National Computer Security Day: Business Gateway partners with Scottish Business Resilience Centre to tackle cyber threats

Ahead of National Computer Security Day tomorrow (November 30th), Business Gateway has announced a new webinar with Scottish Business Resilience Centre (SBRC), to empower business owners to be cyber-aware and take control of their online security.

Taking place virtually on Wednesday, 30th November at 1pm, the webinar will be hosted by Sarah Johnson, Director at Scottish growth marketing company, IndigoLeap. She will be joined by SBRC experts Mike Smith, Cyber Incident Response & Threat Intelligence Manager and Kristie Steele, Cyber Community Lead.

The hour-long session will offer insights on the security landscape in Scotland, outlining how to recognise potential threats and what to do to ensure businesses are secure. The panel will explore the most common threats currently online, the impact of being victim to an attack and top tips for monitoring digital channels.

They will be joined by small business owner, Michael Cairns, who founded Celsius Plumbing in 2007 and was victim to a cyber hack earlier this year.

He approached Business Gateway in spring 2022 for help with search engine optimisation (SEO), after identifying a drop in website traffic and enquiries. He received 1:1 support from an expert consultant via Business Gateway’s Digital Boost programme, where it was discovered that the Celsius website had been hacked.

Although there was no breach in data, the website, which had previously hosted approximately 40 pages, now had over 10,000 pages on the website URL, meaning Google deemed it untrustworthy reducing its visibility to potential customers.

In addition to the webinar, Business Gateway also offers cyber resilience toolkits and an online tutorial which provides the basics to cyber security, building business resilience, and signposts tips on how to avoid data breaches. 

Mike Smith, Cyber Incident Response & Threat Intelligence Manager, SBRC, said: “For many small businesses across Scotland, protecting their business from cyber-attacks may not be a priority due to expertise or resource.

“However, being cyber aware is crucial for all businesses, and it is important that steps are taken to safeguard all types of data against loss.”

Hugh Lightbody, Chief Officer at Business Gateway, added: “We recognise now more than ever that businesses are stretched, focusing on operations as they continue to bounce back post-pandemic and amid the cost of living crisis.

“We hope that this webinar provides a valuable platform to understand how cyber-attacks can occur, and why it is so important for businesses to protect their business in the current climate.”

Michael Cairns, Director at Celsius Plumbingsaid: “After operating without a website for a number of years, we spent the last two years building our digital channels and could not understand why we were experiencing issues.

“We had worked with Business Gateway in the past, so it was our first port of call. Our DigitalBoost consultant, John Taylor, went above and beyond for us in identifying our issue and in helping us rectify it.

“We had placed a lot of trust in our web developers, but John helped us access our website and helped us understand the importance of Google Search Console, which we now know is vitally important to our online presence as it identifies vulnerabilities to our website.

“We are still slowly recovering our online presence; it has been a very long process and I would urge any business owner to familiarise themselves with online security to reduce their chances of becoming victims themselves.”

Business Gateway also works closely with Police Scotland’s Cybercrime Harm Prevention team, ensuring its service and advice reflect expert insights.

The following tips and strategies have been identified by Gordy Macdonald, Cybercrime Protection, Incident Support and Training Officer at Police Scotland, as a checklist for Scottish businesses this National Computer Security Day.

Five practical tips to avoid a cyber attack:

  1. Equip your staff with knowledge on how to identify Phishing attacks. Ensure staff are able to identify suspicious emails and are empowered to deal with these situations.
  2. Ensure your software is up to date. Allsoftware must be up-to-date, and all devices must be protected with the most up-to-date operating version from its iSP.
  3. Apply for Cyber Essentials certification. This Government back scheme will help protect your business against a range of cyber attacks.
  4. Install authentication methods to all systems and devices. Utilise2sv or Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) for all devices and online accounts to provide protection from unwarranted access.
  5. Frequently Back up your Data. Ransomware is the most prolific means used by Cyber criminals, by backing up data systems can be reset and resume more easily.

To find out more on how Business Gateway can help your business, visit:

Or to book your place on the upcoming webinar ‘How to stay secure online’ visit:

Appeal for hosts for displaced Ukrainian people

Call for volunteers in Scotland

People across Scotland are being asked to consider if they could open their homes to displaced people from Ukraine as part of a new campaign to find new hosts.

The campaign aims to increase the supply of volunteer hosts across the country for people who are currently in short-term welcome accommodation. A new webpage has been set up to provide prospective volunteers with clear information on the application process and what is expected should they be matched with a displaced person from Ukraine already in Scotland.

Hosts will register their details online which will then be sent to their local authority, where checks are undertaken to ensure that homes offered are suitable to host displaced people from Ukraine.

Minister with Special Responsibility for Refugees from Ukraine Neil Gray said: ““I’m so proud of the warm welcome the people of Scotland have given to those fleeing the war in Ukraine.

“We have welcomed so many people through our Super Sponsor Scheme who would otherwise not have been able to travel. We don’t want people to spend any more time than necessary in temporary accommodation and we are keen to match people with hosts as soon as we can.

“We need more hosts and that’s why we’ve launched this campaign. We know that being a host is a big commitment so we have set out exactly what will be expected so people can make an informed choice before providing their details.

“The most successful arrangements happen when both the needs of hosts and Ukrainians align.  Many people may prefer to live in areas close to amenities and services, or close to pre-existing Ukrainian communities. In addition, volunteer hosts will have their own preferences and may not have space for larger family sizes or complex group compositions. 

“Matching takes time and considerable input. This is why we have increased resources to our local authorities to boost the process.

“I’m extremely grateful to people who are already hosting, as well as those who have already put their details forward and are still waiting to be matched. Rest assured your generous offer is under consideration and your local authority will be in touch. Anyone who has already provided us with their details, will not need to do so again.”

Simon Tyas MBE from Scot Hosts said: ““We are pleased to support this campaign, which is very much needed. Over the past nine months, Scot Hosts been working with hosts (through the Facebook group Scotland Ukraine Host Support Group) and Ukrainian families across Scotland to try and ensure that they have a positive and effective time during their time together in Scotland.

“We’ve created a support network where hosts can share positive and negative experiences, and we stand ready to welcome new hosts who are willing and able to offer their homes.”

To find out more about hosting or to apply to be a host visit,

Unifying Generations: Over 65s in Scotland are ‘pivotal to society’ and highly valued by younger generations

  • Over-65s revealed to play a pivotal role in society, caring for family members, volunteering in communities, mentoring and providing support in the lives of younger people new report says
  • Edwards Lifesciences’ ‘Unifying Generations’ report recommends to transform perceptions of the 3rd generation, encourage mentoring schemes and improve digital skills of older people

Over-65s play a pivotal role in Scottish society and in the lives of younger people by volunteering, mentoring, providing care, and giving financial contributions according to a new report Unifying Generations: Building the Pathway to Intergenerational Solidarity’ from Edwards Lifesciences.

The report, based on a survey of 2,100 people across the UK, including Scotland, calls for a change in perceptions of the ‘3rd generation’ and greater recognition of their role as ‘unifiers’ between generations.

“I have been a volunteer for over 35 years. I started with the scouts and now run Volunteering Matters’ RSVP Forth Valley programme which encourages older people to use their experience to help the local community in the Stirling, Falkirk and Clackmannanshire areas,” said Rosemary Fletcher, 73

“Helping others is what motivates me and my fellow volunteers to get up every day. It is vital to us. When the Covid lockdown happened and we older people had to isolate, it was a shock. I needed to do something, to contribute in my own way.

“To help our local GPs cope with the number of visits, I brought together senior colleagues alongside younger volunteers including some from my scout network who wanted to study medicine. They were able to support the local practitioners in their daily tasks. But I didn’t want to stop there, there was so much to do.

“I decided to support Catalyst, a charity based in Stockton-on-Tees, carrying out a survey of how local charitable organisations were coping during lockdown making up to 12 video calls a day,” continued Rosemary, who received the ultimate recognition of an MBE in the New Year Honours 2021.

In contrast to existing perceptions, the survey results highlighted the significant social contributions of the 3rd generation. 

In Scotland, 27% of the over-65s provide care to family members, which is higher than the UK average (23%), and 19% provide support to family members in daily tasks such as shopping and driving. 

In addition, 47% provide financial support to younger people within their family, especially giving towards holidays and leisure (28%).  Outside the family, older Scots are engaged in their communities: 19% volunteer locally, and 17% volunteer in a charity.i

In turn, younger Scots value the role of the older generation in their lives. Seventy-two percent (72%) of those aged 18-40 said the support from over-65s was very important or somewhat important.i

I wholeheartedly endorse the report’s three recommendations. By changing perceptions of older people, we celebrate and recognise their pivotal contribution, and encourage even more” commented Derek Thomas, Member of Parliament for St Ives. 

“New mentoring schemes will help our younger people to make greater strides educationally and vocationally, while digital training for older people will reduce isolation and keep family and communities much closer. There is so much to be gained by bringing our generations closer together.”

Many benefits of intergenerational interactions were also highlighted in the report. According to younger people in Scotland, listening and giving advice (53%) is the most valuable skill older people can offer them.i This is higher than the UK average of 45%.

This was followed by companionship/friendship (47%), sharing historical or cultural knowledge (42%), and mental and emotional well-being (34%). Additionally, 32% of younger Scots believe that mentoring or educational schemes provided by national or local government would help them to do more with older generations. The older generation recognise the need to improve its digital skills with 37% saying they would most like to learn technology and digital media from younger people.

One of the most positive themes was the willingness to improve intergenerational interactions. Eighty-two percent (82%) of people of all ages thought closer relations between generations are a good thing, which is higher than the UK average of 76%.

In addition, close to half (49%) had a friend of a different generation and 42% were open to having one. Results from the survey also cited the COVID-19 pandemic as one of the main barriers to closer relations between age groups, with 32% of respondents believing that younger and older people were further apart since the pandemic and 28% saying they now spent less time with someone of a different generation. Now is the time to recover.

The report makes three recommendations to ensure that the UK continues to move towards a more unified society: campaigns to transform perceptions of the value of senior people and their interactions with younger generations, greater opportunities for mentoring and knowledge sharing from older to younger generations; and schemes that help senior people interact more in the digital realm.

With people living longer and healthier lives, it is important to transform perceptions about the older generation,” noted Nick Walker, Country Senior Director, Edwards Lifesciences UK and Ireland.

“The Unifying Generations report sheds light on the pivotal social and economic contribution of the senior population and demonstrates the importance of protecting their health and well-being.”

The report will be launched today at a Parliamentary event hosted by Rachael Maskell MP, Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Ageing and Older People and Derek Thomas MP.

To learn more and download the full report, please visit:

Santa Parade this Saturday

STOCKBRIDGE: Saturday 3rd December

Time table 

10.15 Start off Parade 

10.20 Approx arrive at Portgower Place Raeburn Hotel – 5 min reindeer & pony rest 

10.25 Depart Portgower Place 

10.40 Arrive Inverleith Park 

10.45 Onwards Refreshments in main marquee for all parade participants.


Fun Runs on Sunday too!

MSPs call for action to halt decline of our town centres

MSPs on the Economy and Fair Work Committee have called for action to halt the long-standing decline of town centres, as it publishes a new report following an inquiry into the issue.

The Committee’s inquiry concluded that the planning system needs to be strengthened to ensure no new developments unfairly compete with town centre provision. Alongside this, a rebalancing of the cost of doing business to make town centres more competitive including how non-domestic rates currently operate, to support investment in town centres.

Every town in Scotland should have their own Town Plan, a long-term strategic vision for the future that recognises the unique nature of our towns, their histories and the community that brings them together. It should be driven locally by communities and not imposed from the top down. Transparency of ownership and powers to tackle derelict or dangerous buildings also need further action.

Claire Baker MSP, Convener of the Economy and Fair Work Committee said: “This report should signal a line in the sand for how we support, develop and prioritise investment in our town centres. We all know a town centre that has empty shops, a lack of investment and few thriving businesses.

“Throughout this inquiry we heard that although the pandemic accelerated trends towards online shopping, people really care about the future of their town centre and what is on their doorstep. The positive benefits that a thriving town centre can bring are clear – not just economically but socially and culturally as well.

“As we move into a challenging period of our retail sector, our Committee is unified in its call that vibrant, thriving town centres must be prioritised. This report recognises that the only way to do that is through changing how we support these developments through various measures from planning to non-domestic business rates.

“This report signals that change is needed. We know there is no quick fix but unless we start now, then we won’t be able to halt the accelerated decline of recent years we’ve seen already in too many communities across Scotland.”

Specific measures include:

  • Strengthening the National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) to ensure that any proposed developments can demonstrate that town centre sites have been pursued and thoroughly evaluated and that developments will have no adverse impact on town centres and will not compete with town centre provision.
  • The overarching principle must be rebalancing the cost of doing business in town centres versus out-of-town sites. Approaches that could be considered include giving Councils the power to levy an out-of-town development premium or a business rates surcharge which could then be used for town centre regeneration.
  • The current non-domestic rates (NDR) system acts as a disincentive when trying to attract businesses back to our town centres. For businesses already located in town centres, the current NDR system acts as a disincentive to invest in already occupied property, as any investment leads to an increase in NDR. The Committee consistently heard that the current system works against investment and growth in town centre retail and that the NDR system should be rebalanced to support town centre development.
  • There is strong demand amongst Scotland’s smaller retailers for more and better support to build their online presence and to be able to take advantage of platforms that already exist. A broader range of opportunities must be made available to upskill, strengthen and future-proof our retail workforce.
  • Transparency of beneficial ownership of town centre property and land and absentee owners can still be a problem, particularly where an individual lives or is based overseas. It is the Committee’s strong view that all property and landowners should be contactable and there should be clarity on who the owner is. The Scottish Government has said its focus is on Compulsory Purchase Orders. The Committee is of the view that the Scottish Government’s actions may be insufficient and that more may need to be to address this problem.
  • Local authorities have a range of powers available to them to tackle derelict or dangerous buildings but they are not used as frequently or proactively as we would like. There can be a reluctance to resort to those statutory powers, in part due to a lack of resources to carry actions through. The Committee welcomes the Scottish Government’s commitment to reform and modernise the compulsory purchase orders.
  • The Committee recognises the value of, and increased demand for, online and e-commerce activities and the importance of increasing the use of technology as a driver of increased productivity. A strategically driven action plan should be developed by the Scottish Government to support the take-up of training and capacity building to support Scotland’s eCommerce activity.

More choice for people experiencing homelessness

People experiencing homelessness in Scotland will have the ability to settle and access support wherever they choose under legislation coming into force today.

People can currently be asked to demonstrate their local connection to the area where they present as homeless. If they are unable to do so, councils can refer them to another area where they do have a local link, such as somewhere they or their family members have lived or worked.

The new legislation suspends that power for Scottish local authorities, giving people freedom about where they settle and access services. It aims to help them integrate more fully into the local community and to reduce repeat homelessness.

Housing Secretary Shona Robison said: “Local connection requirements have been recognised as a barrier to accessing homelessness services which is why we have chosen to remove them.

“Most people who are homeless want to live in a community where they are already settled, but this legislation allows them to move somewhere new if they want to – whether that’s to access support, take advantage of job opportunities or simply to have a fresh start.

“This puts rights for homeless households on a par with those for people who own or rent their homes, ensuring they have access to consistent services wherever they are in Scotland.

“I know that there are housing pressures in some local authorities but that, ultimately, they share our ambition of ending homelessness. This legislation will help ensure people can find a settled home as quickly as possible in an area of their choosing.”

Alison Watson, Director of Shelter Scotland, said: “We hugely welcome the news that this legislation has been passed. It is important progress towards realising the UN right to adequate housing: ensuring people are empowered to make informed decisions on where they would like to apply as homeless and that dignity is embedded in our homelessness system.

“This much anticipated change is one that we have been long calling for, and is another milestone in securing progressive rights to housing. We believe home is everything, and only building more social homes will bring the housing emergency to a permanent end, but it’s vital that people know their rights and are empowered to defend them.”

Ginny Cooper, from Homeless Network Scotland’s Change Team, said: “We are pleased to learn about the changes being made to local connection legislation, and see it as an important shift towards giving people experiencing homelessness more choice in where they decide to build their lives.

“Giving people the option to relocate will improve their opportunities to create new relationships within communities where they are able to thrive.”

Carers Trust Scotland research reveals family carers experiencing unprecedented financial hardship

“All general bills are a worry. It’s crushing to not even be able to afford the most basics in life due to being an unpaid carer.” (unpaid carer responding to the Carers Trust survey)

  • Almost three quarters (74%) of unpaid carers in Scotland are worried about being able to afford energy bills.
  • Almost two thirds (58%) of unpaid carers in Scotland have either had to give up work altogether or reduce their paid hours because of their caring role.
  • One in eight (12%) unpaid carers in Scotland have had to use a food bank.
  • Carers Trust is urging the Scottish Government and the UK Government to provide additional cost-of-living support to unpaid carers now and to develop long-term solution for funding of social care.

A new survey of unpaid carers in Scotland provides a stark assessment of how many of Scotland’s 800,000 unpaid family carers have been plunged even further into financial misery by the cost-of-living crisis. 

The research, undertaken by Carers Trust, the UK infrastructure charity for local carer organisations, revealed that 38% of all unpaid carers have had to give up paid work altogether to provide the dedicated care at home that a sick or disabled relative needs. A further 20% of respondents reported having reduced the number of paid hours they work because of their caring role.

The research, which was responded to by 531 family carers, uncovered the shocking fact that one in eight (12%) unpaid family carers are now using food banks as a result of soaring living costs. In addition:

  • 28% have had to cut back on food
  • 7% have either sold their home or released home equity to pay for essential items
  • 17% have not been able to pay household bills on time
  • 38% have had to cut back on other household items
  • 27% have had to use a credit card to pay for essential household items.
  • 25% have had to borrow money from a friend or a relative
  • 17% have had to take out a loan

One survey respondent said“I am terrified that I won’t be able to pay the bills this winter”.

Responding to a survey question about what essential costs they would no longer be able to afford, almost half (48%) said transport, almost three quarters (74%) said energy bills and over one third (34%) said rent or mortgage costs.

Carer’s Allowance failing to prevent poverty among unpaid carers

The survey also starkly highlighted the inadequacy of Carer’s Allowance, the principal state benefit for unpaid carers.

Currently set at £69.70 per week, providing this is the lowest level benefit of its kind, despite more than one third (34%) of unpaid carers spending 50 hours or more a week caring for a sick or disabled relative.

The Scottish Government does provide a Carer’s Allowance Supplement of £245.70 twice per year to provide additional support to unpaid carers in Scotland.

However, eligibility criteria for Carer’s Allowance benefit are strict: claimants must earn £132 a week or less after tax and must be spending a minimum of 35 hours a week caring for someone.

Over half of all survey respondents said that they do not receive the allowance and, of those who did, 56% of respondents in Scotland said it was not enough to meet their needs as an unpaid carer.

The survey also found that, instead of preventing poverty among recipients, Carer’s Allowance recipients were more likely to be experiencing financial hardship.

  • 58% of respondents receiving Carer’s Allowance said they were struggling to make ends meet, compared to 38% of respondents who don’t receive Carer’s Allowance.

More support needed for local carer organisations supporting unpaid carers

A parallel survey of Carer’s Trust’s UK network of over 120 local carer organisations, who provide services to unpaid carers, has also highlighted the impact of recruitment challenges and funding shortages on their ability to support unpaid family carers. 

48% of services cited fundraising and sustainability as the principal challenge to work supporting unpaid carers, whilst 40% of respondents cited staff recruitment and retention as a challenge – almost twice the level (23%) reported the year before.     

Carers Trust Scotland’s Director Louise Morgan said: “Scotland’s health and social care system relies on the hard work of millions of unpaid family carers. However, the double whammy of lack of financial support and struggling local services means that thousands of unpaid family carers are being pushed into dire poverty. 

‘With little ability to work, unpaid carers simply cannot boost their earnings to meet the cost-of-living crisis. Yet they need to keep the heating on and equipment running to keep their sick and disabled relatives warm and safe.

“The recent Autumn Statement simply did not recognise the extra cost of being an unpaid carer. We therefore need to raise Carer’s Allowance urgently, provide and to add it to the list of benefits qualifying for the additional £900 cost-of-living support payment and provide double payments of Carer’s Allowance Supplement payments to help unpaid carers to pay their rising bills during the cost-of-living crisis.

As a country we’re relying on unpaid carers to keep the health and care system afloat. The least we can do in return is ensure they get a fair deal in return”.

Find out about how your Giving Tuesday donations can help support #UnpaidCarers👉

National Galleries of Scotland announce unmissable upcoming exhibitions in Edinburgh

A major Grayson Perry retrospective is announced today (28 November). The largest exhibition of Alberta Whittle’s career to date, a solo show by Do Ho Suh, and printmakers’ treasures are also among highlights of the National Galleries of Scotland’s new exhibitions programme.

Next summer, come and see the biggest ever exhibition of Grayson Perry’s work, covering his 40-year career.

 Perry has gone from taking pottery evening classes to winning the Turner Prize, presenting television programmes on Channel 4 and writing acclaimed books. 

Pottery allowed him the opportunity to indulge his fascination with sex, Punk, and counterculture, amongst other things, in the most unlikely and polite of art forms. Today he is one of Britain’s most celebrated artists and cultural figures.

Popular and provocative, Perry makes art that deals with difficult and complex ideas in an accessible and often funny way. He loves taking on big issues that are universally human: masculinity, sexuality, class, religion, politics and more.

On view will be subversive pots, brilliantly intricate prints, elaborate sculptures, and huge, captivating tapestries – all imbued with Perry’s sharp wit and social commentary. Working with traditional mediums, Perry addresses the controversial issues of our times.

We’ll reveal more information about the exhibition next spring. Running at the Royal Scottish Academy from 22 July until 12 November 2023, discover how and why he has become such a cultural icon.

Alberta Whittle: create dangerously is an immersive exhibition which invites you to slow down and pause.

At the heart of Alberta’s solo show is her generous spirit which promotes compassion and collective care as means of resisting racism and anti-Blackness. Alberta addresses the brutality and harm caused by colonialism, the Transatlantic trade in enslaved people, and the ongoing climate crisis.

Through richly symbolic artworks, she pulls apart the belief that ’racism and police brutality is [just] an English/Scottish problem or an American problem’. Instead, she underlines Scotland’s complicity in the structures of white supremacy.

Often deeply personal, weaving stories of family and belonging, Alberta ultimately offers a message of hope, asking us to imagine a world outside of these damaging systems and ways of thinking.

This will be the largest showing of Alberta’s works to date, with sculptures, digital collages, watercolours and new paintings made especially for the show, taking over the ground floor of Modern One. 

Alongside never-before-seen artworks, the free exhibition offers you the opportunity to see Alberta’s extraordinary tapestry, Entanglement is more than blood, and film, Lagareh – The Last Born – which was on display at the Venice Biennale 2022, commissioned by Scotland+Venice. 

Alberta Whittle: create dangerously, running from 1 April 2023 until 7 January 2024, will explore the ambition and breadth of the Barbadian-Scottish artist’s career to date. Alberta Whittle: create dangerously is kindly supported by Baillie Gifford, National Galleries of Scotland Foundation and The Alberta Whittle Exhibition Supporters’ Circle.

A first for us and for Scotland: a solo exhibition coming winter 2023/24 of the South Korean-born, London-based Do Ho Suh.

One of the world’s leading contemporary artists, Do Ho Suh will explore the foundational role that drawing and paper play in Suh’s artistic practice, focusing on his collaborative methods, experimental techniques, and innovative use of materials. 

The free exhibition, taking over an entire level of Modern One, will present the artist’s complex and compelling thread drawings – in which cotton thread is embedded on handmade paper – alongside architectural rubbings, paper sculptures, cyanotypes, printmaking and watercolours.

There will also be a major new installation of Suh’s famed ‘hubs’, life-size sculptures that recreate physical spaces in colourful, translucent fabric. You can step right inside and immerse yourselves in this innovative reimagining of places meaningful to the artist and his life. 

Do Ho Suh is kindly supported by National Galleries of Scotland Foundation, and our associated engagement and audience development initiatives are kindly supported by Baillie Gifford.

Printmaking, one of the most accessible art forms, takes centre stage next Winter. Come and experience the print pioneers who have made their mark in the last five hundred years in Rembrandt to RegoThe Printmaker’s Art. 

You will go on a journey from Albrecht Dürer in the fifteenth century right through to contemporary artists including Tracey Emin and Chris Ofili. On the way you will discover how artists have pushed the boundaries in both subject and technique through screen printing, etching, engraving and more. 

The show includes many brilliant artists who are now famous for their printmaking; see prints by Andy Warhol, William Blake, Rembrandt, Francisco de Goya, Elizabeth Blackadder, Paula Rego, Bridget Riley, Pablo Picasso and more.

Appreciate the techniques, tools and materials up close – you may even be inspired to give it a go. Rembrandt to Rego: The Printmaker’s Art runs from 2 December until 25 February 2024.

Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize 2022 marks a welcome return to the Scottish National Portrait Gallery.

Capturing and sharing emotional, dramatic, or everyday moments in life is the magic of this exhibition.A truly global affair, the prize celebrates the very best in contemporary photography on an international scale.

Sharing work by celebrated professionals and enthusiastic amateurs alike, the images selected for the exhibition share in their ability to move onlookers.

This year’s prize-winning photographs examine a range of subjects – from queerness, transness and the concept of chosen family, socially distanced glimpses into daily lockdown life, to identity and life in former Soviet states.

See several famous faces up close, including footballer and activist Marcus Rashford and Stranger Things star Finn Wolfhard. The variety of themes explored throughout the exhibition is matched by the high-quality, contemporary portraiture that reflects the shifting world of today. This free exhibition runs from 17 June until 10 September 2023.

Also at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Making Space: Photographs of Architecture will explore how architecture impacts our lives.

As a record of human life past, present, and future, architecture and people are intrinsically linked. A poorly built environment exacerbates inequality, but architecture has the power to address social issues including homelessness, poverty, and displacement.

This fascinating exhibition will also consider how the built environment has a significant role to play in creating a more sustainable future. On display will be a diverse range of photographic styles, formats and processes dating from the 1840s to the present day.

Follow the line from Hill & Adamson’s early experiments on Edinburgh’s Calton Hill through to spectacular contemporary photographs by Andreas Gursky and Chris Leslie which capture the breath-taking scale of modern buildings. Entry to this exhibition is free and will take place from 7 October 2023 until 3 March 2024.

Your Art World, from summer 2023 to spring 2024, will help young people across Scotland to discover a whole new world of creative possibilities.

This inclusive and interactive exhibition is free to see and includes work generated over the past year from a nation-wide call out to those aged between 3-18 years old. 

Your Art World’s goal is to inspire and empower young people to think and act creatively but there’s also the added bonus of having their artwork showcased. All submissions will be displayed both online and at the Scottish National Gallery. 

Your Art World is generously supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

The final programme highlight is the return of a keenly-awaited tradition: the opening of Turner in January, an exhibition of mesmerising watercolours to help us through the dark days of winter.

Scotland’s famous collection of J.M.W. Turner watercolours was left to the nation by the great art collector Henry Vaughan in 1900.

Since then, following Vaughan’s strict guidelines, they have only ever been displayed during the month of January, when natural light levels are at their lowest. Because of this, these watercolours still possess a freshness and an intensity of colour, almost 200 years since they were originally created. 

Presented at the Royal Scottish Academy, Turner in January will open on New Year’s Day 2023 and be open throughout the month of January. Turner in January is generously supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

Sir John Leighton, Director General of the National Galleries of Scotland said: “There is so much to look forward to across our Galleries next year.

“From connecting with Grayson Perry’s craftsmanship up close to slowing down with Alberta Whittle to experience compassion and care, there is something for everyone to discover. Everyone is invited to our Galleries to learn, find a moment of calm, or feel inspired.”

Completing the exhibition programme are free displays currently at the Scottish National Gallery and Modern One respectively: Conserving Scotland’s Art until 16 April, which shines a light on how we preserve art for future generations to enjoy; Conversations with the Collection, offering a fresh way of presenting modern and contemporary art; and until 12 February, New Arrivals: From Salvador Dalí to Jenny Savillea fascinating showcase of our latest modern and contemporary acquisitions.

Social Bite launch Festival of Kindness to support homeless and vulnerable people in Edinburgh

‘In a world where you can be anything, be kind’

  • Social Bite lights up major cities encouraging kindness this Christmas 
  • Charity aims to provide 300,000 gifts, meals, and essential items to homeless and vulnerable people this Christmas 
  • Stars including Martin Kemp, Emma and Matt Willis lend their support to the campaign 
  • Donate a ‘Christmas of Kindness’ online to provide a meal, gift, pack of essential items, and emergency accommodation for a homeless person for just £28 
  • Christmas trees with gift donation points installed in five cities, London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, and Dundee, to emphasise that ‘in a world where you can be anything, be kind.’  

The cost of living crisis is affecting us all, but the impact is even more devastating for people who are homeless and vulnerable this Christmas. Backed by stars Martin Kemp, Emma and Matt Willis, Social Bite has launched its Festival of Kindness and is urging people in Edinburgh to spread some much-needed festive goodwill and kindness during these difficult times.  

Recent research has highlighted that: 

  • More than 1 in 5 people are living in poverty in the UK, according to Joseph Rowntree Foundation.[1] 
  • There was nearly 150 per cent increase in homeless deaths in the capital since 20172 
  • An estimated 1.3 million more people will be plunged into absolute poverty by 2023, including 500,000 children.[2] 
  • 6.8 million adults had smaller meals than usual or skipped meals because they couldn’t afford or get access to food.[3] 

Which is why the charity is asking people in Edinburgh to donate a ‘Christmas of Kindness’ for £28, which includes a meal, gift, pack of essential items, and emergency accommodation with support for people who are homeless.

Through the campaign, Social Bite has set a target of providing 300,000 meals, gifts, and essential winter items to those experiencing homelessness during this festive period. 

Working alongside local partners, Social Bite has installed 28ft tall Christmas trees in five cities in the UK – London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, and Dundee, with people living nearby encouraged to buy an extra gift and bring it to the Tree of Kindness, these gifts will be distributed to people who are homeless in time for Christmas. 

Christmas Trees have also been installed in four other cities in the UK – London, Glasgow, Aberdeen, and Dundee, and the five Festival of Kindness locations are: 

  • St Andrew Square, Edinburgh 
  • Charing Cross Station, London 
  • Vinicombe Street, Glasgow 
  • Outside M&S at the Bon Accord centre, Aberdeen 
  • City Square, Dundee.

The charity has created a Wishlist of the items and gifts that homeless and vulnerable people need the most especially at this time of year – from a warm pair of gloves, a hot water bottle, to a torch, earphones, and toys for children living in temporary accommodation to open on Christmas morning.  

Emma Willis said: “The work Social Bite does is amazing, so Matt and I are both really proud to support the Festival of Kindness campaign. 

“The help the campaign provides for people experiencing homelessness across the country is transformative for so many and more important than ever during the current rises in the cost of living. 

“I’d encourage anyone who can, to donate a ‘Christmas of Kindness’ online, or get along to their nearest Tree of Kindness to donate a gift and show whatever support they can to this brilliant cause.” 

Social Bite co-founder and Executive Director, Josh Littlejohn MBE, said: “Your kindness is needed now more than ever. The economic challenges and inflation facing the country this year means that homeless people face a very bleak winter.

“Millions of people will be forced to choose between heating and eating and this Christmas, and tens of thousands of people all over the UK will spend the festive period on the streets – cold, hungry and lonely, without a family to go to.

“Tens of thousands of children will also find themselves in temporary emergency accommodation or without food on the table over the festive period.  

 “That’s why we are asking people living in Edinburgh to support our Festival of Kindness campaign by inviting them to be kind and buy or donate a little extra to help those who need it most – even the smallest of gifts will make a huge difference.” 

On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, Social Bite will be opening its coffee shops in Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Aberdeen to provide a warm Christmas dinner and some loving company for those who need it, as well as providing meals and gifts through a network of over 170 local charity partners across the UK.  

Josh added: “Our staff always give up their Christmas day every year to ensure that homeless and vulnerable people have delicious food to eat and some festive company.

“This year we will also be distributing food packs and hot meals to tens of thousands of people in food poverty through our network of charity partners all over the UK.” 

All gifts will be distributed by Social Bite’s dedicated team of ‘elves’ to those who need it most, just in time for Christmas.  

Denzil Skinner, Chair of Essential Edinburgh Business Improvement District, who are supporting Festival of Kindness in St Andrew Square Edinburgh said: “We would like to encourage all our locals to pop into the city centre, select a gift from the wish-list at one of our fantastic retailers and leave it at the tree of kindness in St Andrew Square Garden.

“This small act of kindness will make such a difference to some of our most vulnerable citizens. A little kindness goes a long way.” 

People who are unable to visit a Tree of Kindness can also buy a ‘virtual gift’ online via the Social Bite website which will enable the provision of food, gifts and essential items. Donations will also help fund emergency accommodation for people who are sleeping rough, as well as energy support during this cost-of-living crisis. 

In 2021, thanks to the generous support of the public, the Festival of Kindness campaign resulted in 276,545 Christmas meals, food packs, gifts, and essential items for people affected by homelessness and food poverty. 

All gifts donated at the trees should be new and unwrapped, and there is a helpful ‘how-to’ guide on the charity’s website. Donated items will be placed in weather-proof Perspex boxes and collected each evening for transportation to the local distribution centre nearby.  

To find out more or donate, please visit 

Cost of living crisis stopping Scottish households from taking climate action

  • Recent weather events, such as heatwaves, floods and fires in the UK this year, have made three fifths (60%) of adults across Scotland more concerned about climate change
  • A third (32%) think that it’s too expensive to live more sustainably creating a barrier to climate action, despite 78% of adults in Scotland being concerned about climate change
  • Three in ten (29%) are more concerned with their energy bills as opposed to living sustainably

Recent weather events across the UK this year, such as heatwaves, floods and fires, have made three fifths (60%) of people in Scotland more concerned about climate change. A further 59% are also worried about weather reports from other countries, including in Australia and America, according to new research from mutual life and pensions company Royal London.

More than half (55%) have also said that ongoing media coverage has had an impact on their climate change concerns – and 49% said that having children and grandchildren has made them more worried about climate change.

This has spurred many to act and live more sustainably in the last 12 months. Most popular planned changes include reducing plastic usage (56%), shopping locally (49%), driving less (38%), and consuming less meat and dairy (35%).

However, the cost of living crisis is making it difficult for people in Scotland to act on climate change.

With the majority (83%) of adults in Scotland concerned about the cost of living, 29% are understandably more concerned with their energy bills as opposed to living sustainably. Many people are taking cost-saving measures this autumn and winter with a quarter (25%) planning to buy fewer or cheaper Christmas presents.

Shockingly, nearly half (46%) plan to turn on their heating only when absolutely necessary this winter and one in seven (14%) adults say they are anticipating skipping meals. Sustainability is unlikely to be the priority with a third (32%) thinking that it’s too expensive to live more sustainably.

Royal London’s Changemakers Programme announces partnership with Remake Scotland, a Perthshire based social enterprise, which promotes the reuse of local materials

Set up in 2011 in the town of Crieff, Perthshire, Remake Scotland promotes sustainable living across the local area. Its projects and services, such as its repair cafes, second-hand store, and community tool library (holding more than 300 items for residents to borrow), encourages the local community to reuse materials and become increasingly self-sufficient.

Given its success and growth over the previous years, from a small organisation based in the founder’s own garage, Remake Scotland now seeks to further expand the range of its services to maximise its impact and help the community live sustainably.

As part of this goal, it hopes to work more with commercial partners to develop a second-hand brokerage service.

Each Changemaker participating in the programme will benefit from a £20,000 grant, as well as extensive business support from The School for Social Entrepreneurs, which will continue for two years, to support them with the development of a greener economy that benefits many. 

Sarah Pennells, Consumer Finance Specialist at Royal London, says: “Climate change and sustainability are issues which need addressing urgently. 

“Living sustainably doesn’t have to cost more and some measures, such as reducing the food and heat you waste, can save money. However, many of us need a helping hand to get started. 

“We believe that these inspiring social enterprises can provide real solutions to these issues, with innovation at their heart, which is why they’ve been chosen as our Changemakers this year. We are delighted to support people who are looking at new ways to ensure that a just transition and moving fairly to a sustainable world is a possibility for everyone.”

Amulree Welch, General Manager at Remake Scotland, says: “We know that the cost-of-living crisis is having a huge impact on our community, particularly in the lead up to Christmas.

“Remake are committed to supporting our community through this crisis and helping people to continue to live sustainably while also living affordably. We do this by providing low cost, second-hand supplies through our Reuse Hub including a wide range of second-hand Christmas gifts, providing free hire of over 300 different pieces of equipment through our Community Tool Library and providing package free, sustainable products through our Remake Refillery, which are price matched with Tesco.

“We know that the cost-of-living crisis will for many people be taking precedence over the larger global concern of the climate crisis, however we hope that by supporting people to make second hand their first choice this winter this will help people save money and the planet.”