Dare you do the DARED Challenge?

A unique fundraising challenge event designed by school staff to support vulnerable children across Edinburgh and the Lothians is back for 2020.

A fundraising event that inspires school staff and individuals from across Edinburgh and the Lothians to lace up their running shoes in support of a leading children’s charity is back for 2020.

The DARED Challenge – Do A Run Every Day – encourages participants to complete either a 1 mile or 5km run every day throughout the month of June in support of West Pilton-based charity, Circle.

Devised in 2018 by Broughton High maths teacher, and keen runner, Mark Fletcher, the DARED Challenge has continued to grow and last year saw more than 150 school staff from across Edinburgh and further afield raise more than £14,000 for the charity.

This year, as well as again looking to school staff from across the region to support the event, Mark and his organising team are appealing for members of the public to get involved. Circle’s patrons, David Tennant and Arabella Weir, will be joining the campaign to recruit participants in the coming months.

David Tennant’s previous video statement can be seen here.

Alongside the fundraising element, the aim of the challenge is to encourage as many people as possible to enjoy the physical and mental benefits of daily exercise, as well as spending time with colleagues away from the desk and work. The choice of different distances enables both experienced and beginner runners to feel included and challenged.

Although the premise of the event was built on getting school staff and teachers exercising regularly, organiser Mark hopes that the health benefits that arise as a result of this type of challenge will inspire anyone – not just teachers – to get involved.

He said: “Incorporating exercise into our daily lives has countless benefits to our physical and mental health. If we can do this while raising money for an extremely deserving cause, everyone’s a winner.”

Funds raised through the DARED Challenge will go directly to supporting Circle in its aim of improving the lives of children by strengthening families. The charity works at the heart of deprived communities across central Scotland, supporting the most disadvantaged children and families to improve their lives, promote their healthy development and reach their potential.

Participation in the DARED Challenge will help strengthen the charity’s family outreach work, help children and their families communicate, repair relationships and develop skills that enable them to lead more fulfilling lives.

Social inequality and poverty lead to some of the many reasons that a family may need the support of Circle including alcohol and substance misuse, imprisonment and young or lone parenting.

Many of the pupils in participating schools from previous DARED Challenges are supported by Circle.

Mark Kennedy, Chief Executive of Circle, said: “We are incredibly grateful to everyone who is taking part in The DARED Challenge as their dedication, passion and enthusiasm will directly enable Circle to continue our vital work supporting vulnerable children and families in Edinburgh and beyond.”

Early bird entry for the DARED Challenge is now open with participants able to choose to run one mile or 5km a day in June. Participation costs £10 per person. Participants are asked to fundraise a minimum of £50. Participants who do not wish to fundraise can pay an additional £20 to secure their position on the challenge.

Full details can be found here

Muirhouse Medical Group CLOSED to walk in appointments


Due to the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Muirhouse Medical Group is now CLOSED to walk in appointments.

There will be NO open surgery each morning with immediate effect.

If you have a current booked appointment with a GP or Nurse, we are getting in touch to ask you about your condition. We will continue to see patients with no symptoms of the Coronavirus by arrangement. We will always tell you where that appointment is, and which entrance to use when you reach the surgery.

If you feel ill and need to be seen please telephone us on 0131 202 4444. In most cases a GP or Nurse will phone you back and will decide whether you can be seen and, if so, will make an appointment.

If you have any of the Corona Virus symptoms please follow the up to date Government advice. If you have developed a new cough or fever in the last 7 days you must self isolate at home for 7 days from when it developed.

You should contact us (or NHS24 when we are closed) only if your conditions worsen and you have shortness of breath or develop high temperatures – or if there has been no improvement after 7 days.


For the moment repeat prescriptions can be taken over the telephone by using the enquiries line after 9 am. (0131 202 4444 option 4).
We will shortly set up a prescriptions email address where you can order your repeat prescriptions.

In the meantime if you cannot telephone your prescription in please put the requests in the box outside our main surgery rather than come into the surgery.

Prescriptions must be delivered to a pharmacy of your choice and will not be picked up from the surgery any more.

Thank you for your co-operation. We are trying to ensure our patients continue to receive medical attention.



Coronavirus: City daycare services to cease TOMORROW

The UK government intimated yesterday that Britain’s over-70s will ‘soon’ be told to self-isolate for four months to stop the spread of coronavirus. Things are moving at breakneck speed, though, and that ‘soon’ is NOW – and  hundreds of older people across the city will find themselves without much-appreciated daycare centres TOMORROW.

Older people’s organisations were advised this morning that their daycare services should be ‘stepped down’ from TOMORROW. Local services affected include Pilton Equalities Project and Drylaw Rainbow Club Daycare Centre in Drylaw Church, who have been asked to devise alternative ‘social distancing’ provision.

Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership contacted organisations in receipt of grants at 11.30 this morning. It said:

I am writing to you as recipients of grants and as organisations that currently run activity based services for older people in Edinburgh. I wanted to share with you that today we wrote out to all providers of day care opportunities for older people to confirm a difficult decision that we have taken as a Partnership, which I’m sure will not come as a surprise, in light of the recent Scottish Government guidance published last week (attached for your reference).

It has been recommended that long term care facilities be subject to ‘social distancing’ to reduce the risk of infecting residents and their carers. This includes social isolation in rooms and removing communal mealtimes wherever this is possible. This will be a difficult time for many people and these are not decisions taken lightly but ones to reduce the risk of mortality in this particularly vulnerable group.

We have therefore decided to suspend all our own day centres and step down commissioned day opportunities until further notice.

We have advised providers that Monday arrangements should continue as planned with service users, carers and families informed that this will be the last day of service for the foreseeable, as in the current evolving circumstances, we are struggling to justify bringing vulnerable people together.

We of course acknowledge that there is significant therapeutic and social value but we cannot in good faith increase the potential risk of harm to people that we support. For this reason, I am certain that you will understand and agree that this is the right decision to be taking just now, based on what we currently know.

We would strongly recommend that you do the same, and stand down your current grant funded activities. Where possible, we would also ask that you activate your business continuity plans and ensure that you can provide alternative provision, targeted at those that need it most to remain independent and safe at home.

Those for whom attendance at your services provides an alternative to a contact which would otherwise be homecare, we would ask you to look at in relation to essential visits and telephone contact arrangements, where possible. If this creates additional demands that cannot be met you should contact Social Care Direct in the first instance so that any additional needs can be considered accordingly.

We will be reviewing the risk profile of all our services and endeavour to return to ‘business as usual’ as soon as, on balance, it is the right and reasonable thing to do. I cannot hand on heart tell you when this might be, the next period is somewhat unprecedented. We’re therefore going to need to be resilient and support each other.’

An attached letter from Judith Proctor, Edinburgh Health & Social Care’s Chief Officer, said:

I am writing to confirm a difficult decision that we have taken as the Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership which affects either you personally, a family member, or someone you care for.

I want to reassure you that we are taking all available measures to ensure the health and wellbeing of our service users and our carers. At this current time, based on what is known of COVID-19 and other similar respiratory viruses, it is likely that older people and those with chronic medical conditions may be more vulnerable.

Recent Scottish Government guidance recommended that long term care facilities be subject to ‘social distancing’ to reduce the risk of infecting residents and their carers. This includes social isolation in rooms and removing communal mealtimes wherever this is possible.

We have therefore decided to suspend all our own day centres and step down commissioned day opportunities until further notice.

This means that as of 17th March 2020, if you, or someone you care for, regularly attends a day centre, this will no longer continue. We will of course review this decision regularly, as we learn more.

This will be a difficult time for many people and these are not decisions taken lightly however in the current evolving circumstances, we are struggling to justify bringing vulnerable people together. We cannot in good faith increase the potential risk of harm to you or your loved ones.

For this reason, I am certain that you will understand and agree that this is the right decision to be taking just now, based on what we currently know.

Alternative arrangements are being made to ensure that you personally, or someone you care for, continues to receive the support needed to remain at home and they will be contacted to confirm what these arrangements are.

This may include home visits, telephone contact arrangements or alternative arrangements to meet individual needs.

Staff at PEP have spent the day reorganising the service they can provide to their clients, many of whom are frail and elderly.

PEP Manager Helen Tait said: “We are planning to identify the most vulnerable and provide meals, and things like shopping – if there is anything left on the shelves, of course!   All staff will be supporting our service users where needed.”

A spokesperson for Drylaw’s Rainblow Club Daycare Centre said: “The Centre will still be staffed and are open for anyone that requires care at home, shopping or meals. If you know of anyone requiring our services please call us on 0131 343 6643.

“These are difficult times – lets all pull together and keep safe.”

Crewe Medical Centre CLOSED

Crewe Medical Centre has been closed for routine appointments until further notice:

The surgery is closed for routine appointments until further notice. If you need medical advice please phone us during opening hours on 0131 552 5544 and a doctor will call you back.

For information on the coronavirus outbreak please go to NHS Inform or call the helpline on 0800 028 2816

If you have symptoms of coronavirus, do not go to your GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. Call your GP or 111 for advice on what to do.

A Job and A Joy: Childcare Academy starts on Monday

Interested in a job in Childcare? The Childcare Academy could be for you:     


  • Undertake free training requiring attendance of up to 30 hours weekly within a safe, friendly environment
  • Gain significant experience of working with children by undertaking a quality supported work experience placement within an early years care and education setting or an out of school care setting
  • Gain 2 Accredited SQA Units from the Social Services (Children and Young People) SVQ Level 2 Award
  • Gain employment in the childcare sector
  • Access a Young Persons Allowance of £55 per week for eligible 16 to 18 year olds (for a max of 26 weeks)
  • Progression onto our Modern Apprenticeship programme to gain the SVQ Level 3 Social Services Children and Young People Award.

Our next Childcare Academy starts on MONDAY 16th March 2020

If you would like to find out more, please contact Audrey O’Neill (our Communications & Compliance Officer) on 0131 311 6931 or e-mail audrey.oneill@northedinburghchildcare.co.uk

North Edinburgh Childcare

18b Ferry Road Avenue, Edinburgh EH4 4BL

Telephone: 0131 311 6929

Fax:  0131 315 4420 

Follow us on Twitter @NEChildcare

Like our Training Services on Facebook @https://www.facebook.com/pages/North-Edinburgh-Childcare-Training-Services/664092880377307

GoFitba kicks off this Friday

Local children from Forthview Primary School are to have the opportunity to participate in an exciting 12-week community project delivered by The Scottish Football Partnership Trust and The Spartans Community Football Academy.

GoFitba is a free to access football-based health and wellbeing project for Primary schoolchildren developed by The Scottish Football Partnership Trust and delivered by community football clubs.

The project aims to support the Curriculum for Excellence’s Health and Wellbeing outcomes as set out by The Scottish Government’s Schools (Health Promotion and Nutrition) (Scotland) Act 2007.

Through a fun and progressive structure and delivery, the weekly two-hour project offers young children a platform of regular and fun physical activity and an understanding of the importance of leading a balanced and healthy lifestyle through diet and nutrition.

The project also aims to increase the young people’s self-motivation, improve their self-confidence, further develop their social and interpersonal skills and improve their general self-esteem.

The project timetable provides one structured afternoon per week and takes a holistic approach to teach the children the benefits of regular physical activity within a football environment.

The youngsters participate in an hour of fun football activity, and during the second hour of each session they take part in an interactive educational journey to explore the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle through diet and nutrition.  Each session ends with the children being served a hot, healthy meal and an opportunity to enjoy some social time with their peers.

Stuart McCaffrey, Chief Operating Officer at The SFP Trust said “The sport of football when used positively can act as a significant tool for personal and community development.

“We are excited to be delivering this project with (name of club) – a club truly at the heart of the community – and to be given the opportunity to positively engage with local school children to encourage them towards a healthy and active lifestyle.”

Douglas Samuel of The Spartans Community Football Academy said: “We are delighted to be working in association with The SFP Trust on this project which will see The Academy welcome 20 local schoolchildren over the next 12 weeks.

“Spartans Community Football Academy is always looking for new ways to engage with the local community and the GoFitba project is a fantastic way to showcase what we can offer to young members of our community at our excellent facilities here at the Academy.

“Participation in sport can bring a lifetime of benefits and we look forward to working with the children from Forthview Primary School to Get Fit, Get Healthy and Have Fun!”

Community Health Matters course at Royston Wardieburn

You can still join the free COMMUNITY HEALTH MATTERS course which is running at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre on Thursday mornings until 2nd April.

See below for this week’s programme – all welcome!