Licensing scheme opens for short-term lets

Measures to establish consistent standards across the country

A new licensing scheme for short-term let hosts opens today [1 October], aiming to ensure consistent safety standards while reinforcing the positive reputation of Scottish tourism and hospitality.

The licensing scheme was developed in response to concerns raised by residents about the impact of short-term let properties on their local communities. It gives councils flexibility to develop licensing schemes that meet local needs, and sits alongside powers for councils to establish short-term let control areas.

To comply with the licence, hosts will be required to meet a set of mandatory conditions which apply across Scotland, plus any additional conditions set by their council.

Anyone operating as a host before 1 October has until 1 April 2023 to apply for a licence and can operate until their application has been determined. New hosts must obtain a licence before accepting bookings and welcoming guests to stay.

A targeted digital marketing campaign to promote the licensing scheme also launches today.

Housing Secretary Shona Robison said: “Our new licensing scheme will support responsible operators and give guests the confidence that their short-term let – be it a flat in Edinburgh, a property for a business trip to the Borders, or a cottage in the Highlands – meets the same set of safety standards.

“These new conditions include measures such as displaying an energy performance rating on listings, or securing valid buildings and public liability insurance. We know the vast majority of short-term lets businesses are already following these safety standards as a matter of best practice, and some are already required by existing legislation.

“We know short-term lets make a positive contribution to Scotland’s tourism industry and local economies, and these measures will allow them to continue doing just that while ensuring this is balanced with the needs of local residents and communities.

“The deadline for applications from existing hosts is 1 April, and I would urge all hosts and operators to contact your local authority as early as possible to learn how to apply.”

Malcolm Roughead, CEO at VisitScotland, said: “The small accommodation sector is a key contributor to the economy and our high-quality and varied offering is one of the things that makes Scotland such a special destination.

“Through an Industry Advisory Group, we’ve been working closely with representatives from across the sector ahead of introduction of the licensing schemes.

“We’ll continue to give both new and established businesses the right advice to help them through the process of applying for a short-term let licence.”

Museum Late: Anatomica

On Friday 7 October the legendary Museum Lates return with an Anatomy theme inspired by the popular exhibition, Anatomy: A Matter of Death and Life, at the National Museum of Scotland.

Museum Late: Anatomica

Friday 7 October, 7:30pm–10.30pm
National Museum of Scotland, Chambers Street, Edinburgh


On Friday 7 October the crowd-pleasing Museum Lates series return with an Anatomy themed evening event inspired by the critically acclaimed exhibition, Anatomy: A Matter of Death and Life, at the National Museum of Scotland.

Anatomica will be hosted by comedian, writer and presenter of BBC Radio Scotland’s history series, Time Travels, Susan Morrison.

Late-goers will have the rare opportunity to explore the National Museum of Scotland at night and explore the Anatomy exhibition, while the Grand Gallery will showcase dance and acrobatic performances illustrating the amazing ability of the human body.

House of Jack will be performing hip hop and breakdance performances and teaching guests a few moves after. Delighters Circus will engage guests with hula hooping before they bring contortion, a Cyr wheel and a fantastical hula hoop finale.

Host Susan Morrison said: ““I am thrilled to be hosting Museum Lates in October. ‘Anatomy: A Matter of Death and Life’ is yet another brilliant exhibition at NMS, and this astounding night celebrating the wonder of the human body will be fantastic.”

Guests will be able to enjoy bite-sized talks with experts in the Auditorium.

The medical historian, anaesthetist and half of writing collaboration, Ambrose Parry; Dr. Marisa Haetzman shares some fascinating facts that inspired their popular historical crime series.

Surgeon’s Hall Human Remains Conservator and former mortician, Cat Irving, will discuss tales from her unusual career and her recent work preserving the skeleton of William Burke. Leading anatomist Dr Jennifer Z Paxton, offers a glimpse into the future of the science.

Favourite features will see the return of a silent disco alongside hands-on anatomical activities as well as life drawing, body painting and temporary tattoos. There will also be pop-up bars and a street food stall.

Tickets are on sale now at or call 0300 123 6789. 

Tickets for the Museum Late  are priced £20 (£18 concessions, £16 National Museums Scotland members and £14 student and Young Scot), and include admission to the exhibition, Anatomy: A Matter of Death and Life. Group bookings of 6 are discounted to £16.50 each.

Anatomy: A Matter of Death and Life is sponsored by Baillie Gifford Investment Managers.

UK mini-budget a “huge gamble on health of economy”


Deputy First Minister John Swinney and his counterparts from other devolved governments are seeking an urgent meeting with Chancellor of the Exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng to discuss immediate actions needed to reverse the damaging effects of the UK Government’s tax proposals.

Mr Swinney and the Finance Ministers from Wales and Northern Ireland are highlighting the profound impact of “the largest set of unfunded tax cuts for the rich in over 50 years” warning that it is “a huge gamble on public finances and the health of our economy”.  

In a joint letter to Mr Kwarteng, they warn against being condemned to another decade of austerity and express deep concern over reports that UK Government departments will be asked to make spending cuts to balance the budget, which may have profound consequences for devolved budget settlements already eroded by inflation.

The Ministers also renew calls for the UK Government to provide targeted support for households and businesses, funded through a windfall tax on the energy sector. In addition, they call for Social Security benefits to be increased, and request additional resources for the devolved governments to protect public services and to fund public sector pay settlements.

Read the letter in full here.

Edinburgh Women’s Aid launches art competition to mark 50th anniversary

Edinburgh Women’s Aid, which opened its first refuge in 1973, has unveiled plans for a series of year-long events in 2023 to mark 50 years of providing support for tens of thousands of women and their children who have experienced domestic abuse.

Plans include a competition to design a commemorative artwork to be unveiled at an exhibition in January.

Events planned throughout the year will highlight and pay tribute to those who have provided support for women and their families over the past five decades, with everything from giving them a safe place to stay in a refuge, specialist housing support, legal advice and help securing employment.

The aim of the commemorative artwork is to showcase how the charity has evolved over the years, the ongoing support available to help keep victims of domestic abuse safe and forthcoming plans.

In addition to being launched at the 50th anniversary exhibition, the artwork will also feature on the cover of the charity’s printed and digital Impact Report and various other marketing materials, including pull-up banners, leaflets, website and social media. The winning artist will also receive a prize of £500.

Entries can be created in any medium and should be submitted with the entry form available on EWA’s website,, by the 1st of November 2022.

Linda Rodgers, Chief Executive of Edinburgh Women’s Aid, said: “2023 is such an important milestone for us, it gives us pause to remember the amazing women who came before us – who fought against the odds to get our first refuge in 1973, who provided support and sanctuary to countless women over the many years and those survivors who went on to their full potential after escaping abuse. 

“We’ll also be taking the time to think about ‘what next’ so that we continue to provide innovative and necessary services to women and children in Edinburgh.”

Women and children’s rights campaigner Lydia Okroj has worked with Edinburgh Women’s Aid and Scottish Women’s Aid for over 40 years and recently received an honorary doctorate from Stirling University in recognition of her outstanding work.

Lydia said: “EWA, which has been at forefront of shaping support services, policy responses and legislation in the city, which has been informed by the women they have supported, have so much to be proud of as they reach their 50th anniversary.

“Although awareness of domestic abuse has come a long way since 1973, when EWA began to provide refuge and support to ‘battered wives’, the need for the charity to continue supporting women, children and young people remains the same today as it did then, which is why it is important to highlight this milestone.

“It’s been a privilege to work alongside so many committed women over the past four decades and to have played a part in supporting survivors of domestic abuse and also to be involved in so many significant changes in legislation over the years, which will be showcased in some of the events planned throughout 2023.”

New licensing scheme opens for short-term lets

Measures to establish consistent standards across the country

A new licensing scheme for short-term let hosts opened yesterday, aiming to ensure consistent safety standards while reinforcing the positive reputation of Scottish tourism and hospitality.

The licensing scheme was developed in response to concerns raised by residents about the impact of short-term let properties on their local communities. It gives councils flexibility to develop licensing schemes that meet local needs, and sits alongside powers for councils to establish short-term let control areas.

To comply with the licence, hosts will be required to meet a set of mandatory conditions which apply across Scotland, plus any additional conditions set by their council.

Anyone operating as a host before 1 October has until 1 April 2023 to apply for a licence and can operate until their application has been determined. New hosts must obtain a licence before accepting bookings and welcoming guests to stay.

A targeted digital marketing campaign to promote the licensing scheme also launches today.

Housing Secretary Shona Robison said: “Our new licensing scheme will support responsible operators and give guests the confidence that their short-term let – be it a flat in Edinburgh, a property for a business trip to the Borders, or a cottage in the Highlands – meets the same set of safety standards.

“These new conditions include measures such as displaying an energy performance rating on listings, or securing valid buildings and public liability insurance. We know the vast majority of short-term lets businesses are already following these safety standards as a matter of best practice, and some are already required by existing legislation.

“We know short-term lets make a positive contribution to Scotland’s tourism industry and local economies, and these measures will allow them to continue doing just that while ensuring this is balanced with the needs of local residents and communities.

“The deadline for applications from existing hosts is 1 April, and I would urge all hosts and operators to contact your local authority as early as possible to learn how to apply.”

Malcolm Roughead, CEO at VisitScotland, said: “The small accommodation sector is a key contributor to the economy and our high-quality and varied offering is one of the things that makes Scotland such a special destination.

“Through an Industry Advisory Group, we’ve been working closely with representatives from across the sector ahead of introduction of the licensing schemes.

“We’ll continue to give both new and established businesses the right advice to help them through the process of applying for a short-term let licence.”

More information about the new licensing requirements and short-term let control areas can be found on the Scottish Government website.

Crimestoppers Scotland launches County Lines campaign

Exploitation of vulnerable people highlighted in new campaign to tackle County Lines drug dealing in Scotland

The charity Crimestoppers has launched a new campaign in partnership with Network Rail and British Transport Police to highlight how criminal ‘County Lines’ gangs target young people and exploit them to carry cash, drugs and weapons. 

The campaign aims to raise awareness of County Lines, which is when criminals expand their drug networks to Scottish cities and towns, bringing serious criminal behaviour such as violence, exploitation and abuse.

The term County Lines refers to the use of a single telephone number to order illegal drugs, operated from outside the local area.

This is having a massive impact on Scotland’s towns and cities and also on vulnerable young people and adults who are being exploited. Young people often transport cash and drugs all over the country, so that the criminals behind them can remain detached and are less likely to be caught.

Many travel by public transport, which is why Network Rail has pledged their support by raising awareness of the problem and are encouraging staff and passengers to become familiar with the signs of exploitation.

The gangs often set up a base in a rural area for a short time, taking over the home of a vulnerable person by ‘cuckooing’ and use adults and children to act as drug runners.

Law enforcement across the UK, including here in Scotland, has made significant arrests of people involved in this type of activity. Many vulnerable adults and children who have been coerced into these activities have been safeguarded.

The campaign, supported by Network Rail, will use a series of `spot the signs’ posters, postcards and social media tools to help raise awareness of the issue across Scotland.

Angela Parker, Scotland National Manager for the independent charity Crimestoppers, said: “County Lines isn’t necessarily a term people are familiar with, but as a charity it’s important we raise awareness of this issue and help tackle it.

“Gangs coming into our communities here in Scotland, are not welcome. We want to ensure that if they do decide to set-up their operation here, that your information can help get them removed and keep our communities safe.

“When you contact us, we won’t judge or ask any personal details. All we want to know is what you know. We guarantee you’ll remain 100% anonymous. Always.

“If you have any information about people who have recently moved into Scottish communities to sell drugs, please contact Crimestoppers 100% anonymously on 0800 555 111 or use the simple and secure anonymous online form at”

Minister for Community Safety Ash Regan said: “I welcome today’s launch of this important campaign. Raising awareness of the threats posed by County Lines gangs is a key element in tackling organised crime and reducing the harm it causes to our communities.

“The Scottish Government, along with partners on Scotland’s Serious Organised Crime Taskforce, is committed to continuing to bring to justice those who supply illegal drugs and cause untold harm to some of our most vulnerable individuals and communities.

“I would like to thank Crimestoppers and our other partner agencies for their determined efforts to take illegal substances off Scotland’s streets and to dismantle the groups responsible.”

Allan Brooking, Senior Community Engagement Manager at Network Rail said: ‘Network Rail is delighted to be supporting Crimestoppers’ County Lines campaign. Our Company plays a vital role in connecting people across Scotland, so it’s hugely important to us to help safeguard young people at risk of, or being exploited by, criminals.

“Our partners at BTP and staff across the organisation have been equipped with information on what to look out for and we will be sharing the campaign at stations and with passengers.

Detective Superintendent Garry Mitchell of Police Scotland: ““Police Scotland officers work hard to keep our communities safe and make the country a hostile environment for organised criminals to operate.

“Exploiting the most vulnerable people, including children, is the approach of those who operate County Lines. They intimidate, coerce, threaten and use violence to groom young people and force them to transport, store and sell drugs for their own nefarious benefit.

“We will continue to work in partnership with Crimestoppers, Network Rail and British Transport Police to safeguard individuals who are recognised as being at risk and are grateful for their support.

“If you have information about anyone involved in County Lines, and importantly anyone who may be at risk, please get in touch with police or by contacting Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

Detective Superintendent Gareth Williams, British Transport Police’s County Lines Taskforce lead, said: “County lines gangs target young and vulnerable members of society and exploit them to run harmful drugs between locations, which can be hundreds of miles apart.

“As a force we are dedicated to identifying and safeguarding those exploited in this crime type to pull them out of harm’s way and away from a life of crime. Our specialist teams are working across the railway network in Scotland, and the entirety of the UK, every day to make it a hostile environment for drug suppliers to operate. 

“Successfully combatting this offending requires a collaborative approach, not only with our policing colleagues but with the rail industry and the third sector. Crimestoppers’ anonymous reporting service is integral in this work as it provides us with crucial information we use to target and apprehend county lines gangs.”

Keeping all devices in one room can protect your child online

Children have more access to screen time than ever before, in particular, access to the internet.

Internet safety has become an increasingly worrying problem amongst parents, however internet expert Allison Troutner from has listed the best ways to keep your child safe online.

1. Consider a family ‘tech agreement’

One way to set ground rules with your child is to create a Family Tech Agreement. A family tech agreement answers as many questions as possible about internet and device use so boundaries are clear to all family members. It’s a good way for the whole family to talk about safe and responsible online behaviours.

To create a family agreement, discuss topics like:

  • What apps, games, or sites does the family use most?
  • What rules do we want to include in our agreement?
  • How long should we spend on our devices?
  • What information is safe to share (or not)?
  • What do we do if we see something inappropriate?
  • What email address do we use to sign up for accounts?
  • Do we know how to use in-app safety features like blocking and reporting?
  • Who can we talk to if we feel uncomfortable with something online?
  • Who is safe to talk to?
  • What happens when someone breaks the agreement?
  • When might parents be forced to break the agreement for safety?

This is a starting point: your family may discuss more topics on internet safety for kids depending on the ages of your child or teens and what devices you use.

2. Report any harmful content that you see

Flag or report all harmful content or contact you or your child experiences using social media apps using in-app reporting features. For cybercrimes, cyberbullying, or harmful content, use in-app features like Twitter’s safe mode to report it. Most social media companies have their own safety and privacy policies and will investigate and block content or users. Apps geared towards kids, like Facebook Messenger Kids, have clear guidelines and safety features so that users can block content or contacts and have a safer experience in the app.

3. Balance safety with independence

Technical controls can be a useful way to protect your children online but they can’t solve all your problems. Children need a certain amount of freedom and privacy to develop healthily. They need their own free space to learn by trial and error what works and what doesn’t. So keep balancing, it’s part of it. Having open and honest conversations with your children can be the best way to balance this safety.

4. Keep the computer in a common space

If possible, keep computers and devices in a common space so you can keep an eye on activity. It prevents children from doing things that might be risky. Also, if harmful or inappropriate content appears through messages, you can address it with your child straight away.

5. Password-protect all accounts and devices

From phones to computers to apps, put a password on it. That way, no one without the password can access you or your child’s device. Keep track of passwords by using a password manager.

6. Update your operating systems regularly

All of your devices from mobile phones or tablets to computers and smartwatches receive important updates in response to security issues on a regular basis. Be sure to install them regularly so you have the most up-to-date security fixes and remain safe online. Our recommendation is to set updates to install automatically so your device is less vulnerable to known attacks. Usually, you can find this feature in Settings, then select Automatic Updates, but it varies between devices.

7. Install security or antivirus software programs and a VPN on your computer

Additionally, cybersecurity or antivirus software programs prevent spyware or viruses that may harm your computer if your child visits a malicious site. Using these programs, parents can also set up regular virus checks and deep system scans to make sure there is no harmful activity happening under your nose.

A VPN hides users’ internet activity from snoops and spoofs your location. This protects your kids by making sure hackers or predators can’t detect their actual location. You can install a VPN on your router so that the location is spoofed on all connected devices. 

8. Set parental controls

It may seem obvious, but parental controls are crucial to your child’s safety online. Parent controls are built-in features included on devices and apps. With these features, parents customise their child’s online experience. What parental controls are available on each device or app varies, but in general, they limit screen time, restrict content, and enhance user privacy.

Features of parental controls:

  • Limit screen time.
  • Turn off in-app purchasing.
  • Prevent inappropriate or mature content.
  • Limit website access.
  • Play, message, or send/receive content with approved contacts only.
  • Monitor device location through GPS.

Take time to look at what parental controls are available on your child’s commonly used apps. Then, set them to reflect the type of experience you think is best for your child or teen’s online safety.

IET raises concerns Online Safety Bill ‘does not go far enough’

A joint comment from Catherine Allen, co-author of the IET’s Safeguarding the metaverse report and member of the IET’s Digital Policy Panel, and child safety advocate and IET Honorary Fellow, Carol Vorderman M.A.(Cantab) MBE:

“Today’s harrowing verdict in the Molly Russell case has once again highlighted the urgent need for policy makers to take emerging technologies that pose a serious safety risk to individuals, most notably children, seriously. It is vital legislation within the new Online Safety Bill fully protects children from online harms, particularly unregulated content. It currently does not go far enough and this is dangerous.  

“We’ve already had a delay in legislation, now it seems aspects of the Bill relating to children will remain untouched. The rapid speed in which online platforms evolve, such as experiential environments accessed via virtual and augmented reality, mean new threats emerge daily. There is currently no provision within the Bill for safeguarding online users in ‘live’ scenarios where they can fully interact with strangers.

“Whether it is social media, a virtual reality headset or a metaverse gaming platform, politicians must avoid trivialising or feeling mystified by new technology platforms. Yes, there are complex factors to consider, like protecting our existing rights to freedom of expression, but that doesn’t mean we can delay addressing underlying problems.

We must fully safeguard the metaverse, and protect individuals online.”

Holyrood Committee launches call for evidence on female participation in sport and physical activity

An inquiry has been launched into female participation in sport and physical activity by the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee.

The Committee is seeking views from individuals and organisations about female participation in sport at both a community and elite level and how female sport is supported, reported, and promoted.

The Committee is keen to understand what barriers limit female participation in sport and physical activity and what can be done to remove these. This will include investigating additional barriers to participation, such as ethnicity and disability.

Launching the inquiry, Gillian Martin MSP, Convener of the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee, said: “During our inquiry into the health and wellbeing of children and young people, we heard evidence of a significant decline in participation in sport and physical activity by adolescent girls.

“This has prompted the Committee to launch a dedicated inquiry into barriers to female participation in sport and physical activity and how these might be overcome.

“Statistics show that female participation in sport and physical activity in Scotland is lower than that of males from the age of 11 years old, with typically a 10% gender gap in participation.

“This has clear negative repercussions on the long-term health and wellbeing of women and girls.

“Today, we are launching a call for views to find out more about the barriers women and girls of all ages face in participating in sport and physical activity. We are particularly keen to hear the experiences of those with a disability, from ethnic minority or economically deprived backgrounds or who may face other barriers to participation in sport and physical activity.

“Our aim is to identify actions that should be taken to help increase the numbers of women and girls participating in sport and physical activity, and crucially to make recommendations to ensure they are able to remain active throughout their lives.”

Let the Committee know your views

The inquiry’s call for views closes on 9th December.

Edinburgh’s Car Free Day tomorrow

Edinburgh is set to join over 2,000 cities across the globe to celebrate World Car Free Day tomorrow with a free, community-focused event supported by The City of Edinburgh Council and organised by Crexcell.

As a mark of respect following the death of Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Edinburgh’s Car Free Day was postponed from the official date of 22 September and will now be staged on Waverley Bridge tomorrow (Sunday, 2 October) between 11am and 7pm.

Waverley Bridge will be transformed into an inclusive community hub of information, inspiration and activity encouraging people to consider alternatives to car travel in Edinburgh. The city’s public transport operators, cycling and environmental campaigners, active travel and public safety organisations are all taking part.

The Council has set an ambitious target to reduce distances travelled by car in Edinburgh by 30% over the next decade, as well as achieving Net Zero status by 2030. With transport being one of the biggest carbon emission contributors, Edinburgh’s World Car Free Day event will encourage people to consider more sustainable modes of transport for their everyday journeys.

It will raise awareness of the the options available across the city, promote the health and wellbeing benefits of active travel and offer the essential information and support people need to commit to long-term change.

Amongst those already signed up to attend are Lothian Buses and Edinburgh Trams, who play a significant role in reducing reliance on more carbon intensive forms of transport by providing a quick, convenient and reliable alternative to driving. Members of the team will be at Waverley Bridge to chat about their services, including Park and Ride options, and the vast opportunities for – and the benefits of using – public transport.

Police Scotland will offer support to cyclists and walkers with cycle security and personal safety advice, bike marking and general crime prevention information.

The Bike Station, which inspires new cyclists by selling reliable and affordable upcycled bikes, will be on hand to offer bike safety checks and bikes to try out. The team will have information on safe cycle routes throughout the city, and bike to work and cycle-friendly employer schemes.

There will also be a hosted reception and information point, additional bike parking, a wellbeing area with health and fitness demonstrations and classes and a chill-out zone. Local singers and bands including Sara Forshaw, Folk Drama, and The Wispz will provide the musical entertainment throughout the day.

World Car Free Day is a worldwide initiative to encourage motorists to reset how they think about travel and use more sustainable transport. It promotes the improvement of public transport, cycling and walking, and the development of healthier, greener neighbourhoods where jobs are closer to home and where shopping is within a short walk, wheel or cycle from home.

Councillor Scott Arthur, Transport and Environment Convener, said: “Choosing more sustainable modes of transport like bus, tram, bike or walking over the car not only benefits the world around us, but can have a really positive impact on our health and quality of life. Car Free Day gives us the chance to focus on these benefits, and to help people consider how they might try alternative ways to travel.

The Council has set some ambitious goals to reduce car kms travelled by 30% in the next decade, as well as delivering on our 20-minute neighbourhood vision to enable a net zero Edinburgh where everyone can live well locally. We need to rethink the way we move around the city to meet these targets. I would encourage people to come along on 2 October to find out more about the different ways we can travel around the capital.

Neil Booth, Edinburgh Trams’ Safety Manager (Environment), added: “Car-free days provide a massive opportunity for cities to raise awareness of how pollution affects our lives, and highlight how congested roads can be used in different ways.

At Edinburgh Trams we are fully committed to helping to make Edinburgh healthier, safer and more attractive for both residents and visitors by providing a quick, convenient and reliable alternative to driving into the city centre.

Edinburgh’s ten-year City Mobility Plan aims to transform the way we move around the city, reducing emissions and air pollution, positively impacting public health and tackling congestion amongst other benefits.

Actions include projects like City Centre TransformationTrams to NewhavenGeorge Street and First New Town20-Minute NeighbourhoodsLow Emission Zone and the extension of 20mph speed limits, as well as behaviour change initiatives and seamless public transport ticketing.

Renee MacRae: Justice At Last

An 80-year-old man has been found guilty of the murder of Renee and Andrew MacRae in the Highlands in 1976. William MacDowell was convicted following a trial at the High Court in Inverness on Thursday.

Renee and Andrew MacRae

Renee, 36, and her three-year-old son Andrew left their home in Inverness on November 12, 1976, heading south on the A9.

Their BMW car was discovered on fire in a lay-by near Dalmagarry later that evening. Neither Renee nor Andrew have been seen since and their bodies have never been found.

MacDowell was arrested in September 2019 after an extensive review and re-investigation carried out by detectives from Police Scotland’s Major Investigation Team and local officers, building on decades of work carried out since 1976.

On behalf of the family, Morag Govans, Renee’s sister and Andrew’s aunt, said: “Almost 46 years on, the pain of losing Renee and Andrew in such a cruel and brutal fashion never fades.

“Today there is finally justice for them. It’s a day we feared would never come.

“They were both so precious to us and a day never passes without them both in our thoughts.

“Renee was a compassionate and caring mother. Both Andrew and his elder brother Gordon were her life. She adored them and was so proud of her boys.

“Andrew would be 48 today, he was never given the chance to build his own life.

“The passage of time has not eased the anguish we feel, we have never been able to lay Renee and Andrew to rest or properly mourn their loss.

“Not knowing where their remains lie only compounds the pain.

“Thinking of the terror they both must have felt before they died continues to haunt us.

“We will never comprehend why their lives had to be taken in such a calculated and callous manner by William MacDowell (below).

“If he has a shred of decency in his body, he will now reveal where they both lie.”

Detective Chief Inspector Brian Geddes said: “Renee and Andrew’s family, and friends, have waited decades for justice and I hope that the outcome in court today can provide some form of closure for them.

“They have carried themselves with absolute dignity throughout and they are very much in my thoughts today.

“The murders of Renee and Andrew MacRae have had a significant impact on people in Inverness, and beyond for decades.

“It is fitting to know that despite the passage of time, justice has finally been served.”

He added: “Although justice has now been done, Renee and Andrew’s bodies have not been found and I would urge anyone who may have information about where they are to come forward so they can be provided with the dignity they deserve.

“In particular I would appeal directly to William McDowell to speak to us and allow to bring closure to their family.”

The investigation into the disappearances of Renee and Andrew MacRae has been one of Scotland’s longest running and enduring cases and has been subject to an ongoing police investigation since the events of November 1976.

Latterly it was subject to an extensive review led by detectives from Police Scotland’s Major Investigations Team, which initially commenced in 2017, and a re-investigation started in 2018.

This review and re-investigation involved assessing all the available material gathered over more than four decades, reviewing previous witness statements and where possible re-interviewing people who had given information about the case. All modern investigative techniques were considered and applied where appropriate.

The enquiry also involved a major operation in 2019 to drain and forensically search Leanach Quarry near Inverness for evidence. This involved removing more than 100,000 tonnes of material, with more than 5,000 tonnes subject to a thorough search by specialist officers over a five month period. Even though no evidence was found at Leanach Quarry, this was a significant line of enquiry which had to be exhausted.

William McDowell was ultimately arrested in Cumbria in September 2019 as a result of the extensive enquiries into the disappearances of Renee and Andrew MacRae.