Update on Creative Scotland Budget 2023/24

Creative Scotland recently made a submission to the Scottish Parliament Culture Committee’s ongoing inquiry into culture budgets in Scotland – read the submission on the Scottish Parliament website

In that submission, we stated the following regarding our Grant in Aid budget from the Scottish Government for 2023/24:

“While we welcomed the Scottish Government’s decision in February 2023 to reverse the 10% cut to our Grant in Aid Budget which was originally announced in December 2022, it should be noted that the £6.6m this cut related to has not yet been confirmed in Creative Scotland’s budget.”

We are extremely disappointed to report that the £6.6m budget has not been included in the Autumn Budget Revisions.

This has been confirmed in writing by the Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Angus Robertson, in a letter to our Chief Executive, Iain Munro on 20 September.

This relates to Grant-in Aid funding that we receive from the Scottish Government and that we use to support 119 cultural organisations across Scotland through Regular Funding.

Given the extensive messaging and advocacy regarding the pressures on culture budgets and risks to the culture sector that we, and many others have been making, this is a concerning development.

To address this reduction, the Creative Scotland Board agreed on 27 September, to use £6.6m of our National Lottery reserves to prevent us having to pass it on to the Regularly Funded Organisations, especially given the next payments are due in 2 weeks’ time.

Whilst the unprecedented pressures on public finances are understood, we are disappointed that the Scottish Government has taken this decision. However, Creative Scotland is acting swiftly and pragmatically to help stabilise the situation in the short term.

This step of using our National Lottery reserves in this way will only happen once.  The budget for 2024/25 will not be decided by the Scottish Government for some months yet but should the Scottish Government choose to sustain this reduction, we will require to pass it on to the sector.

Creative Scotland appeared before the Culture Committee at the Scottish Parliament on yesterday (Thursday 28 September) to give evidence as part of the Committee’s ongoing inquiry into culture budgets in Scotland.

David Watt, chief executive of Culture & Business Scotland, said: “At a time when Scottish Government ministers repeatedly speak about the importance and value of culture to our society and economy, the reinstatement of the £6.6M cut to Creative Scotland’s annual budget for the current year is unfathomable.

““Just yesterday (Thursday September 28), I, alongside other cultural representatives, gave budget evidence to the Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee to hopefully ensure that this shortsighted budget decision does not extend into the 2024-25 budget for culture settlement.

“Investment in culture is essential for society, local communities, tourism, the economy and Scotland’s international reputation. The ongoing challenges of the legacy impact of Covid, Brexit and the cost-of-living crisis, are very real, with many arts and culture organisations operating on a knifes edge.

“These issues are exacerbated as the majority have a lack of unrestricted reserves and continue to struggle to build these up due to slow growth in ticket sales and increased overheads due to high energy prices.

“A reduction in public funding will rapidly increase the firefighting our culture organisations and venues are facing against challenge after challenge. If this budget pattern continues, with little opportunity to ensure future sustainability, there will be an inevitable shrinkage of the culture sector, and the economic and social impact of this will be significant for us all.”

As part of the Autumn budget review, the Scottish Government has re-instated a 10% cut to Creative Scotland’s 2023-24 annual budget (totaling approximately £6.6m), which following mass campaigning from the cultural sector, was overturned earlier this year (writes SMIA Interim CEO and Creative Director ROBIN KILPATRICK).

As the organisation which exists to strengthen, empower and unite Scotland’s music industry – representing a diverse membership of over 4,000 people working across all music genres and industry subsectors – we’re compelled to highlight the devastating impact of this decision; not just to music and culture, but to Scottish society at large.

The cut directly relates to the funding allocated to support Creative Scotland’s Regular Funding Network, comprising 119 cross-artform organisations (RFOs) that are structurally integral to both supporting and delivering Scotland’s cultural output. The SMIA is one of them.

In the short-term (for the rest of this financial year), Creative Scotland has had to divert to utilising National Lottery reserves to plug the gap and prevent the cuts from being passed on to members of the RFO network.

If this hadn’t been the case, in two weeks’ time when the next RFO funding payments are due, each of the 119 organisations would, in effect, have received a ~40% cut to projected funding.

In the SMIA’s case, this would have been two weeks ahead of the Scottish Album of the Year (SAY) Award Ceremony, and would have put the delivery of Scotland’s national music prize at significant risk.

The cut would have again been replicated in January at the next (and final) RFO payment for this financial year, which in the case of many organisations, would have meant the end. Whilst immediate disaster has been avoided, the use of Creative Scotland reserves at this stage means that they are now significantly depleted for what was their intended purpose.

Last month, Creative Scotland highlighted that over 500 cultural organisations stated their intention to apply for Multi-year funding; a new funding scheme that will replace the current Regular Funding one. From the intentions to apply, the indicative annual request was in excess of £113m – far exceeding what Creative Scotland expects to have available.

Inevitably, this means that Creative Scotland will not be able to support as many organisations on a multi-year basis as they currently do, and the application process will be highly competitive. Causalities are expected and imminent. Cultural organisations across all art forms are worried about their future, and the reserves that Creative Scotland has had to use now means that there’s far less available transitional funding for unsuccessful applicants.

Whilst the future for Scottish culture was looking bleak, there was at least some hope that organisations that are unsuccessful in securing Multi-year Funding would have some time to remain operational, pivot their business model and potentially find an alternative way forward. With Creative Scotland’s reserves now depleted, many unsuccessful organisations will soon vanish from the fabric of our cultural landscape, and with them, many creative opportunities and a significant part of our cultural identity as we know it today.

RFOs have been on stand-still funding since 2018. In the face of high inflation, rising interest rates, cost of living challenges, issues around staff retention and recruitment, the impact of Brexit, the legacy of Covid and a whole myriad of broader problems currently facing our sector, for Creative Scotland’s budget cut to have been re-instated, the future of music and culture in Scotland is now at significant and immediate risk. The foundations upon which it supported are being eroded at an increasingly alarming rate, and unless intervention is made by the Scottish Government, it will have impacts for decades to come.

Outwith the significant economic contribution that music makes to Scotland’s economy (£581m through music tourism alone in 2022, as noted in UK Music’s ‘Here, There And Everywhere’ report – and this is only based on events with 1500+ capacity), it’s important to remember that the value generated by the sector far extends an economic one.

With the Scottish Government has stated that they’re committed to building a well-being economy – which serves and prioritises the collective well-being of current and future generations – it’s fundamental to highlight just how intrinsic music and culture are to achieving that vision.

Culture is our identity; it’s how we see ourselves, how we see our place in the world and how we relate to others. It’s the stories of life in Scotland, and it underpins mental well-being – both collectively and individually – in many different ways. The silences that echoed across 2020 as live music vanished from our lives serve as a firm reminder of this. Unless intervention is made now, we’ll be lucky if there are whispers in the years to come.

We urge the Scottish Government to recognise the desperate situation of a vitally important sector; economically, socially and culturally. It’s essential that Creative Scotland has the resources to both support and preserve it.

You can help directly by signing the Campaign For The Artist Petition against this move.”

Robert Kilpatrick – Interim CEO and Creative Director, Scottish Music Industry Association (SMIA)


The Scottish Government is breaking its promise on arts funding.

In February, thousands joined our campaign against plans for a £6.6 million cut to Creative Scotland, the public body responsible for investing in Scottish arts and culture. Ministers responded by abandoning the cut and instead heralded a “£6.6 million uplift … supporting the arts and cultural sector at this challenging time”.

But seven months on, the £6.6 million pledged to Creative Scotland hasn’t been delivered. And now the Culture Secretary Angus Robertson has told them that it won’t be.

This extraordinary short-changing of Scottish culture midway through the year has forced Creative Scotland to raid its limited reserves as a one-off, emergency measure. Otherwise, regularly funded arts organisations in Scotland would have seen their funding cut by as much as 40% as soon as next month.

This is absolutely no way to treat Scotland’s arts and culture, let alone in a perfect storm of economic pressures and post-pandemic challenges. This ‘U-turn on a U-turn’ puts treasured venues and companies, thousands of jobs and access to Scottish culture at risk.

We urge the Culture Secretary Angus Robertson to:

  1. Honour the Scottish Government’s commitment in February to provide “an uplift of £6.6 million for Creative Scotland for 2023-24″.
  2. Scrap any proposal to cut Creative Scotland funding from the 2023-24 Autumn Budget Revision.
  3. Commit to maintaining and increasing investment in arts and culture from 2024-5, for the benefit of everybody in Scotland.

The SNP’s 2021 manifesto said “culture is central to who we are as a nation”, and that “the pandemic has demonstrated more than ever how vital it is to our wellbeing, mental health and sense of belonging”.5

But Scotland’s cultural sector has not fully recovered from the pandemic, during which it was one of the hardest-hit sectors. For many, incomes have fallen and reserves have dried up. Now, in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis, costs are rising and uncertainty is rife. This is not the time to cut vital, core funding on which artists and organisations depend.

Economic pressures have already led to the permanent closure of the Filmhouse cinemas in Edinburgh and Aberdeen, the Blue Arrow Jazz Club in Glasgow and the Nevis Ensemble, which worked across the country. We cannot afford to lose any more arts organisations – or the benefits they bring to our lives, communities and society

Creative Scotland’s 120 Regularly Funded Organisations (RFOs) directly employ 5,000 workers, support 25,500 individual artists and provide millions of opportunities for people across Scotland to engage with the arts and culture.

Of these, Edinburgh-based arts organisations include:

(OrganisationArt form – Average annual grant )

Arika – Multi – £200,000

Arts and Business Scotland – Creative Industries – £200,000

Centre for the Moving Image – Screen – £1,066,667

Collective – Visual Arts – £283,333

Craft Scotland – Craft – £333,333

Creative Carbon Scotland – Creative Industries – £150,000

Creative Edinburgh – Creative Industries – £94,667

Curious Seed – Dance – £132,318

Dance Base – Dance – £408,333

Drake Music Scotland – Music – £126,667

Dunedin Consort – Music – £100,000

Edinburgh Art Festival – Visual Arts – £100,000

Edinburgh International Book Festival – Literature – £306,500

Edinburgh International Festival Society – Multi – £2,317,333

Edinburgh Printmakers – Visual Arts – £160,000

Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop – Visual Arts – £233,333

Federation of Scottish Theatre – Theatre – £265,000

Fruitmarket Gallery – Visual Arts – £666,667

Grid Iron Theatre Company – Theatre – £224,400

Imaginate – Theatre – £365,000

Luminate – Multi – £100,000

Lung Ha Theatre Company – Theatre – £146,818

Lyra – Theatre – £100,000

Magnetic North Theatre Productions – Theatre – £100,000

Publishing Scotland – Literature – £307,833

Puppet Animation Scotland – Theatre – £183,667

Red Note Ensemble – Music – £215,000

Regional Screen Scotland – Screen – £206,783

Royal Lyceum Theatre Company – Theatre – £1,210,000

Scottish Book Trust – Literature – £859,931

Scottish National Jazz Orchestra – Music – £216,667

Scottish Poetry Library – Literature – £300,833

Starcatchers Production – Theatre – £100,000

Stellar Quines Theatre Company – Theatre – £176,000

Stills: Centre for Photography – Visual Arts – £147,000

Tinderbox Collective – Music – £100,000

Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland – Multi – £313,333

Travelling Gallery – Visual Arts – £126,667

Traverse Theatre – Theatre – £866,667

Voluntary Arts Scotland – Multi – £130,000

Youth Theatre Arts Scotland – Theatre – £133,333.


Creative Scotland launches two new National Lottery funds

As part of Creative Scotand’s ongoing work to reshape their funding approach, the arts organisation has launched two new funds, supported by The National Lottery.

The funds are:

  • a refreshed National Lottery Open Fund for Organisations, and;
  • a new time-limited National Lottery Extended Programme Fund.

Both funds are designed for organisations that are not currently in receipt of Regular Funding.

The refreshed National Lottery Open Fund for Organisations offers funding of between £1,000 and £100,000 for projects or programmes of activity lasting up to 18 months. Applications can be made at any time, with no deadlines.

The National Lottery Extended Programme Fund offers funding of between £100,000 and £200,000 for programmes of creative activity lasting between 18 and 24 months. Applications can be made at any time, right up until the deadline for the fund in November 2023.

Iain Munro, CEO of Creative Scotland commented: “It’s thanks to National Lottery players that we can launch these two new funds, enabling cultural and creative organisations to deliver their work across Scotland.

“Offering funding for a broad range of projects in terms of scale and duration these new funds will enable longer term planning of creative programmes.

“These funds mark an important step in the delivery of our new approach to funding for organisations, as part of the roll-out of our revised Funding Framework.”

Applications for both funds can be submitted through our online portal.

Youth Arts: Emergency funding details announced

Details have been announced of the first two funds of a £3million Scottish Government emergency funding package designed to ensure creative opportunities for children and young people continue across Scotland in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

A total of at least £1.2million in now available through the Access to Youth Arts Fund. Building on the successful Youth Music Initiative (YMI) Access to Music Making Fund, this is designed to support an increased range of music-making projects, as well as introducing projects delivering across wider art-form areas.

Fund guidelines including eligibility criteria and application forms can be accessed on the Creative Scotland website.

The roll out of the Youth Arts funds will continue on Thursday 24 September with the launch of a £700,000 Small Grants Scheme which will be open to organisations and local authorities and will provide funding directly to freelance artists to undertake artist led youth arts activities within communities. Full details will be announced on Thursday.

A further £50,000 is being assigned to the Time to Shine Nurturing Talent Fund which provides direct support to young people to develop and produce their own creative projects.

In addition, £1,050,000 is being allocated to support a number of targeted national and local area youth music and wider youth arts organisations with established track records and existing relationships with freelancers working with the fund’s priority groups to support the recovery and renewal of youth arts provision.

These organisations will be invited to apply for the Youth Arts Targeted Fund by Tuesday 13 October.

Culture SecretaryFiona Hyslop said: “We are determined that our children and young people will not miss out on creative opportunities a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

“Art and music in particular have helped many people during lockdown, so the launch of these funds is very welcome. Our musicians, artists and other practitioners working in the youth arts sector are also highly skilled and often highly specialised, and this funding will provide jobs and opportunities within the sector.”

Iain MunroChief Executive, Creative Scotland said: “I’m pleased to be able to announce today the roll out of additional funding support for Youth Arts, a vital part of Scotland’s cultural sector and an important part of the emergency funding package announced a few weeks ago by the First Minister.

“It’s right that part of that overall emergency package supports artists, freelancers and organisations working with young people and that creative opportunities for young people continue despite the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.”

The Youth Arts funds are the latest of five new emergency funds from Scottish Government through Creative Scotland, announced by the First Minister on Friday 28 August, as follows:

  • The £15million Culture Organisation and Venues Recovery Fund, which has opened for application today, Thursday 17 September, with a deadline of Thursday 24 September.
  • The £3.5million Independent Cinemas Recovery and Resilience Fund, which opened for applications on Monday 14 September with a deadline of Monday 5 October.
  • The £5million Creative Freelancer Hardship Fund for which we issued an open call for partner organisations to help us distribute this fund on Friday 11 September with a deadline of Friday 25 September. We aim to be able to distribute funds from October. The Screen element of these Hardship Funds will open for application on Tuesday 22 September.
  • The £5million Sustaining Creative Practice Fund includes £1.5million for the Culture Collective programme, mentioned in the Scottish Government’s Programme for Government, supporting organisations employing freelance artists to work in and with communities across Scotland. The remaining £3.5million has been added to Creative Scotland’s existing open fund which is open for applications from individuals now.

Previously announced, the £2.2million Grassroots Music Venue Sustainability Fund closed for applications on Thursday 3 September. The fund has received 97 applications and awards will be announced on Tuesday (22 September).

And the £5million open call element of the Performing Arts Venue Relief Fund closed for applications on Thursday 27 August. The fund received 42 applications and awards will be announced by Thursday (24 September).

Updates on all emergency funds are being published regularly on the Creative Scotland website and publicised through media and social media communications.

Emergency funds reaching Scotland’s culture sector

Emergency funds designed to support people working in Scotland’s who are experiencing immediate financial difficulty as a result of COVID-19  are now  reaching those most in need. 

Information published today by Creative Scotland, reveals that 865 people have now received one off grants of between £500-£2,500, in the first phase of the Creative Scotland Arts and Creative Bridging Bursary programme.

A combination of existing funding from The National Lottery and Scottish Government, over £1.5million has been distributed to date to freelance artists and creative practitioners based in each of Scotland’s local authority areas.

Cabinet Secretary Fiona Hyslop said: “This is a deeply worrying time for Scotland’s world-renowned culture sector, which has been particularly affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Many artists, performers and freelancers have seen an immediate shutdown of work, resulting in a dramatic loss of income, with many facing real hardship. 

“We want to do all we can to help and, working quickly with Creative Scotland, we have repurposed grant money and built packages of focused support for those who need it most. More than 850 individual freelancers and artists who have lost income due to COVID-19 will now receive a vital lifeline from the Bridging Bursary Fund to help them through this extremely difficult time.

“Culture is central to who we are. It is one of Scotland’s major strengths and it will continue to play a crucial part in getting us through this crisis as we rebuild our country and look toward the future.”

Iain MunroChief Executive of Creative Scotland commented: “In the midst of the very serious personal and professional impacts being experienced by so many people working across the creative sector, it is encouraging to be able to report today, that these vital funds are reaching so many people so quickly. 

“Nevertheless, while the measures we’ve already undertaken are responding to the initial impact of this crisis, we recognise that they are limited when compared to the significant future challenges faced by our arts screen and creative industries sectors.  Our absolute priority is now about concentrating our efforts to safeguard and protect their longer-term future.”

More detailed information about today’s update on the first phase of the Creative Scotland Arts and Creative Bridging Bursary can be found here.

The Bridging Bursaries Programme is an important part of Creative Scotland’s initial response to the country’s creative community during the COVID-19 outbreak. 

To help alleviate pressure on organisations as much as possible, all existing funding awards, regardless of whether activity is cancelled, reduced or rescheduled, are being honoured. In addition, existing resources have been repurposed to provide £8.5m for individuals and organisations to sustain their creative practice and to develop new work in the coming months.

The Scottish and UK governments are also offering support to those most in need  and information about these alternative sources of funding alongside resources and sector specific support groups and organisations, can be accessed through Creative Scotland’s website.