Police Scotland: Taking a tough stand against antisocial youth?

Although the Meadows is not part of my policing command area, seeing the disgraceful scenes over the Easter weekend made it clear that a visible and robust police presence was required in green spaces in the north west of the city to deter this type of behaviour (writes Chief Inspector SARAH TAYLOR).

Although the Meadows is not part of my policing command area, seeing the disgraceful scenes unfold over the Easter Weekend made it clear to me that a visible and robust police presence was required in our green spaces within the North West of the city to deter this type of behaviour being replicated.

Communities living near to our own popular beauty spots such as Cramond, South Queensferry, Inverleith Park and Lauriston Castle can be reassured that targeted patrols are being conducted in these areas to ensure that every opportunity is made to disrupt and prevent such behaviours from taking place.

Officers will engage with the public, offer relevant advice if current COVID legislation is being breached and take appropriate enforcement action for any criminal offences we observe.

Please keep adhering to the existing Scottish government guidelines and help ensure the swiftest possible route out of lockdown.

You may all be aware that in the past few months we have received an increasing number of reports relating to criminality occurring on, and towards, Lothian Bus services across the city and a number of services have been temporarily suspended as a result.

Sadly, the North West has been one of the main areas where such instances have been reported. Officers have responded to incidents in Clermiston, Drumbrae and Drylaw where buses have been struck by objects.

Operation Proust aims to address these issues through joint community patrols with Lothian Buses, providing reassurance to drivers and members of the public, as well as speaking to youths about the dangers and consequences associated with this type of reckless behaviour.

We have now charged 30 young people in relation to these incidents. I would urge parents and guardians to speak to their children about the dangers associated with throwing objects at vehicles, as well as making sure they know where they are and what they are doing.

Sadly, this is not the only type of only antisocial behaviour we’ve experienced in the North West as of late.

Local residents in South Queensferry and Clermiston have been in touch to report a number of incidents of youth-related antisocial behaviour and as such we’ve carried out a range initiatives to identify those responsible, prevent further offences and divert youths away from getting involved in crime. We will share more about these initiatives and their progress via our social media channels.

Community safety remains an established priority and we continue to work with our partners including City of Edinburgh Council to combat antisocial behaviour in all its forms.

In addition to our commitment to tackling antisocial behaviour throughout the North West, we remain steadfast in our efforts to combat the harm caused by drugs within our local communities.

Over the past six weeks we have worked in partnership with relevant partners and other specialist resources across the Drylaw, Muirhouse and Pilton areas to target and disrupt those involved in drug supply.

Together, we have undertaken a range of enforcement and disruption activities that have resulted in various drug seizures being made, including the recovery of £25,000 of cannabis at one property.

The public continue to play a vital role in assisting investigations into drug crime and I would encourage anyone who has any concerns about drug-related activity, or has any information about those involved in drugs, to contact police on 101 or make an anonymous report to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

CI Sarah Taylor is Local Area Commander for North West Edinburgh.

‘No one is untouchable’ – but less than five years for ‘significant’ North Edinburgh drugs pair

A man and a woman have today (Thursday, 8 April) been sentenced for the supply of Class A and Class B drugs in North Edinburgh.

Moses Irungu (40) was sentenced to four and half years in prison, and Nontuthuzelo Halana (44) was sentenced to 8 months, at the High Court in Aberdeen following an intelligence led operation that led to the seizure of over £350,000 worth of controlled drugs being taken off the streets.

The operation began in May 2020, during when officers searched properties in Edinburgh on Pilton Drive North and Steads Place in Leith. Twenty-two kilograms of amphetamine, two kilograms of heroin and £10,000 cash were recovered. 

Irungu was subsequently arrested in connection.

A further search at a property in Ferry Gait Crescent in Muirhouse in June 2020 led to the recovery of items including mixing agent, crack cocaine and over £4,000 cash.

Halana was also traced at this address and arrested in connection with this and the previous seizures.

Both previously appeared at the High Court in Glasgow on Monday, 1 March, 2021 where they pled guilty to drug supply offences.

Detective Inspector Gary Reid from the Organised Crime and Counter Terrorism Unit said: “We welcome the conviction and today’s sentencing of Irungu and Halana for their involvement in the supply of controlled drugs.

“This intelligence led operation resulted in over £350,000 worth of controlled drugs being seized. We would like to send a clear message to anyone who is involved in the supply of drugs onto the streets of Scotland that if you expect to profit from other people’s misery, expect to be targeted by law enforcement.

“It’s clear Irungu and Halana were operating at a significant level in the drugs supply chain and bringing offenders to court, recovering illegal substances and disrupting the supply chain is our highest priority. No one is untouchable.

“The public continue to play a vital role in assisting our investigations into drug related activity and anyone with any concerns about drugs, or who has information about those involved in the drugs, should contact Police Scotland on 101 or make an anonymous report to the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

Lib Dems announce candidate list and pledge to “Put Recovery First”

As nominations close, Scottish Liberal Democrats have announced their list of candidates for Lothian and are pledging their commitment to make recovery from the pandemic their number one priority as MSPs.

Today the Scottish Liberal Democrats submitted their nomination papers for the upcoming Scottish parliament election to be held on the 6th May.

The Scottish Liberal Democrat candidate for Edinburgh Northern and Leith will be Rebecca Bell (above). She is also the mental health spokesperson for the Scottish Liberal Democrats.

Rebecca Bell said: “People are under huge pressure from the pandemic. There’s a lot of work to be done to recover from this crisis. It will not be easily done and we will need our complete focus on the project at hand.

“As an MSP, I want to focus on cutting mental health waits, a bounce back plan for education, creating jobs and tackling the climate emergency.

“After years of arguing about independence and Brexit, the last thing we need right now is another independence referendum.

“As the MSP for Edinburgh Northern and Leith, I will put the recovery first.”

Willie Rennie said: “This election is about priorities. Liberal Democrats will put recovery first. After the dreadful year we have endured, people want a needle-sharp focus on jobs, mental health, our NHS, schools and the climate crisis.

“With ten years of experience as leader I have won support for areas like mental health, education and nursery education.  For me it has always been about investing in people so they can do great things.

“For the next five years the divided nationalists will put independence first, dividing the country too.

“For the next five years I will put the recovery first, cut mental health waits, help pupils bounce back, create jobs and take action on the climate. The SNP will prioritise another independence referendum.

Morrisons to donate 100,000 chocolate eggs to familes this Easter

The eggs will be distributed to local food banks, schools and community groups via Morrisons Community Champions

– Morrisons customers can also donate Easter Eggs in-store –

Morrisons has announced it will be donating 100,000 chocolate eggs to those in need in the run up to the Easter weekend. 

Morrisons Community Champions at all stores nationwide will be working with local food banks, schools and community groups to distribute the Easter treats to individuals and families who would benefit most. 

Each of Morrisons 497 stores will receive a dedicated delivery of more than 200 Easter eggs, including household favourites Smarties and Creme Egg, which will be set aside, ready to donate.

Customers also have the opportunity to get involved as Morrisons is setting up ‘Easter Egg Donation Stations’ in every store where customers can drop off additional eggs they have purchased.  

The supermarket wants to raise the spirits of the nation and spread some hope and joy across local communities as lockdown restrictions are set to be eased by the government this week. 

Rebecca Singleton, Customer & Community Director at Morrisons said: We know that celebratory occasions can come at an additional cost to families, but we want to make sure that no-one goes without Easter eggs this year.

“Across the UK we’ll be donating 100,000 eggs to local communities where they are needed most.

The Easter egg giveaway is part of Morrisons £5 million drive to keep the nation’s food banks stocked by manufacturing additional products which are then donated directly to local communities.

The £5 million donation, announced in January, adds to the £10 million worth of food that Morrisons donated in 2020.  

For more information visit www.morrisons.co.uk

Lauriston Farm project looking for local people to get involved

Do you live in Muirhouse, Pilton or Drylaw? Would you like to be in our advisory group?

We are looking for people from the Muirhouse, Pilton and Drylaw areas to join the advisory group for the Lauriston Farm project.

The project seeks to transforming an existing farm into an urban food production and community hub that benefits, supports and regenerates the environment and all those connected to it.

The group will meet once a month to give input, insight, thoughts and advice on different aspects of the farm project as it progresses. 

In terms of time commitment, there will be an introductory meeting in late March and monthly meetings thereafter. (maximum one 2hr meeting per month).

If you would be interested in joining the group please e-mail:


Assault on Boswall Parkway: Police release CCTV images

Police have released images of a man they wish to speak to as they believe he may be able to assist with an investigation into an assault in Pilton last summer.

The incident took place on Boswall Parkway around 8pm on Tuesday 4 August 2020 and left a man with a facial injury.

The suspect is described as a white male, aged 35 to 45 years old, between 5’10 and 6ft, of medium build. He had short dark hair and was wearing a two tone jacket with a zip across the front, and dark trousers.

Detective Constable Zaira Marker from Corstorphine CID said: “We believe the man in the images may be able to help with our ongoing investigation. We are appealing for him, or anyone who may know him, to make contact with us as soon as possible.

”Anyone with any information can call Police Scotland on 101 quoting incident number 3381 of 4 August 2020, or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”