Fundamental review needed of planning and resourcing of additional support for learning

The Scottish Government and councils must fundamentally rethink how they plan, fund and staff additional support for learning as part of core school education in Scotland.

Since legislation in 2004 to make additional support for learning (ASL) more inclusive, there has been an eight-fold increase in pupils recorded as receiving ASL; currently 40 per cent of Scottish pupils – or 285,000 children – receive ASL. Almost all support is now delivered in mainstream classrooms, and it has become an increasingly central part of what teachers do.

The Scottish Government failed to plan for the impacts of this inclusive approach, and poor data means it is not possible to determine the scale, complexity and nature of needs across Scotland. The Scottish Government and councils urgently need better information to understand pupils’ needs and appropriate level of resource to support them.

Existing measures show a wide gap in outcomes for pupils receiving additional support compared with other pupils, including being more likely to be absent or excluded from school. More appropriate ways of measuring the achievements of pupils who receive ASL are still to be developed.

Stephen Boyle, Auditor General for Scotland, said: “The Scottish Government has failed to plan effectively for its inclusive approach to additional support for learning. Current gaps in data mean it is unclear whether all children’s right to have an education that fully develops their personality, talents and abilities is being met.

“The Scottish Government and councils urgently need better quality data to understand pupils’ additional support needs and the resources required to provide support to enable all pupils to reach their full potential.”

Ruth MacLeod, Member of the Accounts Commission, said: “Councils and the Scottish Government must fundamentally rethink how additional support for learning is planned and provided as a core part of Scotland’s school education.

“This includes reviewing how mainstream and special education is provided to meet current and future additional support needs and demands.

“It is critical they work with pupils, parents and carers and staff throughout this process.”

COSLA’s Children and Young People Spokesperson, Councillor Tony Buchanan @antbuc1), has commented following report published today about Additional Support For Learning from the Auditor General and Accounts Commission.

The Auditor General and Accounts Commission published a briefing paper on additional support for learning (ASL) on 27th February 2025. It makes a series of recommendations to Scottish Government and Councils, touching on data, measuring the outcomes of children and young people with additional support needs, funding, workforce planning and school buildings.

The COSLA Children and Young People Board will discuss the briefing at their meeting on 7th March.

Councillor Tony Buchanan, said: “Local Government is fully committed to supporting all children and young people to learn and to providing opportunities so that they can realise their full potential. The briefing paper published by the Auditor General and Accounts Commission on additional support for learning is welcomed.

The COSLA Children and Young People Board will be updated next week, with an initial consideration of the recommendations. COSLA, alongside the Scottish Government, co-chair the Additional Support for Learning Project Board.

“There will be an opportunity for the project board to consider the recommendations fully when they meet next month and consider how these can inform their priorities.”

Record number of pupils in Scotland are identified with additional support needs as support falls

The Scottish Children’s Services Coalition (SCSC), an alliance of leading providers of specialist care and education to vulnerable children and young people, has raised concerns over an increase to a record high in the number of pupils identified with additional support needs (ASN).

The figures were released today (10 December) in the Scottish Government’s annual census of pupils and teachers in publicly funded schools.Concerns have also been raised about a decline in the number of special schools, and the level of statutory support being offered to those with the most complex needs, meaning that thousands of children and young people are being let down overall.

The figures show that the number of pupils with ASN, such as autism, dyslexia and mental health problems in 2024 has reached a record high of 284,448. This  represents 40.5% of the pupil population, rising from 140,542 in 2014 (20.8% of the pupil population).

It amounts to a more than doubling (102.4%) in numbers over the past decade.

Amounting to more than two out of five of the pupil population, this is set against a backdrop of budgetary cuts and an ongoing lack of support for those with ASN, including cuts in numbers of specialist ASN teachers and support staff.

The SCSC has called for increased resourcing to address this growing need, which is also having an impact on surging levels of classroom disruption and violence, as well as adequate training and development of staff. This includes increases in the numbers of specialist teachers, pupil support assistants, mental health professionals and educational psychologists.

The rise in the number of those with ASN, is against the background of a slump in the number of special schools, which have fallen from 145 in 2014 to 107 this year.

The SCSC has also voiced concerns over a declining number of those with complex or multiple ASN needs receiving a co-ordinated support plan (CSP).

Prepared by local authorities, CSPs are the only education plans that are legally enforceable documents. They require services such as education, health and social work to work together to give a child or young person the support they need. This provides some guarantees of entitlement to additional resources and legal redress, placing statutory duties on local authorities to review and ensure the provisions contained within it are being met.

Despite a Scottish Government promise that there would be no reduction in the proportion of pupils receiving them since their introduction in 2004, there has been a significant fall in the number of pupils with a CSP. In 2014, there were 3,128 pupils with CSPs.3 However, in 2024 this number had fallen to 1,215.4 This amounts to a drop of 61.1% and is a reduction from 2.2% to 0.4% of those with ASN.

The coalition has called for an expansion in access to CSPs, with the Scottish Government, local authorities, health and other relevant agencies collaborating more effectively to ensure that those requiring such a legal plan receive one.  

This needs to be supported by the necessary resourcing, and increased awareness and understanding of CSPs by families or carers and professionals.

A spokesperson for the SCSC commented: “While more children and young people are being identified as having ASN, now at a record high, this is against the increasingly challenging backdrop of a lack of specialist teachers, support staff and the resources needed to support them.

“This is not only letting down thousands of children and young person, but also their fellow pupils, teachers and support staff. Increased support is critical, especially post the Covid-19 pandemic and the damaging impact this has had on many of our children and young people, exacerbated by the cost-of-living crisis, all of which is hitting the poorest hardest.

“A decline in the number of special schools is also worrying, putting increased pressure on the mainstream sector, with many of those with ASN more suited to a special school environment.

“We are also concerned that despite an increase in the numbers of those with ASN, there has been a notable decline in the use of CSPs, which are legally enforceable and designed to support those with the most complex needs.

“The Scottish Government, local authorities, health and other agencies need to work in collaboration with the private and third sectors to provide the necessary resourcing and support to address the needs of children and young people with ASN. They must also work together to ensure that those who are entitled to a CSP receive one.

“With those with ASN drawn disproportionately from poorer neighbourhoods, if we are to genuinely close the educational attainment gap, these children and young people must get the care and support they need when they need it.”

Letters: Council must act to increase provision for those with ASN


Dear Editor

As a coalition of organisations that support vulnerable children and young people, it is no surprise that recent FOI enquiries highlight that more than half (56 per cent) of requests for places in special schools have been refused by City of Edinburgh Council.

The number of those with additional support needs (ASN) has escalated considerably, increasing by 145 per cent for primary school pupils, and 219 per cent for secondary over the last decade. Just over half of secondary pupils in the capital are now identified as having an ASN, including the likes of autism, dyslexia and mental health problems.

This escalation has put incredible pressure on our mainstream schools, which have been hit by a perfect storm of cuts in the number of ASN teachers, support staff and resources.

For a growing number of children and young people with increasingly complex needs, mainstream schooling is not appropriate, and the needs of these children and young people are better met in a specialist setting.

It is therefore understandable that parents are seeking such support, which can dramatically improve the wellbeing and prospects of the child or young person concerned and reduce impacts on fellow non-ASN pupils and staff.

However, while there is a growing requirement for special schools, we have seen their numbers cut from 13 to 10 over the last decade in the capital, and the number of pupils at these has declined from 695 to 686.

This is something that the Scottish Government and City of Edinburgh Council will need to recognise and act on. We would therefore urge that the additional boost for the government arising from the recent UK Budget is in part used to increase this vital specialist provision.

Yours faithfully

The Scottish Children’s Services Coalition:

Kenny Graham, Falkland House School

Lynn Bell, LOVE Learning

Stephen McGhee, Spark of Genius

Niall Kelly, Young Foundations

42 Charlotte Square

Edinburgh EH2 4HQ

Tel: 0131 603 8996

Dynamic Earth to host Relaxed Opening Hours Day 

Enjoy a Relaxed Opening Hours Day at Dynamic Earth – Accessible Fun for the Whole Family!

Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh’s Science Centre and Planetarium, is excited to announce its upcoming Relaxed Opening Hours Day on 6th November, offering visitors an extraordinary opportunity to explore the wonders of our planet in a calm, sensory-friendly setting.

Dynamic Earth’s Relaxed Opening Hours Day provides an inclusive environment for all visitors. Designed for those who would benefit from a more relaxed visit such as those with Additional Support Needs (ASN), but open to everyone.

These sessions prioritise sensory comfort through sensory adjustments without compromising on the overall Dynamic Earth experience. Whether you’re visiting with family, friends, or solo, Relaxed Opening Hours Day creates a welcoming space for everyone to experience the wonder of Dynamic Earth.

Dynamic Earth’s approach encourages visitors to learn and explore at their own pace, giving everyone the chance to fully enjoy everything this world-class science centre and planetarium has to offer. This is why Dynamic Earth offers sensory adjustments throughout the entire day.

Sensory Adjustments on Relaxed Opening Hours Day:

  • Reduced Visitor Numbers Throughout the Day: Allowing for a quieter, more comfortable experience across all exhibitions.
  • Altered Lighting and Audio Features: Adjusted lighting and sound create a softer environment throughout the attraction, from our entrance to exhibitions.
  • Trained Staff in Disability and Neurodiversity Awareness: Dynamic Earth’s team is equipped to support and assist all visitors, ensuring a respectful and supportive experience.
  • Subtitles on All Videos & BSL Interpretation: All videos include subtitles, and the 3 pm planetarium show will feature British Sign Language (BSL) interpretation for enhanced accessibility.
  • A Wide Range of Sensory Aids: Sensory bags, social stories, and sensory maps are available to guide and enhance each visitor’s experience.
  • Flexible Admission: Enjoy the freedom to visit Dynamic Earth’s tour and planetarium at a relaxed pace, allowing visitors to choose their best experience.
  • Designated Quiet Space: A dedicated area is available for visitors to recharge during their visit. 

Dynamic Earth’s Relaxed Opening Hours Days reflect the centre’s core mission to make science accessible and engaging for everyone.

This initiative aligns with Dynamic Earth’s commitment to “Deliver Outstanding Science Engagement”, reaching people from all backgrounds, particularly those who benefit from an inclusive and adaptive environment.

In addition to the November date, Dynamic Earth will host another Relaxed Opening Hours Day on 24th January, reaffirming its dedication to providing accessible learning experiences for all visitors.

Guided by a purpose to foster understanding and empathy for the planet, Dynamic Earth is committed to expanding access to science in ways that make a positive impact on individuals and communities alike.

Dynamic Earth warmly invites visitors to join them on November 6th and enjoy a day where everyone is welcomed and supported – tickets available to purchase here:


Letter: ‘Deep concern’ over cuts to city council’s inclusion services

Dear Editor

As a coalition of organisations that support vulnerable children and young people, we are deeply concerned in relation to proposed budget cuts to City of Edinburgh Council’s inclusion services.

There has been a massive increase in the number of pupils in Scotland’s schools identified with additional support needs (ASN), such as autism, dyslexia and mental health problems. In Edinburgh, this has seen the number of pupils with ASN almost treble in number between 2013 and 2023.

It has been estimated that over 40 per cent of primary school and over half of secondary school pupils in the capital now have an ASN.

Unfortunately, the necessary resourcing required for this group has not increased. For example, the number of ASN teachers in Edinburgh’s schools has declined by four over the period 2013 to 2023, from 170 to 166, despite the massive increase in the number of pupils with ASN.

Any further axing in staff, who are already overstretched and under-resourced, in supporting these pupils will prove absolutely devastating.

This will impact not only them, but also fellow pupils who will face reduced teaching time given the need to support those with ASN, as well as putting even more pressure on teachers and support staff.

We would urge City of Edinburgh Council to reconsider its approach, as this sticking plaster solution of budget cuts will simply lead to reduced life chances for these individuals, with the resultant impact on society and the economy.

Yours faithfully

The Scottish Children’s Services Coalition:

Kenny Graham, Falkland House School

Lynn Bell, LOVE Learning

Stephen McGhee, Spark of Genius

Niall Kelly, Young Foundations

42 Charlotte Square

Edinburgh EH2 4HQ

Tel: 0131 603 8996

Edinburgh family hails son’s ‘Happy Place’ at The Yard’s Charity Ball

Over £80,000 was raised for a disabled children’s charity during its annual star-studded fundraising ball at the weekend.

Almost 300 people turned out for the Secret Garden-themed black-tie affair, The Yard’s Big Fun Raiser, at Prestonfield House Hotel, Edinburgh on Saturday 1 June 2024, raising funds through tickets, a raffle and silent auction.

The Yard works with children and young people aged 0-25 with Additional Support Needs through adventure play sessions in Edinburgh, Dundee and Kirkcaldy. 

The service offers creative and inclusive play experiences in a well-supported environment, alongside wraparound support for the whole family, with a varied programme of drop-in, respite and transition youth clubs, early years, specialist sessions with schools, family play sessions, plus inclusive play and disability training.

Celine Sinclair, CEO of The Yard, said, “Since opening our secret garden at Canonmills our dreams have taken root and flourished. We’ve grown, extending our arms to over 2600 young people annually across Edinburgh, Dundee and Fife.

“Now, we’re actively working towards spreading our unique model of family support and service excellence even further across Scotland.

“Thanks to the incredible generosity shown at The Big Fun Raiser,  we can unlock the potential of countless more families across Scotland by expanding The Yard’s reach and opening the doors to even more secret gardens of support, joy, and friendship.”

Edinburgh Mum Megan Davidson whose son Toby (5) attends The Yard, gave a speech highlighting the importance of the charity to her family.

Megan said, “Toby is unique, creative, fun and loving, and big brother to Phoebe who is two, going on 25. Toby is also autistic and has a chromosome duplication.  When he started playgroup, Toby really struggled and his behaviour was challenging. Although the staff were amazing, I dreaded pick-up and what they might say. Then, one day, a member of staff told us about The Yard. At that point, he hadn’t been diagnosed but that wasn’t an issue and, what’s more,  I could take Phoebe too!

“From our first visit, the nerves began to get lighter and Toby was having so much fun. I was no longer the odd one out; everyone got it! They offered us support, advice and friendship.  There is nowhere else you will find such selfless people; the team are 100% there for the children and he adores them. The Yard is his ‘yes’ place, his safe space, his happy place where he can be himself and celebrated for who he is.

“It’s also a place where Phoebe is included alongside her brother. Her experiences and the friendships she is forming are making her an advocate for inclusion. I wish all children had the opportunity she has had.

The Yard saved me; it gave me a place to heal when I needed it the most. It has educated me and, most importantly,  made me see just how beautiful our children are and that the world is better for having them in it.”

For more information, visit

Committee warns of “intolerable” situation for children and young people with additional support needs

A Scottish Parliament Committee has reported its alarm at the gap between the ambitions and implementation of a policy that aspires for children and young people with additional support needs (ASN) to be taught in mainstream education.

Holyrood’s Education, Children and Young People Committee unanimously agreed that the policy behind mainstreaming is the best route forward, however its inquiry found that the Scottish Government and local authorities are failing to implement it properly.

Speaking as the report was published, Sue Webber MSP, Convener of the Education, Children and Young People Committee, said: “The situation faced by children and young people with additional support needs is intolerable.

“During our inquiry, we were extremely concerned to hear about negative experiences of additional support for learning provision, the educating of children and young people in mainstream schools and the detrimental impact this has had on some pupils, their parents and carers, and teachers and support staff.

“Things must change. The Scottish Government and local authorities have been repeatedly warned about the consequences of failing to improve support for children with additional support needs. With a rising number of children reporting with additional support needs, a third of pupils in some areas, the Government and local authorities must not ignore the concerns and recommendations made in this report.”

During the inquiry, children and young people told the Committee that it can be hard to understand when someone does not give them the support they need and that a lack of support staff to cope with the number of pupils who need support can leave them feeling frustrated.

The Committee was particularly concerned by evidence that highlighted challenges of getting children the support they required.

In evidence to the Committee, the National Autistic Society said: “We see continually that autistic children and young people are forced to “fail” in mainstream settings before any other option or support is offered.

“Families have to fight the system to get that support, with many being forced into legal action and having to engage a solicitor before a solution is found.”

Other concerns raised in the Committee’s report look at the problems with a move towards open-plan schools, which could prove extremely overwhelming for children with autism and the number of neurodivergent children who are masking at school.

To improve the situation, the Committee makes several recommendations including reviewing placing requests, undertaking research on the prevalence and impact of masking, and urgently addressing gaps in specialist provision.

Responding to the report, a spokesperson for the Scottish Children’s Services Coalition commented: “The report by the Parliamentary committee on a lack of support to children and young people with additional support needs (ASN) is not a surprise to any of those involved in the sector.

“We have consistently warned of a potential ‘lost generation’ of those in this group, now amounting to more than 259,000 children.

“The number of those with ASN, such as autism, dyslexia and mental health problems, amounts to more than a third of pupils, a doubling in numbers over the past decade, including an increase in those with complex needs. 

“As a coalition of organisations that support vulnerable children and young people, we have however for many years shared the concerns of the committee over a lack of resourcing to support an escalating number of pupils with ASN, including a lack of specialist teachers and support staff.

“There has, for example, been a cut in ASN spending per pupil of just under £2,000 over the last decade, and the number of specialist ASN teachers has fallen by just under 400.

“Under the new First Minister, we need a ‘national crusade’ to address of the needs of more than a third of our children and young people, providing the necessary resources to address their needs.

“While we support the principle of mainstreaming, that all children and young are taught in mainstream classes unless exceptional circumstances apply, it is difficult to see how this can work effectively when those with ASN are in many cases not receiving the necessary care and support. 

“This situation is putting an incredible level of pressure on teachers and other staff, with an impact also in terms of surging levels of school violence and poor behaviour we are witnessing.

“The committee noted this gap between policy ambition and implementation, which is leading to mainstream education being ‘intolerable’ for many children and young people with ASN.

“There are also many of those in mainstream education, whose complexity of needs would be far better served in a special school setting, delivering what is best for their educational and social requirements.

“The Scottish Government, local authorities, health and other agencies need to work in collaboration with the private and third sectors to provide the necessary resourcing and support to address the needs of children and young people with ASN.“

Spending to support Scotland’s vulnerable children slashed by more than a third

SCSC calls for greater resourcing

  • Spending cut of £1,934 per pupil from 2012/13 for those identified with additional support needs (ASN) – 33.9 per cent cut over a decade
  • More than doubling in the number of pupils with ASN from 2012
  • Cut of 546 in the number of ASN teachers 

An alliance of leading providers of specialist children’s services, the Scottish Children’s Services Coalition (SCSC), has called for greater resourcing to support children and young people with ASN, such as autism, dyslexia and mental health problems.

The call comes as new figures contained in a parliamentary answer to the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, Jenny Gilruth MSP, reveal that average additional support for learning (ASL) spend per pupil has slumped by over a third (34.8 per cent). [1] This comes against a perfect storm of escalating numbers of pupils with ASN, against the backdrop of cuts in support.

While the SCSC supports a presumption of mainstreamingfor pupils with ASN, meaning that they are educated in a mainstream school unless exceptional circumstances, without adequate resourcing there is an obvious impact on those with ASN, fellow pupils and teachers.

The SCSC is calling on the Scottish Government to work with local authorities to increase funding to support the needs of vulnerable children and young people, including greater provision of specialist ASN teachers, educational psychologists, behaviour support staff and classroom assistants.

The figures highlight that average spending per pupil on ASL by local authorities in Scotland (primary, secondary and special education) has fallen from £5,698 in the 2012/13 financial year to £3,764 in 2022/23 (in real terms). This amounts to an overall cut in spending of £1,934 per pupil, representing a 33.9 per cent drop.

This fall is against the backdrop of a 104.8 per cent increase between 2012 and 2022 in the number of pupils identified with ASN, from 118,011 to 241,639, amounting to 123,628 individuals. Those with ASNcurrently represent more than a third of all pupils (34.2 per cent).3

Between 2012 and 2022 the number of full-time equivalent ASN teachers (publicly funded primary, secondary, special and centrally employed) has fallen from 3,390 to an all-time low of 2,844, a decrease of 546 teachers, representing a cut in numbers of 16.1 per cent.4

Against the backdrop of Covid-19 and the cost-of-living crisis, with its disproportionate impact on those with ASN, this cut in support has created a perfect storm for those with ASN.

A spokesperson for the SCSC commented: “It is devastating to note cuts in spending supporting those with ASN, and we would urge the Scottish Government to adequately resource the provision of the likes of specialist teachers, educational psychologists and classroom assistants.

“We are facing a lost generation of children with ASN, and it is vital that they get the care and support they need, when they need it, especially given the impacts of the Covid-19 and cost-of-living crisis. This is also key if we are to genuinely close the educational attainment gap, as we know that those with ASN are disproportionately drawn from poorer neighbourhoods.

“We are experiencing a mental health emergency, and have also witnessed dramatic increases in classroom disruption, impacting on pupils and teachers alike. This is in part due to increased levels of social, emotional and behavioural difficulties post-lockdown.

“The Scottish Government and local authorities must work together to provide adequately resourced support across Scotland for those children and young people with ASN, representing some of the most vulnerable individuals in our society. “

The MacRobert Trust partners with Inclusive Farm

The MacRobert Trust partners with Inclusive Farm to give people with disabilities, additional needs or difference in Scotland new opportunities

A new partnership between The MacRobert Trust and Inclusive Farm will provide people with disabilities, additional needs or difference, a new route into agriculture.

Through the provision of land and buildings by The MacRobert Trust in Tarland, Aberdeenshire, a new farming enterprise entitled ‘Inclusive Farm Scotland at MacRobert’, will be designed by, and for, people with disabilities, additional needs or difference.

The new farm will be designed based on the model from the original Bedfordshire site and is in the process of transitioning to become a Community Interest Company.

Founded in January 2021, Inclusive Farm was set up by Mike Duxbury and Ness Shillito. Each week they welcome students with diverse needs onto their farm and give them the confidence and skills to pursue a worthwhile and fulfilling career in agriculture.

Mike, who was recently appointed as Chief Executive Officer of Inclusive Farm Scotland at MacRobert, lost his sight at the age six and is excited to bring these opportunities to people in Scotland.

“90% of blind people, and 78% of autistic people, are unemployed – but it doesn’t have to be like this.

“We’re seeing first-hand the impact of providing skills such as animal husbandry has had and we are excited to bring these same opportunities to Scotland.

“We are delighted to be partnering with The MacRobert Trust.  Together we will create unique learning environment which puts people with disabilities, additional needs or difference in the driving seat. Too often disabled people are told what they need, and we are determined that their voices and needs are met.”

Inclusive Farm Scotland at MacRobert is seeking like-minded organisations to support the farm’s development including sponsorship.

The MacRobert Trust’s Chief Executive Officer, Rear Admiral Chris Hockley CBE, DL, says: “Inclusive Farm’s vision and mission aligns really well with the ethos of The MacRobert Trust and one of our main charitable themes to support agriculture and those organisations that seek to widen its appeal and foster a greater understanding of the breadth of opportunities that it can offer.

“We are absolutely delighted to be able to support this fantastic initiative and support Inclusive Farm’s vision that we know will make a real difference to the lives of people with disabilities, additional needs or difference across Scotland, and give them the skills they need to carve a path for themselves in agriculture.”

Director of Inclusive Farm Scotland at MacRobert, Dr Jenna Ross OBE said: “I am delighted to support this partnership with The MacRobert Trust to bring the Inclusive Farm model to Tarland, Aberdeenshire, land near where my family has farmed for generations.

“I’ve had the honour of supporting Mike and Ness since the inception of Inclusive Farm. Last year we initiated discussions on bringing the concept to Scotland following a fantastic event hosted by Women in Agriculture Scotland at the Royal Highland Show.

“This is a deeply personal ambition for me in that my younger brother Duncan, who was registered blind at birth, has struggled to find an accessible route into agriculture. This is an exciting opportunity to co-create a unique and empowering learning environment that is built by, and for, people with disabilities, additional needs or difference.

“On behalf of all the Inclusive Farm Scotland at MacRobert Directors and Trustees, I would also like to congratulate Mike on the appointment of Chief Executive Officer. There is no one more qualified or more passionate about our industry, to lead this game-changing organisation than Mike.”

If you are interested in learning more about Inclusive Farm Scotland at MacRobert then please contact:

Call for action as number of legal plans for vulnerable children slumps

The Scottish Children’s Services Coalition (SCSC), an alliance of leading providers of specialist care and education to vulnerable children and young people, has called for action following a sharp decline in the number of legally-binding education support plans for those with complex or multiple additional support needs (ASN).

So-called co-ordinated support plans (CSPs), prepared by local authorities, are the only education plans that are legal documents.  

These provide some guarantees of entitlement to additional resources and legal redress, placing statutory duties on local authorities to review and ensure the provisions contained within it are being met.

However, despite a Scottish Government promise that there would be no reduction in the proportion of pupils receiving them since their introduction in 2004, there has been a significant fall in the number of pupils with a CSP.

There were 3,279 pupils with such a plan in 2013 1. In 2023, this had fallen to 1,318, amounting to a drop of 59.8%. 2  This is a reduction from 2.5% to 0.5% of those pupils with ASN, amounting to 0.2% of the pupil population.

This is in contrast with England where the number of those receiving an education, health and care plan (EHCP), the CSP equivalent, is 4.3% of the pupil population. 

Amounting to more than 22 times the percentage of those receiving a CSP in Scotland, this figure is also on the increase.3

A concern raised by the coalition is that local authorities are reluctant to issue CSPs because they are seen as cumbersome and time-consuming, as well as being resource-intensive and subject to enhanced scrutiny. Being legally enforceable, with legal action taken if the needs of the child or young person are not believed to have been met, is also another cause of this reluctance to issue.

This is all set against the backdrop of a lack of resources to support adequate CSP provision, with non-statutory alternatives often being offered in their place.

Also of concern is the fact that CSPs are more likely to be opened for pupils with ASN living in the least deprived neighbourhoods, compared with those living in the most deprived neighbourhoods This is despite the fact that there is a greater prevalence of those with ASN in the most deprived communities.

The coalition has called for an expansion in access to CSPs, with the Scottish Government, local authorities, health and other relevant agencies collaborating more effectively to ensure that those requiring such a legal plan receive one.

This needs to be supported by the necessary resourcing and increased awarness and understanding of CSPs by families/carers and professionals. It has also called for a particular focus on care- experienced children and young people, and those from the most deprived neighbourhoods.

This sharp fall in the number of CSPs contrasts with a dramatic increase in the number of pupils with ASN, such as autism, dyslexia and mental health problems. In 2023 this reached a record high of 259,036.4 This represents 36.7% of the pupil population, rising from 131,593 in 2013, and is a near doubling (96.8%) in numbers from that year.5

If a lower number of those in more deprived communities are receiving a CSP in comparison with least deprived communities, they may not be getting the care and support they need, which has the potential to make closing the educational attainment gap even harder.

A spokesperson for the SCSC commented: “We are calling for action following figures highlighting a decline in the use of CSPs, which are designed to support those with the most complex needs.  This is despite a Scottish Government assurance that they would not decline and against the backdrop of a dramatic increase in the numbers of those with ASN.

“By not providing this legally enforceable provision, many of these vulnerable individuals are being failed and not getting the support they are entitled to. This is of particular significance given the devastating impact of Covid-19 and cost-of-living crisis. The Scottish Government, local authorities and other agencies need to collaborate to ensure that those requiring a CSP receive it, with the necessary resourcing in place to support this.

“With those with ASN drawn disproportionately from poorer neighbourhoods, if we are to genuinely close the educational attainment gap, they must get the care and support they need, when they need it.”