Benefits delivery set to get much tougher, says spending watchdog

The Scottish Government has done a good job of delivering its first set of devolved benefits, but the real challenge is still to come, spending watchdog Audit Scotland warns in a report published today. Continue reading Benefits delivery set to get much tougher, says spending watchdog

TERMINAL DECLINE? Auditor General calls for immediate action to save NHS in Scotland

“We cannot go on like this – patients and staff deserve so much better” – Labour MSP Neil Findlay

Immediate action is needed to shift the NHS towards long-term, fundamental change, according to a new report published today. Scottish Conservative health spokesman Miles Briggs MSP said the report should make ‘shameful reading’ for the Scottish government. Continue reading TERMINAL DECLINE? Auditor General calls for immediate action to save NHS in Scotland

Scotland’s colleges: improving picture but challenges remain

A deal to harmonise staff pay at a cost of £50m a year will absorb projected savings from the reform of Scotland’s colleges, says the Auditor General. Caroline Gardner’s annual report on colleges says the sector reported a very small surplus in its underlying financial position in 2016/17, compared to the previous year’s £8m deficit. Continue reading Scotland’s colleges: improving picture but challenges remain

Decisive leadership needed as council savings “increasingly critical”

Finding savings is now “increasingly critical” for councils dealing with ongoing reductions in funding, says the Accounts Commission in a report published today. Continue reading Decisive leadership needed as council savings “increasingly critical”

Lessons must be learned following school wall collapse, says new report

Councils must learn lessons to maintain the safety of public buildings following Edinburgh school wall collapse. In a report out today, the Accounts Commission highlights important lessons for all councils following the collapse of a wall at Oxgangs Primary School in 2016. Continue reading Lessons must be learned following school wall collapse, says new report

Government must focus on preventative health measures, say Greens

The Scottish Government must give a greater focus to preventative public health measures in order to improve the National Health Service, the Scottish Greens will say during a Holyrood debate later today.  Speaking in an opposition debate on the NHS in Scotland 2017 report, Green MSP Alison Johnstone will say the report’s findings prove there’s a greater need for early intervention and for general practice funding to be reformed to help support GP retention. Continue reading Government must focus on preventative health measures, say Greens