Council was recognised this week as 18 young people graduated and were given an industry award.

Modern Apprentices graduating 2019

Among the graduates were three previous participants of Edinburgh Project SEARCH, the highly successful programme for young people with a disability.

Continue reading Industry awards for modern apprentices