An updated programme of activities and groups for parents and carers has been produced in a handy booklet format.
Click on the link below to find out the full range of activities available across North Edinburgh and beyond:
Edinburgh Rugby’s Game On project has now been running for two years and the project is now beginning to expand and seeks new partners to work alongside.
Game On aims to help young people aged 16 to 19 who are not currently in employment, education or training to find their way in life, to get into a training programme, find a job or apprenticeship or return to education.
The participants will learn new skills both on and off the field; on the field participants will take part in introductory rugby sessions at BT Murrayfield Stadium, the home of Edinburgh Rugby and the Scotland team. Throughout the rugby sessions the core values of Scottish Rugby will form the backbone of the content, aiming to instil the values of Respect, Leadership, Achievement, Engagement & Enjoyment.
Our expertise are the values of the sport, both on and off the field. Encouraging teamwork, confidence, increased activity and the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle (both physically and mentally).
Some of the topics cover throughout our sessions are:
Meeting the professional players who play for the team is also a very inspiring experience for the young people.
If you feel that working with Edinburgh Rugby would benefit your programme, in any way from one off sessions to weekly sessions please get in touch, we can come to you or use our magnificent home at BT Murrayfield stadium.
Mark Coull (Edinburgh Rugby – Game On Project Development Officer)
Telephone 0131 346 5076 | Mob: 079 682 505 30 | |
The Scottish Government funding comes on top of £2.5 million it has allocated to support CAS’s Welfare Reform Mitigation Fund between 2013-2015.
The fund was established to offer a range of services for local Bureaux across Scotland, including additional resources to support the move to online claims.
The additional £1.5 million will allow CAB to employ more staff, operate longer opening hours, provide more training for advisers and recruit more volunteers across the 200 CAB service points in operation across Scotland.
According to CAS, in the first year over 17,500 people were helped with over 55,000 issues. The service now sees an additional 6,000 clients every three months thanks to Scottish Government funding.
CAB advisers can provide support on a wide range of issues, but most recently the top three areas which clients have requested help with have been benefits, debt and tax issues.
The Scottish Government has set aside £104 million in next year’s budget to tackle poverty and inequalities including £33 million to the Scottish Welfare Fund.
Alex Neil said: “Westminster’s programme of austerity is placing intolerable strain on Scottish families and individuals. Many feel stressed, isolated and at their wits end. That is why supporting the provision of advice services is a central plank of the Scottish Government’s approach to welfare reform mitigation.
“Scottish Citizens Bureaux staff are dealing with an increased volume of calls with thousands of people seeking advice as UK Government welfare reform changes hit the most vulnerable.
“CAB have an unequalled track record of delivering free expert, impartial advice and its national network of advice centres will ensure that this funding reaches every corner of Scotland.
“To create a more prosperous and fairer society in Scotland, full responsibility over welfare policy is the only way for us to properly tackle poverty.”
Margaret Lynch, Chief Executive, Citizens Advice Scotland said: “This funding means that CAB are helping get money into the purses and pockets of our citizens, supporting people to navigate their way through a complicated benefits system, and signpost them to other much needed services such as foodbanks.
“Bureaux see complicated cases and can be frustrated by maladministration, delays to benefits, and the sanctioning of benefits which lead to cases of destitution and desperation. CAB advice has never been so needed and people know they can depend on us for support at their time of need.”
Innovate funding to help small businesses grow
Most small businesses awarded Innovate UK funding from January 2015 will automatically receive business support to help them grow faster. The new growth support offers small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) the chance to:
Based on the results, SMEs will gain opportunities to get:
This will cover areas such as:
Innovate UK will meet the costs of this SME growth support. It will be provided by different organisations depending on where the SME is based:
This growth support is being offered after a successful pilot project showed that businesses that combined our funding with additional business support were able to grow their businesses more quickly.
SMEs that combined funding from Innovate with business coaching:
Mentoring and training in business skills also helped businesses to gain confidence and to make the most of their potential.
Founder Chris Lever (pictured above) said: “It helped to take me out of the day-to-day production and think more strategically about how I was going to continue moving the business forward. I now have a clearer picture of where I want the business to go.”
It’s a tradition on New Year’s Eve that you make a resolution for the year ahead. Some people pledge to lose weight, others decide to stop smoking and lots more say they are going to get fit and more active – but all too often you break that resolution just a few weeks into the New Year.
If you’ve made a New Year’s resolution – and you’re really, really determined to stick to it this time! – here’s some help and advice to assist you on your journey.
Maybe this time …
One of the most common New Year resolutions is to eat better, exercise more and lose weight. After all of the rich and indulgent feasts you’ve had this holiday season, it might seem easy to stick to a diet of leafy greens at first. But when those cravings set in, it can be hard to stay on track with your diet. Plus, cold weather makes it harder for some people to get motivated and hit the gym.
If you’re looking to eat more healthily, ignore faddy diets – portion control will play a big part in your success. One good way to be more aware of what you’re eating is to use a kitchen scale to measure ingredients or weigh out portion sizes. A solid kitchen scale shouldn’t cost the earth and it’s an investment worth making.
Check out the library for books on good food and healthy eating, and Pilton Community Health Project’s website is a mine of useful information too
Many people sign up for a gym membership at this time of year but for a considerable number that’s as far as it goes – it can be hard to get motivated to leave the house on cold January days and evenings; it’s so much easier to put it off to another day! Gym memberships can also be very expensive – again, Pilton Community Health should be your first port of call for local exercise and healthy activities.
With Ainslie Park Leisure Centre on your doorstep (551 2400) it’s worth checking out Edinburgh Leisure to see what’s on offer both locally and across the city: telephone 458 2100 or visit
If you need a little reminder to be active, a fitness tracker like the Fitbit Flex can be a big help, but starting at around £50 they are quite an expensive reminder! I find trying to tie my shoelaces is enough of a reminder for me …
You know smoking is a bad habit that hits both your health and your wallet, but stopping is tough – it can take some people years and many, many failed attempts before they kick the habit. If you want 2015 to be the year you finally quit smoking, there are all kinds of products that can help wean you off the fags: there’s gum, patches and nasal spray inhalers – all of which help give you a boost of nicotine without having to inhale all that nasty smoke.
Many are turning to e-smoking as an aid to kicking the tobacco habit. If you’re looking to try out e-cigs as a way to cut back on actual cigarettes, you can now get a starter kit, charger, and carrying case set at increasingly competitive prices.
People who are trying to quit smoking the traditional way also appreciate having additional support options, and Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking book is still the most popular on the market.
NHS Lothian offers a range of stopping cessation sessions and Smokeline Scotland is also a great place to go for support, advice and tips.
Smokeline 0800 848484
Whether you want to get out of debt or just start saving for a big ticket item, there are lots of people who will be trying to spend their money more wisely in 2015. Setting up a personal budget can help you monitor your spending.
One tactic you can try to help you stay on budget is doing all your shopping in cash when you can, rather than using a debit card, cheque or credit card to pay for items – it’s estimated that people who pay for things with a card can spend almost 20% more on a transaction than those who are paying with cash.
If you’ve racked up a lot of debt on a credit card and you’re paying a hefty rate of interest, you should look around to see what deals are on offer and transfer that debt over to a 0% balance transfer credit card. By doing so, you’ll be able to avoid paying interest on that debt for a set period – some up to 35 months – and this will give you plenty of time to start tackling your debt without worrying about the interest accumulating.
The Money Advice Service has a good website for money saving advice, but if you are already in debt – get help, don’t let your problems escalate. Pilton CAB and Granton Information Centre are two local agencies that can help.
Don’t be tempted by payday loans or worse – the interest is astronomical. Check out Credit Unions which are a much cheaper and ethical way of helping you to manage your money.
Remember, if you spent too much over Christmas those bills will be arriving soon, so ACT NOW.
North Edinburgh Credit Union, Wardieburn Drive 466 5006
Granton Information Centre, West Granton Road 551 2459
Pilton CAB, Drylaw Shopping Centre on Ferry Road 202 1153
The Scottish Government has also just launched a new website to help guide you to the support and advice you need. Visit:
It’s never too late to learn something new and the New Year is the perfect time to try something different, whether for leisure or to open up new employment opportunities.
Locally, check out Edinburgh College – new courses start this month – and Craigroyston Community High School is running a wide variety of adult day and evening classes.
Thinking about going green this year? There are lots of small changes you can make to your lifestyle to reduce your energy bill, recycle materials in innovative ways and help do your part to make the planet healthier. is a good place to start for ideas.
Many people plan to be more generous with both their time and any disposable income they may have in 2015 (some chance, I hear you say!)
Looking to donate time, not money, then? There are lots of ways you can donate your time – local and national charities and voluntary organisations are crying out for willing volunteers in all sorts of roles. There’s bound to be something to suit you – a good place to start is Volunteer Centre Edinburgh – go to to see what you can do.
Time Banks are another great way to donate your time, energy and skills and get the same back in return – visit for more information.
So, you’ve decided on your resolution? Here are some tips to help you stay on track when times get tough:
Campaign to highlight money advice service launched
A campaign to signpost people struggling with debt to the full range of money advice services available has been launched by the Scottish Government.
The Lighten the Load campaign raises awareness of the Scotland’s Financial Health Service website, which provides links to bodies offering information and advice on debt, managing money, housing, homelessness and ethical lending, encouraging those with money worries to take the first steps towards regaining control of their finances.
The campaign, which is aimed at people from all walks of life in Scotland seeking credible answers to issues connected with debt and money, includes a new television advertisement themed around how everyday tasks become more difficult when people are burdened with debt.
The Scottish Financial Health Service website was created by the Accountant in Bankruptcy and was launched by Business Minister Fergus Ewing in December.
Mr Ewing said: “January can be a difficult time for families when the bills associated with the festive period start to come in, but it can also be a time when people turn their attention to their finances for the year ahead.
“This campaign is intended to encourage people to access the full range of financial advice services available to help them manage their money in the months ahead.
“Since it was launched by Accountant in Bankruptcy last month, Scotland’s Financial Health Service has already been making a difference to people seeking guidance on how to prevent worries about money turning into a crisis.
“Launching this campaign will empower even more people to lighten their own money load and take back control of their finances.”
As well as providing access to debt support services, the Scotland’s Financial Health Service website also signposts users to practical credit and protection solutions offered by credit unions across Scotland.
Frank McKillop, Policy Manager at ABCUL Scotland (the Association of British Credit Unions Limited), said: “Helping people get – and stay – on top of their finances is a key part of what credit unions are all about.
“We welcome this campaign, and hope that through Scotland’s Financial Health Service, more people from all walks of life will turn to credit unions and take a responsible approach to saving, borrowing and budgeting.”
Scotland’s Financial Health Service website is available from today at:
More than £2.3 million will be allocated to 32 new and existing projects which make it easier for older and disabled people to live independently, will improve access to housing for homeless people and will support refugee, asylum seekers and new migrant communities.
Projects to benefit from the Housing Voluntary Grant Scheme in 2015-16, include Housing Options Scotland which will receive £242,000 to meet increased demand for its advice services for disabled people, older people and veterans.
Shelter Housing Law Service will be awarded £183,868 to provide specialist legal expertise on housing issues while the Scottish Refugee Council has been granted £130,000 for its work helping refugees adapt to life in Scotland.
Mrs Burgess said: “It is heart-breaking that in a country as prosperous as Scotland some people do not have the support they need to help them live as independently as they can and fulfil their potential.
“I am pleased this £2.3 million fund will be split between organisations that are addressing these inequalities, and supporting some of the most vulnerable people in our communities.
“This Government is clear, we want to provide opportunities for people to flourish and we recognise that a lack of suitable housing can be a major barrier preventing them from achieving their full potential.
“Whether it’s through working with the elderly, veterans, young people or asylum seekers, each of these 32 projects is closing this inequality gap, and tackling prejudice and discrimination.”
Moira Bayne, the chief executive officer of Housing Options Scotland welcomed the funding support. She said: “In 2014 Housing Options Scotland was able to help over 400 disabled people, older people and armed forces veterans to find the Right House in the Right Place.
“None of this would have been possible without the financial support of the Scottish Government.
“Thanks to this funding we have been able to help a wide range of people including a visually impaired teenager in the Scottish Borders who has had his family home extended to maximise his independence and a young former RAF officer with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder who has now returned to live near her son in Morayshire.
“We are absolutely delighted with the funding we have been awarded for 2015. We are mindful of how privileged we are to be offered such support in such difficult times and we look forward to helping many more people in the coming year.”
The Glasgow Simon Community and Positive Steps are two projects that will receive funding for the first time in 2015.
Through £90,975 funding Positive Steps will give training to men who have a history of re-offending and homelessness.
Cathryn Mill, development officer with Positive Steps said:
“Funding through the Housing Voluntary Grant Scheme will allow Positive Steps to deliver and implement a significant test of change project.
“Dundee in particular suffers from high levels of reconviction rates that present issues related to homelessness.
“The proposed project will target short term persistent offending and the lack of access to secure accommodation. We will also offer targeted support to address offending behaviours.”
The following Edinburgh-based organisations will receive funding in 2015 -16:
Age Scotland £126,250
To provide information and advice to older people to help them maintain their independence.
Bethany Christian Trust £44,000
Funding for homelessness projects including literacy and numeracy, budgeting support, employment and volunteering, and street work.
CRISIS (project 1) £26,000
The project to help improve access to the Private Rented Sector for homeless people in Scotland.
CRISIS (project 2) £52,943
Tenancy support project which works with people in shared housing.
Housing Support Enabling Unit (HSEU) £120,640
Assisting providers in the voluntary, private and registered social landlord sectors.
Move On Ltd £25,000
Project helping young people at threat of homelessness through peer support.
Housing Options Scotland £242,000
Provides tailored housing advice to disabled people, older people and veterans.
SACRO £49,000
Dealing with neighbourhood conflict and promoting positive community relations.
Scottish Churches Housing Action (1) £57,000
Project supporting a range of services and activities including starter packs and befriending networks.
Scottish Churches Housing Action (2) £9,000
Prison leaver peer support project for HMP Edinburgh. Prisoners will be supported through housing, health, training and employment interviews following release.
Scottish Housing & Support Conference £11,000
Funding for annual conference for service users and providers of housing support services.
Scottish Women’s Aid £67,345
Project focusses on homelessness and prevention of homelessness for women who are victims of domestic abuse.
Homeless Action Scotland £164,000
Facilitates national homelessness networks and National Homelessness and Employability co-ordinator.
Shelter Housing Law Service £183,868
To provide access to specialist legal expertise and representation on housing issues across Scotland
Scottish Social Networks (Rock Trust) £30,721
To support the work of the Housing Option Hubs. In particular by raising awareness of the link between positive social networks and prevention of homelessness.
Venture Trust £60,437
Outward bound courses and wilderness training to improve the confidence of homeless young people to develop their independent living skills.
An Audioboom clip of the Housing Minister can be found here:
Hitting the shops to start your Christmas shopping? Or shopping online, maybe? However you shop, it’s far too easy to get caught up in the annual festive shopping frenzy. Here are some seasonal tips from Citizens Advice Scotland to help make sure you don’t start the New Year with a debt hangover …
Holiday Health Advice
Check you have cold and flu remedies
Many children and adults pick up common winter ailments such as a cold or flu-like illness. These can often be effectively treated at home with readily available medicine. Parents are reminded to restock their medicine cabinet with remedies suitable for children.
Use your local pharmacy
Your local pharmacy is an accessible resource for you and your family. Your pharmacist can offer advice or help if you have run out of any prescribed medication. You can also collect medicine for minor ailments or illnesses.
Make sure you have repeat prescriptions. Only order what you need and pick it up in plenty of time.
If you, or someone you care for, require medicines regularly, check that you have enough and if you need more remember to order and collect repeat prescriptions in good time to ensure you or your family have enough medicine to last over the Christmas holiday period. Only order what you need.
Know when your GP surgery will be open
Your local doctor’s surgery will be open on Wednesday December 24th and will then reopen on Monday 29th December. This means there are four days when it is closed – Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th.
Doctors Surgeries will follow normal opening hours on Wednesday 31 December and will then reopen on Monday 5 January.
Speaking as updated guidance for schools is published, Alasdair Allan also welcomed the high level of participation in the consultation held earlier this year.
Dr Allan, Minister for Learning, Science and Scotland’s Languages, said: “The fundamental purpose of Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood education is to teach children and young people to have respect for themselves and others. This refresh of the guidance reflects the societal changes that have taken place since the old version was published, changes in laws and the successful introduction of Curriculum for Excellence.
“Our engagement on the guidance, which began last year, generated debate and attracted a number of responses and I am grateful to all who contributed.
“The issues covered by RSHP can be seen as the building blocks to how pupils look after themselves and engage with people for the rest of their lives. These classes allow pupils to think about their development and the importance of healthy living surrounded by their peers who will have similar experiences to them.
“The guidance recognises the professionalism of teachers, the expertise they bring to making lessons age appropriate and an invaluable addition to discussions that parents are likely already having with their children at home.”
Tam Baillie, Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People, said: “This guidance puts into practice the commitment made in the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, that the Government would actively promote the rights and wellbeing of children and young people.
“Recent high-profile cases of Child Sexual Exploitation and sexual abuse have highlighted the importance of ensuring that education in schools equips children and young people with information to help keep themselves safe. Giving children and young people the knowledge and understanding of healthy, respectful and loving relationships and the opportunity to explore issues in a safe environment protects them from harm and promotes tolerance.
“Young people have a right to get comprehensive, accurate and evidence-based information to help them to make positive, healthy and responsible choices in their relationships.
“Furthermore, there is extensive evidence that high-quality RSHP education helps reduce teenage pregnancy; delays the onset of sexual activity and increases the likelihood of young people using contraception when they do start sexual relationships.
“The implementation of this guidance in all schools across Scotland will be a positive step in keeping our children and young people safe.”
Martin Crewe, Director of Barnardo’s Scotland, said: “We warmly welcome the publication of the guidance on the conduct of relationships, sexual health and parenthood education. We think it delivers a much clearer link between the child protection system and the advice given to teachers on this important subject.
“We feel particularly pleased to see the inclusion of information about the steps that need to be taken to address the dangers of child sexual exploitation.
“We hope the guidance will be an important step in ensuring all Scotland’s children are supported and protected through high quality evidence-based relationships, sexual health and parenthood education.”
The guidance can be found at