GYC's Fame Academy needs YOU!

Granton Youth Centre have been developing their arts provision over the last couple of years and have created two successful pieces of theatre – Split Second and Just Like Everyone Else. Fame Academy is the latest opportunity for local young people to create their own piece of theatre that could potentially become as successful as previous productions.

The project offers young people aged 12+ the chance to try out various art forms including drama, music, film and set and costume design.

Heather Marshall explained: “GYC needs you! We’re looking for young people aged 12+ who would like to create their own show. Rehearsals will take place at GYC and will include: 




Film Set

Costume design 

You can sign up to perform or help backstage:

Monday 2 July 1-4pm Thurs 5 July 1-4pm

Monday 9 July 1-4pm Thursday 12 July 1-4pm

Monday 16 July 1-4pm Thursday 19 July 1-4pm

Monday 23 July 1-4pm Thursday 26 July 1-4pm. 

This is your opportunity to create a brand new show!”

GYC’s Fame Academy needs YOU!

Granton Youth Centre have been developing their arts provision over the last couple of years and have created two successful pieces of theatre – Split Second and Just Like Everyone Else. Fame Academy is the latest opportunity for local young people to create their own piece of theatre that could potentially become as successful as previous productions.

The project offers young people aged 12+ the chance to try out various art forms including drama, music, film and set and costume design.

Heather Marshall explained: “GYC needs you! We’re looking for young people aged 12+ who would like to create their own show. Rehearsals will take place at GYC and will include: 




Film Set

Costume design 

You can sign up to perform or help backstage:

Monday 2 July 1-4pm Thurs 5 July 1-4pm

Monday 9 July 1-4pm Thursday 12 July 1-4pm

Monday 16 July 1-4pm Thursday 19 July 1-4pm

Monday 23 July 1-4pm Thursday 26 July 1-4pm. 

This is your opportunity to create a brand new show!”

Dunedin Canmore kicks off Changing Lives campaign

A local housing association has launched a new campaign to help young people and homeless adults in Edinburgh break the cycle of unemployment and poverty – through sport.  Dunedin Canmore Housing Association and Street Soccer Scotland have joined forces in a bid to give hundreds of youngsters and excluded adults the confidence to move into employment or education through the Changing Lives campaign.

The Edinburgh-based social landlord says Changing Lives will help build the self confidence and motivation of youngsters, as well as homeless adults, by plugging existing gaps in employability services.

Kicking off the campaign, Dunedin announced it will be major sponsor of the Scottish Homeless World Cup Team. Dunedin will provide a £10,000 boost to support the team, trained and managed by Street Soccer Scotland, as they head to the prestigious annual tournament in Mexico this August.

Changing Lives is already delivering a raft of community projects, including personal development courses and healthy living events for communities around Edinburgh offering advice on mental health, sexual health, housing, employment and training.

Under the partnership Dunedin will provide specialist accredited training as part of Street Soccer Scotland personal development and training programmes – and plans to open up volunteering, training and job opportunities to people coming through Street Soccer Scotland programmes.

Gavin Edmonds, Community and Business Initiatives Officer at Dunedin Canmore said, “We are proud to launch the Changing Lives campaign with Street Soccer Scotland and excited to kick it off with our sponsorship of the Homeless World Cup team again this year. Ultimately the goal of all the projects we do as part of Changing Lives is to give people the self esteem and life skills to help them to make a better life.”

David Duke, Chief Executive of Street Soccer Scotland said, “At Street Soccer Scotland our motto is positive change through football. By working with Dunedin we will be able to have a bigger impact and change lives of more people. And thanks to their sponsorship we will be able to secure training for the Homeless World Cup team as they head to Mexico.”

Dunedin Canmore and Street Soccer Scotland are also bidding for funding to set up programmes throughout Edinburgh as part of Football Works which will be aimed at young people aged 14 – 19 who are deemed to be going into a negative destination when leaving school.

Changing Lives – a lifechanger for Peter

Peter Dante (pictured above) is 41 and lives in Leith.

He gets support from employability worker at Dunedin Canmore and says this has helped him to turn his life around. He has background in crime, addiction and homelessness.

Peter became team captain for the Salvation Army hostels tournament and went on to organise a mini tournament for hostels teams in Edinburgh in 2012. And last year he started volunteering at Street Soccer Scotland and went into rehabilitation. Now he is now doing a Street Soccer Plus programme, delivered as part of the Changing Lives partnership between Dunedin Canmore employability support and Street Soccer Scotland.

Peter is doing an HNC in Working in Communities at Jewel and Esk Valley College, coaching young people at Bathgate Academy, voluntary work with adult literacy project Glory and Dismay and has started an employment trial with the Marriot Hotel. Peter has also reconnected with his son and started rebuilding his relationship.

Haven summer fun day for dads and kids

News of fun events is coming in thick and fast! The Haven Project, based at Craigroyston Primary School, is holding a Summer Fun Day for dads and kids on Thursday 12 July from 11 – 2pm.

Dads, bring your kids along and enjoy a barbecue, bouncy castle, fun and games.

If you would like more information or you plan to attend, call The Haven Project on 332 9269 or email

Time Banking: time to give and take

Can you lend a hand to someone in your community? Do you need a helping hand every now and then? If so, you’re a perfect recruit to North Edinburgh’s growing team of Time Bank members! Julie Smith recently took up a new post as Timebroker with North Edinburgh Time Bank, and she explains what it’s all about:

What is Time Banking?

Its’ a really simple idea designed to support people who help others and to offer support ro those that need it. For every hour you spend doing something for somebody, you get a time credit. You can then use that to get an hour of somebody else’s time to help you.

Isn’t that just being a good neighbour?

Yes it is! But we’ve all seen our communities change over time. We don’t all know our neighbours now, or where to go to ask for a favour. A time bank is a way of getting to know each other in the community, in order to give and receive help from each other.

What kind of help is on offer?

All sorts of different services are on offer – depending on the individual members involved. It can be anything from giving someone a lift to an appointment, to teaching them how to play guitar. It can be offering a bit of company to someone who is isolated, or doing the garden for someone who’s broken their arm … anything really, except babysitting and personal care.

I don’t have any skills to offer

Yes, you do!  TIme Banking recognises all the talents, experiences and knowledge people have. You might be a good listener and available to be company for someone for an hour or so. You might be able to help them so their garden, or put up shelves. maybe you’re good at knitting or you can give folk a lift to an appointment. Everyone has something to offer.

How Does It Work?

You become a member of North Edinburgh Time Bank. Contact Julie Smith, your local Time Bank Broker – details below.

You can then start offering help to folk and receiving your time credits. You can ‘cash’ your credits in when you want to use someone else’s skills or knowledge.

Who’s in charge of the bank?

The TIme Bank Broker keeps a record of what you’ve done and keeps you informed of all the time credits you have. The Broker also organises social events so the members of the Time Bank can get to know each other.

How much time do I have to give?

As much or as little as you want. You decide what you want to offer and if you see if you’re available when someone wants your service. It may only be a couple of hours a month – or more or less. It’s really up to you – you’re in control and you can get involved as much – or as little – as you like, As a member, you can come to all the social events too!

Isn’t this just volunteering?

Time Banking is NOT volunteering of charity. It is all about the members offering their skills, abilities and expertise to help others to a level that you can expect from a friend or neighbour. You do not need to be an expert – on anything!

Who Can Join?

Everyone is welcome, as long as you’re 18 or over. Everyone is treated equally – everyone’s time is worth exactly the same and everyone has something worthwhile to contribute.

Interested, or want to find out more?

Contact Jule Smith on 07807 002 591, email

You can visit the website at or call in to North Edinburgh Arts cafe on Wednesdays from 10.30 – 11.30am

Local families – are you Motivated to Move?

Last year’s Muirhouse Million Steps was one of the area’s most talked-about community events, with over 120 people taking part in the marathon walk around the area. Community Healthy Lifestyles coordinator Lisa Arnott hopes to make the event even bigger this year, and offers a great opportunity for local families to improve their fitness. She explains what’s being planned:

“Preparations for Muirhouse Million Steps 2012 is well underway and this year’s event aims to be even more fun!  In partnership with the Move It Project,  Muirhouse Slimmers, Craigroyston Community High School and the Active Schools coordinator, Pilton Community Health Project is developing a new family fitness programme…. Motivate to Move or M2M.

M2M is a free eight week family fitness training programme which brings together great resources to enable up to eight 8 lucky families to improve their fitness and take part in the Muirhouse Million Steps. It is a pilot and place will be limited but a great prize for any family wanting to improve their families fitness with support from personal trainers.

The Muirhouse Million Steps 2012 will take place on Friday 28September. This year we are offering 8 local families the chance to win their own personal family fitness programme and to train for the Muirhouse Million Steps and beyond!!!!!!!!  Each lucky local family will receive:

  • Free personalised  8 week family fitness programme
  • Free support from their very own family fitness trainer
  • Free access to local sports facilities for a family fitness activity
  • At least 2 weekly sessions  of supported family fitness activity
  • Each participating family would need to be available from 5h August to end of September  and attend the Muirhouse Million Steps on Friday 28 September
  • Participating families must live in Muirhouse, West Pilton, West Granton, Drylaw, Granton, Royston or Wardieburn areas
  • Each family would need to be able to commit to at least 2 weekly supported family fitness training sessions. Times and days negotiable within reason, although there will be no supported training on a Sunday!
  • Each family will have their journey to fitness documented using photography and /or articles in the NEN, on the PCHP website, blogs and facebook
  •  A family can be up to 3 adults and at least 1 child of primary school age. The lucky families will be selected and notified by 12 July. “

If you are interested, please apply to Lisa Arnott, Community Healthy Lifestyles Coordinator at

Pilton Community Health Project 73 Boswall Parkway EH5 2PW

or email: or tel: 0131 551 1671.

Minister welcomes crime rate fall

Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill yesterday welcomed official statistics which show that recorded crime fell again last year to its lowest level since 1975. Tuesday’s Recorded Crime statistics show that the number of crimes recorded by the police in 2011/12 fell by three per cent compared to the previous year – a decrease of around 9,000.

The figures also showed that the number of crimes involving handling offensive weapons have fallen by 10 per cent since 2010/11, and by 44 per cent since 2006/7. The number of crimes involving handling an offensive weapon is now at its lowest level in 18 years.

Mr MacAskill said: “These figures are further good news for Scotland and underline that our communities are becoming increasingly safer and stronger. This is the fifth year in a row where recorded crime has fallen – to a 37-year low – and with police numbers remaining well above our pledge to put 1,000 extra officers on our streets.

“I congratulate every one of the more than 17,000 police officers across Scotland for their excellent work to prevent and detect crime and catch criminals. What we are seeing is that recorded crime continues to fall at a time when police officer numbers are strong.

“Next year will see the introduction of a single police service which will strengthen local policing. Reform will protect the frontline and strip costly and unnecessary duplication out of the current structures, delivering estimated savings of £1.7 billion over 15 years.

“There are many pleasing aspects to today’s statistics. I am particularly pleased to see a 10 per cent reduction in crimes involving handling an offensive weapon, an area where we’ve seen crimes fall by 44 per cent since 2006/7.

“We have invested heavily in this area, specifically in our efforts to reduce knife crime. We have rolled out our highly successful No Knives, Better Lives education campaign across the country to get the message across to young people about the dangers and consequences of carrying a knife, and encourage more positive life choices.

“I am pleased we are seeing positive results, and will continue to spread that message and work to reduce knife crime even further.

“However, there is no room for complacency. We take the safety of our communities very seriously, and we will continue to support the outstanding work of our police, prosecutors and courts to bring those responsible for crime to justice.”

Pirniehall artwork brightens promenade


Pic: City of Edinburgh Council

Artwork designed by local children was installed yesterday (Tuesday) by the City of Edinburgh Council on the Granton stretch of the Edinburgh Promenade. The Rubbings Trail is a pilot and aims to provide a fun activity for everyone using the walkway to enjoy.

It hopes to draw people  along the walkway to collect three themed bronze plaques based on the history and heritage of Granton.  It is proposed that the collection is extended to run along the full length of  the promenade in the future.

The  plaques were designed by Pirniehall P4s Jason Bateman, Erinn Tyler and Alexander Trainer and include a shoal of  fish; an oyster catcher; and boats and a seal at Granton  Harbour. Local artist Kate Ive, winner of the  British Medal Society’s ‘New Medallist  Scheme’ 2011/12, translated the original  designs into bronze.

Cllr Tom Buchanan, Convener of the Economic Development  Committee, said: “The Council is committed to delivering a high quality  Promenade between Cramond and Joppa. Over  the last five years, in excess of £400,000  has been invested completing the section between Cramond and Granton. The Rubbings Trail is a fantastic addition to this stretch of  the Promenade, which is now being heavily used by walkers,  cyclists and visitors. I  look forward to many thousands of people each year enjoying this new  artwork produced by our talented school children alongside the excellent views  to Fife.”

The Edinburgh Promenade runs for 17km  and stretches from Cramond in the west to Joppa in the East. As well as forming  part of the Scottish Coastal Path it is also part of the North Sea Trail.

The Promenade is a vital  part of the waterfront regeneration and has the support of a wide range  of stakeholders.

City of Edinburgh Council

Muirhouse Centipede’s going green!

From potty planters and community barbeques to picture competitions and labyrinth mazes … Linda Dunbar gives an update on the Centipede Project …
A multi agency Steering Group has been formed which includes representatives from St Paul’s RC, North Edinburgh Arts, Fable Vision (Govan) and Link Up – and we are hopeful the representation will get wider.
We now have a plan of activities for the next nine months, kicking off with a Peculiar Planter Competition! We are looking for folk to bring along a potted plant (or plants) to the West Pilton and Muirhouse Gala on 26 August – but for the planters to be more than your bog standard terracotta pot – as the title suggests – the dafter the better! We want folk to write a few lines on a postcard, explaining their planter, or naming their planter, or telling up why they chose it. We will be working with local schools, nursing homes and community groups to ensure a big entry to the competition.
For those who are struggling for ideas, there will also be a chance to ‘plant up’ at the free Community BBQ and Summer Fair that will be held in Muirhouse St Andrew’s Parish Church the day before, Saturday 25th from 11am – 1pm. This will be the third year that Muirhouse have hosted a FREE community BBQ, but this year it will be enhanced by peculiar planters and summer fair stalls! Judging of the planters will take place during the Gala Day and prizes will be announced at 3.30pm.
This is just the start of a big programme of events – all made possible through Pilot Project Funding from the Parish Development Fund of the Church of Scotland. Also in the pipeline are:
‘A Time for Peace’ – a chance to step back and reflect on the peaceful sites within the Muirhouse and west Pilton Area – hosted by North Edinburgh Arts some time in October/November – date to be confirmed
12/12/12 Photo competition – take a digital photograph some time during the 24 hours of 12/12/12 that depicts one of the Advent themes of ‘love’, ‘joy’, hope’ or ‘peace’. In mid-late January there will be a display of the winning entries, again hosted by North Edinburgh Arts – date to be confirmed
Running over autumn and winter we will be engaging a community artist to design something ‘big and beautiful and spectacular’ in flowers or bulbs which we hope to work with the council in identifying one of the brown field sites within the Muirhouse area, to plant up (with the help of the community) and wait and watch for the grand display blooming in the spring.
In the church gardens, and elsewhere if we can identify suitable sites, we are going to install a labyrinth maze – we also hope to install small sensory/peace gardens at two or three sites in the area.
So – you can see the Centipede has got its boots on!
Folks can check out updates on Facebook’s Marvellous Muirhouse Page, and on
Linda Dunbar

Muirhouse Centipede's going green!

From potty planters and community barbeques to picture competitions and labyrinth mazes … Linda Dunbar gives an update on the Centipede Project …
A multi agency Steering Group has been formed which includes representatives from St Paul’s RC, North Edinburgh Arts, Fable Vision (Govan) and Link Up – and we are hopeful the representation will get wider.
We now have a plan of activities for the next nine months, kicking off with a Peculiar Planter Competition! We are looking for folk to bring along a potted plant (or plants) to the West Pilton and Muirhouse Gala on 26 August – but for the planters to be more than your bog standard terracotta pot – as the title suggests – the dafter the better! We want folk to write a few lines on a postcard, explaining their planter, or naming their planter, or telling up why they chose it. We will be working with local schools, nursing homes and community groups to ensure a big entry to the competition.
For those who are struggling for ideas, there will also be a chance to ‘plant up’ at the free Community BBQ and Summer Fair that will be held in Muirhouse St Andrew’s Parish Church the day before, Saturday 25th from 11am – 1pm. This will be the third year that Muirhouse have hosted a FREE community BBQ, but this year it will be enhanced by peculiar planters and summer fair stalls! Judging of the planters will take place during the Gala Day and prizes will be announced at 3.30pm.
This is just the start of a big programme of events – all made possible through Pilot Project Funding from the Parish Development Fund of the Church of Scotland. Also in the pipeline are:
‘A Time for Peace’ – a chance to step back and reflect on the peaceful sites within the Muirhouse and west Pilton Area – hosted by North Edinburgh Arts some time in October/November – date to be confirmed
12/12/12 Photo competition – take a digital photograph some time during the 24 hours of 12/12/12 that depicts one of the Advent themes of ‘love’, ‘joy’, hope’ or ‘peace’. In mid-late January there will be a display of the winning entries, again hosted by North Edinburgh Arts – date to be confirmed
Running over autumn and winter we will be engaging a community artist to design something ‘big and beautiful and spectacular’ in flowers or bulbs which we hope to work with the council in identifying one of the brown field sites within the Muirhouse area, to plant up (with the help of the community) and wait and watch for the grand display blooming in the spring.
In the church gardens, and elsewhere if we can identify suitable sites, we are going to install a labyrinth maze – we also hope to install small sensory/peace gardens at two or three sites in the area.
So – you can see the Centipede has got its boots on!
Folks can check out updates on Facebook’s Marvellous Muirhouse Page, and on
Linda Dunbar