Roberta Blaikie funeral: transport available

Call Royston Wardieburn if you need transport to Warriston


Regular readers will know that local activist Roberta Blaikie’s funeral is on Tuesday at 1pm at Warriston Crematorium.

Transport will be available for members of the local community – call Royston Wardieburn Community Centre on 552 5700 to let them know your requirements.

Roberta Blaikie: a remarkable woman

Roberta Blaikie 1945 – 2015


I’m very sad to to convey the news that Roberta Blaikie passed away at St Columba’s Hospice yesterday.

Roberta was an incredibly dedicated activist who spent decades campaigning for her community and fighting for the causes she held dear to her heart.

Roberta was at the heart of community activities and a hugely influential figure in Greater Pilton and North Edinburgh. To highlight just a few achievements, Roberta was a founding figure of Pilton’s ground-breaking Health Hut (now the much-respected Pilton Community Health Project) and a mainstay and driving force of Royston Wardieburn Community Centre from the outset.

Many local activists benefitted from Roberta’s experience and wisdom and in recent years she has dedicated her drive and enthusiasm to North Edinburgh Fights Back, North Edinburgh Social History Group and Women’s International Groups based at Royston Wardieburn. She also loved the arts and was a member of arts and culture groups including Mama Rag.

But this is only scratching the surface: there is so much more to say, so many stories to be told – Roberta was a warm, funny, thoughtful and caring person who gave so much to her community. She enriched community life. She made a difference – and those of us who were lucky enough to have known Roberta and have worked alongside her on campaigns will know that she is simply irreplaceable. They just don’t make many people like Roberta any more and communities are all the poorer for it.

Roberta sat at the top table during a recent event staged by the Women’s International Group. The event was organised to celebrate the achievements of women in our community – and Roberta, who was by then suffering from the illness that ultimately took her life, was presented with a bouquet of flowers as a special recognition of her tremendous contribution over many years. The warmth in the room as the flowers were presented – the appreciation, the respect, the love – was almost tangible and is something I will never forget. I hope will be of at least some comfort to Donna and her family in the difficult days ahead.

Others will say more about this remarkable woman in the days to come. For now I will simply say: Roberta, I feel privileged to have shared some time with you and I wish it had been more. I will miss you – and your community will miss you even more.

We will share details of the funeral arrangements when we have them

Meet your local Labour team

Drop-in sessions in Northern and Leith

Labour Leith

Saturday 21st November
1pm – 2pm at OOTB, 36 Dalmeny Street, EH6 8RG

Saturday 28th November
12 -1pm Royston/Wardieburn Community Centre,11 Pilton Drive North, EH5 1N

Be our guests!

Granton Community Gardeners to share their bumper harvest harvest feast

Weather’s turning wintry, time to gather inside and have some hot food!


Friday 20 November, 6pm Royston Wardieburn Community Centre

No need to bring anything, but message us if you’d like to help organise, set up or bring food. (and RSVPs are helpful for numbers)

Granton Community Gardeners committee member Tom Kirby reports: 

Most things have grown really well in the gardens this year, and there’s been a great regular team of local residents, we’ve all learned a lot from each other!  We still meet up every Tuesday and Saturday at 11am (unless weather is really bad!) at the community garden on the corner of Boswall Parkway and Wardieburn Road. Anyone is very welcome to join us, no prior gardening experience needed!

This Saturday (weather permitting) we’ll be sowing the first of our trial plots of winter wheat!  We are participating in a project organised by Bread Matters, to try growing small scale plots of varieties of wheat that used to be grown in Scotland before cereal production became so industrialised (and before issues like gluten intolerances were such a problem).

We’re already making plans for next year, but it’s good to take some time to relax and celebrate what’s been achieved.

Hope you’re well and keeping warm,

PEP AGM next Monday



MONDAY 16 NOVEMBER 11am – 12 noon


Pilton Equalities Project (PEP) welcomes nominations for membership of the Board of Directors from people who live in North Edinburgh and representatives of local organisations who have an interest in the work of the Project.

The maximum number of members of the Board is 11, with a majority of members being elected from groups or activities associated with the Project. If more than 11 nominations are received in time for the Annual General Meeting then there will be a vote at the AGM. A further 4 co-opted places will be available for those who have experience and/or skills which could be of assistance to the directors

Completed nomination forms must returned by Friday 13 November.

If you wish to stand for appointment at the 2014/15 Annual General Meeting of Pilton Equalities Project, please fill in the nomination form (below) and then sign it and return it to Pilton Equalities Project, 3 West Pilton Park, Edinburgh, EH4 4EL

PEP AGM 2015