Scottish Youth Parliament Elections: just seven days left to cast your vote

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You still have seven days to cast your vote in the Scottish Youth Parliament elections …

The Scottish Youth Parliament is a non-party political organisation made up of 150 young people representing every constituency in Scotland. It campaigns to highlight the views of Scotland’s young people on a national and international stage.

Its members meet three times each year at a range of different locations, including in the main chamber at Holyrood’s Scottish Parliament.

There are 12 seats representing Edinburgh open to candidates who receive the most votes at the elections in March. These are in six city areas: Central, Eastern, Northern & Leith, Pentlands, Southern and Western.

Anyone aged between 12 and 25 is eligible to vote – to get involved young people can log onto the Young Scot website and use their Young Scot number to vote (temporary numbers for voting are also available from a selection of schools and community venues across the city).





Hello, I’m Eilidh, and I want to be your MSYP for Edinburgh North and Leith. Why Me?

 I am passionate about being a voice for young people in my area and across Scotland
 I think there are important changes that need to be made for the benefit of young people in our country
 I have been a member of the Youth Issues forum for 4 years, proving my enthusiasm and meaning I know what issues are important to young people in Edinburgh
 I have a lot of experience in public speaking so won’t be afraid to speak out about the issues that are important


 Votes at 16
This is something I feel very strongly about; we have a voice that deserves to be heard

 Sex Education
I feel that there is a serious lack of proper sex ed in schools. This is an issue I’ve heard from a lot of people and one I promise to take forward

 School Dinners
Everyone knows school dinners are awful, so why has nothing changed? There needs to be a proper look taken at the quality and healthiness of what we serve to school students.

Follow Me – @littlenerdyscot – and tweet me with any questions you may have. I Hope I Have Your Vote!




Why I’m Standing
I’m standing for Edinburgh Northern and Leith in the upcoming 2015 Scottish Youth Parliament elections to represent the young people in the
Edinburgh Northern and Leith constituency.
What I will support and commit to as a Member of Scottish Youth Parliament:
– Votes at 16 (including all elections; UK and Scottish General Elections;
European Elections and Local Council Elections)
– Equality in Young People.
– Higher minimum wage for under-18’s and Modern Apprentices

I want Votes at 16 to become a reality across every type of election possible. This ties in with equality in young people. Young people should be able to Vote.

I also want Modern Apprentices and Under 18’s to be paid higher. The Modern Apprenticeship minimum wage is £2.73 per hour. Compare
that to the National Minimum of £6.50 per hour and you can see that the
gap is far too big.

A little bit about me
I’m 17 years old and born and raised in Edinburgh. I attended Drummond Community High School. After leaving in 5th year I ended up doing some work with the European Parliament shortly after I left school and eventually started a Certificate of Work Readiness at
the National Records of Scotland in January 2014 to March 2014.
I completed the certificate in March and achieved a Highly Commended SQA Star Award for my efforts there and my destination of work after the placement. After the placement I immediately started a one year modern apprenticeship for a SVQ Level 2 in Business and Administration. I now work for the Scottish Government.

Like me on Facebook:

Follow me on Twitter: @Keezor

Email me:

Please note that due to the Code of the Civil Service, my influence on anything to do with the portfolio I will work in is extremely limited. It’s fortunate that each constituency actually has two MSYP’s. In the case of a portfolio topic, of where I work was to arise, I would plan to hand it over to the other MSYP of the constituency.




Past experience:
 I’ve been a MSYP since 2009
 Current Vice Chair of the Scottish Youth Parliament
 Peer educator/mentor locally & nationally
 Youth Worker with disadvantaged young people
 Involved in 3 successful national campaigns
 Registered over 200 young people to vote in the referendum

Why vote for me?

 I have vast experience

 I’m hard working

 Great at public speaking

 I love working with young people

 I always throw in a bit of banter

 I’m committed to further representing you for another 2 years!

 I have a great working relationship with our politicians.

A vote for #TeamTerri is a vote for …

1. More support for LGBT young people
2. More knowledge and access to local and national opportunities
3. Engage and provide more support to the local youth forum and youth clubs/groups
4. Campaign to improve work experience
5. Tackle bullying In schools and provide further support for bullied young people
6. Continue to work with NUS Scotland to ensure college and university students aren’t facing further cuts to their education.

Shots fired in West Pilton

police on footShots were fired at a house in West Pilton March in the early hours of this morning. The house in West Pilton March was targeted at around 1am but no one was injured in the attack.

Police Scotland have launched an investigation. A spokesman said: “Police in north Edinburgh are investigating a report of a firearm discharge at a house in West Pilton March.”

We will update this story as more information becomes available

Parents and people with disabilities hardest hit by welfare reforms

‘This latest evidence shows that some of those most in need of support, namely parents and disabled people are being hardest hit. For us to be in this situation in 21st century Scotland is unacceptable.’ – Michael McMahon MSP 


Parents and people with disabilities are being hit hardest by the UK Government’s programme of welfare reform according to new research commissioned by the Scottish Parliament’s Welfare Reform Committee.

The report, published yesterday, represents the first time the impact of the UK Government’s welfare reform agenda on different household types in Scotland has been quantified.

The research for the Committee was conducted by Professors Christina Beatty and Steve Fothergill of the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research at Sheffield Hallam University.

The new evidence shows that in Scotland, it is estimated that couples with dependent children will lose an average of more than £1,400 a year, and lone parents with dependent children stand to lose an average of around £1,800 a year from their income stream. 

In all, families with children will lose an estimated £960m a year – approaching two-thirds of the overall financial loss in Scotland.

Disabled claimants and those with health problems have also been shown to be disproportionately affected. Reductions in incapacity benefits are estimated to average £2,000 a year, and some of the same people also face big losses in Disability Living Allowance and reductions in other benefits.

Committee Convener Michael McMahon MSP said: “The Welfare Reform Committee has amassed a growing volume of evidence documenting the impact of the welfare reform agenda on Scotland’s communities. This latest evidence shows that some of those most in need of support, namely parents and disabled people are being hardest hit. For us to be in this situation in 21st century Scotland is unacceptable.”

The report also shows that almost half the reduction in benefits might be expected to fall on in-work households. 

Deputy Convener, Clare Adamson MSP said: “The Scottish Government is to be commended for introducing measures to alleviate some of the worst effects of the welfare reform agenda. New powers over a range of benefits are due to be given to Holyrood in the coming years and this research will help direct those new powers to help those most in need of support.”

Until now, there has been no way to assess the impact across the various benefits on different types of households. Because of the cumulative impact of people being affected by several different benefit streams, the overall impact of welfare reforms has been hidden.

The statistics are expected to become an essential tool for government and local authorities in shaping targeted responses and service delivery.

The research follows two previous reports which measured the financial impact of welfare reform on Scotland as a whole and by local authority area, and the impact down to ward level.

The Committee expects to hear oral evidence on this report at its meeting on 10 March. 

Professor Steve Fothergill, of the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research at Sheffield Hallam University, said: “The figures demonstrate that the welfare reforms impact very unevenly.  The very big impact on families with children, in particular, has previously been under the radar because it is the cumulative result of several individual reforms. Coalition ministers have argued that “we’re all in it together”.  The impacts of welfare reform, documented in our report, show this is far from being the case.”

Granton’s Walled Garden – update

Hi all,
A quick update to say the deputation to the City Chambers went really well with a decision made to review the outdated ‘minded to grant’ planning permission for the 17 luxury townhouses.
I didn’t expect local councillors to be so surprised by this garden’s existence, age and rarity, or the fact that it was a council arms-length company’s responsibility. Heartening indeed was their decision to review the individual planning application by WEL from 2003, in light of new planning policies meant to protect the Historic Environment and Scotland’s Cultural Heritage. Hopefully this time they will refuse it in recognition of the value of this garden as incredibly rare and valuable heritage greenspace.
STV News wrote a good covering article on our deputation (link below):
Next meeting
Thursday 12 March
6-7.30pm at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre.
  • Please send in any agenda points you wish discussed.
  • Hopefully some of you can make this date and time.
Kirsty Sutherland,
Friends of Granton Castle Walled Garden
PS: Can everyone fill in a membership form if you haven’t done so already, postcode is handy to identify areas support is coming from, full address isn’t needed unless you wish to receive correspondence by post rather than e-mail.
For more information check out Friends of Granton Castle Walled Garden on FaceBook

Edinburgh College strikes gold

Gold for Edinburgh College at the College Development Network Marketing Awards

Edinburgh-College---groupEdinburgh College scooped a top marketing award to recognise the success of a campaign to promote courses to prospective students this week.

The college won gold in the Integrated Marketing Campaign Award at the College Development Network (CDN) Marketing Awards 2015 on Wednesday (25 February), in recognition of a marketing campaign it ran to promote applications for college courses starting in January 2014.

The college also received two bronze medals at the awards, which celebrate the excellent marketing and communication practice taking place in colleges across Scotland.

The judges praised the college’s courses marketing campaign for its ‘bold creative approach and strong integration of messages and visuals tailored for different audiences’.

This campaign helped the college achieve its target for course applications and as well as the highest attendance recorded for an open day at Edinburgh College or at any of its legacy colleges.

The college also received two bronze medals in the following categories:

  • The Internal Communications Award, for communications around the college’s first staff conference in June 2014. The staff conference brought all the staff together to take part in workshops around the theme of innovation, covering technology, sustainability, teaching and learning, the workplace of the future and outward innovation.  The judges felt the project highlighted that the college management had made a major effort to communicate with all staff appropriately to build buy-in and involvement.
  • The Customer Experience Award, for the college’s Centre for Creative Industries Student Employability Day. The day, which involved workshops and talks from industry professionals, was designed to develop students’ understanding of employers’ needs, give them insight into how they can make themselves as employable as possible, and promote positive destinations. The judges felt the event was well structured and that it gave the students access to industry practitioners. The project also enabled the college to engage with a number of employers.

The awards evening took place at The Caves in Edinburgh and featured two performances by the college’s HND Acting and Performance students, while attendees were treated to chocolates made by professional cookery students.

Edinburgh College interim principal Elaine McMahon said: “I am delighted that the efforts of our Marketing and Communications staff have been recognised with a gold and two bronze awards. It is satisfying to see that the judges recognised and appreciated the work put into planning and executing the extremely successful course marketing campaign, which resulted in the college meeting student recruitment targets for the year.

“It is also great to see the creative work put into supporting and communicating with staff and students recognised with two bronze awards.”

Last year, Edinburgh College achieved a silver award in the Internal Communications category and bronze in the Event category in the CDN Marketing Awards 2014.

Pictured: L-R Deborah Robertson, head of marketing, Moira Findlay, head of communications, Jon Buglass, head of the Centre of Creative Industries, and Lee-Anne Mackay, marketing manager.

Communities: get stuck in to the Big Lunch!

The Big Lunch encourages Scots to get numbers climbing and boost community spirit!


Organisers of the UK’s annual get-together for neighbours are calling for at least 10% of Scots to get stuck into a day of food, friendship and fun on Sunday 7 June. 

The call to action was launched on Thursday – the ‘100 days to go’ mark before the big day. It is hoped that millions of neighbours across the UK will again be getting together in an effort to boost community spirit where they live. A massive 4.83 million people took part in the lottery funded initiative in 2014.

Emily Watts, Communications Manager for The Big Lunch in Scotland encouraged more people in Scotland to get involved this year. She said: “C’mon Edinburgh! We want to see the number of people taking part in Scottish communities climbing to 10% of the population. Year on year, feedback from previous participants is very positive, with people feeling more connected to their communities after a Big Lunch. People start new relationships that continue after the day too.

“We know Scots are friendly but we all recognise the feeling that we could make more effort with our neighbours. The Big Lunch is an excuse to chap the door and ask if they’d like to get together.”

The Big Lunch, partnered by Halifax and ASDA, is now in its seventh year. Big Lunches can be big or small, take place on a street, park or community venue and be as simple and inexpensive as you like. There are no rules to getting involved besides that people are the key ingredient!

THE BIG LUNCH - EDINBURGHIn 2014, thousands of communities from all across the country took part in the big event. Lou, who organized her street’s first ever Big Lunch street party in Edinburgh last year, said: “Before our Big Lunch I knew the neighbours near our house to speak to, but not further up the street. Now we all know each other and feel able to stop and say hello, which I wouldn’t have done before.

“Our neighbours really got into the spirit of contributing something on the day, bringing lovely food to share and helping with party tunes and activities for the kids. This made it really easy and inexpensive to pull together. Looking back, it felt like a day from a bygone era and I’m glad we put the time aside to get to know our community better. I really recommend getting involved in 2015!”

Edinburgh neighbours who are interested in getting involved this June can register for a free pack, now available from or on 0845 850 8181. Packs include invitations, posters, recipes and activity ideas, as well as lots of information to get events off the ground. All pack materials are undated so communities can have Big Lunches when best suits them if they can’t join in on Sunday 7 June.

Footage from previous year’s Big Lunches:

The Eden Project started The Big Lunch in 2009 with the belief that we’re better equipped to tackle the challenges we face when we face them together. 

The Big Lunch is led by the Eden Project, funded by the Big Lottery Fund and supported by Halifax and Asda.

Find out more about The Big Lunch at

Granton Community Council rejects marina plan

granton (2)

Granton & District Community Council Meeting has opposed the latest plans to redevelop Granton Marina. At their February meeting the community council agreed that the revised plans will not best serve Granton residents and they also called for improved community engagement.

Their response to the application reads:

“This community council notes the planning application by Granton Central Development.

Whilst we recognise that the Granton harbour area does require to be developed for the betterment of the local community we do not consider that the current application does this. In particular we are concerned about: 

  • Density and scale of the housing that does not provide a sense of place
  • Lack of green space for children to play
  • Insufficient transport modelling with a focus on car use
  • Centralisation of retail outlets 

We believe that achieving an environment in which people are encouraged to participate in the community and enjoy the city’s streets has a number of secondary long-term benefits of immense importance – for example, increased economic activity, better health from more active lifestyles and enhanced sense of personal safety and community. The current application does not do this and we agree to formally object to the current plan. 

We further call on the Planning Department of CEC to arrange a Charettesplus community planning event. Charretteplus builds upon the traditional charrette model of engagement, promoted and supported by the Scottish Government through their Charrette Mainstreaming Programme. Charretteplus delivers more, to a greater number of people and provide the whole community input on what they would like to see in their community.”

The meeting discussed a wide range of issues as well as the marina planning application – on a busy agenda 20mph zones, the waterfront development and the city council’s budget were all discussed; see below for the Secretary’s report.
Dave Macnab (Secretary)
Granton and District Community Council

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Lazarowicz calls for fair treatment for Equitable Life policyholders


Speaking in a debate at Westminster, Mark Lazarowicz MP highlighted the need for compensation to Equitable Life members to be increased and greatly speeded up to reflect the reality that many of those who lost out as a result of the maladministration are now advanced in age.

Speaking after the debate, he said: “Under the current scheme, the vast majority of Equitable Life policyholders will only receive less than a quarter – 22.4p in the £ – of what they lost after investing in what was to all appearances a safe, well-established and regulated scheme: it was anything but.

I want to see the compensation properly reflect what all policyholders lost and be speeded up: the Government should act in the upcoming Budget.

“These were people who tried to make provision for their retirement and they should receive compensation while they can benefit from it: many who lost out have already died before receiving anything at all.

“This highlights why it’s also such a concern that the Government is so behind schedule in providing advice to people on how to make use of the new freedom to take some or all of their pension pot early.”

Even though official estimates of the losses suffered by policyholders at Equitable Life put the total figure at £4.3 billion, the Chancellor allocated only £1.5 billion in October 2010.

That has to cover the cost of administering the scheme and the £620m for full compensation to be paid to the 37,000 holders of with-profits annuities leaving the rest to be shared out amongst the remaining 945,000 policy holders.

Mark Lazarowicz’ contribution to the debate can be found here.

Dementia Friendly campaign coming to Granton Campus


Did you see North Edinburgh News’ recent story about the city council’s campaign to make Edinburgh a Dementia Friendly city? Well, representatives from Alzheimer Scotland will be at

Edinburgh College Granton Campus

on Wednesday 11 March between 10am and 4pm

to tell you how you can get involved.

We will be there talking to the students about the work of Alzheimer Scotland and various fundraising and volunteering opportunities within the organisation and will be encouraging people to sign up to become Dementia Friends.

We want to get people talking about dementia and would welcome you to come along on the day to talk to us. We look forward to seeing you and thanking you for helping us make sure that nobody faces dementia alone.

Abbi Parkhouse, Regional Fundraiser 


Final call for Compact 10 event

Voluntary sector organisation? How are things for you? Help shape the future – there are still some places available at Tuesday’s Edinburgh Compact event (see below):

Third Sector Poster

Compact Action