Natalie Don-Innes MSP visits Barnardo’s fostering session


Foster carers representing the country’s leading children’s charity today met with the Scottish Government’s Minister for Children, Young People and The Promise, Natalie Don-Innes MSP, to outline a pioneering new “extended family” model approach to foster care.

To tackle the ongoing crisis in fostering, Barnardo’s Scotland first unveiled the ‘Mockingbird model’ in 2021 in collaboration with The Fostering Network which is inspired by the support and relationships of an extended family. Today, the Minister met with several foster carers who undertake care for children using this exciting model.

Speaking about the Mockingbird model, Natalie Don-Innes MSP said: “All children should have the support, love and stability they need throughout their childhood, to enable them to have the opportunity to thrive.

“Foster carers have a vital role in this, by providing secure, stable and nurturing homes for children in their care. Foster care is key to delivering The Promise by 2030 and to supporting our collective efforts to tackle Child Poverty and I would like to thank foster carers for all that they do.

“I am grateful for the work Barnardo’s and the Fostering Network have put in to developing the innovative Mockingbird approach, which will enhance the support network available to children, and provide increased resilience for carers.”

Anne Whyte, Assistant Head of Fostering and Adoption at Barnardo’s Scotland, said: “The Mockingbird model helps children, young people and foster families build a strong, caring community. This involves creating a ‘hub home’ with an experienced carer acting as a ‘grandparent’, surrounded by nearby homes that form a ‘constellation’.

“The aim is for the caring community to mirror an extended family, so that children can develop relationships not only with their own carers, but also with other children and carers. Everyday childhood experiences are encouraged, such as sleepovers and playdates.

“The service builds a community around a child, helping to provide stability, and if a foster care arrangement is put under strain, a child can go and stay with the hub home or move into another home within the constellation.

“The young people have the opportunity to go on sleepovers, on a regular basis, to build relationships with other families and children – and this is not just when their main home is under strain.

“There is no doubt that the Mockingbird model is proving to be a huge success in Scotland. We are keen to expand this offering, but, to do that, we need more people to come forward to become foster carers.”

Barnardo’s Scotland has eight families in its 2021 constellation. There are eight foster children and one young person in continuing care. The carers can be couples or single carers and some are short break carers.

The charity’s latest constellation currently has six families with seven foster children and one young person in continuing care. Working with The Fostering Network, Barnardo’s first introduced the Mockingbird model to its service in Edinburgh.

Janet Davidson, a foster carer from Fife, said: “The Edinburgh Mockingbird is more than an extended family to me; it has developed into a group of understanding friends, who themselves are also living with the challenges that fostering presents to its carers and young people.

“The support and knowledge within our group is well beyond what I expected and there is always someone 24/7 available and willing to listen to me, or to give me advice.”

Jackie*, also from Fife, has been a foster carer for more than 25 years, and became a carer for Barnardo’s in Edinburgh in 2021. She is keen to highlight the many positives of the Mockingbird model: “The Mockingbird is an extended family that provides lots of different support, planned and emergency sleepovers and short breaks. It gives our young people peer support, social activities to meet, build friendships and just have fun.

“We are in it together, so we never feel alone. This is because it is modelled on a family setting so other carers become almost like aunties and uncles and the other young people are like cousins once the relationships have been built.

“The aim is to improve the stability of fostering homes and to strengthen relationships between carers, children, young people and siblings who could be nearby with other carers, and extend it to when the young person moves away from their present carer to a home of their own or into an adopted home. This provides them a strong family connection that a lot of fostered children do not have.”

A crisis in fostering in Scotland was identified last year when Barnardo’s pointed to research by The Fostering Network that revealed the number of foster families required stands at 500.

Speaking at the time, Martin Crewe, Director of Barnardo’s Scotland, said: “Fostering in Scotland is in crisis as the numbers of people registered to foster continues to fall year on year.

“A shortage of foster carers leaves hundreds of children without a safe and loving home, and that is something we are keen to address. But we strongly believe that any loving person can make a wonderful foster parent to a child who needs us the most.”

Barnardo’s Scotland is committed to keeping The Promise to care-experienced young people and to ensure every child in Scotland grows up safe, loved and respected. That is why the charity is calling on people to consider joining Barnardo’s Scotland as a foster carer. Barnardo’s has more than 80 years of experience of successfully matching children and young people with families, and there are many benefits to being a carer.

For more information on becoming a foster carer with Barnardo’s in Scotland, please visit, or call 0800 0277 280. The charity’s friendly and supportive staff are available from Monday to Friday, between 9am and 5pm.

In the past year, Barnardo’s provided essential support to more than 11,500 children, young people, parents and carers in Scotland through more than 150 specialised community-based services and partnerships across the country. The charity works to ensure that every child has the best possible start in life.

To donate, volunteer or fundraise, please visit:

St Columba’s Light Up a Life campaign raises £130,000

We are delighted to announce that our Light up a Light Appeal raised an incredible £130,000 for St Columba’s Hospice Care over the festive period.

This sensational amount will make a huge difference to our patients and their families at a vitally important time in their lives.

Thank you again for your support.

Betty McVay: Funeral Information


Peacefully after a short illness on January 10th 2025 aged 91 years.

Beloved wife of the late Tam, loving mum of Suzanne, Thomas, Alexander, Rhona, Paula and the late Pat.

Loving grandmother, and great-grandmother, sister and auntie. Friend to many.

Funeral Service Tuesday 4th February at St Margaret Mary’s, Boswall Parkway at 12.30pm.

Thereafter at Navy Club, Broughton Street, to which family will join after a private funeral.

Family flowers only, please.

Creative Scotland announces Multi-Year Funding Outcomes for arts and culture organisations

  • A record number of cultural organisations to receive stable, year-on-year funding to deliver culture and creativity for Scotland’s people 
  • All organisations currently funded by Creative Scotland to receive a significant uplift after years of standstill funding 
  • An additional 141 organisations will receive a multi-year funding commitment for the first time 
  • Significant increase in community-focused organisations being supported, alongside established cultural organisations, better representing Scotland’s geography and diversity 
  • Overall funding to the portfolio will increase further in 2026/27 
  • This cultural shift has been made possible thanks to a significant budget commitment from the Scottish Government 

Today, Thursday 30 January 2025, in a significant moment for culture in Scotland, Creative Scotland has announced the largest portfolio of cultural organisations ever to be supported on a multi-year basis.​ 

The recent uplift in Grant-in-Aid funding from the Scottish Government, releasing the largest budget ever available to Creative Scotland, enables more than £200m in support to be provided to 251 organisations over the next three years. 

Further to this, 13 other organisations, will be supported by a £3.2m Development Fund, with a view to them joining the Multi-Year Funding portfolio in 2026/27. 

Over half of the organisations in the portfolio are being offered a multi-year funding commitment for the first time, reaching more parts of Scotland, and more parts of our society, than ever before. 

Those organisations which have an existing regular funding relationship with Creative Scotland will receive an average uplift of 34% in their funding in 2025/26, increasing to an average of 54% from 2026/27, bringing certainty and stability. 

North Edinburgh Arts is one of the organisations to receive three year funding. They said: ‘We are delighted to share that North Edinburgh Arts has been awarded Multi-Year Funding from Creative Scotland! We are looking forward to re-opening our venue in the coming weeks, so the confirmation of Multi-Year Funding has come at the ideal time.

“NEA’s venue is owned, used, and loved by our community. The stability of long-term funding will allow us to plan with confidence and make a real difference for the hundreds of artists, participants, volunteers, and visitors coming through our door.”

Hidden Door also received good news. They announced: “We’re proud to be one of 13 organisations to receive Creative Scotland development funding with a view to joining their Multi-Year Funding portfolio in 2026 ❤️

This is a huge vote of confidence in our support for emerging artists, connecting audiences with inspirational cultural experiences.

‘We’re acutely aware of the challenges facing the creative sector, and we know that not everyone will have received good news today. But we warmly congratulate all those who secured funding, and we look forward to collaborating with many more wonderful projects in the years to come.’

Together, the organisations in this portfolio deliver cultural and creative work of quality, breadth and depth to audiences across Scotland and internationally and the portfolio is more representative of Scotland’s geography, diversity, people and communities than ever before. All this underlines Scotland’s reputation as a thriving creative nation where culture is valued and developed for all.  

​Importantly, the portfolio also provides significant support to Scotland’s local and national economy, through direct employment, by creating opportunities for freelancers, and by supporting individual artists and creative practitioners of all types. 

Robert WilsonChair of Creative Scotland said: “This is an extremely positive moment for culture in Scotland, bringing with it a renewed sense of stability and certainty to Scotland’s culture sector. 

“Thanks to the vote of confidence in the culture sector, demonstrated by the recently announced budget from the Scottish Government, Creative Scotland can offer stable, year-on-year funding to more organisations than ever before.  

“I’m particularly pleased that this funding will increase further from next year, enabling even more fantastic artistic and creative work to be developed here in Scotland.  

“Stable, long-term funding for as many organisations as possible is the underlying principle of the Multi-Year Funding programme, and we are delighted to be able to bring it to fruition.  

“This funding means that we are able to bring so many new, community focused organisations into the portfolio, while also providing significant increases to those more established organisations which have been on standstill, regular funding for so many years. 

“I’m also very pleased to be able to offer 13 further organisations significant amounts of development funding, to enable them to come into the portfolio in its second year. 

“This signals a significant moment of positive change for Scotland’s cultural community, and I hope that, after the deeply challenging time of the pandemic, and the difficulties that have faced the sector in the subsequent years, that now is the time that we can look forward with confidence and the Scottish culture sector can get on with what it does best, producing outstanding art and creativity for everyone to enjoy.” 

Download short audio statement from Robert Wilson, Creative Scotland Chair.

Angus RobertsonCabinet Secretary for Culture said: “This is a foundational moment for culture and the arts in Scotland. More organisations than ever, in more parts of the country will benefit from the stability of Multi-Year Funding with the number of funded organisations more than doubling, from 119 to 251. 

“Funded as part of a record £34 million increase for culture in the draft 2025-26 Scottish Budget, this significant increase in both the number of funded organisations, and the level of grant funding they will receive, has the potential to be truly transformational. It secures the future of key cultural organisations of all sizes across Scotland, which are major assets to our communities and our economy, supporting thousands of jobs and creating new opportunities for freelancers, artists and other creative practitioners. 

“It means 251 culture organisations across Scotland, from Argyll and Bute to Shetland, Na h-Eileanan Siar, and the Borders, will receive Multi-Year Funding from April this year and a further 13 have the possibility of doing so from 2026-27.

“I am also reassured that the remaining unsuccessful applicants will all be offered bespoke support from Creative Scotland to adapt their business models.”

Following the ministerial statement in the Scottish Parliament, Labour Lothians MSP Foysol Choudhury welcomed  the funding: “This funding decision is a step forward for Scotland’s cultural community. It  reflects the collective determination of local groups, artists, and advocates who have worked  tirelessly to highlight the importance of the arts in our society.

“I am proud to have played a  role in advocating for multi-year funding, and I hope this provides some temporary relief to  the culture sector. Festivals  have struggled with standstill government funding for years, stunting their growth. The  culture sector should not just be fighting for its survival.”

The list of organisations being awarded Multi-Year Funding, and their award for the next three years, is available on our website

The list of organisations being offered development funding, and their conditional award for the next three years, is also available on our website

Results of festive drink and drug driving campaign 2024/25

Police Scotland carried out more breath tests and more roadside drug tests during the 2024/25 festive drink and drug driving campaign than previous years.

There were 4,779 breath tests and 963 drug wipes conducted by police officers.

Road Policing and Local Policing officers worked together to target and deter drink and drug drivers.

They did this by carrying out proactive patrols, speaking to drivers and raising awareness in communities, using data to target key areas, responding to information from members of the public and setting up roadside checks.

Over 25,000 drivers were spoken to as part of the campaign.

Road safety partnership work happened at a local and national level, including supporting a Scottish Government marketing campaign and telling the story of road crash survivor Ellen Stickle who was left paralysed by a drug driver.

Chief Superintendent Hilary Sloan, head of Road Policing, said: “Police Scotland will keep targeting drink and drug drivers and we know how important this is to the public.

“My message to people thinking about driving after taking drugs or alcohol is you will get caught. Our officers are out every day, we will arrest you and that will affect you for the rest of your life. It’s your choice and it can have a devastating impact on other road users. It changes people’s lives and it is avoidable.

“Thank you to everyone who supported our campaign and please continue to speak to family and friends to encourage changing the behaviour of drivers.”

The campaign ran from 1 December 2024 until 19 January 2025.

A pilot to give local policing officers the ability to use Drug Wipe roadside testing kit is ongoing in Shetland. The six-month pilot started during the festive campaign.

There were 12 roadside drug tests carried out using the Drug Wipe kit, with 5 positive results and one failure to comply with the test.

Three drivers failed the alcohol breathalyser test.

The small pilot will be evaluated as Police Scotland continues to work closely and carefully with Scottish Police Authority laboratories to ensure testing capacity can be managed. More information can be found here.

Improving lives for people with learning disabilities

Fund to support third sector organisations

People with learning disabilities will be supported to reach their full potential through a £1.6 million fund.

The Learning Disability Support Fund will be available to third sector organisations to enable them to promote equality and inclusion and improve access to health services and social activities for people with learning disabilities.

The fund will run for 30 months from October 2025, with a total of £325,000 available for the first year and £650,000 per year for the following two years. Organisations can apply for grants of between £75,000 and £250.000.

Minister for Wellbeing, Social Care and Sport Maree Todd said: “The last 30 years have seen enormous changes in how people with learning disabilities are supported in society, however we recognise there is more work to be done.

“We know the third sector plays a crucial role in improving the lives of people with learning disabilities and this fund will support organisations to enable those they work with to lead fulfilling, independent, and active lives as equal citizens.

“The grants will be used to provide people with education and information on matters such as accessing health services and developing safe relationships.

“In developing the fund, we have taken into account the views expressed by people with learning disabilities in recent consultation and research and we will work closely with the third sector to ensure it makes a difference.”

Celia Tennant, Chief Executive Officer at Inspiring Scotland said: “We are pleased to be managing the application process for the new phase of the Scottish Government’s Learning Disability Support Fund.

“We know from the past few years managing the Inspiring Inclusion fund the positive impact that empowering third sector organisations can have to deliver support for people in Scotland with learning disabilities to lead happy, healthy lives and create a more inclusive society.”

The Learning Disability Support Fund replaces the Inspiring Inclusion Learning Disability Fund.

Maybury Primary School welcomes first pupils

THE First of its kind, Maybury Primary School has this week welcomed its first pupils – 25 excited P1 learners – into the brand-new school building. 

The group of children, who have been based at neighbouring East Craigs Primary School since August 2024 are the first intake at the new school which will offer capacity for up to three streams, including 630 primary pupils and 128 nursery pupils. The next group of children will join the new school in August 2025.

The school’s catchment area includes the new housing developments in Cammo and West Craigs.

Maybury Primary School is built to the Passivhaus standard, a highly energy-efficient construction method that regulates air temperature in classrooms, creating a more comfortable learning environment. This approach supports The City of Edinburgh Council’s 2030 net-zero target by significantly reducing the building’s energy consumption.

The new primary school is part of the Maybury Community Hub and is the first school in Edinburgh to share a campus with a medical practice. The hub will maximise the use of its buildings, allowing local residents to access services close to where they live in line with the 20-Minute Neighbourhood strategy.

Councillor Joan Griffiths, Education, Children and Families Convener said: “It is great to see that the new Maybury Primary School has welcomed its first group of learners into the building.

“The head teacher and her team have worked hard to ensure that the transition from East Craigs Primary School into the new school is smooth for the P1 children and I know that they are all excited to get settled into their new school environment.

“The new building has been constructed to be fit for the future and the ‘hub’ model means that the building can be used by the whole community, which is fantastic. The construction of Maybury Primary School is part of a broader initiative to meet the needs of new families who have moved into the area, alongside working to achieve the Council’s ambition to meet future demands and support community growth.”

Drylaw Litterpick Walk

MONDAY 3rd FEBRUARY from 10am – 12pm

Exciting news!

We have loads of new kit from Sustrans’ Love Your Neighbourhood project. Litterpickers, hoops, wipes, gloves, and best of all – trolleys!


Time: Monday Feb 3rd 10-12pm

Location: Drylaw Neighborhood Centre 67b Groathill Rd North

Fitness level: Easy

Led by: Cecile and Natalie

Open Days at Edinburgh College

Are you ready to Experience Edinburgh College? Each campus has a wide range of facilities for our students to experience, such as our libraries, hair and beauty salons, classroom cafes and fitness facilities.

Come along to our open days this February to find out more about each of our campuses and courses starting in August 2025. Applications are open now!

To find out more about the courses available and register your interest for one of our open days, check out our website…/events/open-days-2025





All reactions:


Brexit cost: higher energy bills and lower investment

Scottish Government calls for closer energy links with Europe

The Scottish Government is calling for closer co-operation with Europe to help lower energy bills and boost investment.

Ahead of upcoming UK Government talks with the EU the Scottish Government has published a report, identifying  a number of opportunities to more closely align with the European Union on energy matters.

These include:

  • accelerating the adoption of more efficient UK-EU electricity trading arrangements to bring down energy costs for consumers
  • linking the UK and EU Emissions Trading Schemes (ETS) to help reduce costs and barriers to trade

Estimates from the UK energy industry predict that unless the UK moves toward closer cooperation with the EU on energy and climate, it may lead to additional costs of up to £10billion in 2024-25, through higher energy bills and lower Treasury revenues.

The Scottish Government’s wants Scotland to be an EU member state, however the report published today sets out immediate actions which would rebuild closer collaboration with the EU on energy and climate matters and offset some of the damage caused by Brexit.

Acting Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy Gillian Martin said: “As we approach the fifth anniversary of Brexit, the costs to the people of Scotland are becoming ever clearer.

“The best future for Scotland is to be a member state of the EU. But we will always be a voice for closer co-operation with our fellow Europeans – in particular around issues which impact us all such as lowering energy bills and driving up investment in renewables.

“This paper highlights the key areas where working together is vital for achieving our shared ambitions – driving economic growth, reducing costs, strengthening energy security and substantially contributing to our shared climate goals.

“We have a pivotal role to play and stand ready to work collaboratively with the UK Government and wider partners to re-build a closer relationship with Europe in this space.”

Read the Closer energy and climate cooperation with the EU report

Energy UK Explains: the cost of the UK-EU relationship for energy – Energy UK