Young people share that they don’t fit in or feel ‘normal’
Childline launches Nobody is Normal campaign to let children know they aren’t alone
Since lockdown measures were first introduced Childline has delivered almost 2,500 counselling sessions with children in Scotland about mental and emotional health issues including loneliness and low self-esteem.
Childline’s volunteer counsellors have heard from many children who, after being cut off from important support networks, shared that they were feeling isolated, anxious and insecure.
Now, with stricter social-distancing measures imposed again across the UK, Childline is launching a new campaign called Nobody is Normal. It aims to help children understand that lacking confidence, feeling not good enough or that you don’t fit in, is a shared experience. Childline is encouraging them not to suffer in silence.
Developed with young people, the campaign features a bold new animation of a young boy who is struggling with anxiety while desperately trying to appear ‘normal’. Backed by Radiohead’s hit song Creep, it reminds young people that no matter how isolated they feel, they are not alone and Childline is here.
Childline delivered higher monthly numbers of counselling sessions with children in Scotland about a range of mental health-related issues in April, May and June, including low self-esteem, loneliness and worries about the world. Mental health remains the top reason young people get in touch with Childline, making up over a third of all counselling sessions delivered in the UK.
In the last seven months, Childline has delivered nearly 43,000 counselling sessions about mental and emotional health with children across the UK.
The NSPCC, which runs Childline, can also reveal that the number of UK contacts about body image, gender and sexuality increased since the end of March.
Since lockdown measures were first introduced, the monthly average number of Childline counselling sessions across the UK about eating and body image disorders increased by almost a third (32%) on the pre-lockdown average. Similarly, the monthly average number of sessions about sexuality and gender identity increased by 16% compared with the pre-lockdown average.
Counsellors have heard that some children have developed unhealthy eating behaviours for the first time such as binge eating and bulimia nervosa, and those with existing eating disorders have experienced worsened symptoms, or a relapse.
While the service has heard that lockdown gave some LGBTQ+ children the confidence to come out to their friends and family, others expressed fears about coming out and some young people were left unable to cope after receiving a negative response.
A 14-year-old child told Childline: “I think I’m transgender and I have no one to talk to. I have always been a tomboy and never fitted in with the girls. I was fine with it for a while, but recently I have become very uncomfortable with my gender and I’m really struggling. I feel stuck, I wish someone can help me.”
A young girl told Childline: “I don’t know if it’s just me being sad because of lockdown, but I’ve been feeling really disgusting in my own body lately. All my friends have clear and beautiful skin with even tones, but mine is spotty and red and covered in freckles. I just feel like I’m always the odd one out”
Childline Founder, Dame Esther Rantzen said: “The pandemic has cut children off from the reassurance many of them need. When young people are facing mental health issues such as anxiety or depression or are struggling with eating disorders or self-harm, they often hide it from their parents and families.
“A lockdown intensifies stress in all our lives, and the Childline team know from past experience that it has made many children feel especially isolated.
“The Nobody is Normal campaign encourages any children feeling unable to discuss their anxiety and distress to reach out to Childline for support. Many young people are under immense pressure from social media to look and behave like everyone else, but the campaign recognises that we are all individuals, special and unique.
“If these tough times have caused children to feel an extra level of anxiety, we want them to feel confident to express their fears and share their worries, and know that Childline is still here for them.”
Anti-Bullying Awareness Week runs from the 11-15 November 2020. In this article Need2Know Books looks at the effects that social distancing and lockdown measures have had on children as social media dependency and online screen time increases, creating more opportunities for cyberbullying.
Enhanced anxiety and stress are not the only conditions parents and caregivers need to be careful of in this world of ‘new normal.’ Arecent multidisciplinary research report found that the consequences of quarantine and social distancing measures are themselves key risk factors for mental health issues which includes cyberbullying among children.
There is no question that bullying numbers will rise in 2020 as many school’s moved classes online during the Spring and Summer months.
This Increase in online screen time has created more opportunities for cyberbullying and harassment. Unfortunately, one of the darker sides of COVID-19 is the rise of racial issues and cyberbullying among children.
Recent research has found that because the virus originated from Wuhan, China and has largely been referred to as the “Chinese virus”, this has increased bullying among children of Asian descent who are at a greater risk of racial bullying than their classmates. Bullying has largely been done through private and text messaging in a ‘virtual’ environment.
More than 1.5 billion children worldwide have been affected by school closures. As a result, children have been forced to go online for learning as well as for hobbies and social activities.
It has been reported that 82% of parents said that their children’s screen time has increased during lockdown
30% said that their children were having an extra four hours or more of non-school related screen time per day
Children, especially adolescents and teens, are spending a greater amount of time on apps such as such as Zoom, Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook.
Prior to the pandemic parents have been extremely concerned about their children’s screen time and have struggled to limit this. The problem that has always faced parents is that they cannot always protect their children from cyberbullying, grooming and inappropriate messages online.
Cyberbullying in the virtual world
Despite some of the positive benefits of online learning research has found that the darker elements of school life transitioned online.
Cyberbullying has been on the rise before lockdown – some reports suggest that just 20% of bullying takes place at school now.
Cyberbullying incidents increased by 70% between March and April this year when lock down was at its peak.
The strain placed on mental health caused by being confined to the home for weeks at a time could be making matters worse.
The UK government has published guidelines online titled “Coronavirus (Covid-19): support for parents and carers to keep children safe online” which is available to view.
Tips and Advice
Have the ‘talk’ open the lines of communication between yourself and your child. Discuss what cyberbullying is and what to do when it happens.
Don’t be afraid to set guidelines and take control of what your children see and do online.
The applications used by schools all have tools for reporting abuse. Show your kids where to find the abuse reporting tools and how to fill in the forms.
Keep any evidence of inappropriate messages and report it to a school official ie. teacher, headteacher or school nurse.
Use your parental controls. Androids, Apple and Windows all have built in parental controls These allow parents to block inappropriate content, control access to apps, and limit screen time.
We enter an uncertain future with lockdown restrictions continuing into the winter months. It is important that parents find positive ways to curtail the ‘pandemic effect’ and find a balance with online screen time to help avoid cyberbullying. If you are concerned about a child’s mental welfare or notice worrying behaviour, please seek professional advice.
For more information and advice on cyberbullying visit:
NSPCC calls for urgent action to tackle crisis of abuse
More than 5,000 child sex offences recorded by Police Scotland in 2019/20
Childline counselling sessions about sexual abuse in the family triple across UK during lockdown
NSPCC urges Scottish Government to draw up a Child Sexual Abuse Strategy that puts victims and prevention at its core
Police Scotland recorded an average of 15 child sex offences every day last year, new figures from the NSPCC reveal.
There were 5,311 recorded offences including rape, online grooming and sexual assault against children in Scotland in 2019/20 – up 30% in the five years since 2014/15.
In last year’s figures, where gender was recorded, girls were five times as likely to be victims, and in the offences where age category was given, 45% of the crimes recorded were against children under 13.
Across the UK, there were 73,518 recorded offences in 2019/20. The data was provided by a total of 44 out of 45 police forces after the NSPCC submitted a Freedom of Information request.
NSPCC Scotland believes these figures show the urgent need for national leadership to create a coordinated plan to tackle child sexual abuse, both online and offline, in the country.
The charity is now calling on the Scottish Government to follow other nations in the UK and set about producing a comprehensive Tackling Child Sexual Abuse Strategy.1
The charity is calling for the strategy to put the needs of children and young people at the centre of how authorities respond to child sexual abuse, with a focus on effective prevention and victims having access to timely, relevant and specialist support to help them recover.
NSPCC Scotland research2 has shown that the availability of specialist therapeutic sexual abuse services is patchy and inconsistent across the country.
Support should include that provided through Child House initiatives where health, policing, social work, therapeutic and other services provide help to children under one roof.
Matt Forde, NSPCC Scotland’s head of service, said: “Every day, children in Scotland are being sexually abused and having to live with the devastating impacts of this abuse on their lives.
“Urgent action is needed to prevent abuse and to ensure children are supported to recover when it is disclosed.
“In Scotland, we have seen numerous plans and initiatives launched to deal with various aspects of such abuse, including child sexual exploitation and harmful sexual behaviour.
“However, we believe it is crucial to have a joined-up approach when tackling this crime and want to see a strategy which puts the experiences and needs of children at the heart of it and is effective in preventing abuse and helping young people recover.”
The call comes as an NSPCC report found contacts from young people to Childline about sexual abuse in the family tripled across the UK during lockdown.
The report published today, ‘The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on child welfare: sexual abuse’, shows there were an average of 23 contacts to Childline per week about child sexual abuse in the home, up threefold since March 23rd when lockdown was announced.
Some children told Childline that sexual abuse had become more frequent during lockdown, as they were spending more time with their abuser.
One 17-year-old girl said: “It started during lockdown, about seven weeks ago. Dad touched me and got me to touch him. Today he came into my room and removed his trousers and asked me to do something to him and I did it.
“I don’t want to live here anymore. I feel I should tell social services about how abusive dad is, but I don’t feel ready to tell them about the sexual abuse part.”
A third of counselling sessions were about abuse in the family that happened over a year ago, with many children talking about it for the first time.
A 15-year-old girl told Childline: “My dad touched me sexually when I was younger and now I have to be home all the time with him and I can’t deal with it. Just being in the house with him is so hard. I am constantly reminded of what he did.”
Anyone concerned about a child can contact the NSPCC Helpline for advice on 0808 800 5000. Adult victims of non-recent sexual abuse can also get in touch for support.
School pupils across Scotland are receiving their results this morning. Around 138,000 students will find out their grades in Nationals, Highers and Advanced Higher courses.
This year’s results are based on estimates from their teachers after the Covid-19 pandemic forced exams to be cancelled for the first time in history.
Students who signed up for text or email alerts will receive their grades from 8am onwards, while certificates will arrive in the post over the course of today.
Today 138,000 learners have received their SQA results.
Education Secretary @JohnSwinney congratulates all learners on their achievements.
The @skillsdevscot helpline is open from 8am, advice is available on 0808 100 8000.
Deputy First Minister John Swinney has congratulated all learners who have today received their results.
With exams cancelled for the first time ever due to Coronavirus, young people are receiving qualifications based on a combination of teacher judgment and national moderation by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), which show that:
the National 5 pass rate was 81.1%
the Higher pass rate was 78.9%
the Advanced Higher pass rate was 84.9%
In 2019:
the National 5 pass rate was 78.2%
the Higher pass rate was 74.8%
the Advanced Higher pass rate was 79.4%
Deputy First Minister John Swinney met senior pupils at Stonelaw High School in South Lanarkshire to discuss their results and how they dealt with the challenge of learning during lockdown. He also took part in a video call on digital learning platform e-Sgoil with pupils from around Scotland to congratulate them on their results.
Mr Swinney said: “In the face of an incredibly tough few months for pupils and teachers, we can today celebrate the achievements of all learners. Young people have received awards that recognise their hard work and allow them to move onto the next stage in their lives.
“Scottish exams have never before been cancelled. I am immensely grateful to all teachers and lecturers who worked incredibly hard to assess achievement this year, and to the SQA for developing the certification model – without either, young people could not have received qualifications.
“There was a rise in pass rates at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher. While comparisons with previous years need to be considered carefully, given the disruption to learning this year this is a good set of results for our learners. I am pleased to see the number of skills based awards, that teach vital knowledge and experience valued by employers, rise by 18% to 64,221.
“This year’s results also show there has been a narrowing of the attainment gap at grades A-C between the most and least disadvantaged young people, which is now narrower this year for National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher than last year, or indeed the average for the last four years.
“All exam systems rely on an essential process known as moderation to uphold standards. This ensures an A grade is the same in every part of the country, making the system fair for everyone, and across all years. As the national exams body, only the SQA can maintain the consistency and the integrity of our qualifications. This year, by necessity, the moderation model is different and has been subject to additional scrutiny.
“Teachers and lecturers applied their judgements against national standards and today’s data shows that three out of every four grade estimates were not adjusted by the SQA.
“133,000 entries were adjusted from the initial estimate, around a quarter of all entries. 6.9% of those estimates were adjusted up and 93.1% were adjusted down, with 96% of all adjusted grades changed by one grade.
“Without moderation, pass rates at grades A-C compared to last year would have increased by 10.4 percentage points for National 5, by 14 percentage points for Higher and by 13.4 percentage points for Advanced Higher – annual change never been seen in Scottish exam results. I know teachers and lecturers will always want the best for their pupils but I believe that teachers have acted professionally.
“I know that learners who did not achieve what they were expecting will be disappointed, however the SQA will be operating a free appeals process this year. The appeals process is an integral part of awarding this year, and will play an important role in giving schools and colleges the opportunity to present evidence in support of teacher and lecturer estimates.
“The SQA has ensured that sufficient resources are in place to support this process and priority will be given to learners who need their grades to meet a conditional university or college offer.
“This year has been exceptionally challenging but these robust processes mean we have upheld standards so that all learners can hold their heads up and move onto the next phase in their life, whether that be further study, employment or training.“
Detailed information on attainment statistics, and the SQA’s full awarding methodology, Equality Impact Assessment and Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment, is available from the Scottish Qualifications Authority
Over 8,000 pupils across Edinburgh received their results from the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA).
This year there were no examinations due to the Covid-19 pandemic so schools were asked to submit estimated grades based on inferred attainment. The SQA then worked with the estimates and final grades were awarded.
Early indications are positive with pupils from City of Edinburgh Council schools once again making improvements in most areas compared to previous years.
A total of 41,553 resulted awards were certificated for 8,189 candidates (includes special schools, adults and mainstream secondary pupils) in over 88 subjects ranging from Accounting to Urdu.
Particular successes include passes (A-C grades) for National 5s of 79% (up 2 percentage points from last year) and Highers of 80% (up 4 percentage points from last year). For A-D grades, the success rate was 90% at National 5 and 93% for Higher – an increase of 2 and 3 percentage points respectively from last year.
The largest percentage increases were found at the following levels:
By the end of S4, 47% of the S4 roll achieved 3 or more passes at National 5 – a 4 percentage point improvement on last year and a 6 percentage point improvement from 2018.
By the end of S5, 61% of the S4 roll achieved 1 or more Higher awards (A-D) – a 2 percentage point improvement on last year. There was also a 2 percentage point increase for those achieving 3 or more Higher awards (A-D), from 38% to 40%.
By the end of S6, 67% of the S4 roll achieved 1 or more Higher passes (A-C) – a 1 percentage point improvement on last year and a 4 percentage point improvement since 2015. Similarly, 28% achieved 1 or more Advanced Higher passes (A-C) – a 1 percentage point improvement on last year and a 6 percentage point improvement from 2015.
Councillor Ian Perry, Education Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, welcomed today’s results: “This was without doubt an extremely difficult and uncertain time for our young people due to the pandemic and the effect it has had on their learning.
“So it’s really encouraging to see that overall there have been improvements in most areas compared to previous years especially with the increase in passes for National 5s and Highers.
“Thanks must go to our dedicated teachers and staff who worked extremely hard in pulling together all the estimated grades for the SQA. Our young people should be very proud of themselves in what has been an extremely challenging year.”
Councillor Alison Dickie, Education Vice Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “At the start of 2020 no one could have imagined how the world of learning and teaching would be so dramatically changed.
“Our teaching staff are to be commended for their continuing commitment to delivering high quality learning experiences. Our young people are once again to be congratulated for all their hard work and successes over the past year, and their parents/carers for their support, under the most trying of circumstances.
“Let’s not forget there is no wrong pathway for our young people as everyone’s learner journey is different. School is about ensuring all our young people are able to fulfil their potential by attaining the highest level of achievements possible and by receiving the best possible experience.”
Additional information – analysis:
Results by end of S4
5 passes at National 5 or better – 47% (4 percentage points up on 2019, 8 percentage points up on 2015).
Results by end of S5*
1+ pass at Higher or better – 61% (2 percentage points up on 2019).
3+ passes Higher or better – 40% (2 percentage points up on 2019, 5 percentage points up on 2015)
5+ passes at Higher or better – 21% (1 percentage points up on 2019, 4 percentage points up on 2015)
*based on the percentage of S4 pupil roll.
Results by end of S6*
1+ pass at Higher or better – 67% (1 percentage point up on 2019, 4 percentage points up on 2015).
3+ passes Higher or better – 47% (2 percentage points down on 2019 – the first drop in six years)
5+ passes at Higher or better – 35% (1 percentage point down on 2019 – the first drop in six years)
1+ pass at Advanced Higher – 28% (1 percentage point up on 2019, 6 percentage points up on 2015).
It should be noted that the performance of this cohort locally and nationally showed a drop when in S4 (due to new examinations introduced for National 5), and in S5 (when new Higher examinations were introduced). It is therefore not unexpected to see a slight drop in two measures for the same cohort in S6.
*based on the percentage of S4 pupil roll.
Shaun Friel, head of Childline, said: “We know that for many young people, receiving exam results can be an extremely stressful experience with the pressure to get certain grades to secure college or university places.
“And, this year, some may be feeling the added strains of lockdown and the disappointment of not being able to do their best through sitting exams.
“So that young people do not feel overwhelmed as they receive their SQA results, it is so important they have someone there to listen to how they are feeling and to discuss their options, such as a friend, a parent, a teacher or even Childline.”
Children and young people can contact Childline about any worries by calling 0800 1111 or visiting the site. They can get advice from Childline about exam results here.
Childline data reveals there have been 1,250 counselling sessions about mental health and wellbeing with children in Scotland since lockdown
NSPCC Scotland urges Scottish Government to prioritise children in Coronavirus recovery plan including support for mental health
Childline has seen an increase of almost 20 per cent in young children in Scotland getting in touch about their mental health and emotional wellbeing during lockdown.
The NSPCC-run service is publishing its latest data which reveals that since the beginning of lockdown there have been more than 1,250 counselling sessions carried out with children in Scotland about mental health concerns. This is a monthly average of 419 sessions compared with 351 prior to lockdown.
NSPCC Scotland is growing increasingly concerned that children are the hidden victims of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, with Childline providing a vital lifeline to children whose counselling sessions have shown that mental health is their top concern.
Throughout the pandemic young people have told counsellors they are feeling low, unhappy, overwhelmed and more recently talked about the anxiety they feel as we look to come out of lockdown.
Some children talked to Childline about family relationships, sharing that arguments, increased parental stress levels and abusive home environments are impacting their mental health. Worryingly, the average number of counselling sessions with children across the UK about abuse has increased by around a quarter since lockdown began.
Also, UK-wide, the number of counselling sessions with 11-year-olds and younger has increased by 37% compared to before the lockdown.
One eight year-old-girl told Childline:
“I am feeling sad and worried. I am scared of Covid-19 and feel like my family don’t care about me. I don’t get any attention and am always fighting with my mum. I live with just my mum and don’t see dad much. We live in a tiny flat and sometimes we get so angry with each other we end up fighting. After we have had a fight I hurt myself because I feel like I am not good enough.”
The number of counselling sessions where children mentioned worries about the world have more than doubled compared to before lockdown and the easing of lockdown has increased anxiety levels for some young people. They have shared concerns about returning to school, catching the virus, classwork, exams and how school life will be now.
NSPCC Scotland is urging the Scottish Government to ensure its Coronavirus recovery plan prioritises children’s needs. This should include additional investment in support for children’s mental health and wellbeing in schools, as well as in early preventative work for the long term.
It is also vital that the Scottish Government has a coordinated plan that demonstrates how services will respond to the likely increase in referrals as a result of lockdown.
Matt Forde, NSPCC Scotland head of service, said: “There is no doubt that the Coronavirus pandemic has had a direct impact on the mental health of many of our children and young people in Scotland.
Esther Rantzen, Founder of Childline said: “The Coronavirus pandemic has turned children’s lives upside down, cutting them off from the places they have relied upon in the past for comfort and support. During lockdown, the virus has imprisoned them in homes which may not be safe, with emotional and physical abuse, violence, or neglect.
“At Childline we have always provided a vital listening ear for our young people who know we are there for them, and our website offers practical help to calm and reassure them. But as lockdown eases, and as life continues to feel uncertain and challenging, it is essential that in addition to Childline our children have access to the mental health resources they will need to help them cope.”
Despite Childline having to close the night service for the first time and having a 30% drop in volunteer hours, due to counsellors having to self-isolate, it continues to still be there for children across the UK.
And as children continue to struggle with the uncertainty that surrounds them and with many in homes that are unsafe, funding for the NSPCC’s Still Here for Children appeal has never been more important. The charity is asking the public to donate £10 so it can continue to run services like Childline that are providing vital support to children during the pandemic.
The NSPCC has praised NHS staff for their work with young people remotely during the lockdown and urged children and families to reach out to the GPs for support.
Adults concerned about a child can contact the NSPCC helpline seven days a week on 0808 800 5000, or email
Children can call Childline on 0800 11 11 or visit 365 days of the year.
Almost a third of Scots feel lonely at least once a week, with just under half never telling anyone about it, according to research commissioned by People’s Postcode Lottery
Nine out of ten Scots are unaware of services operating in their area that can provide support for those affected by loneliness
Charities Childline and The Silver Line share their tips, and encourage Scots to get in touch if they are suffering in silence
Campaigner and broadcaster Dame Esther Rantzen has urged Scots of every generation to work together to fight loneliness, as the nation slowly begins to emerge from lockdown.
She suffered from loneliness herself after the death of her husband, and says “It was very difficult for me to admit, because there is a real stigma which prevents people from talking about it. Since the pandemic loneliness has affected more and more people, so now we all need to reach out to each other to make sure everyone knows they are cared about and valued.”
As founder of Childline and The Silver Line, Dame Esther’s call comes as newly published research shows how loneliness affects different generations. It also reveals that many of those who regularly suffer from loneliness are reluctant to talk about it.
The data from People’s Postcode Lottery, which was compiled pre lockdown, found that loneliness is a cross-generational issue.
Almost a third of Scots (32%) feel lonely at least once a week and almost half (47%) at least once a month. Just under half (43%) of the those that experienced loneliness in the past year hadn’t told anyone about it because they didn’t want to burden others, while almost a quarter (24%) didn’t think it was a serious problem.
More than a quarter (28%) of Scots admit they have not met a new person in the last six to twelve months, with over two fifths (41%) saying this was down to lack of confidence or being too shy.
Worryingly, more than nine out of 10 Scots (91%) say they are not aware of support services in their area aimed at helping those who experience loneliness. This is slightly above the UK’s average of 87%.
The data also reveals a similar picture of loneliness across the UK. More than a third (39%) of 16-24-year-olds in the UK who had experienced loneliness have not told anyone about it because they didn’t want to burden others. A similar number (38%) said they were too embarrassed to speak about it.
When it comes to older generations in the UK, the research found that a fifth (20%) of 65-74-year-olds, and one in eight (15%) of over 75-year-olds, experience feelings of loneliness at least once a week.
Since lockdown began in mid-March more people are expected to be experiencing feelings of isolation, a result of the safety measures in place that limit contact with friends, family and work colleagues.
The charity The Silver Line, which operates a 24/7 helpline and telephone friendship services for lonely older people, has seen demand for its helpline increase by up to 31% since the pandemic began.
Similarly, The NSPCC’s Childline service has also counselled nearly 7,000 young people and children struggling during the pandemic, as many report how lonely they feel despite everyone being at home and households feeling chaotic.
Dame Esther Rantzen, founder of The Silver Line and Childline, said:“Loneliness doesn’t discriminate and can happen to anyone, at any age. We want to end social isolation and provide the emotional support and social opportunities that can help lift the spirits during what is a hugely challenging time for many.
“For older people loneliness can be a downside of living for a long time, as you might outlive many of the people who have mattered most to you, and it is almost impossible to replace such special relationships.
“Illness and disability might also make it harder to get out and about to see family and friends, meaning older people might feel they are on their own more than they used to be.
“Thanks to the support from players of People’s Postcode Lottery, both The Silver Line and Childline can continue to support those that need advice or support when they’re feeling lonely, whether it’s during this crisis or in their daily lives.
“From one-on-one phone calls, to tips on how to stay active during lockdown, we want to help people of all ages feel better. We’re also encouraging young people looking after their elders, and vice versa. The Silver Line and Childline will provide the tools needed to identify the signs of loneliness as we work within our communities to provide cross-generational support and beat loneliness together.”
The players of People’s Postcode Lottery have raised £5.5million over the past year for 32 charities working to tackle loneliness – including the national galleries of Scotland, national museums Scotland, V&A Dundee (above), Sistema Scotland, Children 1st and Edinburgh International Book Festival – and is working with The Silver Line and Childline to support everyone experiencing isolating feelings during this challenging time.
Clara Govier, managing director and chair of People’s Postcode Lottery, said: “Feelings of loneliness can impact anyone, no matter your age. The surge in demand reported by charities over the past three months highlights how vital it is that we address this cross-generational problem.
“Thanks to players of People’s Postcode Lottery, we are able to provide the essential funding required to support charities as we all continue working together to eradicate loneliness.”
If you are experiencing loneliness, or are concerned for someone else, please contact The Silver Line’s helpline on 0800 470 80 90 to access support. Young people can contact Childline on 0800 11 11 or visit
Childline: Ways to help a child or a young person who’s struggling include:
Letting them know you’re there for them and are on their side by talking to them over text or on the phone if they don’t feel able to talk in person
Being patient and staying calm and approachable, even if their behaviour upsets you. Do this by recognising that their feelings are valid and letting them know it’s okay for them to be honest about what it’s like for them to feel this way
Thinking of healthy ways to cope you could do together, like yoga, breathing exercises or mindfulness
Encouraging them to talk to their GP, someone at their school or Childline, especially if they’re finding it hard to talk at home
Take care of yourself and get support if you need to. Try not to blame yourself for what’s happening and stay hopeful about your child’s recovery
The Silver Line – Ways to help an older people who’s struggling include:
Keep in touch: phone your older relatives and friends to ask how they are – set up a rota with family and friends to make sure someone is regularly checking on them. Talking to others is a great way to relive old memories and remind everyone of the positive things in life.
Show you care: by writing letters, sending postcards, or checking if someone needs any shopping or errands run. Simply being there for someone can be a great comfort and reassurance.
Help family and friends get online: if older friends and family aren’t connected to the internet you may want to speak to them about getting an internet-enabled device so you can chat more easily and they might enjoy online classes or groups. It’s important to think about what your friend or relative might want to use their device for and how confident they feel with technology. Be aware of the signs of loneliness: the lockdown has brought changes to everyone’s normal activities and routines but there are some clues that could indicate a person is feeling lonely, such as someone neglecting their appearance or personal hygiene, not eating properly or putting themselves down.
Share The Silver Line Helpline number: For a cheerful chat, day or night, older people can call The Silver Line: 0800 470 80 90. The Charity also offers telephone friendship with weekly chats with a friendly and supportive volunteer.
A cyclist has pledged to clock up 300km in 30 days to raise money for NSPCC Scotland to help protect children from harm.
David O’Rourke, who took up cycling ventures for charity about six years ago, is completing the challenge in lanes and roads around his Linlithgow home.
All the money raised will go to the NSPCC, which helps protect children from abuse, and has provided a lifeline through its Childline service for hundreds of children in Scotland through the Coronavirus pandemic.
David, 47, said the lockdown had made him think about those, especially children, for whom home was a difficult place to be and that was why he decided this year to support the NSPCC.
Since lockdown, Childline counsellors have heard from children whose parents have lost their jobs and are under growing financial pressure, as well as from young carers struggling to look after their siblings while their parents are ill with Coronavirus symptoms. Some children have talked about experiencing abuse and feeling trapped and isolated.
David, whose cycling challenges have included London to Paris, said: “I started cycling about six years ago to get fitter and to lose weight. I like to pick a charity and have a target, as it makes you get up and go out in the morning. The lockdown for so many people is not a nice thing but one good thing is that you can get out and exercise.”
Speaking about why he chose the NSPCC, David, a team manager at information technology company Atos, said: “When I look back at my childhood, I realise I was really lucky and that not everybody is as fortunate.
“There are kids who live in environments that aren’t very good, and the lockdown will be making life even harder for them, so I decided that I wanted to support the brilliant work of the NSPCC.”
Caroline Renton, Supporter Fundraising Manager for NSPCC Scotland, said: “We’re very grateful to David, as we are to all of those who are raising funds for us during this difficult period, especially when so many of the big fundraising challenges have been cancelled or postponed.
“Throughout the public health crisis, we have been there for children and we continue to be so. Our Helpline experts are there to take calls from any adults concerned about a child and our Childline counsellors are there for children, struggling with a range of issues, including their mental health, family relationships and experiencing abuse.
“Our counsellors are there to listen to them, provide support and guide them to make decisions that are right for them.
“I’d encourage anyone who would like to support us to take inspiration from David and sign up for one of our challenges or come up with a fundraising idea of your own.”
If you would like to help raise funds for the charity:
As Scottish Government extends lockdown, Childline reveals how the past three weeks have affected children
NSPCC launches ‘We’re still here for children’ – an emergency appeal to raise vital funds to support children and families across the UK
Childline has revealed it has seen almost 400 children in Scotland getting in touch due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), with about three quarters of the contacts in the latter three weeks.
The 390 counselling sessions have been held between the end of January, when the first cases of coronavirus were identified in the UK, and April 8. A large proportion of the sessions have taken place since the Scottish Government announced social distancing rules, schools’ shutdown and the lockdown in close succession.
Since the end of January, there have been 2,200 counselling sessions with children across the UK about the issue, with 1,700 contacts since measures were announced.
In more than half of the contacts, Children talked about concerns over their mental or emotional health.
Despite Childline having to close the night service for the first time and having a 30% drop in volunteer hours, due to counsellors having to self-isolate, it’s battling to still be there for children across the UK.
Kat McMahon, a volunteer counsellor at Glasgow’s Childline base, said: “At the moment, young people are contacting us with the same kinds of concerns as they usually do, such as family arguments, sexual abuse and suicidal thoughts but everything seems amplified.
“On top of their existing anxieties about what it is happening in their lives, they are now struggling with the anxiety around the lockdown and Covid. Some have fears about their families catching the virus and many are struggling being away from school and their friends.
“For children living in homes where physical, emotional or sexual abuse is happening – there is now no escape for them. We hear from some young people who say they feel trapped because they cannot leave the house.”
Dave Black, a volunteer counsellor at Aberdeen’s Childline base, said: “At the moment, young people are not getting their usual support in the community, with the closure of many public services, and we are hearing how this is impacting on them and causing distress.
“This situation is challenging for anyone but if you are already struggling it can be extremely difficult. Children are saying they are missing school – for some, school is their safe place and where they get support and fed.
“Some of these young people don’t have anyone to talk to and Childline is absolutely critical for them to be able to share and get some support.”
The NSPCC, which runs Childline, is growing increasingly concerned about the number of children who will experience abuse or neglect due to the impact of Coronavirus.
During the past week Childline has delivered 363 counselling sessions across the UK where children have experienced physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect – up nearly a fifth from the week before. Counselling sessions about physical and emotional abuse increased by 36% and 31% respectively during this time.
One 15-year-old girl told Childline: “I am not happy at home. My parents are physically abusing me – it’s happening quite often now since schools closed and I’m really scared.
“They hit me and often it leaves me with bruises. I really want to get out of the house and be somewhere safe and happy. I’m scared that my parents will get angry and hurt me more if I tell someone.”
In the past few weeks Childline has heard from children whose parents have lost their jobs and are under growing financial pressure, as well as from young carers struggling to look after their siblings whilst their parents fall sick with Coronavirus symptoms. Childline is also hearing from children who have had suicidal thoughts and talk about feeling trapped and isolated.
To continue to support children during this challenging period, and to adapt to the ever-changing situation, the NSPCC has launched its emergency appeal ‘We’re still here for children’.
The NSPCC is urging the public to visit its website and donate £10 to help fund vital services like Childline, so the charity can continue to answer calls and be here for the young people who desperately need someone to talk to, especially when home isn’t a safe place.
To support the appeal, the NSPCC has launched a new TV ad which features a Childline counsellor talking after a shift about the vital importance of the service.
Peter Wanless, CEO of NSPCC, said: “At this uncertain time when children’s lives have changed so dramatically the NSPCC needs to be there as a reassuring voice for those worried about their children and for the most vulnerable in our society.
“Sadly, we know that for many children, home isn’t a safe place and they need our Childline counsellors more than ever. This is the greatest challenge we’ve faced in decades and we are calling on the support of the public to help us ensure we can still be here for children.”
Dame Esther Rantzen, Founder of Childline, said: “The world is an unfamiliar and very frightening place for thousands of children across the UK at the moment.
“We know that school no longer provides the sanctuary it once did and many young people are having to face unprecedented challenges at home without the vital support networks that normally surround them. Childline is more crucial than ever as a safe way children can reach out for help. We really are, as one volunteer counsellor told me, the fourth emergency service.
“Now more than ever we must continue to be there for the young people who desperately need us, no matter what. We don’t know what other challenges lie ahead, but we want to be prepared to weather any storm so that we can be there for children. That is why we are urging the public to get behind our very important emergency appeal and donate £10 so that we can provide essential support.”
Hundreds of children across the UK counselled over impact of Coronavirus outbreak
Almost 20 per cent of these counselling sessions delivered in the Aberdeen and Glasgow Childline bases
Childline has experienced an unprecedented demand for its services as the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic starts to affect children’s lives.
There have been over 900 counselling sessions with children and young people about Coronavirus so far, nearly two thirds of which (597) took place last week (16-22 March), as parents started working from home and school closures were announced.
Almost 20 per cent (167) of these counselling sessions were delivered from the Aberdeen and Glasgow Childline bases.
Support for children worried about Coronavirus hit a peak on Wednesday 18 March – the day the Prime Minister confirmed UK schools would shut – with Childline delivering 121 counselling sessions on the issue in just one day.
Over half of young people who spoke to Childline last week about Coronavirus were counselled for their mental and emotional health as they struggled to cope with issues like isolation, arguments at home and the removal of professional support from schools and the NHS.
One teenage girl told a counsellor: “I feel really anxious, upset and lonely. The news has made my mental health worse but my CAMHS appointment has been cancelled and school has closed. I’m stuck at home having a horrible time because my sisters are bullying me because I’m autistic.”
NSPCC Scotland are in discussions with the Scottish Government and local authorities to give Childline staff key worker status as they battle to keep the vital service running, and continue to support children through this public health emergency.
While the service has reduced slightly since some volunteer counsellors have been told to self-isolate, it continues to be a lifeline for some of the most vulnerable children.
Last week Childline delivered over 50 counselling sessions with children who were having suicidal thoughts, exacerbated by Coronavirus as they felt trapped and isolated.
Other issues raised have included school work and family relationships, as children sense the seriousness of the situation through their parent’s reactions.
One girl told Childline: “My mum is being very distant with me and I am usually very close to her, it’s really upsetting me. My mum and I have a good relationship but she’s really obsessed with the news and she won’t hug me or get very close to me. It scares me to think this will go on for months. She constantly talks about the Coronavirus and my anxiety is getting worse.”
Most of the young people Childline has been supporting on the impact of Coronavirus are 12-15-year-old girls.
Dame Esther Rantzen, Founder of Childline, said: “Our dedicated volunteers are on the frontline supporting children through this public health emergency, and we couldn’t do it without them.
“Sometimes young people find it difficult to share their anxieties with their parents, for fear of worrying them further. So, it is important that families talk about their feelings, together.
“We are hearing from children who have been cut off from vital support networks such as school, and friends, and that has increased their feelings of loneliness and vulnerability. They may have pre-existing mental health issues which are exacerbated by the current crisis.
“Childline needs your help to let children and young people know that we are still here for them, and if they need someone to turn to, they can contact Childline via our website or on the phone.”
Peter Wanless, CEO of NSPCC, said: “The 24/7 news cycle about Coronavirus is causing huge worry and anxiety in young people – particularly those who are already coping with many other issues in their lives.
“Childline provides an essential service to vulnerable children, some of whom may be in a life-threatening situation, which is why our staff and volunteers are working tirelessly to keep Childline running.
“While we are all facing events unprecedented in modern time keeping children safe and providing them with a space to talk about their concerns is our number one priority.”
As well as calling Childline’s free confidential helpline on 0800 11 11, young people can also send emails to trained counsellors or receive support online via one-to-one chat by visiting or by downloading the For Me app.
NSPCC launches Kids In Real Life (#KIDS_IRL) to save young lives, in real life
Hard-hitting campaign backed by Childline founder Esther Rantzen
The NSPCC has revealed that on average five children a day in Scotland are receiving help from its Childline service as they struggle with suicidal thoughts and feelings.
In 2018/19 Childline delivered 1,781 counselling sessions to young people in Scotland, who were plagued by a sense of despair – a 90% increase from three years ago.
The total number of counselling sessions in the UK for this concern was 24,447 in 2018/19 – with most of those reaching out being teenagers, but there has also been a sharp rise in under 11s receiving help (87% since 2015/16).
Young people contacting Childline with suicidal thoughts and feelings cited specific concerns about mental health, self-harm, family relationships and problems at school and college. Girls were more likely to talk about these feelings, with five times as many receiving counselling sessions than boys.
In response, the NSPCC is today launching a nationwide campaign – KIDS In Real Life – urging the public to help them save a child’s life, in real life.
#KIDS_IRL is highlighting that with so much of childhood today happening online, there are more ways than ever for children to hide how they really feel.
But behind the filters, feed and emojis, many of them are suffering. Some are even thinking about taking their own life.
The NSPCC is calling on people to show their support through a ‘Pledge to Protect’ and make a donation to fund vital services like Childline, which are there for children and teenagers when they have nowhere else to turn.
#KIDS_IRL is being brought to life by a series of hard-hitting films and adverts to raise awareness of the struggles many children and teenagers face across the country.
The stories of children and young people featured throughout the campaign are based on real life experiences of young people who have contacted the NSPCC.
Hollie suffered from chronic anxiety as a teenager which led her to try and take her own life. She says she was saved by Childline: “Following a suicide attempt I contacted Childline and spoke to a counsellor about how I was feeling. It was that conversation that stopped me from trying to take my life again when I got off the phone.
“Over the next couple of years, I stopped talking, walking, eating and taking care of myself. There were also more stays in hospital.
“Yet despite not talking to anyone, I would often call Childline and chat to a counsellor when I was feeling low. The service was my lifeline during my darkest hours.”
Since launching its online chat service, the demand for support and advice from Childline has continued to rise.
Esther Rantzen, Founder and President of Childline, said: “When we launched Childline in 1986, the majority of calls were from young people describing pain caused by someone else, this could include abuse, bullying or neglect.
“But over the last ten years we have seen a rise in the number of children describing their feelings of such intense unhappiness that they tell Childline they want to end their own lives. It is deeply disturbing that we have reached a point where, on average, 67 children a day are receiving help for suicidal thoughts and feelings.
“This new campaign highlights that many of these profoundly unhappy young people hide their feelings to those around them online, bottling up their suicidal thoughts which may become overwhelming.
“Worryingly we don’t have the resources to be there for every child who needs us, which is why it is so important the public get behind #KIDS_IRL and supports the NSPCC in their mission to be there for all the young people who reach out in their darkest hour.”