Heads up – The Pearls of Wisdom exhibition launched at Granton;hub

THE PEARLS OF WISDOM Exhibition is  a celebration of six older people and their contribution to North Edinburgh over decades of activity. This unique way of celebrating their lives is in the commissioning of sculptured heads by award winning artist Kevin Dagg. Continue reading Heads up – The Pearls of Wisdom exhibition launched at Granton;hub

Getting together, making a difference: free event for North Edinburgh’s older people

MONDAY 16th APRIL 10am – 2pm

Royston Wardieburn Community Centre

Come and join us!

Lonely this Christmas

People in Scotland are being encouraged to look out for their elderly neighbours, friends and relatives over the Christmas period. Social Security Minister Jeane Freeman has sent out a Christmas message, asking everyone in Scotland to remember to include older people in their festive plans. Continue reading Lonely this Christmas

Port of Leith Housing Association welcomes First Minister

Tenants of Port of Leith Housing Association’s (PoLHA) Jameson Place development welcomed a special guest on Monday when First Minister Nicola Sturgeon paid a visit to the Generations Project for their Christmas festivities. Continue reading Port of Leith Housing Association welcomes First Minister

Over 65? Come for tea – and bring a pal!

Enjoy afternoon tea at Friday’s Big Chinwag and help raise money to combat loneliness

LOOP Big Chinwag

We’re joining the mother of all natters this Friday to raise money to help lonely older people in Scotland and hope people aged 65+ can join us! 

We all enjoy getting together for a good chat with friends, family or colleagues, but sadly 1 in 6 people over the age of 65 in Scotland feel cut off from society. Many older people can go for a month without seeing or speaking to anyone and this just isn’t right.

Please come along to Out of the Blue at The Old Drill Hall on Friday for our afternoon tea and natter – it will be great fun and you’ll be helping Age Scotland tackle loneliness in later life. 

Thank you so much and hope to see you all there! 

£3.50 entry, everyone welcome.

Police Scotland – Your Say, Your Way event

Have your say on making Police Scotland service centres work for you

Your say Your WayAge Scotland has been contacted recently with information about events that Police Scotland are hosting across Scotland. The purpose of these events is to engage with the community to talk about contacting the Police through their call centres. They want to know what barriers there are and how we can improve things for everyone.

The main focus of the event is for people with communication needs that prevent them having equal access – for example:

·         British Sign Language users

·         people who are hard of hearing

·         people without speech or who have issues with their speech

·         people for whom English is not their first language

·         people who have a physical disability that causes issues when using the phone / email systems to contact the police

·         people with learning disabilities

·         people with mental health issues

(Please note these are only some examples)

The Edinburgh event will take place on Monday 2 March (see poster, below) at Norton Park from 11am – 4pm.


Sorry for the short notice on this. Please can you circulate this invite to all your contacts / service users / staff and encourage them to attend.

This is a great opportunity for them to have their say on the way they prefer to communicate with Police Scotland both in an emergency and non-emergency situation.

There are a limited number of spaces at each venue please can you encourage people to book now to ensure their space is secured.

If you have any questions about the events please contact :

Constable Stephanie Rose A462

National Safer Communities, Equality and Diversity

Scottish Crime Campus

Craignethan Drive, Gartcosh G69 8AE

01236 814710 

Laura Dunkel

AGE Scotland, 

Community Development Officer (Edinburgh and Lothians)

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