Historic tram cable wheels to be returned to original Leith site

A large pair of Victorian-era tram cable wheels discovered on the historic boundary between Leith and Edinburgh are to go on permanent public display.

The wheels, dated to 1898, are each 2.6m in diameter and were used in the underground cable-winding mechanism for Edinburgh’s original cable operated tram network. 

They were rediscovered at the Pilrig Street junction with Leith Walk in August 2021 during Trams to Newhaven excavations.

Work will now begin to install the wheels on the opposite side of Leith Walk, at its junction with Iona Street, which has been closed to traffic at its west end. As part of improvements to the newly pedestrianised area, the Trams to Newhaven team will also add benches, planters and an information board.

The wheels’ location was chosen in consultation with the local community and their placement side by side will reflect their arrangement when in use up until the early 1920s, when Edinburgh and District Tramways Company introduced an electric system.

Councillor Scott Arthur, Transport and Environment Convener, said: The presence of trams in Leith is part of its heritage, so it’s fantastic that we’ll be able to return these historic wheels to their home, for the community to enjoy and learn about.

“As we approach the completion of Trams to Newhaven, it’s touches like these that demonstrate that, as well as delivering a sustainable, high-capacity transport link between the city centre and the north, the project is transforming spaces along the route.”

John Lawson, City of Edinburgh Council Archaeologist, said: I’m really excited that we’ll be able to showcase the Pilrig wheels close to their original location.

“Celebrating our archaeological heritage with the public is an important part of the project. The wheels are a unique part of Leith’s and Edinburgh’s heritage and provide a fascinating link between the old and new tram systems.”

Created in 1905, Leith Corporation Tramways pioneered electric trams, prior to Edinburgh switching from a cable-operated tram system.

During this time passengers travelling between Edinburgh and Leith would have to alight a cable-operated tram and board an electrified tram at the Edinburgh-Leith border. This became known locally as the ‘Pilrig Muddle’ and lasted nearly 20 years.”

Work on the improvements at Iona Street, including the installation of the wheels, will begin today (Tuesday, 11 April) and is expected to be complete in the next few months.

The Trams to Newhaven project remains on schedule for completion by spring 2023 and within the £207.3m budget, with all major construction now finished. A specific date for when the route will be open for passengers will be announced in due course.

As part of the commissioning process every aspect of the new infrastructure is currently being thoroughly tested to ensure it meets the required safety standards.

Find out more about Trams to Newhaven.

Cycling Thursdays with ELREC

ELREC Cycling Club Activities:🚲

All the below activities are taking place on Thursdays and are for FREE, please email cfc@elrec.org.uk for more information:

🚲🌳🌞 10am to 12pm – Join our cycle rides every Thursday on flat cycle paths. Our ride leaders will lead the way and everyone is welcome, including children under adult supervision. Bring your own bike, helmet, water, packed lunch, sunscreen, and waterproofs. Register at cfc@elrec.org.uk, and let us know if you need to borrow a bike.

🚴‍♀️🛠️🚴‍♂️ 2pm to 4.pm – Also, join our drop-in bike repair service and learn how to fix your own bike! Our experienced mechanics are available to guide you every step of the way, whether you need to fix a flat tire or advice on how to overhaul your entire bike.

🚴‍♂️ 4pm to 5pm – Finally, check out our e-bike library and loan one of our top-of-the-line e-bikes for just £10 per week! You can explore the city with ease and comfort, while reducing your carbon footprint. Enquire at cfc@elrec.org.uk.

Spring Plants – The Top 10 Most Beautiful Spring Blooms

To help you find the right spring flowers to suit you, MyJobQuote’s gardening expert, Fiona Jenkins, has compiled a list of the 10 most beautiful spring-flowering plants:

Snowdrops (Galanthus spp.)

Snowdrops are one of the earliest blooming spring flowers. Sometimes, they can even bloom as early as January. There are many species of Snowdrops and they range in sizes and shapes. Snowdrops clump up over time, so it’s easy to dig them up when needed. From there, you can then divide and replant them to form a much bigger display. These flowers most commonly bloom during the months of January through to March.

Crocus (Crocus tommasinianus)

Crocuses are some of the most beautiful spring plants. These gorgeous flowers provide masses of pollen for early bumblebees. Most varieties of Crocus are purple. However, they can also come in white and yellow varieties as well. These flowers are best planted in autumn and grow best in moist, well-drained soil with full sun. These flowers most commonly bloom during the months of February through to April.

Daffodils (Narcissus spp.)

Spring just wouldn’t be spring without daffodils! These are very happy flowers that can bloom in even the most harsh of conditions and can help to provide a splash of bright colour to your garden when there is not much else in flower.

Although yellow daffodils are the most common and well-known, you can also get other varieties of daffodil in shades of pink and white.

If you enjoy the sight of daffodils, you can plant a range of early and late flowering daffodils so you can enjoy them for longer. These flowers most commonly bloom during the months of February through to May.

Hyacinth (Hyacinthus)

Hyacinths are seen as looking quite old fashioned. However, these traditional-looking flowers look great in pots displays. They are extremely fragrant, so offer some gorgeous scents to your garden.

Plus, they come in a range of colours including pink, purple, and white. This allows you to create some gorgeous blasts of colour throughout your garden space. These flowers require full sun and moist but well-drained soil. These flowers most commonly bloom during the months of March through to April.

Tulips (Tulipa spp.)

Tulips are one of the most popular spring-flowering plants. They come in a wide ranges of shapes, sizes and colours. If you want to create a cheerful display in your garden, you can choose a range of brightly coloured blooms.

Alternatively, go for white, purple and maroon shades to create a more dramatic aesthetic. Tulips grow best when planted in full sun and in moist but well-drained soil. These flowers most commonly bloom during the months of April through to May.

Forget-Me-Nots (Myosotis sylvatica)

Forget-me-nots are wonderfully cheery blooms with low-growing blue flowers. They work well when paired with various other spring flowers.

selective focus photography of blue petaled flowers
Photo by Anastasia Belousova on Pexels.com

Forget-me-nots are perfect for ongoing gardens as they self-seed. However, they can start to look a bit untidy after flowering. With this in mind, it’s best to pull them out at this stage and plant something else in their place instead.

Forget-me-nots enjoy partial shade and moist but well-drained soil. These flowers most commonly bloom during the months of April through to June.

Snake’s Head Fritillary

Snake’s head fritillary plants are part of the lily family. They feature unique and beautiful chequerboard patterns and come in various shades of pink and mauve. You can also get white varieties, however, these are less common. Snakes head fritillaries enjoy moist soil with partial shade.

These flowers most commonly bloom during the months of March through to April.

Reticulate Iris (Iris reticulata)

Reticulate Iris plants are beautiful, delicate spring flowering plants with fragrant purple flowers featuring yellow markings. They tend to grow quite short so work very well in pots or in smaller displays.

They also grow best in pots and make a fantastic addition to things like table centrepieces and windowsill displays. These flowers most commonly bloom during the months of January through to April.

Foxgloves (Digitalis)

Foxgloves are beautiful unique spring flowers with purple/pink tubular flowers featuring gorgeous spots on the inside. You can also get white and orange varieties of foxgloves, however, these are less common.

close up shot of foxglove flowers
Photo by Larry Siegel on Pexels.com

Foxgloves enjoy moist but well-drained soil and can survive in conditions from sun to shade. Biennial varieties self-seed readily. These flowers most commonly bloom during the months of May through to June.

Alliums (Allium spp.)

Alliums are beautiful spring-flowering plants with gorgeous globe-shaped flowers. They are a favourite flower amongst bees and also make excellent cut flowers. They look particularly beautiful in both fresh and dried cut flower arrangements.

These flowers enjoy full sun and well-drained soil. They look best when grown with other foliage plants as other plants can hide their unsightly foliage. These flowers most commonly bloom during the months of May through to June.

Sick Kids no more: Work starts on exclusive Royal Meadows housing development

A PREMIUM developer is to rejuvenate Edinburgh’s former Royal Hospital for Sick Children, by carefully restoring it into a range of high-quality homes.

Square & Crescent has kicked off construction at its Royal Meadows development which will see eight townhouses and 85 apartments carefully created both in and around the B Listed former hospital building and its surrounding streets.  

The four-acre site sits directly opposite The Meadows, one of Edinburgh’s best-known landmarks, and lies between Sciennes Road and Rillbank Crescent.

Euan Marshall, Co-Founder and Joint Managing Director at Square & Crescent said: “To get to this stage of the process with Royal Meadows is a pinch-yourself moment for us at Square & Crescent.

“Most Edinburgh parents, at one time or another, have had to take a trip to the Royal Hospital for Sick Children so we are proud to have an opportunity to respect its history by carefully restoring the recognised building.

“We’re certain that with Royal Meadows, we are going to do this famous building justice by giving it a brand new purpose and offering up a wonderful place to live.”

Nestled in the heart of Marchmont and The Grange area of Edinburgh, the Royal Meadows site is well-connected – just one mile from Princes Street and a two-minute walk from Lothian Road.

With work now underway in what will be a three-year build process at Royal Meadows, the site’s sales suite is set to launch in late summer this year, with full completion targeted for the end of 2025.

Simon Cook, Co-Founder and Joint Managing Director said: “From early identification of the site, we knew it had all the makings of an incredible development that will preserve an important landmark in the city.

“To have spades in the ground at Royal Meadows is definitely a milestone moment and we can’t wait to watch the site grow and develop.”

Friends Euan Marshall and Simon Cook’s career paths crossed on a number of property projects around Edinburgh, with their complementing skillsets providing the perfect testbed to found Square & Crescent in 2013.

Square & Crescent is now a widely-regarded residential developer with a primary focus on the acquisition, development and refurbishment of beautiful homes.

It has built a strong track record and trusted reputation in providing some of the best residential conversion projects over the past 10 years, making a move in recent years into developing unique new build homes, providing exceptional and sustainable modern living in a variety of different locations within Edinburgh.

For more information on Royal Meadows, or to register interest, please email sales@squareandcrescent.com or phone 0131 225 2155.

England’s smokers urged to swap cigarettes for vapes in world first scheme

Pregnant women will also be offered financial incentives to help them quit as part of a sweeping package of measures to cut smoking rates in England

One million smokers will be encouraged to swap cigarettes for vapes under a pioneering new “swap to stop” scheme designed to improve the health of the nation and cut smoking rates.

As part of the world-first national scheme, almost one in five of all smokers in England will be provided with a vape starter kit alongside behavioural support to help them quit the habit as part of a series of new measures to help the government meet its ambition of being smokefree by 2030 – reducing smoking rates to 5% or less. Local authorities will be invited to take part in the scheme later this year and will design a scheme which suits its needs, including deciding which populations to prioritise.

In a speech today, Health Minister Neil O’Brien will also announce that following the success of local schemes, pregnant women will be offered financial incentives to help them stop smoking. This will involve offering vouchers, alongside behavioural support, to all pregnant women who smoke by the end of next year.

The government will also consult on introducing mandatory cigarette pack inserts with positive messages and information to help people to quit smoking.

Additionally, there will be a crackdown on illicit vape sales as part of measures to stop children and non-smokers take up the habit – which is growing in popularity among young people.

Health Minister Neil O’Brien will say: “Up to two out of three lifelong smokers will die from smoking. Cigarettes are the only product on sale which will kill you if used correctly.

“We will offer a million smokers new help to quit. We will be funding a new national ‘swap to stop’ scheme – the first of its kind in the world. We will work with councils and others to offer a million smokers across England a free vaping starter kit.”

The new policies will deliver the UK Government’s three aims to help more adults quit smoking, stop children and non-smokers from taking up vaping, and using vaping as a tool for established adult smokers to quit.

For those who quit, the risk of heart attack is halved after one year of quitting, ultimately halving the likelihood of ending up in a hospital bed or worse.

Supporting more women to have a smokefree pregnancy will reduce the number of babies born underweight or underdeveloped with health problems requiring neonatal and ongoing care. It will also reduce the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth.

Cutting smoking rates reduces the number of smoking-related illnesses needing to be treated, in turn reducing the pressure on the NHS, helping to deliver on our priority to cut NHS waiting lists.

NHS figures for 2021 showed that 9% of 11- to 15-year-old children used e-cigarettes, up from 6% in 2018.

In recognition of the sharp increase, Minister O’Brien will launch a Call for Evidence on youth vaping to identify opportunities to reduce the number of children accessing and using vape products – and explore where government can go further.

Working with enforcement agencies and learning from the government’s work with Trading Standards on illicit tobacco, £3 million of new funding will also be provided to create a specialised ‘illicit vapes enforcement squad’ to enforce the rules on vaping and tackle illicit vapes and underage sales.

As part of the measures, HMRC and Border Force will also be publishing an updated strategy this year to tackle illicit tobacco. It will lay out strategically how we continue to target, catch and punish those involved in the illicit tobacco market.

Smoking prevalence in England in 2021 was 13% – the lowest on record thanks to measures such as doubling duty on cigarettes since 2010 and continued funding to local stop smoking services

In 2021-22, £68 million of public health grant funded was spent on stop smoking services by local authorities and nearly 100,000 people quit with the support of a stop smoking service.

In addition, £35 million has been committed to the NHS this year so that all smokers admitted to hospital will be offered NHS-funded tobacco treatment services.

However, 5.4 million people in England smoke tobacco which remains the single biggest cause of preventable illness and death. Up to two out of three lifelong smokers will die from smoking and recent data shows one in four deaths from all cancers were estimated to be from smoking.

Last year an independent smoking review led by Javed Khan proposed a range of measures to help people stub out the addiction, which has informed the measures set out today.

The UK’s EV-friendly superhero road trip

Half-term is here and if you’re looking for something to do to keep the kids entertained, Goodbye Car has created a superhero-themed road trip, that’s also EV-friendly! 

Regardless of whether you’re a Marvel or DC fan, our next road trip takes you through some of the most recognisable filming locations from your favourite superhero movies.

It’s around 449 miles long and will take you just over 10 hours in total (assuming you’re not taking the Batmobile!)

1. St Abbs, Scotland

Movie: Avengers: Endgame | Scene: New Asgard | Address: Eyemouth, TD14 5PL

First up is St Abbs, a sleepy fishing village in Scotland which you might not initially associate with the Avengers! The village was used as the backdrop for New Asgard, Thor’s Home in Tønsberg. Make sure to take a selfie at the village sign, which reads ‘St Abbs twinned with New Asgard’ in a special nod to the movie.

2. Durham Cathedral, England

Movie: Avengers: Endgame | Scene: Old Asgard | Address: Durham, DH1 3EH

If we started at New Asgard, it only seems logical that we also visit Old Asgard on our superhero road trip. Durham Cathedral in North East England played host to some of the Asgard scenes in the Avengers: Endgame movie, notably the scene when Rocket slaps Thor out of his panic attack.

3. Dale Street, Manchester, England

Movie: Captain America: The First Avenger | Scene: Heinz Kruger crash | Address: Manchester’s Northern Quarter

Manchester’s Northern Quarter was chosen as the backdrop for the car crash scene with Heinz Kruger during Captain America: The First Avenger. The scene was filmed on Dale Street specifically, which was also where they shot the secret lab found inside the Brooklyn Antiques Shop. 

4. Wollaton Hall & Deer Park, Nottingham, England

Movie: The Dark Knight Rises | Scene: Wayne Manor | Address: Nottinghamshire, NG8 2AE

Leaving Marvel for a second, the next stop on our road trip is Wollaton Hall & Deer Park in Nottingham, although it’s perhaps better known as Wayne Manor in The Dark Knight Rises. The hall and grounds feature throughout the movie.

The hall isn’t Nottinghamshire’s only connection to Batman though. It’s believed the 13th Century village of Gotham inspired DC Comics. 

5. Millennium Footbridge, London, England

Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy | Scene: Alien City bridge | Address: Thames Embankment, London

Despite its futuristic aesthetic, some of the locations featured in Guardians of the Galaxy are actually inspired by London landmarks. The Alien City skyline features a bridge that’s akin to the Millennium Footbridge, while the space-age-looking Lloyd’s Building is also included. 

6. Piccadilly Circus, London, England

Movie: Wonder Woman 1984 | Scene: Max Lord broadcast | Address: W1B 5DQ

The final stop on our superhero road trip takes you to Piccadilly Circus in the heart of central London. Fans of Wonder Woman 1984 will recognise this location from the movie when Max Lord’s global broadcast reached the city. Thankfully, Wonder Woman was on hand with her Lasso of Truth to interfere with Max’s message. 

🔋 🚗  Recommended EV charging stops

 Miles BetweenCharging RemainingAddress
Stop 1150 miles25% Back Lane Car Park, YO51 9PQ
Stop 2 119 miles21%Morrisons Catcliffe, S60 5TR
Stop 3117 miles22%Lidl Milton Keynes, MK10 7AP
Destination4 miles52%Glasshouse St, London, W1B 5DQ

You can view the full guide and research via GoodBye Car’s blog.


Scottish TV explorer turns the key on history

Paul Murton opens Douglas Mausoleum at Historic Kilmun

Broadcaster, writer and Scottish adventurer Paul Murton was on hand recently to officially launch the new tourist season at Historic Kilmun.

Paul, who currently has his “Grand Tours of Scottish Rivers” airing on BBC Scotland, also performed an opening ceremony for the Douglas Mausoleum using a recently discovered key at the ancient venue, dubbed the ‘Rosslyn of the West’, on the banks of Holy Loch.

The Douglas Mausoleum is dedicated to the memory of General Sir John Douglas who saw action in the Crimean War including the Battle of Balaclava and the Siege of Sebastopol in 1854. Born in 1817, he inherited the Glenfinart estate in 1871 and died in 1888.

Jennifer Bryson, a Trustee at Historic Kilmun, explained: “It was great to see Paul, a Patron of Historic Kilmun, open the mausoleum for the first time in front of so many friends.

“Historic Kilmun will be open from Thursday to Monday, 11am to 3pm, until the end of October. Expert guided tours will be available for visitors and we also have a busy programme of events including live music, book sales and recitals using our famous water driven organ.”

For more information visit www.historickilmun.org.

Beltane Fire Festival to ignite the Scottish summer once again 

Edinburgh’s cultural staple, Beltane Fire Festival will be returning to Calton Hill on Sunday 30th April 2023. 

Beltane Fire Festival is a living, breathing re-interpretation and modernisation of an ancient Iron Age Celtic ritual and is the largest of its kind, bringing people from all over the world to join and revel in the birth of Summer and the fertility of the land since 1988. Join us for an immersive Celtic experience, more spectacular and expansive than ever before!

This year’s festival will tell the traditional tales of The Procession of the May Queen and The Death and Re-Birth of The Green Man from a unique and exciting perspective; revellers will be surrounded by fire-play, acrobatics, drummers, dancers, clowns, musicians, actors, puppeteers, artists, poets, crafters, curious and mysterious characters and even cats! 

Edinburgh’s Beltane celebrations are the largest of their kind and have attracted crowds of around 10,000 people from all across the globe. 

Festival Co-ordinator Tom Watton said: “It is an honour to facilitate all of the hard work and dedication of the Beltane volunteers; who over the last ten weeks, have been busy preparing for another spectacular one of a kind fire festival. Come and join us this year as raise the Beltane toast: to the earth our mother and the fire our host!” 

“Join us at the end of the month, celebrate the turning of the wheel, and revel in the beginnings of Summer! “

Tickets for the Beltane Fire Festival are available from Citizen Tickets here. 


Police appeal following Scotmid robbery

Detectives in Edinburgh are appealing for information following a robbery at shop premises in Morvenside.

Around 4.05pm on Saturday (8 April), a man entered Scotmid and threatened staff and demanded money. He left with a three-figure sum of money.

Staff were shocked but unhurt.

Detective Constable Peter Lyons of CID in Edinburgh said : “We are keen to trace a man described as 6’2” tall, of slim build, with a Scottish accent. He wore a black scarf or face mask, light blue hooded rain jacket, dark blue jogging bottoms and black trainers.

“He was seen to run off towards the Westburn area.

“Anyone who was in the area and witnessed the incident is asked to contact Police Scotland on 101, quoting 2383 of Saturday, 8 April, 2023.”