Power of Food Festival this weekend

Saturday & Sunday 18 – 19 June





Rescheduled CC meeting takes place tomorrow

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Dear All,
Please find attached the agenda for tomorrow’s West Pilton West Granton Community Council meeting. This meeting is out of sync due to holiday arrangements. Please note that the last meeting was inquorate so the minutes of 5th April will be re-presented.
We will be having a discussion about the forthcoming Community Council elections. Please note from the attachments above the timetable for our elections. The Returning Officer for our elections is Councillor Vicki Redpath, other Councillors are Returning Officers for other Community Councils. These elections will require the existing Community Councillors to stand down and seek re-election.

Free First Aid training for dads at Prentice Centre tomorrow


The good people of the British Red Cross are coming to Prentice on Saturday to deliver some Free First Aid.  It starts at 10am until approx 1040am.

The session is for dads.  If you know someone who would like to book a slot let us know asap!  Dads can either just come themselves, or if they want their wee one can come to the playgroup with mum.

The Prentice Centre is at 1 Granton Mains Avenue

Dads Rock

Spartans CFA Girls Football Fun Day

spartans girls

Spartans Community Football Academy are hosting a Girls Football Fun Day for local primary schools on Friday 10 June. This will be the second year of this annual event and Craigroyston, Ferryhill, Trinity, Pirniehall, St Davids and Wardie P6 & 7 girls will be taking part.

Continue reading Spartans CFA Girls Football Fun Day