Make music with with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra

Free Family Workshops in North Edinburgh Arts today

workshops nea

Join Scottish Chamber Orchestra players and have fun enjoying live music together in these free, interactive workshops!

The workshops are suitable for two age ranges:

2pm workshop (suitable for 4 to 6 years)

3.15pm workshop (suitable for 7 to 10 years)

Childcare Academy information sessions

We still have places available for our Childcare Academy Information Sessions on:

Monday 8 February @ 10am
Wednesday 17 February @ 1.30pm

If you would like to book a place to come along and hear more about the Academy, ask any questions and take away an application pack, please do not hesitate to contact me on the number below or Barbara Webster on 311 6926.

2016 CA Publicity Poster 16+

Audrey O’Neill

Training Administrator, North Edinburgh Childcare

Tel: 311 6931

Follow us on Twitter @NEChildcare

Like our Training Services on Facebook @

Granton Youth Centre: Community Meeting


We are holding a short community meeting on Tuesday 2nd February from 5.30pm in the Main Hall at GYC to raise awareness and discuss issues and concerns regarding the City of Edinburgh Council Revenue Grant budget cuts and finances moving forward for GYC.

Young people, volunteers, staff and the wider community have been invited to attend and we warmly invite yourself.  The purpose of this meeting is as follows:-

1.       Information regarding City of Edinburgh Council Budget Cuts

2.       Impact on GYC’s work, services and staff.

3.       How you can continue to support GYC in 2016/2017

4.       Contacting Edinburgh Council on behalf of GYC, to raise concerns

We sincerely hope you can come along and offer any input on the evening.

If you are able to attend we would appreciate it if you can please let us know by return email.

cid:image033.jpg@01D0F088.7CB96E10   0131 467 5854

cid:image035.jpg@01D0F088.7CB96E10  Granton Youth Centre, 3-11 West Granton Road, Edinburgh EH5 1HG         

The worst of times: 60,000 Scots families receive emergency aid

£81 million support for Scots in crisis


More than 178,000 vulnerable households, including around 59,000 families with children, have received essential help to buy everyday products like nappies, food and cookers through the Scottish Welfare Fund. Continue reading The worst of times: 60,000 Scots families receive emergency aid

Mingin’ Medway!


There’s been a noticeable rise in dumping and flytipping since changes to refuse and waste disposal arrangements were introduced in the city and North Edinburgh has suffered as badly as most. NEN reader Colin Hutchison has sent these images taken in Granton. Continue reading Mingin’ Medway!

Year of the Dad launched at Edinburgh Zoo

A Song for Dad launches year of events


Children’s Minister Aileen Campbell launched the Year of the Dad at Edinburgh Zoo yesterday. Ms Campbell was joined by around 300 people who enjoyed a day of stories, speeches, food and music – including a beautiful song written by local schoolchildren to mark the event. Continue reading Year of the Dad launched at Edinburgh Zoo

First Minister visits North Edinburgh Childcare

FM announces £1 million for early learning and childcare trials


A report into what more the Scottish Government and others can do to tackle poverty in Scotland has been welcomed by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon. Ms Sturgeon used today’s visit to North Edinburgh Childcare to announce £1 million funding to support new early learning and childcare initiatives. Continue reading First Minister visits North Edinburgh Childcare