Social Bite founder Josh Littlejohn is guest speaker at West Pilton and West Granton Community Council’s meeting on Tuesday (6 February) at 7pm in West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre. All welcome.
Wednesday 17 January 10am – 11.30am
Abbots House 10 Links Place EH6 7EZ Continue reading Homes for Everyone: Solidarity protest with homeless people
Forth Neighbourhood Partnership will meet on Thursday 18th January from 6 – 8pm at North West Locality Office in West Pilton Gardens.
Items on the agenda include information on walking and cycling improvements on Lower Granton Road, an introduction to the new Health and Social Care Manager, updates on the North West Locality Improvement Plan and the latest Community Grants Fund allocations. There’s also an opportunity to raise issues with your local councillors during the Question Time session.
All welcome.
See below for full set of meeting papers:
Muirhouse Medical Group Too!
Muirhouse Medical Group is to open an additional branch within the newly completed Pennywell All Care Centre (PACC) from 1st February. The surgery will join other services based in the new building in Pennywell Gardens, including a dental practice, Social Work, physiotherapy, health visitors and CAMHS, amongst others. Continue reading Additional branch for Muirhouse Medical Group
Tonight’s West Pilton West Granton Community Council meeting is going ahead, West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre have confirmed.
It was feared that the discussion on youth issues would have to be cancelled due to staff sickness but janitorial cover has been found and the meeting will go ahead as planned.
The meeting starts at 7pm – all welcome.
West Pilton West Granton Community Council
Tuesday 9 January, 7pm
West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre
The name will change but the project’s focus remains the same: supporting local carers young and old, North West Carers Centre annual general meeting decided last month. Members voted unanimously for a name change to open up more funding opportunities for the Prentice Centre-based project, which will become Capital Carers Ltd. in April. Continue reading New Year, new name for North West Carers
Edinburgh Music School Open Day … despite closure threat (later lifted)
Living in Harmony training
Public Meeting to discuss effects of welfare reforms
Forth 1 kicks off Christmas charity appeal
Granton & District Community Council holds open meeting on planning democracy
Wardie Bay Beachwatch: the message is getting though at last (helped by Blue Planet 2)
Hearts players get the Christmas jumpers on early to support Save the Children
16 days of action against gender-based violence
At last … a memorial for Edinburgh’s Elsie Inglis is unveiled at Central Library
Muirhouse Shopping Centre’s coming down …
… so what happens next?
Castle Street Christmas Fair
Paolozzi sculptures take a walk to Hillside Place while Leith Street works continue
Granton Community Gardeners prepare Harvest Meal
Housing Minister visits Muirhouse regeneration area
St Andrew’s Day appeal
First Minister lays wreath on Remembrance Sunday
Muirhouse Housing Association: Moneywise at Craigroyston High School
Robert Mugabe forced out
Royal couple celebrate 70th wedding anniversary
and Price Harry gets engaged
Tree planting on West Pilton Park
Charity cheque from Leonardo’s
Da Vinci painting sells for record £341 million
Ferryhill Christmas Fayre