Michael Davidson launches campaign to be first ever Labour MP for Edinburgh West

Scottish Labour candidate Michael Davidson has vowed to put Labour on the map in Edinburgh West as he kicked off his general election campaign at the Corstorphine Fair yesterday.

Michael, 28, is a fresh face for the constituency, having never stood for election before and has been a Labour Party member for five years. 

Working in the energy sector, Michael has seen the devastating impact the cost of living crisis has had on people across the country. 

That’s why Michael is committed to Labour’s GB Energy policy, a publicly owned clean power company, headquartered in Scotland to cut bills for good and create jobs.

Scottish Labour is campaigning to win in Edinburgh West, a seat that has been dominated by the Liberal Democrats previously. 

Michael’s campaign will focus on building the Labour vote in the constituency and delivering the party’s plan to deliver the change that Scotland needs after nearly two decades of decline at the hands of the Tories in Westminster and the SNP in Holyrood.

Michael said: “I am proud to launch my campaign to be the Scottish Labour MP for Edinburgh West. I have lived in this constituency for most of my life and I’ve seen the difference a Labour government has made here previously. I went to a great school with brilliant teachers and small class sizes. 

“There is no denying this area is an affluent area but there are parts of our constituency in desperate need of investment. 

“That Blackhall Library remains closed, with no sign of re-opening any time soon, is a scandal and I will be campaigning for action on the issue.

“We have had a brilliant turn out of activists today who say they’ve been re-energised. We’ve spoken to Edinburgh West residents crying out for change because they know that the Lib Dems and the SNP have nothing to offer here.

“We’re not just sending a message, we want to send a Labour government because only Labour can bring about the change we need.”

Anas Sarwar, Leader of the Scottish Labour Party, said: “The people of Scotland and the UK are desperate for an election and desperate for change.

“After 14 years of Tory chaos and failure, this is an opportunity that we cannot afford to miss. Scotland is crying out for change and that change is only possible with a Labour government led by Keir Starmer that is on the side of working people.

“Voting Scottish Labour means booting out this rotten Tory government, maximising Scotland’s influence with Scottish Labour MPs in government and delivering the change that Scotland needs. It’s time for change and Labour is ready to deliver it.”

Keir Starmer, Leader of the Labour Party, said:“This is a chance to change Edinburgh West with Labour. Over the course of the last four years, we have changed the Labour Party and returned it once more to the service of working people.

“All we ask now, humbly, is to do exactly the same for our country. A vote for Labour is a vote for economic and political stability, an end to Conservative chaos, and a to deliver the change that Scotland needs.”

Miller Homes Scotland East raises over £10.5k for Alzheimer Scotland

Homebuilder’s team in Edinburgh supports Alzheimer Scotland with fitness challenge

Miller Homes Scotland East is supporting Alzheimer Scotland with a donation of £10,595 following recent fundraising efforts that saw the homebuilder’s Edinburgh team complete a month-long step count challenge, alongside other colleagues in the East of Scotland.

For each mile a Scotland East employee stepped during the challenge, Miller Homes pledged to donate £1 to Alzheimer Scotland, resulting in thousands raised for Scotland’s dementia charity.

Making a real difference to the lives of people living in and around the communities Miller Homes is building in, this challenge allowed employees in Edinburgh to stay fit through a variety of exercise methods, from hill walking and running, to taking part in basketball, netball and football games.

Neil Gaffney, Sales Director for Miller Homes Scotland East, is exceptionally proud of the fundraising efforts from the Edinburgh team. He said: “The team members from our head office and West Craigs Manor development in Edinburgh certainly know how to accept a challenge and this charity fundraiser was no different.

“Each employee took this incentive in their stride, quite literally, raising a staggering total for Alzheimer Scotland, a charity we know is close to so many of our employees’ hearts.

“Not only have we been able to provide a cash boost for a great cause, we’ve also been able to encourage our employees in Edinburgh to come together through exercise and improve their overall health and wellbeing.”

Tom Pavey, Fundraising and Engagement Coordinator for Alzheimer Scotland said: “We are delighted to receive this very generous donation from Miller Homes, the support from its employees throughout this partnership has been extraordinary. 

“Alzheimer Scotland depends on fundraising and every penny raised will help us to continue to fund our vital network of Dementia Advisors, Dementia Centres and 24-hour Freephone Dementia Helpline, that all provide critical support for people living with dementia and those who care for them.

“This donation from Miller Homes helps us to Prevent Today, Care Now and Cure Tomorrow.”

For more information on Alzheimer Scotland, visit www.alzscot.org/.

To find out more about Miller Homes’ community work, visit:


Scotland’s new Low Emission Zones: RAC guidance for drivers

AS Scotland’s new Low Emission Zones come into force across Aberdeen, Dundee and Edinburgh, the RAC has issued fresh guidance for drivers.

RAC head of policy Simon Williams said: “Drivers in Dundee should be prepared for Low Emission Zone (LEZ) enforcement from this Thursday, while those in Aberdeen and Edinburgh will be impacted from Saturday.

“Drivers with a diesel car registered before 2016 need to check if their vehicle is liable for the daily charge. Meanwhile, most petrol cars registered prior to 2006 will also have to pay the fee. The best advice to drivers is to use Scotland’s Low Emission Zone checker to see if their vehicle is compliant.

“There are some exemptions, for instance for Blue Badge holders and owners of historic vehicles, although it may be necessary to apply for the exemption to avoid having to pay the charge.

“All Scotland’s LEZs use the same penalty charge structure, which means that if motorists fail to pay the daily charge, they’ll instead face a fine which starts at £60 but gets progressively higher for future breaches. 

“While motorists were given a two-year grace period to prepare for these new LEZ enforcements, it’s important to realise they’ve had 24 months of extremely high fuel prices, an ongoing cost-of-living crisis and insurance premiums at an all-time high, making it very challenging for drivers of older vehicles to upgrade. 

“Those on low incomes who live within 12 miles of a LEZ boundary may be eligible for a grant of up to £3,000, so it’s well worth checking the Energy Saving Trust’s website.” 

Lothian youngsters conquer Edinburgh run for deaf children

Three children from the Lothians – including two siblings – conquered the Edinburgh Marathon Festival’s 2k run in support of the National Deaf Children’s Society.

West Calder siblings Jamie Farquhar, 10, and Cerys Firth, 11, and Wallyford youngster Mila Coult, 9, took on the picturesque course, which followed Queen’s Drive in the shadow of Salisbury Crags, on Saturday 25 May.

Jamie and Cerys smashed their original fundraising target, with £750 raised, while Mila did likewise and has raised over £900 so far for the charity, which supports the UK’s 50,000 deaf children and their families.

All three youngsters chose to run for the National Deaf Children’s Society because they have been affected by deafness in their families. Jamie was born deaf and now wears hearing aids, while Mila became deaf at the age of three and now has cochlear implants. Both families have been receiving ongoing support from the charity.

Jamie and Cerys live in West Calder with their parents Carrie-Ann and Callum and other siblings Emma and Erin, while Mila lives in Wallyford, near Musselburgh, with her mum Regan and stepdad Shaun.

Jamie said: “I chose the National Deaf Children’s Society because I love the activities I do with them and I want to keep that going for other deaf children.

“It felt amazing to finish, it felt great getting the medal. The thought of the medal kept me going. I tripped over a bar near the end, it was funny! I’m just really proud of how much we raised.”

Cerys added: “I ran for the National Deaf Children’s Society because my little brother is deaf. It felt amazing to get to the finish line. We both tripped up at the end! I knew I had to finish because if I didn’t, I’d have let lots of people down. I was doing it for Jamie.”

Commenting on her run, Mila said: “I really liked raising money, the run was really active and encouraged me to keep running and push myself. It was really tiring but I feel proud that I did it.”

Regan, Mila’s mum, added: “I’m so beyond proud of Mila and what she’s accomplished, both in fundraising for a charity so close to our hearts, and by pushing herself to run and have fun.”

Tamsin Bayliss, who supports fundraisers for the National Deaf Children’s Society, said: “I want to say a huge thank you to Jamie, Cerys and Mila for taking on this challenge for us. Conquering the Edinburgh Marathon Festival’s 2k run was a great achievement and we’re very proud of you.

“The National Deaf Children’s Society is dedicated to supporting the UK’s 50,000 deaf children and their families. The efforts of selfless fundraisers like Jamie, Cerys and Mila will help us to keep on doing our vital work, now and into the future.”

The Scottish Festival of Motoring returns to the Royal Highland Centre

  • With over 2000 cars and motorcycles on display including, classic, modified, sport, vintage and supercars
  • Live stunt shows, trade village, exhibitions, live music, food outlets and free kids zone make this a fantastic day out for both motoring enthusiasts and the whole family

The Scottish Festival of Motoring 2024

Royal Highland Centre

Sunday 14 July – Doors open 10.00am

Back for its 4th great year, the Scottish Festival of Motoring returns to the Royal Highland Centre on Sunday 14th July welcoming enthusiasts of all vehicle types to an annual celebration of all things motoring.

The Scottish Festival of Motoring 2024, in partnership with Road Safety Scotland and in association with Carwow, is one of the largest motoring events in Scotland with a host of attractions and a jam-packed schedule of entertainment planned for the day.

From Supercars and bike demonstrations to stunt shows, live music, exhibitions, passenger experiences, a trade village, food outlets and a dedicated free indoor kids zone make this the perfect summer day out for the whole family.

British & Scottish Stunt Champion, Guinness world record holder and multiple event winner Jonny Davies will be showing his incredible skills as a stunt motorcyclist.

Supercars are set to be a huge hit with ride-along experiences and stunt shows giving enthusiasts a chance to get up close and personal with the cars of their dreams.

Junior Driving Experience in a Mini Cooper gives the opportunity for youngsters from the age of 10 to get in the driver’s seat. (height restrictions may apply) There is also a special Free Kids Zone that includes bouncy castles, face painting and some special appearances.

The Indoor Showcase Arena will be displaying the most awe-inspiring selection of show vehicles. There will also be an array of Car and Motorcycle Clubs both indoor and outdoor who be going all out to impress when exhibiting at the Festival.

The Festival also sees the only BMX team in the UK able to move in and out a shared arena so expect the riders, including RedBull Athletes, flying through the air whilst performing the most breathtaking tricks and stunts.

Ticket details of prices available here

Healthy Heart Tip: How to have a healthier barbecue

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by the Health Promotion and Education Team at Heart Research UK

Healthy Heart Tip: How to have a healthier barbecue

Enjoying the sun with your friends and family can often mean overindulging on barbecue foods that are high in salt and saturated fats.

This will increase both your blood pressure and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, putting an increased strain on your heart and arteries.

Choosing healthier food options means that you can continue to enjoy the barbecue season without having to worry about your heart health. On average people in the UK have over 10 barbecue’s a year, this gives you plenty of time to experiment with new foods and flavours whilst still meeting your health goals. 

National barbecue week is running from 27th May to 2nd June, so here are some tips to help you have a healthier barbecue.  

Add fruit and vegetables 

By adding fruit and vegetables to your barbeque spread, you’re increasing the amount of fibre you’re eating. This will help to lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and your blood pressure, as well as helping you to reach your five a day.  

You could make a vibrant mixed salad to have on the side, or add mushrooms, courgettes, tomatoes, onions and peppers to a skewer and pop it on the grill. These are simple ways you can add more vegetables to your barbecue.  

For a tasty dessert, you could add fruit such as pineapple to the grill. It gives it a delicious, caramelised flavour, which is great served with fat-free frozen yoghurt. 

Add wholegrains 

Why not add wholegrain bread or pitta breads as options for your barbecue? These are full of fibre and great for your cholesterol and blood pressure. You could pop your breads onto the grill for a crunchier texture and to add some more flavour.  

You could also mix wholegrain couscous with dried fruit, nuts, vegetables, or herbs and spices for a tasty and healthy fibre-rich side dish.  

Choose a healthier protein source 

Often at barbecue’s meats that are high in saturated fats are used such as beef burgers or sausages. Saturated fat increases your LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and can be detrimental to your heart health.  

Choose leaner protein sources such as chicken breasts or tofu, or if you’re wanting to stick to a more traditional style barbecue then why not choose turkey burgers or chicken sausages. These contain less saturated fat and are better for your heart, however, make sure you check the food labels as some of these may be high in salt.  

Why not add some fish to your barbecue? Salmon tastes great when it’s put on the grill with some lemon and it’s full of omega-3 fatty acids, which helps to keep your cholesterol levels healthy.  

Choose lower salt & sugar sauces and dips. 

When thinking about what sauces and dips you want to compliment your barbecue dishes, make sure you take into consideration their salt and sugar content.

Many ready-made sauces and dips have added salt and sugar so make sure you pick the reduced salt and sugar versions with green traffic light food labels. Alternatively, you could make your own using fat-free Greek or natural yoghurt mixed with herbs and spices.  

Watch your portion sizes 

It is easy to overindulge at a barbecue, especially if it is spread out over the course of a day or evening. Try and be mindful about how much you are eating and recognise when you’re feeling full. If you are grazing throughout the day or evening then try to eat small amounts at a time, rather than having several platefuls.  

If you are having one plateful then try to have a quarter of your plate full of lean protein, another quarter of wholegrain carbohydrates and the remaining half full of veggies.  

Bouldering upgrade to start at EICA:Ratho after sportscotland investment

Works on the upgrade of the bouldering facilities at Edinburgh Leisure’s flagship climbing arena at Ratho will begin on Monday,  3rd June following a major funding investment from sportscotland’s Sport Facilities Fund. There will be a steady schedule of works across the summer and autumn as the changes occur.

The Edinburgh International Climbing Arena received £100,000 towards bouldering redevelopment to improve opportunities to progress at all levels of the sport. 

As the UK’s largest climbing gym and the only international competition venue, it has hosted European Championships and World Cup for Lead and Speed in recent years, but the bouldering facilities needed an upgrade to enable it to host all three IFSC (International Federation of Sport Climbing) and Olympic disciplines.

The new state of the art competition bouldering wall, designed by the Rockcity team, means that Ratho becomes the only climbing centre in the UK with Olympic standard facilities for all three climbing disciplines (lead climbing, speed climbing and bouldering). Meanwhile, the ‘real rock’ freeform iconic boulders are being repurposed to a new site in the west of Scotland.

As Mark English, Managing Director of Rockcity explained: “The arena will host additional modern flat panelled bouldering walls and another freestanding boulder to give the Edinburgh community the best facilities in the city and surrounding area, using an unrivalled climbing hold selection and world class route setting. 

When the work’s complete you can expect to see Edinburgh Leisure’s flagship climbing experience jump into the future and host some amazing competition and circuit-based bouldering later this year.”

The investment has been made possible thanks to National Lottery players, who raise £30 million each week for good causes across the UK.

Welcoming the investment, Emma Ogilvie-Hall, Head of Operations at Edinburgh Leisure said: “We’re delighted and very grateful to receive the sportscotland funding that means our outdated bouldering facilities at the Edinburgh International Climbing Arena (EICA) can be replaced.

“With indoor bouldering now the most widely practised form of climbing it will ensure that the EICA can continue as a world class venue for all three climbing disciplines – lead, speed, and bouldering – while continuing to provide climbers of all ages and abilities with access to opportunities to participate in and progress through the sport. 

“It will also mean that Scotland is able to host bouldering competitions and national training camps and allow the EICA to keep our national and international profile as a world-class climbing facility.”

Stuart Younie, CEO of Mountaineering Scotland said: “This is incredibly exciting news for Ratho and its regular customers but also the wider climbing community in Scotland.

“Not only will it enable EICA to host major events featuring all three Olympic disciplines but as our national centre for climbing in Scotland it will provide a first-class training venue delivering the performance environment needed to help support the development of our young climbers in Scotland.

“With Paris 2024 around the corner and new climbing centres appearing all over the UK to meet the increasing demand for the sport, this investment from sportscotland could not have come at a better time. We are looking forward to working with Edinburgh Leisure and the team at Ratho to maximise the opportunities the new bouldering wall will provide.”

The EICA:Ratho was among 18 projects across Scotland to share a total of £1,506,263 from sportscotland to develop existing facilities or create a new home for sport and physical activity.

Chief Executive of sportscotland, Forbes Dunlop, said: “The aim of the Sports Facilities Fund is to support sustainable and inclusive projects with their ambitions of using sport and physical activity to enhance the lives of their local communities. This investment would not be possible without National Lottery players who continue to raise vital funding for sport across Scotland.

“The physical and mental health benefits of sport are well documented, but equally important is the ability to create a space where everyone is welcome to participate at their own level.

“Projects like this one at the EICA not only create opportunities for people to take part in sport and physical activity but can also provide a place for communities to come together.

The Sports Facilities Fund prioritises projects that widen access to participation or allow people to progress further within their chosen sport locally by removing barriers, particularly in rural areas or areas of deprivation, and for under-represented groups.

In addition to the investment, projects can benefit from the expertise within sportscotland’s facilities team to maximise the impact that their plans will have, ensuring they meet the needs of their local communities now and in the future.

A fly-through artists impression of what the new boulders will look like can be viewed by clicking here.

Scottish tour operator on the road to growth thanks to £2m Lombard funding 

A travel operator offering unique experiences of the Scottish Highlands has upgraded its existing fleet thanks to a £2m funding boost from Lombard, part of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group.

Headquartered on Edinburgh’s Royal Mile, Highland Experience Tours has chartered trips that offer tourists an alternative way to explore Scotland’s rural landscapes since it was founded nearly two decades ago.

Ran by a team of expert tour guides, Highland Experience’s trips focus on exploring less travelled routes, meaning customers can enjoy an authentic travel experience and avoid notoriously crowded spots.

Starting out with just one vehicle, the firm’s leadership team has since grown its fleet to nearly 30 luxury mini-buses and small to full size coaches. Lombard’s support will allow Highland Experience to purchase an additional five Grand Toro coaches – a move which will result in the creation of more than 20 new jobs and a boost to the rural economies it works in.

The travel provider is committed to promoting sustainable tourism and has been awarded a Gold Green Tourism Business Award in recognition of its work to protect the environment, prioritising local suppliers wherever possible and providing eco-friendly driving training to its coach operators.

Despite enjoying steady growth since 2005, the firm faced unprecedented challenges during the pandemic and was forced to downsize its previous fleet in 2020. This new investment marks a renewed period of growth for the team, who are currently gearing up for the 2024 summer season as they prepare to welcome more customers on board.

The £2m deal was afforded by Lombard and managed by Royal Bank of Scotland.

Michael Bremmer, Managing Director at Highland Experience Tours, said: “Ever since we first started Highland Experience Tours, we have been passionate about creating an authentic way to explore Scotland’s hidden beauty which also gives back to the communities and landscapes we operate in.

“Like many in our industry, Covid was an incredibly challenging time for us, and we had to essentially halt our services with no real idea of when we’d be able to begin again. This obviously took its toll, but we remained determined to come back stronger than ever and have been able to grow the business to beyond even pre-pandemic levels.

“Investing in this new fleet marks a new chapter for us, and we’re incredibly grateful for the support of Royal Bank of Scotland and Lombard in helping us reach this milestone.”

Steven Gillies, Senior Relationship Manager at Royal Bank of Scotland who facilitated the deal with Lombard added: “Having worked with Highland Experience Tours since 2019, it’s been a privilege to watch the team recover from the pandemic and continue to grow their services and offering.

“Royal Bank of Scotland is committed to supporting enterprise and Highland Experience Tours is a great example of a resilient business who are focussed on looking to the future.

“Its unique approach to tourism is helping to promote Scotland’s rural landscapes to the world – bringing a significant economic boost to the communities within them – and we look forward to continuing our banking relationship for years to come.”

To find out more about the support Lombard provides, click here

Scottish Building Society marks AGM with funding boost for charities

SCOTTISH BUILDING SOCIETY marked its Annual General Meeting (AGM) by announcing a new round of funding to aid local charities and good causes across the country.

The announcement at the AGM, held on Wednesday this week at The Trades House of Glasgow, Grand Hall, will see the Scottish Building Society Foundation award successful applicants with individual grants of up to £5,000 to help their cause.

Marking the third phase of funding from the Scottish Building Society Foundation, the initiative has donated just under £60,000 to local charities across Scotland since it began last year.

Scottish Building Society Foundation was established by Scottish Building Society in partnership with Foundation Scotland, with the initiative designed to give back to Scottish communities.

Launched in May 2023 to align with the organisation’s 175th anniversary, an incredible £175,000 will be granted to local charities and good causes across Scotland.

Paul Denton, Chief Executive Officer, Scottish Building Society, said: “We were delighted to welcome our members to the AGM this year, and  it seemed only right that we announce the latest round of funding for the Scottish Building Society Foundation, designed to support the fantastic causes which make a huge difference in their local areas.

“The creation of the Foundation has formalised our commitment to giving back to communities and through this initiative, in just over twelve months, the Society and its members have already supported good causes right across Scotland, from Wick to Galashiels.

“Since the Foundation began, we’re encouraged by the variety of inspiring community groups and charities across Scotland and look forward to seeing how they use the funding to make a positive impact to the people in their towns and villages.

“We hope the Scottish Building Society Foundation will make a big difference to many people across the country and we look forward to supporting more good causes in the years ahead.

“By investing in good causes, the Society and its members are building stronger communities.”

Applicable to a range of community groups and incentives, the Scottish Building Society Foundation particularly welcomes applications that support:

  • Community facilities and services, transport, open spaces, affordable housing, community development, reduction of poverty, and care for the elderly 
  • Local community events 
  • Youth and education, providing training opportunities and support for vulnerable youngsters 

The first phase of funding attracted 44 applications from across 11 local authority areas of Scotland, with nine successful applicants chosen to receive individual grants of up to £5,000 to help their cause. 

Meanwhile, the second phase of funding attracted 33 applications from across 11 local authority areas of Scotland.

For more information on the Scottish Building Society Foundation or to make an application, visit: https://www.scottishbs.co.uk/scottish-building-society-foundation

Edinburgh gets ready to welcome Taylor Swift and fans for The Very First Night

Forever Edinburgh partners with businesses to capitalise on the ‘Swift lift’

Scotland’s capital is gearing up to welcome US superstar Taylor Swift for the first time, with Forever Edinburgh announcing a programme of activity to help visitors, residents and businesses enjoy the benefits of the concert. 

Over 200,000 Swifties will descend on the city next month for the three Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour shows at the Scottish Gas Murrayfield Stadium on 7th, 8th and 9th June.

The pop icon is set to bring entertainment and economic value, coined the ‘Swift lift’, with shows in the UK expected to gross a combined £1 billion according to Barclays. This includes an average of £121 on accommodation, £111 on travel and £56 on a pre-concert meal.

That impact is already being seen in Edinburgh, with hotels reporting increased demand. 

Forever Edinburgh, the city’s destination marketing and promotions brand, which is run by The City of Edinburgh Council is looking to capitalise on this by announcing a series of experiences for those living, visiting and working in the city.

Launching on Thursday, 6th June, almost 50 local hospitality and tourism businesses have come together to create the ‘Edinburgh Taylored Taste Trail’, which was established by Forever Edinburgh.

Across the city, fans can enjoy Taylor themed sweet treats from Babyfaced Baker and MILK. Bonnie and Wild, Cold Town House, Hard Rock Café, Brewhemia, Mackays on the Mile, Mimi’s Bakehouse, and Edinburgh Street Food are offering dedicated menus including themed dishes, Taylor-themed brunches and afternoon teas. 

Themed cocktails and mocktails will be available at many of the city’s best bars including Elio’s, Copper Still, Angel’s Share, Revolve Bar, Holyrood Distillery, and the Alchemist.

Elsewhere, Camera Obscura will be hosting a Giant Kaleidosphere dedicated to the Eras musician and in Gorgie, Tynecastle Park is hosting an interactive Swiftie Bingo, open to all ages.

This unique Taylored experience will showcase the best of Edinburgh’s retail, hospitality, and food & drink scenes, encouraging fans and their friends to explore the city’s diverse neighbourhoods by foot, tram, bus, or other modes of transport.

Featured prominently on Forever Edinburgh’s dedicated Swift Fan Hub, the Taylored Taste Trail will be accompanied with a Taste Trail map, a list of top tips to help fans plan ahead and make responsible choices, plus a guide to Edinburgh for Swifties.

Through The Swift Fan Hub, fans can seamlessly create the ultimate Edinburgh experience and fully immerse themselves in all the city has to offer, with a Taylor twist. City leaders have also organised a welcome gift for Swift, collaborating with a selection of Edinburgh businesses to build a hamper full of Scottish goodies. Participants include Eateaket, Edinburgh Gin and kiltmakers Kinloch Anderson, who have made three unique gifts for Taylor from a newly created Edinburgh 900 Tartan.

A personalised itinerary is also enclosed with the must-dos for Swift to visit during her stay, which was personally crafted and gifted to the star as part of the wider city gesture. This is based on her favourite things such as a visit to cat café Maison de Moggy and experiencing Edinburgh’s music scene.

Culture and Communities Convener, Councillor Val Walker Culture said: “We’re enchanted to be welcoming Taylor to the city and to be able to bring all these businesses together to provide a fun weekend for residents and visitors alike. We aim to ignite curiosity among fans to venture across the city, spreading foot traffic and benefits throughout.

“Our goal is to cultivate a positive fan experience, fostering lasting advocacy for Edinburgh among our visitors while ensuring a positive impact on residents. It’s a great opportunity to support Edinburgh businesses and the local economy, so her visit will give a ‘Swift lift’ to the city.”

Neil Christison, VisitScotland’s Regional Director said: “Taylor Swift is a phenomenon, and her shows have created a real buzz in the city.

“We know gig tourism is a growing global trend, with fans seeking to turn their live music experience into a bigger exploration of the destination. The Edinburgh Taylored Taste Trail is an excellent way to engage with the fanbase and encourage them to explore businesses across the city.”

The fan hub can be accessed here: https://edinburgh.org/taylor-swift/