Campaigners seek legislation targeting plastic pellet producers

Twelve volunteers collected 180,000 nurdles in just two hours at Ferrycraigs, North Queensferry on Sunday 20th May, marking the latest evidence gathering effort, given the long history of chronic and sustained microplastic pollution in the Firth of Forth. Continue reading Campaigners seek legislation targeting plastic pellet producers

Shoreline Project update

Thank you to those of you who took the time to fill out our Edinburgh Shoreline survey, such closed on 30th April. You all contributed excellent ideas that show how much commitment there is to celebrating our amazing Edinburgh coastline (writes Charlotte Johnson). Continue reading Shoreline Project update

Still time to visit Jurassic Kingdom at Lauriston Castle

You can still catch the Jurassic Kingdom event at Lauriston Castle, but only until next Sunday – the dinosaurs are moving on to pastures new after 15th April.

The event is open from 10am to 6pm daily with last entry at 5pm. For further info visit

See more pictures on NEN’s Facebook Page

Happy birthday, Tony!

A very happy birthday to Tony Delahoy, who celebrates his 95th birthday today. 

Normandy veteran Tony, who received France’s top honour, l’ Ordre National de la Légion d’honneur, in 2015, has kept the NEN supplied with a regular stream of letters for as long as I can remember.

Londoner Tony’s passion for social justice burns as brightly as it ever has and there’s no sign of the Delahoy inkwell drying up just yet, as the following letters show. Keep up the good fight, Tony!

Dear Editor

There are many people who have the skills and ability in finding solutions to problems that can and do occur everywhere: e.g. fire fighting, repairing and reconnecting electricity transmission cables, telephone cable maintenance, water supply pumping stations, sewerage and sanitation contro. The list of skills needed is indeed a very long one; these skills being supplied by ordinary working people, men and women, on a daily basis.

The whole working population also supply the knowledge and labour to produce what is needed for us to live or to exchange with goods produced by working people of other countries.

But there are times when this ability to pursue a stable life is halted by financial and individual investors deciding to close down industries that they consider not making enough profit, regardless of the devastating effect of unemployment. The knock-on effect of not having a wage can only lead to cutbacks in other industries as sales decline.

It cannot be right that such power over peoples’ lives should be in the control of investors who, in effect, are just gamblers.

Tony Delahoy

Dear Editor

Wool and Eyes

Today, the ‘in-word’ is productivity. It is said that if the volume of everything produced could be increased it would solve all our problems. But this raises the question: for whom?

Owners of industries would not doubt expect their employees to work harder or faster, with our without new technology, for the same wages. This raises the question: who would be able to buy all this extra productivity, bearing in mind that employers in other countries are doing the same thing?

So just to say that more productivity is the answer to our problems is misleading to say the least. Unless those who make the things have the ability to buy them, industries will start to decline, leading once again to an economic slump that will affect the whole population.

If this is the only plan – mainly for the benefit of the already very rich owners – then it is time this sytem of capitalism gave way … as did slavery, serfdom and feudalism throughout the long history of peoples’ struggle.

Tony Delahoy


“Positive outcome”: changes to Silverknowes Roundabout layout agreed

Changes to the layout of Silverknowes Roundabout have been agreed to help make it safer and more user-friendly for those on two wheels, as well as pedestrians. The changes will see access onto and off the roundabout at Silverknowes Parkway cut to a single lane for cars and buses. Continue reading “Positive outcome”: changes to Silverknowes Roundabout layout agreed

A home game: World of Football kicks off at Marine Drive

World of Football are delighted to announce the opening of their new state of the art flagship football venue at Marine Drive today. It’s a  welcome return to the North Edinburgh area where the Demarco family first set up the Jubilee Ice cream and Fish & Chip shop in 1935.  Continue reading A home game: World of Football kicks off at Marine Drive

August round of Neighbourhood Partnership meetings

Neighbourhood Partnership meetings are taking place in August


With the ongoing rollout of new Localities community planning structures across the city, the future of Neighbourhood Partnerships has been in some doubt but they are back for now – at least until a suitable replacement can be agreed.

Neighbourhood Partnership meetings are open to the public, so take the opportunity to hear discussions and decisions about Local Community Grant Fund applications, North West Locality Improvement Planning, participate in the popular ‘question time’ session and more.

There are four Neighbourhood Partnerships within the new North West Locality and each of these will meet in August. Dates are:

Forth Neighbourhood Partnership

Tuesday 15 August at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre, 6.30-8.30pm

Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership

Monday 21 August at Stockbridge Library, 6.30-8.30pm.

Almond Neighbourhood Partnership

Wed 23 August at Rosebery Hall, South Queensferry, 6.30-8.30pm.

Western Neighbourhood Partnership

Thursday 31 August Drumbrae Hub, 6.30-8.30pm.

Full agendas for all meetings will be available here