Happy birthday, Roberta!

DSCF0051A very Happy Birthday to Royston Wardieburn stalwart Roberta Blaikie, who celebrates her 70th birthday today.

Roberta has been at the heart of community activities across North Edinburgh for many years and friends, family and colleagues from over the years joined Roberta for a surprise party at a packed Royston Wardieburn Community Centre on Sunday.


Tierney Award for Susan – Leader of the Pack!


Susan Jeffrey received Drylaw’s Thomas Tierney Award for Good Citizenship at a packed Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre last night. Susan was joined by friends, family and colleagues at a reception organised to mark the annual award that celebrates our unsung local heroes (writes Dave Pickering).

Susan was the unanimous choice of Drylaw Telford community members for her incredible contribution as a volunteer with the Brownies at Drylaw Parish Church – Susan has been with the pack on a Monday evening for thirty years!

Presenting the award, Councillor Lesley Hinds said: “It’s really nice to see such a big crowd here tonight and it’s particularly good that Mrs Tierney has joined us once again.

“The community council received four every strong nominations this year ans it says a lot that Susan was the unanimous choice of the community council for her thirty years service with the local Brownie Pack, but also in recognition of her work as a fundraiser with Drylaw Church, where she chaired the fundraising committee.

“Presenting the award gives me particular satisfaction this year as I am an ambassador for the local Girl Guiding movement and I know just what a difference people like Susan can make to young people’s lives. I wonder just how many girls and young women have been influenced in a positive way over those thirty years? Susan has been described as a ‘warm, caring person’ and while she may be quiet and reserved she has made a great contribution to community life here in Drylaw.”

Susan said: “I would like to thank everyone – my friends and family – who have helped and supported me. I don’t know if I will manage another thirty years but we will see how things go!”

Speaking after the presentation Guide Leader Elizabeth Martin, ex-Commissioner of Raeburn Division (which covers Pennywell District, of which Drylaw is part) said: “It was an honour for me to present Susan with her 30 year knot at 170th ‘B’ Brownies in January, my final role as Division Commissioner for Girlguiding Raeburn.

“Susan has seen many girls go through Brownies and some have even become leaders within Girlguiding and Scouting. She always encourages the girls to do their best along with encouraging the volunteers she has had over the years to take a full part in the unit. Susan runs a very full programme of activities for the girls and plans the unit meetings with her other leaders. Congratulations, Susan on your Award.”

If you’d like more information about Girlguiding – perhaps your daughter is interested in joining or you’d like to find out about volunteering with the organisation, visit www.girlguiding.org.uk

Susan is the fifteenth recipient of the annual award – and the women have forged into a clear lead! The tally now stands at 9-6 in the girl’s favour, so come on Drylaw boys – get out and support your community!


Thomas Tierney Award for Good Citizenship Award Winners:

2000 Harry MacDonald

2001 David Pickering

2002 Anna Aitken

2003 Alexander Sandilands

2004 Emma Robertson

2005 Florence Atkinson

2006 Evelyn Crawford

2007 Jackie Brown

2008 Eileen Outterson

2009 Margaret Robinson

2010 Henry MacDonald

2011 Ian Moore

2012 Alex Dale

2013 Mhairi Curren

2014 Susan Jeffrey

More pictures from last night’s event:






Dave Pickering


Leith Academy event to celebrate LGBT History Month

LGBT History Month 2015 Invite jpg

Edinburgh and Lothian Regional Equality Council, LGBT Youth Scotland and Leith Academy in collaboration with Lothian LGBT Development Group are jointly hosting an event to celebrate LGBT History Month 2015.

LGBT History Month: Education and Equality

Thursday 26 February 2015, 5.30 – 8pm

Leith Academy , 20 Academy Park, Edinburgh, EH6 8JQ

LGBT History Month takes place in Scotland every February. It is an opportunity to celebrate Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) lives and culture by exploring our own and others’ histories in an LGBT context. It is also an opportunity for learning, discussion and debate around the continued journey for complete LGBT inclusion.


The theme for LGBT History Month 2015 is Education, and this evening will be an opportunity to hear how improved equalities can support pupils and students to achieve.

This year’s celebration will bring together communities to increase awareness of different identities and cultures. It will feature keynote speakers, multicultural performances, dances and live music. It will appeal to teachers, students, professionals and community members.

Can you please share the invitation to friends and family who might be interested in attending the event?

The event is FREE – you can book online via



For further information contact:

Nigel Chipps

Youth and Community Development Officer (Edinburgh and The Lothians), LGBT Youth Scotland

E-mail: nigel.chipps@lgbtyouth.org.uk

Burns Night Community Ceilidh: Get ready to rock at Royston Wardieburn!

We are delighted that the Burns night community ceilidh will happen again tomorrow (Saturday 24th January) from 5 – 9.30pm at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre.

The event is a celebration of diversity and talent in north Edinburgh. It is organised by a wide range of groups – including Pilton Community Health Project (PCHP),  Granton Community Gardeners and Royston Wardieburn Community Centre – under the banner of Living in Harmony.  Living in Harmony is about bringing local residents together to share their experiences and cultures and get to know each other better.

Pilton Community Health Project’s Rachel Farrier said ‘The joy of this event is what happens afterwards, once people have danced with each other, it’s difficult not to say hello on the street!’

This year’s ceilidh will include a traditional haggis supper served up by Granton Community Gardeners giving us all a chance to sample produce from the gardens.  We’ll be reliving the highlights of last year with ‘turns’ from residents from around the world – including wee Sarah reading Burns poetry, some highland dancing from Dakota Hay and Nepalese dancing from Sushma and her friends.  The homecoming string band will lead the dancing and we’ll all get the chance to strut our stuff.

Last year’s ceilidh was a massive success – over 200 people attended and over 40 volunteered to make it such a brilliant event.  You can see photos from this event on PCHP’s facebook page [photos by Anneleen Lindsay].  

Local people really enjoyed the event: ‘nice to see some community spirit’ one said.  This year tickets are going fast and it looks to be a great event.

Tickets  available NOW from Royston Wardieburn Community Centre and only cost £1. 

Get yours before they are gone!


Police offer safe Hogmanay advice

Police in Edinburgh are preparing for one of the busiest nights in the capital’s calendar, Hogmanay.

City police are delighted to be supporting one of Edinburgh’s showcase events and are looking forward to a safe and fun night of spectacular entertainment and celebration on Wednesday night.

Police officers and stewards will be on duty at the ticketed street party and across the city to provide assistance and reassurance.

Chief Superintendent Mark Williams and Sam Bryce from G4S met the media at a briefing in the city centre yesterday and advised revellers:
  • Get there early – there is plenty of entertainment on offer
  • Wrap up warm – the weather is expected to be chilly, damp and breezy
  • Don’t drink too much – anyone who drinks to excess makes themselves more vulnerable
  • Don’t bring glass, you won’t get into the ticketed area
  • The event is not suitable for children so leave them with a babysitter
  • Look after yourself and friends, stick together
  • Plan your journey home – public transport will be running and if you’ve booked a taxi, make sure you’re ready to be picked up
  • Enjoy yourself safely – officers and stewards are here to help


The garden by candlelight at North Edinburgh Arts


A seasonal invite from North Edinburh Arts

TODAY at 3:45pm

Enjoy watching and joining in with the creation of our alternative Christmas tree sculpture with artist in residence, Natalie Taylor. We are using recycled pieces of kilt and a willow structure to create our eco-friendly tree this year.

As dusk draws in, prepare to see the NEA garden in a whole new (candle) light as we create a magical twilight with glowing glass jars galore.

Mince pies and (non-alcoholic) mulled wine will be served, just to make sure you leave with that festive feeling!

Please join us to celebrate the end of a wonderful term at NEA!

North Edinburgh Arts

Happy birthday Nan!


118_2520Born before the outbreak of the First World War, Drylaw woman Nan Macdonald celebrated her 100th birthday with family and friends at Drylaw Parish Church yesterday. Guests were entertained with jazz and traditional Scottish music and shared lots and lots of stories and happy memories.

Nan is quite fragile these days and she is currently in an Inverleith nursing home, but as ever Nan’s husband of 73 years Harry was never far from his wife’s side – looking particular dapper in his maroon jacket and proudly sporting his Foundation of Hearts tie!

The pair met in the late 1930s when Harry was a butcher boy and Nan was helping to look after her father’s house. They shared many interests, particularly cycling and spent many happy weekends together on bike rides up to the north of Scotland.

The Second World War intervened but didn’t end the couple’s courtship – Harry got leave during naval service and he and Nan were married in Stockbridge Church on February 22 1941.

After the war the couple set up home in Drylaw where the Macdonalds had three children – George, Henry and Evelyn. Since then clan has continued to grow and grow, and grandchildren and great-grandchildren came from near and far to join yesterday’s celebrations.

Harry, incidentally, has a wee while to wait for his telegram from the Queen – he claims he’s Nan’s  ‘toy boy’ – he’s only 98!



MELA looking for volunteers


The Edinburgh Mela Festival 2014 is looking for volunteers

Friday 29 – Sunday 31 August

A carnival atmosphere with a vibrant and exciting mix of dance, music, street art and theatre, The Edinburgh Mela Festival is a lively, colourful event for all the family.

We are looking for enthusiastic and friendly volunteers to join the Festival team, so if you are looking for a fun, summer experience then this is the opportunity for you…

We are looking for volunteers in the following areas:

Artist Liaison, Audience Services, Market Stalls, Kids and family area, Green Recycling Team and Marketing.

We provide:

Ø A volunteer training session, which will give you a chance to meet your volunteer colleagues

Ø Travel expenses to and from the Festival

Ø A meal per shift plus refreshments from our hospitality area

Ø 2 complimentary day tickets

Ø A limited edition Mela t-shirt

Ø You will be able to ask for a reference on successful completion of your volunteer post

You will be asked to attend a short, informal interview and training session.

To find out more, please contact Antonia Dickson on 07870621086 or email volunteer@edinburgh-mela.co.uk; alternatively write to The Edinburgh Mela, Unit 14, Abbeymount Techbase, 2 Easter Road, Edinburgh, EH7 5AN

The deadline for all opportunities is Sunday 10 August.



PEP celebrates quarter century

DSCF9491How do you pack twenty-five years of history into a two hour time slot – and leave time for lunch too? It was a Herculean task for for Pilton Equalities Project, but like so many challenges they’ve faced in the past the local project passed the test with flying colours!

Staff past and present, volunteers, service users, friends and community colleagues celebrated PEP’s 25th anniversary at Edinburgh College Granton Campus on Friday.

Introduced by PEP chairperson Joan Turner, health professionals Jane Jones and Christa Wynn-Williams, former PEP worker and community activist Roberta Blaikie and current manager Helen Tait took their guests on a whistle-stop tour: from the beginnings in Royston Wardieburn and The Health Hut as Pilton Elderly Project right on to the present day as the multi-faceted Pilton Equalities Project – quite a journey!

As well as speakers there were displays of PEP memorabilia and photographs and guests also had the opportunity to renew auld acquantances and reminisce over a buffet lunch.

Many happy returns PEP – and here’s to the next 25 years!

and here’s 25 pictures … well, nearly!























