Christmas Shopping at Fresh Start!

Next week we have the Christmas pop up shop running at the Fresh Start Pantry

Monday 9am-12.30pm

Tuesday 9am-12.30pm

Wednesday 2.30-5.00pm

Friday 9am-12.30pm

*Thursday – Community Wealth Builders Group from North Edinburgh Arts will be in the Pantry 12 – 4pm selling beautiful handmade gifts.

Please come along and shop!

Stories and Scran!


Citizen Winter Warmer: Stories and Scran at North Edinburgh Arts

Saturday 2 December at 3pm

West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre

£5/£3 (Concession/NEA Members) including an afternoon tea

Come along to this special community celebration bringing together local voices with authors and artists from across Scotland.

Savour a sumptuous afternoon-tea provided by the Scran Academy (included with your ticket) and hear brilliant new writing from local people who have taken part in Edinburgh International Book Festival‘s ‘Citizen’ alongside special guests including Kate Forster and Doug Johnstone.

This year’s event showcases the diverse voices and creative talent from local groups including a film from the North Edinburgh Drama Group and the Book Festival’s own Adults Writing Group.

Don’t miss the event and book your tickets at:…

Citizen Winter Warmer events: Stories and Scran

The Edinburgh International Book Festival has announced Stories and Scran will take place on Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd December as part of the third season of Citizen Winter Warmer events: a community celebration bringing together local voices and authors and artists. 

Audiences are invited to savour a sumptuous 3-course meal provided by the Scran Academy (included in the price of the ticket) and hear new writing from local people who have taken part in the Citizen project.

This year’s first event will take place at Fisherrow Centre in Musselburgh and will showcase the diverse voices and creative talent from local groups including illustrations from students at Edinburgh College of Art and the Book Festival’s own Adults Writing Group and The Citizen Collective. Special guests include Chitra Ramaswamy. 

This will be followed on Saturday 2nd November with another Stories and Scran Winter Warmer event in North Edinburgh.

Join us at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre for tasty food and brilliant storytelling in a heart warming event at the heart of the community.

Savour a sumptuous afternoon-tea provided by Scran Academy (included with your ticket) and hear new writing from local people alongside special guests including including Kate Foster and Doug Johnstone.

This year’s North Edinburgh event showcases the diverse voices and creative talent from local groups including a film from the North Edinburgh Drama Group and the Book Festival’s own Adults Writing Group.

For more information visit: 

Bonfire Weekend Youth Hubs at Pilton Youth and Children’s Project



This weekend PY will be running on BOTH Friday and Saturday night for our S1+ Drop In Hubs!

Muirhouse Youth Development Group will be with us, and Granton Youth will be doing street work so pop by and say hi!

Please stay safe this weekend, be careful of yourselves and mindful of your pals and other people in the community.

Thank you to LAYC for the funding to allow us to run these activities!

Dispersal Zones information

Dispersal Zones for #OpCrackle have been set up across Edinburgh and will be enforceable from 3rd – 5th November.

These zones are set up to help prevent anti-social behaviour and to keep the community safe.

Additional officers will be deployed over the weekend across the city and they have the grounds to take action should people be involved in such conduct, as detailed in the below poster.

Keep yourself and others safe by attending organised events only, which can be found here:…/organised…/…
