Experts in Grief: Edinburgh funeral directors first to undertake inaugural grief training

It goes without saying that the job of a funeral director can be mentally taxing and stressful and while some may say it is part of the job, over time it can take its toll.

That’s why the independent Edinburgh funeral directors, William Purves, is acknowledging that their profession poses risks to colleagues’ mental health and has therefore working with leading bereavement charity, Cruse’s inaugural Grief First Aid training.

With over 125 years of experience in the business, the family-owned funeral firm is no stranger to carefully navigating the complexities of grief.

Nonetheless, in the aftermath of the pandemic, which saw countless lives affected by grief – including members of the funeral team – William Purves stepped up to become one of the first businesses to trial this new initiative to better support anyone who may be suffering as a result of loss, grief or bereavement. 

Hazel Strachan, a William Purves Administrator and one of the course attendees said: “Our job takes us to the heart of families who are coping with one of life’s most challenging experiences – never more so than during the pandemic. During this time, we prioritised the care of others over processing the impact on our own lives – which has led to a storing up of emotions.

“Funeral Directors are also not immune to bereavement in our own lives – events from many years ago can be triggered by aspects of the job, which creates an unexpected emotional response.”

Cruse’s Grief First Aid course comprises three online modules, each four hours in length. 20 representatives from William Purves undertook the course, covering topics including ‘understanding grief’ and ‘the importance of bereavement policy’.

The participants also developed practical skills focused on facilitating conversations around grief and how best to support a colleague returning to work following a bereavement. Upon finishing the training, each representative received a certification of completion.

Gemma Halley, HR Manager who enlisted William Purves’ onto the course, said: “As a team we are now equipped with a much deeper understanding of how grief impacts everyday life. Crucially, we now have the knowledge to recognise signs of need within the workplace which we may have otherwise overlooked and the skills to respond to that need.

“While hard to select one key takeaway from the training, the importance of recognising that everyone’s experience of grief is individual to them and that the power of listening cannot be underestimated will be invaluable.

“Treating our colleagues with compassion throughout their grief journey and ensuring they feel heard, respected and supported early on can potentially stave off far more serious consequences as well as strengthen and build internal bonds of support.”  

Rachel Argyle, a representative of Cruse said: “We were very excited that William Purves agreed to undertake our inaugural Grief First Aid Training.

“Given that they care for grieving families every day, their understanding of bereavement was already very high, and they were well equipped with key skills to support those suffering.

“Where the training resonated most was in giving staff the tools to recognise when fellow colleagues might be triggered by a funeral or life event, and to be more confident in initiating conversations around grief in the workplace.”

St Columba’s: Grief session cancelled

Next Thursday’s (11th April) Supporting your Child in Grief group has been cancelled due to the Easter Holidays.

The next group will run on Thursday 9th May at 11am-12pm as usual.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

Surprise performance takes place at Scotland’s National Wallace Monument for Marie Curie’s Day of Reflection

  • Musical performances hosted across the UK to count down to Day of Reflection –
  • Marie Curie’s Day of Reflection will take place on Sunday 3 March –
  • Bereaved families will gather at Pollok Park on the Day of Reflection –

The public was treated to a surprise choir performance against the backdrop of the National Wallace Monument in Stirling yesterday to mark Marie Curie’s Day of Reflection this weekend. A day which will bring people together to remember those who died during the pandemic, and to show support to those who were bereaved.

On-lookers were stopped in their tracks during the poignant performance by local choir group, the Gospel Touch Choir, who sang a series of songs associated with loss and grief, urging people to take a moment to pause and reflect. 

The surprise performance in Abbey Craig, Stirling is one of several to take place this week across the UK ahead of the Day of Reflection. Organised by the UK’s leading end of life charity, Marie Curie will lead the nation in the fourth annual Day of Reflection this Sunday 3rd March, where people are being urged to pause again at midday and observe a minute’s silence.

In a recent poll, 50% of UK adults experienced the bereavement of a close friend, family member or acquaintance during the pandemic[1]. Almost half of which said they are still very much coming to terms with their grief (47%)[2]. Over half (51) of respondents who experienced a bereavement during the pandemic agree[3]  that bringing the nation together to remember the people who died, and show support to those who were bereaved, will help with their grief. 

During the first wave of the pandemic, Marie Curie scaled up its bereavement support in response to the increased need it saw across the UK. The charity cares for people with any illness they are likely to die from. This includes dementia, motor neurone disease and advanced cancer, and its hospice and hospice care at home staff cared for people with Covid-19.

Matthew Reed, Chief Executive, Marie Curie said: “With our fourth Day of Reflection just days away, Marie Curie is urging the nation to take a moment to remember all the people who died during the pandemic and to show support for those who are bereaved.

“New data has confirmed what we are seeing on the ground. The pandemic endures in the minds of people who were bereaved, and huge swathes of the public are still grieving. Please show your support for them this Sunday, and if you need help with your grief, know that Marie Curie is here for you and ready to talk.”

Marie Curie has published a range of resources to support individuals and organisations wanting to observe the day, including:  

  • An events map at to find local events and register your own   
  • A downloadable petal to share the name of someone you’re remembering on social media, tagging @mariecurieuk 
  • Bereavement support for anyone who needs it, available from the charity’s free support line (0800 090 2309)
  • A special radio programme Sound Not Silence, hosted by Gaby Roslin, which will focus on the importance of music in grief and will be available to all radio stations on Sunday 3 March and at following the midday silence.

On the Day of Reflection, bereaved families will gather at Pollok Park at the I Remember Monuments at 11.45am. After the minute’s silence, there will be poetry readings and a piper. Everyone is welcome.

The anniversary of the first UK lockdown, March 23, marked the inaugural Day of Reflection in 2021. This year it moves to the new date of March 3, in line with the UK Commission on Covid Commemoration’s recommendation. The day is held each year to remember the people who died during the pandemic, and to show support for those who were bereaved. 

St Columba’s: Supporting your child in grief


Our next ‘Supporting your child in grief’ session takes place on Thursday 8th February at 11am.

The session offers an opportunity for you to join other parents and carers to talk, share feelings and connect with one another. You can simply say it how it is, seek advice and hopefully pick up some tips from each other.

Register for free today at

St Columba’s: Supporting Your Child In Grief session

Our next ‘Supporting your child in grief’ session takes place on Thursday 11th January at 11am.

The session offers an opportunity for you to join other parents and carers to talk, share feelings and connect with one another. You can simply say it how it is, seek advice and hopefully pick up some tips from each other.

Register for free today at

Baby loss memorial book

Charities and health professionals help design book – now open for applications

A Memorial Book is now open for anyone who has experienced pregnancy or baby loss prior to 24 weeks.

The book, produced jointly by the Scottish Government and National Records of Scotland, will give parents an opportunity – if they wish – to commemorate their loss with a physical record.

It was developed after listening to people who have experienced a pregnancy or baby loss prior to 24 weeks of pregnancy and is a free and entirely optional service.

Launching the book during a visit to the baby loss charity, Held In Our Hearts, First Minister Humza Yousaf said: “The loss of a baby at any stage of pregnancy has a profound impact on everyone affected, and the Scottish Government has listened to parents who told us how difficult it was that they often felt that their loss was not recognised.

“We have worked with health professionals, Royal Colleges, baby loss charities and National Records of Scotland to develop a Memorial Book of Pregnancy and Baby Loss, which provides a record of the loss, and a commemorative certificate.

“I am pleased that this is now open for applications from anyone who has experienced pregnancy or baby loss prior to 24 weeks. I am very grateful to everyone involved in making this a reality.

“I hope this will provide acknowledgment and a measure of comfort to those who have experienced the terrible sadness of a pre-24 week pregnancy or baby loss.”

Welcoming the announcement Nicola Welsh, Chief Executive of Held In Our Hearts, said: “The loss of a much-wanted baby at any stage of pregnancy, can be incredibly painful and isolating. 

“A family are left grieving for a life they wished for and until now, for pre-24 week pregnancy and baby loss, there was no formal way to recognise that these little ones existed. 

“The Memorial Book will, for the first time, provide the opportunity for families to have their little ones’ names added to the National Records of Scotland.  We hope that by memorialising these little lives in this way, it will provide much needed comfort and recognition to these families.”

Chief Executive of Sands, and Chair of the Baby Loss Awareness Alliance, Clea Harmer said: “We hope that anyone who has been affected by pregnancy and baby loss prior to 24 weeks will find comfort in this new Memorial Book.

“We understand how vital it is for those who experience a bereavement at any stage in pregnancy to have their baby acknowledged and remembered and know that their babies’ lives mattered.”

National Records of Scotland will hold the Memorial Book, process applications and issue certificates.

The service is free of charge, completely voluntary and historical applications are welcome, as are applications for more than one loss.

Applications can be made by going online to: and downloading and printing the application form.

Every Dog Has It’s Day 

Hundreds of dogs and their owners descended on Cammo Estate in Edinburgh on Sunday (20th August) for the annual dog show on behalf of the Lewis Leap charity. 

The show aims to raise awareness and funds for the charity which was set up to honour the memory and spirit of Cammo schoolboy Lewis Johnson, who died suddenly whilst on a family holiday aged just 13.  

The charity’s vision is to introduce a new service later this year to offer early support to local families who have suddenly and traumatically lost a child, sibling or parent.

They are partnering with national bereavement support group Cruse Scotland and the new service will support family members collectively and individually in the early stages of grief. 

For more information visit: 

Struggling with grief?


Stockbridge Library – Wednesday 26 July from 6.30 – 8pm

Are you grieving?

Would it be good to sit with others at the Edinburgh Death Cafe?

Please come along and join us on Wednesday 26 July 6.30 – 8pm Stockbridge Library.

Tea and cake.








First Minister confirms Baby Loss Memorial Book to launch in summer

A Memorial Book for those who have experienced a pregnancy or baby loss prior to 24 weeks will be available this summer, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed.

Along with an entry in the book, those who have experienced a loss will be able to apply for a commemorative certificate which is intended to give recognition and comfort to those who want to record their loss. The service will be free of charge and completely voluntary.

Applications to have an entry included in the book, produced jointly by the Scottish Government and National Records of Scotland, will go live this summer. 

Making the announcement, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “The loss of a pregnancy or a baby is always painful. I have spoken in the past about my personal experience of miscarriage, and I know the sense of grief will stay with me and my husband forever.

“I also know that we would have drawn comfort at the time if there had been a way for us to mark the loss and formally recognise the child we were grieving.

“Launching this Memorial Book with the National Records of Scotland will give parents an opportunity – if they wish it – to commemorate their loss with a physical record, and to have their child recognised.

“I am very proud to support the Memorial Book and hope that it will bring comfort to those experiencing the pain of baby loss. I also hope that might also help break the silence and stigma around the loss of a pregnancy or a baby that sadly still exists in our society”.

“We warmly welcome the development of Scotland’s new Memorial Book and optional certificate for those who have experienced a loss before 24 weeks of pregnancy. 

Ruth Bender Atik from the Baby Loss Awareness Alliance said: “Even the earliest of pregnancy losses can be deeply upsetting and the lack of any formal acknowledgement can add to that distress. 

“We believe that for many people, the Memorial Book and certificate will provide great comfort and a validation that these tiny lives mattered.”

  • Applications to record a pre 24 week loss in the Memorial Book will go live following the launch in Summer 2023.
  • There is no statutory requirement to register the loss, and all information given is voluntarily.
  • The loss must have taken place in Scotland, or applicants must reside in Scotland at the time of application.
  • There is no requirement for applicants to submit medical evidence of the loss with the application and historical applications will be welcomed.
  • More than one loss can be recorded by an applicant, with each one requiring a separate application.

Funeral charity issues callout for kind-hearted volunteers to help recently bereaved people in the Lothians

As most Scots feel the full force of the cold weather and cost of living crisis, one charity is making a pledge to support even more bereaved Scots facing funeral poverty in 2023 – but they need the help of the public to achieve their goal.

Caledonia Funeral Aid was set up to provide free practical and emotional support to bereaved Scots or those thinking about end-of-life planning, with a particular focus on those worried about how they are going to afford to pay for a funeral.

With many people having to choose between heating and eating, a bereavement could cause extra financial worry on top of the pain of a loss and that is why Caledonia Funeral Aid was set up.

Co-founder John Halliday explains: “A lot of people we support haven’t had to arrange a funeral before – thankfully. However, they are grieving, and they don’t know where to start or what to do. 

“The distress is only made worse if finances are an issue. When the average cost of a basic funeral is nearly £4k, the amount of people who are struggling is more than you would think.

“Caledonia Funeral Aid operate a helpline, which provides free, impartial advice on organising a funeral, paying for a funeral and how to cope. 

We are keen to spread the word that help is available, you don’t have to face this alone, support is there. That is why we have issued a callout for volunteers.

The recruits will receive full training and will staff events and workshops, as well as man the advice line.

It may sound like a difficult role, but it is truly a rewarding one, as you are helping someone as they navigate one of the most difficult periods of their life. People who we speak with are always so grateful to have us guiding them through.”

One such person is Donna, whose friend Adam died earlier this year: “I approached several funeral directors who turned me away when they heard money was an issue. I was so worried as I wanted to honour Adam’s wishes.

“Luckily, I called Caledonia Funeral Aid, and they advised me of more affordable options and financial assistance that was available. As a result, I managed to organise a dignified and caring funeral for my dear friend.”

In terms of the type of person they are looking for, John explains more: “We are looking for sympathetic and organised people who are passionate about helping others. As we work Scotland-wide, location is flexible, but we are focusing on Edinburgh in terms of delivering events and workshops.”

Anyone who is interested is encouraged to give our team a call on 03000 113 301