Industrial Strategy launch to ‘hardwire stability for investors’

  • The Business Secretary and Chancellor announce steps to deliver long-term growth through a modern Industrial Strategy, including appointing a Chair of the new Industrial Strategy Advisory Council 
  • The Industrial Strategy will create a pro-business environment and play to the UK’s strengths, focusing on eight growth driving sectors including creative industries and financial services  
  • Business Secretary Jonathan Reynolds pledges an end to instability “our modern Industrial Strategy will hardwire stability for investors and give industry the confidence to plan for the next 10 years and beyond” 
  • Clare Barclay, CEO of Microsoft UK, will chair government’s new Industrial Strategy Advisory Council, which will provide expert advice developed in partnership with business, unions, and stakeholders from across the UK 
  • Announcements come ahead of International Investment Summit which will bring together business leaders from around the globe to boost investment and growth 
  • Government is also asking for business to help shape the industrial strategy with a green paper to develop the plans in partnership 

The next generation of British industry has been fired-up and readied to reignite our industrial heartlands and kickstart economic growth, as the Government launches the first Industrial Strategy in seven years. 

Business and Trade Secretary Jonathan Reynolds and the Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves have published a green paper to kickstart delivery of the Government’s modern Industrial Strategy. The strategy will drive long-term growth in key sectors that is sustainable, resilient and distributed across the country.   

Announcing the eight growth sectors will be the focus of the Strategy, alongside naming the new Industrial Strategy Advisory Council’s chair, the Business Secretary has promised to ‘give investors a ten year plan to choose Britain’.  

The key sectors the government will focus its modern Industrial Strategy are on advanced manufacturing; clean energy industries, creative industries; defence; digital and technologies; financial services; life sciences; and professional and business services. 

The green paper, which will be published tomorrow on the day of the International Investment Summit, will bring together UK leaders, high-profile investors and businesses from across the world. There, Reynolds is expected to tell delegates the Industrial Strategy will put Britain back on the global stage and help attract investment into the most productive parts of the UK economy.  

Business and Trade Secretary Jonathan Reynolds MP said: “Our modern Industrial Strategy will hardwire stability for investors and give them the confidence to plan not just for the next year, but for the next 10 years and beyond.  

“This is the next step in our pro worker, pro business plan which will see investors and workers alike get the security and stability they need to succeed. 

“Clare’s wealth of talent and experience will help ensure the Industrial Strategy delivers its mission of unleashing the potential of high productivity sectors to spur growth, spread wealth, and drive-up employment across the UK.”

Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves MP said: “I have never been more optimistic about our country’s potential. We have some of the brightest minds and greatest businesses in the world. From the creative industries and life sciences to advanced manufacturing and financial services. 

“This Government is determined to deliver on Britain’s potential so we can rebuild Britain and make every part of the country better off.”

Clare Barclay, CEO of Microsoft UK, will chair the Industrial Strategy Advisory Council. The Council will inform the development of the Industrial Strategy through its expertise and latest evidence, working with business, trade unions, devolved governments, local leaders, academia and stakeholders.  

In the King’s speech the Government committed to putting the Council on a statutory footing – giving it powers and responsibilities and ensuring it will be permanent and independent.  

Ahead of establishing a statutory body, we are introducing an interim advisory Council. The first Council meeting and announcement of full membership is expected in the coming weeks.   

Microsoft UK CEO Clare Barclay said: “As Chair of the Industrial Strategy Advisory Council, I will ensure the Council provides a clear and strong voice on behalf of business, nations, regions, and trade unions, as we invest for the future to ensure that our prosperity is underpinned by robust growth in key sectors right across the country. 

“Whilst we fully embrace the industries of today, we must also have a clear plan for future growth, and the Advisory Council will play a central role in shaping and delivering this plan.”

The government has also identified eight growth-driving sectors for the Industrial Strategy, focusing on sectors the UK excels in today and will excel tomorrow.  

Over the last 25 years, the top 30% of sectors ranked by productivity in 1997 were responsible for generating roughly 60% of the economy’s entire productivity growth. That’s why our Industrial Strategy will channel support to sectors and geographical clusters that have the highest growth potential for the next decade. 

Our strategy will create a pro-business environment to capture a greater share of internationally mobile investment in strategic sectors and motivate domestic business to boost their investment and scale up their growth. 

Businesses up and down the country will also be invited to respond to the Industrial Strategy Green Paper, which will be published tomorrow.  

The consultation will provide stakeholders with the opportunity to inform the Strategy’s continued development and ensure it delivers tangible impact to people and communities right across the UK.  

Views are sought from business, international investors, unions and any other interested parties, on the overall vision, approach to growth sectors and the policy levers needed to drive investment.   

Make UK CEO Stephen Phipson said: “We live in a world which is massively different to a decade ago and simply leaving the economy and, industrial strategy, to the free market is an ideology which is long past its sell by date.

“This is a welcome first step in addressing the achilles heel of the economy which has left the UK an outlier among advanced countries. It sets out a clarity of vision for how the resources of Government and, in particular, each department can be convened towards a single objective of long term growth across all regions.  

“With the welcome announcement of the Industrial Strategy Advisory Council Chair and, the Council being put on a statutory footing, industry will no longer fear the constant chop and change in policy we have seen over the last decade or so and can focus on the long term – it is important that the Government is delivering on its promises.”

WPP CEO Mark Read said: “WPP supports the Government’s objective to create and foster an investment environment that drives long-term growth.

“As a global marketing services company, we believe that the UK’s world-leading creative industries, powered by new technologies like AI and exceptional talent, can continue to play a key role in further advancing the UK’s investment case on the global stage.”

Airbus UK Chairman John Harrison said: “Airbus welcomes the inclusion of advanced manufacturing in the Government’s Industrial Strategy as a vital opportunity to build on the successful partnership between government and the aerospace sector.  

“As one of the most technologically advanced businesses in the UK, we also welcome the strong focus on innovation, which is crucial to driving future growth and maintaining the UK’s global competitiveness in aerospace and defence.”

For businesses to invest and thrive they need confidence in their supply chains. So, we are also establishing a new supply chains taskforce in government that will work to assess where supply chains critical to the UK’s economic security and resilience – including those in the growth driving sectors outlined in the industrial strategy – could be vulnerable to disruption.

The taskforce will ensure that government works with business to address these risks, building the conditions required to deliver secure growth. 

The UK Government wants the UK to be a prime investment opportunity for business. The Industrial Strategy, and the Industrial Strategy Advisory Council, will be key to giving investors the solid foundation on which to build. 

UK Government announces additional funding for Holocaust Memorial Day

  • The Government has announced additional funding to support Holocaust Memorial Day 2025
  • 2025 will mark the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, with many Holocaust survivors expected to attend the national ceremony
  • Funding reflects the Government’s aim that the national commemorations should be seen by an audience of millions

The UK Government has announced additional funding for the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust to support the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Holocaust Memorial Day, marked each year on January 27th, is a day of reflection, remembrance, and education.

2025 will mark the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, which will be a particularly poignant occasion, highlighting the significance of remembering the atrocities of the past while fostering a future of understanding and unity.

Holocaust Memorial Day 2025 also marks the 30th anniversary of the genocide in Srebrenica, sending a strong reminder that hatred and intolerance have continued long after the Holocaust.

Faith Minister Lord Khan said: “We are absolutely committed to ensuring the lessons of the Holocaust are never forgotten. The 80th anniversary is a time for deep reflection, and to remember the six million Jewish men, women and children murdered by the Nazis.

“This funding will enable the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust to stage an event and ensure it is broadcast to millions – matching the significance of the moment. It will enable communities across the country to take part in this moment for reflection – and to hear directly from survivors who can bear witness to the appalling crimes committed by the Nazis.”

The Holocaust Memorial Day Trust’s Chief Executive, Olivia Marks-Woldman, said: “We are delighted that the Government’s commitment to Holocaust Memorial Day Trust means that we can reach even further in this significant year. The Holocaust Memorial Day 2025 commemorations will be engaging millions of people across the UK, in local communities, on social and traditional media, and at the UK Ceremony.

“Please join us in January to mark the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau and the 30th anniversary of the genocide in Bosnia – to learn from the past, for a better future.”

The additional funds will help facilitate broadcasting the event, broadening access to people across the country for commemoration and reflection.

Last month, in his speech to the Holocaust Education Trust, the Prime Minister set out a new “national ambition” to ensure that every young person has the opportunity to hear recorded Holocaust survivor testimony.

Ahead of its curriculum review, the Government has also committed to ensure that the Holocaust remains on the curriculum and that state schools which are not currently required to follow the national curriculum also teach the Holocaust.

The additional funding of £80,000 is in addition to an annual grant of £900,000 given to HMDT – totalling £980,000 this year – which is provided for the annual ceremony and for support for thousands of local activities up and down the country to remember the Holocaust and subsequent genocides.

Scotland announces £350,000 drought relief for Southern Africa

Aid for communities suffering worst drought in a century

Thousands of drought-affected households in Zambia and Zimbabwe will receive support from the Scottish Government’s Humanitarian Emergency Fund.

Christian Aid and the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF) will each receive £175,000 to enable both charities to provide cash to communities to meet their immediate basic needs, including food and safe drinking water.

SCIAF will support 1,530 households in Zambia with cash transfers of 600 kwacha, equivalent to £17 a month. Christian Aid will provide cash transfers to 562 drought-affected household in Zimbabwe and promote services that work to prevent gender-based violence, which can increase during times of instability following major disasters.   

First Minister John Swinney said: “Between a record drought exacerbated by the climate crisis and ongoing cholera outbreaks, the current situation in Southern Africa looks very bleak.

“This funding will ensure people in some of the hardest hit communities can put food on their families’ tables, buy basic essentials, and safe drinking water – which is critical to prevent further spread of cholera.

“Scotland must fulfil its role as a good global citizen and a big part of that is supporting those who have contributed the least to climate change, through the worst of its effects.”

SCIAF Chief Executive Lorraine Currie said: “Right now, people in Zambia and neighbouring countries in Africa are at crisis point, with failed harvest after failed harvest.

“The root cause is climate change, which is ravaging the region. It’s making weather patterns more extreme with more intense, more frequent droughts, floods, and heat waves. Rural areas, where most people farm to feed themselves are the hardest hit.

“This funding from the Scottish Government will literally save lives. Working through our local partners, we will make sure the most vulnerable people are reached with cash grants which will give them the freedom to quickly buy what their families need to survive. These are our sisters and brothers and we will not forget them.”

Christian Aid’s Zimbabwe Country Director Aulline Chapisa said: “We’re deeply grateful for the Scottish Government’s commitment and support. This funding will enable 562 vulnerable households to access essential food items and will be delivered by our local partner the Zimbabwe Council of Churches. It will also help to significantly reduce levels of gender-based violence by improving access to information and support services.  

“Sadly we know that during times of crisis and food insecurity cases of domestic violence increase. Additionally, with extra funding from Christian Aid, we’ll be improving access to safe water supplies and supporting people to diversify their means of earning a living. Ultimately this project is about life saving food assistance and building resilience and wellbeing in these communities.”

Thursday evening Sewing Classes at Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre


We are excited to announce new evening Alterations & Mending classes with @frank_franciaclothing! These classes will be on Thursday evenings 6 – 8pm, running from 24th October – 21st November.

Looking to learn or refine your sewing skills? These drop-in sewing classes are perfect for everyone, from beginners to experienced sewers! We will have the fantastic Francia on hand to support your learning. Bring your own clothes or garments for repair and alteration, or bring your own fabric to create something new. All equipment and some materials are provided.

🪡 The best part? These sessions are free! We do suggest a donation of £5 to support the centre, but there’s no need to commit to every week—just come when you can!

Join us for some creative fun and skill-building in a supportive space 🤩

Police appeal following Stockbridge robbery

POLICE are appealing for information following a robbery at an address on Saxe Coburg Street in Edinburgh.

Around 9.10pm on Friday, 11 October, a man entered the property, threatened the 92-year-old male occupant, and stole a quantity of cash before leaving in an unknown direction,

The suspect is described as a white male, mid 30s to 40s, of average build and clean shaven. He was wearing a long knee-length dark blue jacket with large white writing down the front and a dark grey baseball cap.

Detective Sergeant Martin Smith of Corstorphine CID said: “Thankfully the victim was not injured during the robbery however it was still a very distressing experience for him.

“Our enquiries into this incident are ongoing and we are appealing to anyone with information or who thinks they may have seen a man matching the description to contact us.

“We are also keen for any local residents with private CCTV or possible dashcam footage to come forward.

“Anyone who can help is asked to contact Police Scotland on 101, quoting incident number 3729 of 11 October. Alternatively, contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

Fraser of Allander Institute update

Budget speculation, the economy returns to growth, the impact of cuts, and the disability employment gap

Three weeks still to go, and speculation about what will be in the Budget on 30th October continues (writes Fraser of Allander Institute’s MAIRI SPOWAGE, SANJAM SURI and EMMA CONGREVE).

Will the Chancellor change her fiscal rules? It looks likely that there will be some movement on this, whether in the definition of debt or something more fundamental, however much that could undermine their commitments in the manifesto.

Will there be increases in Capital Gains Tax? The speculation on this has reached fever pitch, with some stories suggested rates from 33% to 39% are being considered. (Interestingly, when we look at the ready reckoners from the HMRC, changes of this magnitude in some forms of CGT actually may result in less revenue when behavioural effects are taken into account). There certainly seems to be expectations out there in the economy that the rate may change, with lots of signs that disposals have increased hugely in anticipation.

Will there be increases to employer national insurance contributions? There has been much discussion about this, given the commitment of the UK Government not to “raise taxes on working people”, and due to the fact that the PM would not rule this out this week. A 1 percentage point rise in employers NICS would raise almost £9bn according to the ready reckoner (although we think that doesn’t include the additional costs to departments).

We’ll be going into the detail of some of these issues in the run up to the Budget, so there will be plenty for you all to chew over as we wait… and wait… for the Budget.

UK Economy Returns to growth in August

Data released this morning showed that the UK economy posted its first monthly GDP increase since May 2024. ONS reported this morning that monthly real GDP grew 0.2% in August 2024.  There were no revisions made to the “no growth” months of June and July.  While monthly numbers were in line with consensus forecasts, they show an economy that has slowed down from the beginning of 2024.

The good news is that growth in August came from all key sectors- with services rising by 0.1%, and production and construction rising by 0.5% and 0.4% respectively. Crucially- August was also the first time all three sectors positively contributed to growth since March 2024.

A more granular breakdown of service sector growth indicates that the biggest positive contribution came from the professional, scientific, and technical activities subsector- where monthly change in output was +1.6% from the previous month.  Despite overall growth in services sector- seven subsectors saw decline in economic activity- with arts, entertainment, and recreation falling 2.5% over July 2024.

The production sector grew by 0.5% in August after hefty decline of 0.7% in July. Despite a rebound in August, the production output is essentially flat since the end of May 2024. The biggest contributor to production sector came from 1.1% rise in manufacturing activity- driven by transport equipment manufacturing However, mining and quarrying output declined 4.0% over July 2024- continuing their downward trend since end of December 2023.

What is the impact of cuts in spending?

When the Scottish Government presented their Fiscal Statement to parliament in early September, the Cabinet Secretary for Finance said that impact assessments had been done to understand the impact that the announced cuts could have on different groups.

These assessments were not published at the time, but finally were published last week. We welcome the publication of these, and although there are lots of criticisms that could be made of the assessments, it is good to see this transparency. One area of weakness is assuming that if funding was maintained at previous levels, there will be minimal impact, which assumes that previous levels was the correct level… so why was the budget being increased in the first place?

One of the main things to note though is the lack of analysis of cumulative impact on groups. A number of “minimal impacts” could still add up to something significant if they are affecting the same group.

Final report of the parliamentary Inquiry into the disability employment gap published

In 2016, the Scottish Government published A Fairer Scotland for Disabled People, which outlined how the government intended to shape policy – especially labour market policy – for disabled people living in Scotland.

One of the key goals this report outlined was reducing the gap in the employment rate between disabled and non-disabled adults. In 2016, 80.4% of non-disabled working aged adults were employed in Scotland, compared to 42.8% of disabled working aged adults, making for an employment gap of 37.5 percentage points. The government’s goal was to cut this gap in half by 2038.

In 2023, the Economy and Fair Work Committee in Scottish Parliament launched an inquiry into how this policy goal was going. In fact, in 2023, it seemed like it was going quite well.

The gap was down to 30.3 percentage points, which was actually ahead of schedule: if progress were linear, the disability employment gap would drop by about 0.85 percentage points each year, meaning that it would be 31.5 percentage points in 2023.

However, the inquiry turned up less-than-optimistic findings, which have been published in a report out today from the Scottish Parliament.

Two of our economists at the FAI, Allison Catalano and Christy McFadyen, contributed to this inquiry through a fellowship with the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe). Their work, which we published back in January, found that the majority of the change in disability employment is due to a rise in disability prevalence, rather than any specific policy.

Their report also highlighted some significant data issues: people with different types of disability have vastly different capacities for employment, vastly different support needs within employment, and vastly different rates of employment. Yet, in Scottish data and policymaking, disabled people are often treated as a singular entity, meaning that it is not possible to understand where policy interventions might be most effective.

The final inquiry publication highlights our work and a variety of other issues which will need to be addressed in order to improve work access for disabled people, all of which can be found here. They have produced 44 recommendations to improve employment prospects for disabled people.

Halloween Trail at the Botanics

Our spook-tacular Halloween Trail is in full swing!

Caley, the good garden witch, has turned her cat, Miàgh, into a toad!

Join the trail from 17th – 20th & 24 – 27th October to find the plant potion ingredients to turn her back into a cat!

People’s Panel to consider what needs to be done to tackle drug deaths and drug related harms

The Scottish Parliament has announced the launch of a ‘people’s panel’ which will consider the question: ‘What does Scotland need to do differently to reduce drug related harms?’

The people’s panel, made up of 25 people from across Scotland who are broadly representative of the Scottish population, will work together to scrutinise the issue. The final report will help inform the cross-Committee scrutiny of matters related to reducing drug deaths and tackling problem drug use by the Criminal Justice Committee, the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee, and the Social Justice and Social Security Committee.

Last month, 5000 invitation letters were sent to residential households across Scotland, selected at random from the Royal Mail’s address database.  25 people were then chosen to form the panel.

The people’s panel will meet over two weekends – on October 25 -27 and November 15 – 17 – where they will hear testimony from those with lived experience of the issue, from academics and researchers, and from stakeholders who work in this area.

Organisations the panel shall hear from include Community Justice Scotland, Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs and the Scottish Drugs Forum.

The panel will deliberate on the evidence they gather before a final report is produced which will identify what they see as the key issues and provide recommendations for action to tackle these issues.

Audrey Nicoll, Convener of the Criminal Justice Committee said: “The issue of how to tackle drug deaths and drug related harms is one of great and urgent national importance.

“This people’s panel can offer a fresh perspective on this issue.

“It is vital that the Scottish Parliament is proactive in involving the people of Scotland in its work. This is a unique opportunity for MSPs on our Committees to hear grassroots views which can help in holding the government to account.”

Clare Haughey, Convener of the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee said: “The number of drug related deaths and the impact of drug related harms has been a cause for concern for many years.

“It is an issue which deserves national attention and that’s why it’s so important a range of views from across Scotland are heard.

“Holding a people’s panel on this topic is an opportunity for a broad section of Scotland’s society to shape political discourse, to consider this matter in detail and to make recommendations which can help tackle this issue.”

Collette Stevenson, Convener of the Social Justice and Social Security Committee said: “The findings of the people’s panel report will be vital in informing our cross-Committee scrutiny of this issue.

“We know that drug related deaths and the myriad harms of drug use cause pain and distress to people and families across Scotland.

“Our Committees look forward to engaging with the panel and hearing their recommendations on what more they feel can and should be done to tackle this issue.”

Tributes as Alex Salmond dies aged 69

Scotland’s former First Minister Alex Salmond died of a suspected heart attack yesterday while on a speaking engagement in North Macedonia. The Alba Party leader, the man who lead the independence movement for many years, was 69.

Mr Salmond was a political giant, by far the foremost politician of his generation in Scotland, and while his fallout with the Scottish National Party in recent years is well documented his death is a massive loss to the independence movement.

As often happens in the sometimes grubby world of politics, former political opponents and colleagues – many of whom had latterly plotted and briefed against Mr Salmond – have come forward with words of praise for the former leader.

In a message issued by Buckingham Palace, King Charles said: “My wife and I are greatly saddened to hear of the sudden death of Alex Salmond.

“His devotion to Scotland drove his decades of public service.

“We extend our deep condolences to his family and loved ones at this time.”

Commenting on news that the former First Minister and SNP Leader Alex Salmond has died, First Minister John Swinney said: “I am deeply shocked and saddened at the untimely death of the former First Minister Alex Salmond and I extend my deepest condolences to Alex’s wife Moira and to his family.

“Over many years, Alex made an enormous contribution to political life – not just within Scotland, but across the UK and beyond.

“Alex worked tirelessly and fought fearlessly for the country that he loved and for her Independence. He took the Scottish National Party from the fringes of Scottish politics into Government and led Scotland so close to becoming an Independent country.

“There will be much more opportunity to reflect in the coming days, but today all of our thoughts are with Alex’s family, and his many friends and right across the political spectrum.”

UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer said: “For more than 30 years, Alex Salmond was a monumental figure of Scottish and UK politics. He leaves behind a lasting legacy.

“My thoughts are with those who knew him, his family, and his loved ones. On behalf of the UK government I offer them our condolences today.”

Former Prime Minister David Cameron said: “We disagreed about many things, but there is no doubt that Alex Salmond was a giant of Scottish and British politics.

“Hugely passionate about the causes he championed, he was one of those rare politicians with both enormous charisma and genuine conviction, who always held the room.

“No matter your own point of view, you couldn’t help but stop and listen to his every word. He might have had his faults, but he was as sharp as a button with a strategic mind – I once said you had to count your fingers on the way out of a meeting with Alex! He has been taken far too young; my thoughts and prayers are with Alex’s family.”

Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament Alison Johnstone said: “On behalf of @ScotParl, on the sad news of the passing of Rt Hon Alex Salmond, First Minister of Scotland from 2007 to 2014, my most sincere condolences to his wife Moira, his family and friends at this difficult time. Our thoughts are with you.

“Flags at the Parliament have been lowered as a mark of respect.”

Nicola Sturgeon has also paid tribute to her former SNP colleague and political mentor Alex Salmond.

The pair were almost inseperable for more than three decades as they helped transform the Nationalists from a noisy fringe movement into what became an impressive election-winning machine.

The pair were also the driving force behind the 2014 independence referendum and the campaign for a Yes vote.

But there was a dramatic parting of the ways for the Indy ‘dream team’ after allegations of sexual assault were made against Salmond by several women, which led to a criminal trial in 2020. Alex Salmond was cleared on all charges, and questions remain over some aspects of the case against Salmond.

 Ms Sturgeon said: “I am shocked and sorry to learn of Alex Salmond’s death. “Obviously, I cannot pretend that the events of the past few years which led to the breakdown of our relationship did not happen, and it would not be right for me to try.

“However, it remains the fact that for many years Alex was an incredibly significant figure in my life. He was my mentor, and for more than a decade we formed one of the most successful partnerships in UK politics.

“Alex modernised the SNP and led us into government for the first time, becoming Scotland’s fourth First Minister and paving the way for the 2014 referendum which took Scotland to the brink of independence.

“He will be remembered for all of that. My thoughts are with Moira, his wider family and his friends.”

Former Westminster colleague Joanna Cherry said: “I am devastated to hear that Alex Salmond has died. He was one of the most talented politicians of his generation, and, by any measure, the finest First Minister our country has had. He changed the face of Scottish politics.

“Sadly, he was ill used by some of his former comrades, and I am sorry that he has not lived to see his vindication. I shall remember him as an inspiration and a loyal friend. My heartfelt condolences go to Moira, his family, and all who loved him.”

City of Edinburgh Council leader Cllr Cammy Day said:

ALBA Party MSP Ash Regan tweeted: “A tour de force in politics, who took us close to independence. Alex had the nation believe in itself.

“My thoughts to his family, friends and all those who he inspired to dream. ”

Journalist and independence campaigner Lesley Riddoch commented: “Maybe naysayers will think Alex Salmond’s death marks an end to the campaign for independence. I’d suggest it’s quite the opposite.

“The responsibility has been handed on to everyone who would now vote Yes. And the baton has been handed over to new generations.”