PRIME Minister Liz Truss has resigned after just six weeks in post.

Truss, who yesterday declared she was ‘a fighter, not a quitter’, has, well, quit after just 45 days in the job.

Her resignation statement was equally short:

I came into office at a time of great economic and international instability.

Families and businesses were worried about how to pay their bills.

Putin’s illegal war in Ukraine threatens the security of our whole continent.

And our country had been held back for too long by low economic growth.

I was elected by the Conservative Party with a mandate to change this.

We delivered on energy bills and on cutting national insurance.

And we set out a vision for a low tax, high growth economy – that would take advantage of the freedoms of Brexit.

I recognise though, given the situation, I cannot deliver the mandate on which I was elected by the Conservative Party.

I have therefore spoken to His Majesty The King to notify him that I am resigning as Leader of the Conservative Party.

This morning I met the Chair of the 1922 Committee Sir Graham Brady.

We have agreed there will be a leadership election to be completed in the next week.

This will ensure we remain on a path to deliver our fiscal plans and maintain our country’s economic stability and national security.

I will remain as Prime Minister until a successor has been chosen.

Thank you.

Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon tweeted:”There are no words to describe this utter shambles adequately. It’s beyond hyperbole – & parody. Reality tho(ugh) is that ordinary people are paying the price.

“The interests of the Tory party should concern no-one right now. A General Election is now a democratic imperative.”

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said: “After 12 years of Tory failure, the British people deserve so much better than this revolving door of chaos. We need a general election, now.”

His full statement:

Truss will remain as PM until her successor is elected – not by the people of Great Britain, but by Tory MPs.


Edinburgh’s most deprived families bear bunt of legal aid crisis

  • New data reveals hundreds of legal aid ‘not-spots’ in Edinburgh – deprived communities with no civil legal aid firms
  • The 100 most deprived communities in Edinburgh have access to just local one legal aid firm
  • Some are even forced to represent themselves in court

Thousands of Edinburgh’smost deprived families could face the prospect of defending themselves in court because of a chronic shortage of civil legal aid firms.

New analysis by the Law Society of Scotland shows that the 100 most deprived communities in Edinburgh, resident to around 83,808 people, share local access to just one single civil legal aid firm*.

Legal aid is a critical service affecting a range of life-altering situations and is the only way Scotland’s poorest families can secure legal support. Often, it is during some of life’s tougher moments that people will find themselves in need of legal aid support.

Legal aid for civil court actions is only offered to people with a disposable income of less than £293 per month – above that amount, there is a cost to be paid, which can be up to full repayment of the legal aid cost.

The most common civil court cases include dealing with divorce and child contact or custody; adoption; immigration and asylum cases; and deportation. They also routinely involve securing compensation for medical negligence, securing social welfare payments and other financial situations.

This new analysis highlights the extent to which this crisis could impact Edinburgh’s most deprived, with just one civil legal aid firm in Edinburgh’s 50 most deprived areas. This firms is local to just 1,431 people, leaving a staggering 82,377 people in those areas without local support.

Even in the areas with local access, the sheer demand so heavily outstrips supply that those with local access to firms still may not successfully secure legal aid. This creates a significant delay to court proceedings and to families seeking resolutions in very difficult moments.

Now, high profile social commentator, activist and award-winning author Darren ‘Loki’ McGarvey has thrown his weight behind a new campaign to ensure the most vulnerable in society get the legal help they need.

Darren McGarvey said: “Just imagine standing in a courtroom on your own to argue your case, up against an experienced solicitor. Now imagine that the custody of your child is at stake. Or a life-changing pay-out after an industrial accident.

“The absurdity of that proposition, combined with inequalities within the justice, healthcare, and education systems, is exactly why I am supporting the Law Society of Scotland to highlight the real issues that real people in Edinburgh face. Something has to change.

“In a nation that prides itself on progressive social values, these figures should act as a stark warning. Those who are already most disadvantaged are having their last line of defence pulled away from them. The Scottish Government has let inflation quietly chip away at legal aid fees over the last two decades – now we need to catch up.”

The Law Society of Scotland is calling on the Scottish public to contact their local MSP if they share Darren McGarvey’s concerns and want action. It says the crisis is exacerbated by the fact that legal aid fees agreed in 1999 had only increased by 10%, compared to an inflation increase of 55%. The Scottish Government recently offered legal aid solicitors a 10.3% increase in their fees.

Murray Etherington, President of the Law Society of Scotland added: “Legal aid is a fundamental part of Scottish society. The lack of representation available to those who need it most continues to be an unresolved issue. We have to stop looking at it as just a problem for solicitors – it is a problem for everyone.

“The recently proposed Scottish Government increase in funding may provide a short-term sticking plaster, but it won’t address the deep wounds to the legal aid system caused by a generation of underfunding. Without further serious action, the huge decline we have seen in the number of registered civil legal aid firms will continue.

“If we are to continue to help the most deprived families in our society, we have to secure longer term, lasting investment in legal aid services. We hope these new figures bring home the struggles faced by so many people and urge the Scottish Government to take action.”

First-ever early years practitioner graduation at the Assembly Rooms

The nation’s leading nursery group, Busy Bees, started the month with a buzz as Scotland’s first graduation ceremony for early years practitioners was held at Edinburgh’s Assembly Rooms.

On Saturday 1October the qualification provider, Busy Bees Education and Training, invited 37 practitioners from across Scotland to don their gowns in celebration of achieving their Social Services Children and Young People SVQ 3 and SVQ 4 qualifications.

The ceremony comprised presentations of the graduates in front of their families and loved ones, as well as addresses from Yvonne Smillie, Busy Bees Scotland Managing Director; Cheryl Creaser, Group COO and Marg Randles, Busy Bees Co-Founder.

For some, the occasion was extra special, signifying the first member of their family to have achieved a higher qualification. Among those celebrating was a mother and daughter team from Dunfermline Castle View, Andrina June and Andrina Becky Francis, 58 and 21 respectively, who supported each other throughout their journeys to achieve their SVQ3.

Caroline Black, Childcare Assessor and Trainer at Busy Bees Education and Training Academy, said: “Andrina June was an amazing practitioner and her rapport with the children, staff and parents shone through. During the training programme she gained more confidence in her abilities and technology skills.

“Her daughter, Andrina Becky, was a committed learner from day one, she always used her initiative and was a super role model for other colleagues”, Caroline added.

Many graduates also conquered personal battles while studying for their qualification, with others continuing to provide the highest early years education and care for the children of key workers during the pandemic.

One graduate, 19-year-old Ailey from Edinburgh’s Newhaven centre, felt she didn’t have the confidence to undertake her SVQ3, saying “I didn’t do well at school; I was rubbish at everything!”

Ailey thought there was no chance she could complete a qualification, however, Caroline Black, saw great potential in her. She said: “Ailey was doing so well practically in the nursery, and had super knowledge of the specific needs of the children in her care.

“You wouldn’t believe her transformation! Going from a young girl who needed a boost in confidence to believing she is really good at what she does. She has gained much more experience in a variety of different areas, is now Room Manager of the Baby Room and has now started her SVQ4.”

In July 2022, Busy Bees was named one of the top 100 apprenticeship employers in the UK and since 2001 has offered additional support for those who want to earn early years qualifications. The apprenticeships help their teams across the country reach new heights and give children the best start in life.

Speaking at the event, Marg Randles, who co-founded Busy Bees nurseries nearly 40 years ago, said: “It is fantastic to recognise the achievements of all our graduates, especially in such challenging circumstances over the last two years. For many, this is their first formal qualification, and it means a lot to be able to support them on their learning journey.

“There is something special about seeing early years education as a profession with the opportunity to progress and develop. Many of us within the Busy Bees’ leadership team have followed that journey, and I’d urge anyone with a genuine passion for children to consider it as a profession.”

The graduation event celebrated 37 learners from Busy Bees’ 20 centres across Scotland, including 21 colleagues who achieved SVQ3 qualifications in Social Services (Children and Young People) SCQF Level 7.

A further 16 completed a Leadership qualification at SVQ4 (SCQF Level 9), many of whom have progressed through various roles within the nurseries to take on leadership positions, including becoming Centre Directors.

Busy Bees is currently recruiting for 30 positions for qualified educators and has openings for school and college leavers through its apprenticeship scheme who want to join and learn on the job.

To find out more about opportunities at Busy Bees in Scotland, please visit:

Teenagers attacked in unprovoked assault in Leith

POLICE are appealing for information after an unprovoked assault on two teenagers in Leith.

The incident happened in the Albert Place and Leith Walk area shortly after 1am yesterday (Wednesday, 19 October).

A group of males on electric motorbikes approached the two male teenagers, aged 19 and 18.

The 19-year-old suffered a stab wound to his leg during the incident and was taken to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.

The 18-year-old was treated at the scene for an injury to his leg sustained while attempting to get away from the group.

The group of males, all described as white, wearing balaclavas, gloves, rucksacks and dark clothing, then left the scene on their motorbikes in the direction of Albert Street.

Detective Sergeant Steven Dick said: “This was a completely unprovoked incident and we are carrying out extensive enquiries to identify the group of three males on motorbikes involved.

“Our enquiries so far suggest they have been riding their motorbikes a short time earlier in the city centre so I would urge anyone who believes they may have seen them to get in touch.

“Anyone else with any information can get in touch with us by calling 101, quoting reference 174 of 19 October, or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

Opportunity for feedback to help Scotland improve land reform journey

Land Commission launches research in a bid to continuously improve engagement

People in Scotland are being encouraged to participate in a nationwide survey to help inform a major public body on how engagement in decisions about land in Scotland can be improved.

The Scottish Land Commission’s easy-to-use online surveys have officially launched giving people in Scotland an opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to land reform.

The Commission is conducting two surveys – one for landowners and one for communities – to find out more about how private and public sector landowners engage with their local communities.

The land reform body is hoping to collect information on the progress that has been made so far while the results will go on to help shape future guidance and regulation changes to encourage more effective engagement with communities when it comes to land.

Hamish Trench, Chief Executive at the Scottish Land Commission, said: “Land is our most valuable asset. It is important to a variety of Scotland’s ambitions such as net zero, nature restoration and community empowerment.

“By listening to the views of landowners and communities, it will paint a better picture of how community engagement has progressed and how it can continue to improve in the coming years.

“Land can and should work to everyone’s benefit and by engaging closely with those across the country, regulations and recommendations can be shaped to ensure everybody is included in that benefit.”

The survey was first run in 2019 to establish a baseline of knowledge for the Scottish Land Commission; the latest survey has launched to look at how the situation has changed.

The survey is now open and will run until the 30 November. The research will then be analysed by the Scottish Land Commission and results may be shared with the Scottish Government and other relevant organisations to inform future work programmes and priorities.

It is the latest initiative from the Scottish Land Commission which recently launched its ‘Land @ Lunch’ bitesize webinars to inform those across the country with practical information about land use and ownership.

The Scottish Land Commission works with landowners, land managers and communities to help them to create a Scotland where everybody benefits from the ownership, management and use of the nation’s land.

The survey for landowners and managers can be found here:

The survey for community organisations and individuals can be found here:

To find out more about the Scottish Land Commission, visit:

Thriving? Council seeks your views on Edinburgh’s Green Spaces

We want to hear your views on Edinburgh’s Thriving Greenspaces 2050: A Vision and Strategy.

This consultation will be the benchmark for how we move forward with greenspaces over the next 30 years 🌲

Find out more and take part here until November 15th:…/thriving…/

£65 million support for drugs services

Frontline and third sector organisations invited to apply

Drug support services are benefitting from a £65 million boost to drive down the number of drug deaths each year.

Life-saving organisations which help people who use drugs turn their lives around and offer support to their families are invited to apply for this Government funding which will help people on their road to recovery.

The cash will go to initiatives like Aberdeen Alcohol and Drugs Action which was given almost half a million pounds earlier this year to deliver a “Sharp Response Service” to people in their homes, ensuring they were given immediate access to advice and support to help them get back on track.

The money, from the additional £250 million national mission funding, is being channelled through the Local Support Fund which is open all year round and two further funding pots, which are reopening today (20 October) – the Improvement Fund for organisations delivering residential rehabilitation and associated services and the Children and Families Fund which gives financial help to those working with the loved ones of those affected.

All funds are administered through the CORRA Foundation, a charity which aims to make grants available to projects which make a difference to people and communities.

Drugs Policy Minister Angela Constance said: “The number of lives lost to drugs is still too high in Scotland and these funds are vital for those services working on the frontline to help those affected and their families.

“These organisations save lives and we want to support them so they can extend as far into their communities as possible and offer people the support they need when and where they need it.

“£65 million of the additional £250 million set aside for the national mission on drug deaths over the course of this Parliament will go directly to these funds and we are determined to make every penny count.”

Aberdeen Alcohol and Drugs Action Service Manager Simon Pringle said: “The Drug Improvement Fund has allowed ADA to offer a more flexible service to clients who find accessing mainstream or statutory services – including treatment – difficult.

“Since receiving the funding we have offered help to over 150 individuals helping them access support, engage with NHS Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT), re-engage with services and receive sterile injecting equipment.

“We have been able to target those most at risk and see them quickly – usually the same day – therefore reducing the risks of overdose or other harms. Without the fund we wouldn’t have been able to achieve this.”

CORRA Foundation – drug services funds

Death throes of a dying Government?




Suella Braveman’s scathing resignation letter:

Prime Minister’s response:

If the resignation of another senior government minister was serious enough, worse was to follow on a chaotic evening at Westminster as Tory whips were accused of bullying and physically manhandling MPs over a crucial vote on fracking.

Both the Chief Whip and Deputy Chief Whip resigned – or maybe they didn’t.

Chaos. Utter chaos.

At time of writing Liz Truss remains in post as Prime Minister, clinging on despite her authority collapsing around her. Whether she will still be there this evening is anyone’s guess.

Festive fun at Dobbies

Garden Centre launches 2022 Christmas events programme

Dobbies, the UK’s leading garden centre retailer, is gearing up to create a Christmas to remember for customers in Edinburgh and announces a magical line up of great-value festive events to get the whole family excited for the season ahead, with booking now open.

Santa’s Grotto is back and better than ever, with families having the opportunity to take part in an interactive experience in the Edinburgh store. Attendees will be greeted by Santa’s elves to walk through the snowy woodland, spotting reindeer, rabbits and more, as well as helping to pack Santa’s sleigh.

They’ll then spend time with Santa and receive a special gift to take home. Families can opt in to purchase a photograph with Santa, creating memories to last forever. 

Dobbies’ Quiet Grottos will also be available on 9 December. This experience is designed to help support children with additional needs, with sound and visual elements adapted to reduce anxiety.

If you’re looking to get the whole family involved, Dobbies’ Edinburgh store will also offer a Santa Paws grotto experience. Dog lovers across Edinburgh have the chance to bring their pups to see Santa, with a special doggie gift and photo opportunity available. Children’s tickets can be added, for a full family experience.

The garden centre is also hosting its ever-popular Santa’s Breakfast experience, perfect for families and children under 10 years old. Breakfast options are available for both adults and children, including vegetarian and lighter options, with food, fun activities and a gift from Santa all included in the children’s great-value ticket price.

Dobbies’ Festive Afternoon Tea will also take place, with options to suit the whole family. Guests can indulge in three tiers of fantastic festive food, and unlimited tea and coffee refills. There are also options to upgrade with additional savoury items, hot drinks and Prosecco.

Dobbies’ Partnership and Events Manager, Sarah Murray, said: “Christmas is all about getting the family together and spending quality time with your loved ones.

“At Dobbies we want to give families an experience to remember and unforgettable memories to cherish for years to come. Nothing is more magical than Christmas time, and our interactive festive events in Edinburgh will help bring the season to life for the entire family.”

Customers in Edinburgh are encouraged to book in advance for Dobbies’ Christmas events to avoid disappointment. Customers have the opportunity to make a donation to Dobbies’ National Charity Partner, Teenage Cancer Trust, when booking online:

  • Santa’s Grotto events start on 24 November, prices from £11.99 per child
  • Santa’s Quiet Grotto takes place on 9 December, prices from £11.99 per child
  • Santa Paws starts running on 3 December, priced at £6.99 per dog
  • Santa’s Breakfast takes place from 26 November onwards, £13.99 per child and from £7.30 per adult
  • Festive Afternoon Tea starts on 1 November, £13.50 per adult and £7.50 per child
  • Santa’s Afternoon Tea runs from 3 December, £13.99 per adult and £13.50 per child

Dobbies offers Book with Confidence. For more info:

Breastfeeding Buddies at PCHP

Lothian Breastfeeding Buddies will be here at Pilton Community Health Project tomorrow and every Thursday at 1pm.

Pop in to chat with the peer-supporters here. This group suits any mums who are breastfeeding and have any questions or experiences they’d like to share. It also suits any mums-to-be who have questions or are thinking about breastfeeding. Just pop in!

Lothian Breastfeeding Buddies also deliver groups and advice elsewhere.

Click on this link to find out more