Police have seen an increase in catalytic converter thefts recently, they can be attractive items to thieves, due to the precious metals they contain (rhodium, platinum, palladium).
Hybrid vehicles are frequently targeted as they have two power sources, therefore the converter is used less frequently and the metals less corroded.
Vans and SUV’s are particularly at risk, as their high clearance makes access to the exhaust system easier.
To reduce the risk of theft:
Park in a locked garage where possible, alternatively choose a well-lit, populated area ideally with CCTV.
Avoid parking half on the pavement and half on the road, this will make it easier for thieves to access the converter.
In car parks, park alongside other vehicles and face the bonnet towards a wall if possible, to make accessing the cat convertor more difficult.
Vehicles with low clearance could be used to block access to those with high clearance.
Welding the bolts securing the cat converter may make removal more difficult.
Consider using forensic property marking kits (Selectamark / Catloc) which help deter theft and identify stolen cat convertors
Fit a ‘catloc’ (Secured By Design accredited) to prevent removal of a cat convertor.
Fit a tilt sensor which will activate the car alarm should the vehicle be jacked up.
For more information, please visit the following websites -Police Scotland: http://scotland.police.uk/…/road…/protecting-your-car/
Secured by Design: securedbydesign.comCatloc: catloc.co.ukSelectamark: selectamark.co.uk/security-marking/
If you see anyone acting suspiciously near to your property or vehicles please contact the police immediately with as detailed a description as possible of any person(s) or vehicle(s) involved.
Please call ‘999’ if an emergency and urgent police assistance is required or 101 to report the matter to the police.