Prime Minister to set out next steps in Covid response

Boris Johnson will set out the UK Government’s autumn and winter plan for managing Covid this week

  • Government focus to remain on vaccines as the first line of defence over the autumn and winter months
  • JCVI final ‘booster’ decision expected this week
  • Measures from the Coronavirus Act expected to be repealed

Prime Minister Boris Johnson will this week set out the UK Government’s autumn and winter plan for managing Covid.

Vaccines will continue to be our first line of defence over the autumn and winter months supported by new treatments, testing, and a world leading variant surveillance system.

Due to the efforts and sacrifices of the public, our NHS, and the phenomenal success of the vaccine rollout, the vast majority of restrictions were lifted in England at Step 4 of the Roadmap on 19 July.

As of 9 September, nearly 90% of the UK population aged over 16 have received a first dose of the Covid vaccine, and over 80% have received both doses.

The latest data from Public Health England shows Covid vaccines are highly effective against hospitalisation from the Delta (B.1.617.2) variant, the dominant strain in the UK. Analysis shows the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is 96% effective and the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is 92% effective against hospitalisation after two doses.

The winter months will bring renewed challenges. Covid will circulate alongside flu and other respiratory viruses and the threat of a new variant remains. It is difficult to predict with certainty how these will interact and what pressure they may place on the NHS.

The independent expert committee – the Joint Committee on Vaccinations and Immunisation (JCVI) – were asked to consider a Covid vaccine booster programme. Their interim advice suggested planning for booster vaccines to be rolled out to the most vulnerable from September 2021, to offer an increased level of protection over winter.

The government expects to receive confirmation this week from the JCVI on the details of a vaccination booster programme, with plans in place to begin this month. This will boost immunity over the winter months, protecting against serious disease and death and unsustainable pressure on the NHS.

The government confirmed last week that those who are immunocompromised will be offered a third primary dose. This is separate to the booster programme, as those who require a third primary dose had insufficient protection from two doses.

The Prime Minister is also expected to repeal powers in England that are no longer necessary from the Coronavirus Act, as part of the government’s plan for managing Covid over the autumn and winter.

These include:

  • Powers to close-down sectors of the economy, such as business premises, or apply restrictions to events and gatherings.
  • Powers that disrupt education, enabling temporary closure or restricting access to schools, colleges, and childcare.
  • Powers that extend time limits for urgent warrants. Powers to detain infectious people.

Vital powers from the Act will be retained that are critical to protect and support the public. This includes giving sick pay to those isolating from day one rather than day seven, directing schools to remain open if they close against government guidance, and helping the NHS to get the emergency resource it needs.

Legal requirements will remain for someone to isolate if they test positive, to protect the most vulnerable from infection and to control the spread of variants. The Coronavirus Act is separate from the Public Health Act.

The Prime Minister is expected to hold a press conference this week – perhaps as early as tomorrow – to set out the next steps in the pandemic response.

Prime Minister, Boris Johnson said: “Thanks to the efforts of the public, the NHS and our phenomenal vaccination programme, we reached Step 4 in our Roadmap and life has returned to a sense of normality.

“These extraordinary times required necessary but intrusive measures. But I’m determined to get of rid of any powers we no longer need because of our vaccine defences.

“I will set out the next phase in our Covid response shortly.”

PM Boris Johnson is pictured during a Downing Street homecoming reception for the GB Paralympic team.

HMRC warns students of scams

University students taking part-time jobs are at increased risk of falling victim to scams, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is warning.

Higher numbers of students going to university this year means more young people may choose to take on part-time work. Being new to interacting with HMRC and unfamiliar with genuine contact from the department could make them vulnerable to scams.

In the past year almost 1 million people reported scams to HMRC.

Nearly half of all tax scams offer fake tax refunds, which HMRC does not offer by SMS or email. The criminals involved are usually trying to steal money or personal information to sell on to others. HMRC is a familiar brand, which scammers abuse to add credibility to their scams.

Links or files in emails or texts can also download dangerous software onto a computer or phone. This can then gather personal data or lock the recipient’s machine until they pay a ransom.

Between April and May this year, 18 to 24-year olds reported more than 5,000 phone scams to HMRC.

Mike Fell, Head of Cyber Security Operations at HMRC, said: “Most students won’t have paid tax before, and so could easily be duped by scam texts, emails or calls either offering a ‘refund’ or demanding unpaid tax.

“Students, who will have had little or no interaction with the tax system might be tricked into clicking on links in such emails or texts.

“Our advice is to be wary if you are contacted out of the blue by someone asking for money or personal information. We see high numbers of fraudsters contacting people claiming to be from HMRC. If in doubt, our advice is – do not reply directly to anything suspicious, but contact HMRC through GOV.UK straight away and search GOV.UK for ‘HMRC scams’.”

In the last year (September 2020 – August 2021) HMRC has: 

·         responded to 998,485referrals of suspicious contact from the public. Nearly 440,730 of these offered bogus tax rebates   

·         worked with the telecoms industry and Ofcom to remove 2,020 phone numbers being used to commit HMRC-related phone scams 

·         responded to 413,527 reports of phone scams in total, an increase of 92% on the previous year. In April last year we received reports of only 425 phone scams. In August 2021 this had risen to 3,269

·         reported 12,705 malicious web pages for takedown

·         detected 463 COVID-19-related financial scams since March 2020, most by text message 

·         asked Internet Service Providers to take down 443 COVID-19-related scam web pages.

By June this year, more than 680,000 students had applied to university, and over 900,000 held part time jobs during the 2020-21 academic year.

  1. HMRC’s advice is:


·         Take a moment to think before parting with your money or information. 

·         Don’t give out private information or reply to text messages, and don’t download attachments or click on links in texts or emails you weren’t expecting.

·         Do not trust caller ID on phones. Numbers can be spoofed.


·         It’s ok to reject, refuse or ignore any requests – only criminals will try to rush or panic you.

·         Search ‘scams’ on GOV.UK for information on how to recognise genuine HMRC contact  and how to avoid and report scams


·         Forward suspicious emails claiming to be from HMRC to and texts to 60599. Report scam phone calls on GOV.UK

·         Contact your bank immediately if you think you’ve fallen victim to a scam, and report it to Action Fraud (in Scotland, contact the police on 101).

  1. Data about student university applications can be found here.
  1. Data on part-time student employment can be found here.
  1. Follow the National Cyber Security Centre’s steps on keeping secure online at
  1. Follow HMRC’s Press Office on Twitter @HMRCpressoffice

New initiative launched to bring children and young people together with politicians to tackle the climate emergency

Children and young people from across Scotland are to take part in a nation-wide climate surgery with MSPs next month as part of a new initiative to ensure their voices are heard as part of the debate on the climate emergency.

Taking place on Friday 29 October, titled The Moment, it will be an opportunity for children and young people to engage with their elected representatives in places where they live, learn and play. It will allow them to communicate their expectations and hopes for their future. 

Ahead of this, children and young people will be encouraged and supported to communicate their calls to action in tackling the climate emergency ahead of the COP26 conference in Glasgow. A number of new resources have been developed to enable children and young people to have their say.  

The Children’s Parliament has developed a digital toolkit for children to explore climate issues and take part in creative activities to identify what issues they want to raise.  The Scottish Youth Parliament has similarly developed resources to empower young people across Scotland to explore and raise issues.

The initiative is in partnership with Globe International and children and young people will also report on the commitments from the day at the international COP26 GLOBE Legislators’ Summit – one of the biggest online gatherings of international parliamentarians – being hosted at the Scottish Parliament on Friday 5th and Saturday 6th November.

Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament Alison Johnstone MSP said: “As all eyes turn to Glasgow in November, this new initiative is a unique opportunity for parliamentarians to hear what is important to children and young people and what they can expect from their elected representatives on how we tackle the climate emergency.

“I am proud the Scottish Parliament can play its part in supporting and encouraging young people to feel part of this global debate on one of the most fundamental issues our world is currently facing.”

Member of Children’s Parliament, age 11, Highlands said: “We want to see more awareness of the climate emergency, and changes in our community.  

“We think everyone should be involved to make changes for our planet.  We need to talk about our ideas with adults that can make change.”

Cathy McCulloch, co-director of the Children’s Parliament, said: “A world free of climate disasters, where all children can be healthy, happy and safe without worry of losing their homes to flooding or their food to drought, is integral to their human rights.

“Since the establishment of Children’s Parliament in 1996. Children have consistently told us that they are passionate about the environment and concerned about their future.

“The Moment gives children and young people a unique opportunity to communicate their concerns and their calls to action to their elected representatives. 

“By taking part in The Moment, children and young people continue to highlight critical climate and environmental issues that many adults are not yet fully engaged with but which we all need to take seriously.” 

Wiktoria Orlicka MSYP, Trustee of the Scottish Youth Parliament, said: “We hope that COP26 in Glasgow will be a fantastic opportunity for the whole world to come together and commit to create a better, healthier, and more just future for us all.

“Our From Scotland’s Young People Manifesto described the climate emergency as an issue of climate justice. This has to be one of the most important themes at COP26, and ‘The Moment’ offers a genuine opportunity for young people to bring issues like this directly to Scotland’s decision makers.

“It’s always fantastic to see children and young people taking initiative to campaign for the environment, and I urge Scotland’s decision-makers to listen to children and young people at ‘The Moment’ and take our perspectives on board.”

Girlguiding volunteers needed in Edinburgh

A new recruitment campaign looking for volunteers to join Girlguiding Scotland has launched – #ExploreDiscoverVolunteer – which will help support the return of face-to-face guiding in communities across Scotland.

Around 1000 girls and young women in Edinburgh are currently on the waiting list to join a Rainbow, Brownie, Guide or Ranger unit and to help fulfil this Girlguiding Scotland is looking for volunteers across the nation. 

From adventure weekends away to earning new badges, Girlguiding Scotland wants to provide even more girls and young women a safe space to have fun, connect with their friends and build skills for their future.

According to Volunteer Scotland there are many benefits to volunteering including gaining confidence, meeting new people, being part of a community, taking on a challenge and having fun, all of which can be gained from being a volunteer with Girlguiding Scotland. 

A survey carried out by Girlguiding found that nearly a third of girls and young women in Scotland felt lockdown has had a negative impact on their mental health – amidst high levels of worry, stress, and loneliness.

Tricia Forrester, Girlguiding Scotland volunteer said: “It has been especially hard during the pandemic; we have had to come up with new and innovative ways to help support girls and young women’s wellbeing during these uncertain times.

“Being a volunteer for Girlguiding Scotland has really helped me embed myself into the community as well as being so rewarding, knowing that I am providing girls and young women with a safe space to have fun, connect with their friends and build skills for their future.”

Moira McKenna, Chief Guide for Girlguiding Scotland said: “We currently have a strong team of around 10,000 volunteers, but with growing demand we want to ensure that all girls and young women have the opportunity to join Girlguiding. We are looking to increase the adult membership to help more girls and young women access the benefits that guiding has to offer.

“We are looking for more volunteers to get involved to make a meaningful impact in the lives of girls and young women, building on the incredible work during the pandemic.

“New volunteers can choose from opportunities to work directly with young members and lead on the delivery of activities; go on international trips and adventure weekends away; and access bespoke training.

“The campaign highlights how volunteering with Girlguiding Scotland supports people’s self-development and improves their confidence and wellbeing.”

Bringing the benefits of guiding to more girls and adults across Scotland is central to Girlguiding Scotland’s strategy which aims to ensuring every girl and young woman who wants to join guiding in Scotland, whatever their background, will have the opportunity to do so.

Anyone can get involved in guiding, whether they’ve previously been a member, and with a variety of volunteer roles to choose from people can give the time that suits them.

If you’re interested in becoming a volunteer or know a girl who would like to join guiding, please visit to find out how to get involved.

Climate Week ‘to put people at the heart of net zero journey’

Scotland’s Climate Week runs from Monday 13 September to Sunday 19 September

A week-long programme of events and initiatives launches across the country today to engage businesses, organisations and communities in Scotland’s response to the global climate emergency ahead of COP26.

Scotland’s Climate Week 2021 will turn the spotlight on the November summit by highlighting Scotland’s national and international actions on climate change while building awareness, generating conversations and encouraging commitment to further climate action.

Climate Week will include the launch of a series of Climate Festival events, part of a new engagement programme designed to empower local communities in the climate debate and ensure an inclusive approach which leaves no-one behind.   

Businesses, organisations and individual groups are being encouraged to take to social media to make a pledge they will commit to during COP26 to tackle climate change.

Net Zero Secretary Michael Matheson said: “COP26 coming to Scotland is a unique opportunity to advance the society-wide transformation required for us to become a net zero nation.

“I am determined to make sure the conference reaches out far beyond the negotiations in Glasgow. It must reach every community and deliver a lasting legacy that accelerates our emissions reduction whilst making absolutely sure we do that in a way that’s fair and leaves no-one behind.

“Becoming a net zero nation will require a huge national effort with all of us embracing the significant changes and the chance to secure a better future for us all. It’s crucial that everyone takes this opportunity to get involved. Only by taking action together will we succeed in creating a fairer, greener and climate resilient society.

“In addition to being part of the events taking place up and down the country this week, businesses, organisations, community groups, and individuals can be part of the COP26 Call to Action by making a pledge on social media to commit to climate action for the two weeks of the summit and beyond.”

Scotland’s Climate Week runs from Monday 13 September to Sunday 19 September.

More details can be found at

Climate Week ‘to put people at the heart of net zero journey’

Scotland’s Climate Week runs from Monday 13 September to Sunday 19 September

A week-long programme of events and initiatives launches across the country today to engage businesses, organisations and communities in Scotland’s response to the global climate emergency ahead of COP26.

Scotland’s Climate Week 2021 will turn the spotlight on the November summit by highlighting Scotland’s national and international actions on climate change while building awareness, generating conversations and encouraging commitment to further climate action.

Climate Week will include the launch of a series of Climate Festival events, part of a new engagement programme designed to empower local communities in the climate debate and ensure an inclusive approach which leaves no-one behind.   

Businesses, organisations and individual groups are being encouraged to take to social media to make a pledge they will commit to during COP26 to tackle climate change.

Net Zero Secretary Michael Matheson said: “COP26 coming to Scotland is a unique opportunity to advance the society-wide transformation required for us to become a net zero nation.

“I am determined to make sure the conference reaches out far beyond the negotiations in Glasgow. It must reach every community and deliver a lasting legacy that accelerates our emissions reduction whilst making absolutely sure we do that in a way that’s fair and leaves no-one behind.

“Becoming a net zero nation will require a huge national effort with all of us embracing the significant changes and the chance to secure a better future for us all. It’s crucial that everyone takes this opportunity to get involved. Only by taking action together will we succeed in creating a fairer, greener and climate resilient society.

“In addition to being part of the events taking place up and down the country this week, businesses, organisations, community groups, and individuals can be part of the COP26 Call to Action by making a pledge on social media to commit to climate action for the two weeks of the summit and beyond.”

More details can be found at

Five injured in Rose Street hit and run incident

Driver arrested – due in court tomorrow

A 36 year old man has been arrested after five people were hit by a car in Edinburgh city centre in the early hours of this morning. He will appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court tomorrow.

Police Scotland received reports of the pedestrians being struck on Rose Street, near its junction with Frederick Street, at about 00:40 this morning.

Two men, aged 39 and 60-years old, and three women, aged 37, 22 and 65, were all taken to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.

All five are in a ‘stable’ condition.

The car failed to stop at the scene and continued on to Lothian Road where it was involved in a crash with another vehicle. No further people were injured.

A 36-year-old man has been arrested in connection with the incident and is expected to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court tomorrow.

Lothian Road remains closed up to the West Approach Road junction.

Three new mobile vaccination buses target Scotland’s students

The Scottish Ambulance Service has launched three new mobile vaccination buses to cover the whole of Scotland – with a bus dedicated to the east, west and north of the country.

Over the last seven months, the Service has been working in partnership with health boards and local authorities to support the delivery of the national vaccination programme. With the launch of the new buses, one of the key priorities will be to ensure that students are able to access vaccines.

There will be further clinics at the University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, Glasgow Caledonian University and Glasgow University, where it will be parked up at different locations including Murano Street.

The east bus will be at locations in the Scottish Borders, including at Borders College in September, while the north bus will be working with secondary schools across the Highlands.

Pauline Howie, Chief Executive of the Scottish Ambulance Service, said: “Our fantastic staff and our close working with Scottish Government, Health Boards and local authorities across Scotland has meant we can reach into communities via our mobile vaccination bus to ensure everyone has the chance to be vaccinated.

“With university students set to arrive on campuses across the country, we want to ensure they are protected, so over the coming months our vaccination buses will be located at universities and campuses to ensure every student can protect themselves, and others, from Covid-19.”

Health Secretary Humza Yousaf said: “These new vaccine buses, along with those being run by some NHS boards, makes it even easier for students to get vaccinated. As well as going round schools in the Highlands, they will also visit university and college campuses around Scotland Earlier this year we announced the international students will also be included in our national programme.

“The increase in case numbers in recent weeks means it remains vital everyone who is offered a vaccine takes up the invitation. The vaccine buses has been an excellent addition to our national vaccination programme and I want to say a huge thank you to everyone involved for their hard work.”

Gillian Plunkett, Director for Student Experience at City of Glasgow College, said: “Throughout this global pandemic the health and welfare of our students has been our top priority. We are delighted to welcome the NHS Mobile Vaccination Unit. It offers immediate access for students and staff who have still to receive their first vaccine, or their second dose.  

“While we continue with our hybrid learning and teaching approach this new academic year, we are encouraging our students to take up the vaccine which is strongly recommended by the NHS as providing the best protection against the effects of Covid-19.”  

The mobile vaccination buses will also be helping communities across Scotland, so that everyone can receive the appropriate Covid 19 vaccines for their age group. New funding has been provided by the Scottish Government for the buses, in order to improve accessibility to vaccine clinics across the country.

Samba queen hangs up her whistle

AFTER 30 years pioneering the women’s Samba movement in Scotland, Beat That’s musical director, Erin Scrutton, is hanging up her whistle.

One of Scotland’s longest-running Samba bands, Beat That, is winding up too, going out with a bang at COP26 on Saturday 6 November 2021, playing in the parade for the Extinction Rebellion campaigners.


Beat That is putting out a call to women Samba players, past and present, to join in the finale celebrations at COP26. Samba sisters are invited to sign up on the band’s team site ( to join in.

They will be sent music files to listen to and will be invited to join rehearsals in Stirling in October in preparation for the COP26 parade on 6 November.

Banging the drum for 30 years

Popular with programmers and gig organisers across Scotland, Beat That regularly led the annual Glasgow Style Mile Christmas Parade and played at the Merchant City and West End festivals. They have been stalwarts at Paisley’s Sma’ Shot and Hallowe’en festivals – always game for a dress-up.

Back home, in Stirling, each year Beat That took to the stage and streets in Stirling for events like Reclaim the Night to Hogmanay celebrations.

They’ve performed at festivals in Dublin, Berlin, London, Liverpool, Amsterdam, Italy and Spain.

A key part of the women’s movement and an expression of feminism, women’s Samba bands have featured in many International Women’s Day celebrations over the decades. To celebrate 100 Years of International Women’s Day, Erin led the drumming for an event called HumDrum when 70 women came together to sing and drum on the steps of Glasgow’s Royal Concert Hall, part of the Scottish Wave of Change.

Making a noise for women and LGBTQ+ rights

Erin, and women’s Samba bands, have played a key role in promoting the Pride movement in Scotland and abroad, celebrating LGBTQ+ people. Erin led She Boom, Scotland’s first women’s Samba band, opening the Stonewall celebrations at the Royal Albert Hall, sharing the bill with Elton John and George Michael.

Erin and drummers attended the Stonewall 25th anniversary celebrations in New York.

Beat That’s last foreign foray was leading the first Pride festival in Manilva in 2019 and they were booked to return when Lockdown hit and live events were put on ice in 2020. Beat That continued to play together right throughout Lockdown, keeping spirits high with a weekly practice for the two dozen women from central Scotland on Zoom.

A leader in her field

Erin led, kicked-off, composed music for and coached the leaders of women’s bands in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Fife, Aberdeen, Irvine, Dumfries and Stirling.

Erin Scrutton Samba leader

Over the years, Erin studied percussion in Brazil, Cuba, Salvador. A skilled player and composer, she has performed with Jools Holland, The Pet Shop Boys and Horse. She has taught thousands of beginners in community and corporate workshops and been a guest tutor for groups from the Isle of Wight to Ireland and Wales.

She has been MD with Stirling-based Beat That for 30 years and in that role has taught scores of women who have become part of the Beat That family and performed at festivals, parades and gigs from Belladrum to Berlin, Ireland to Italy.

Says Jenn Pow, the community group’s chair: “We were lucky to keep Erin as our leader for 30 years. She’s been a field-leader and built a career as a samba drummer when no such thing existed. We feel privileged that she stayed loyal to our group all these years.

“Erin is an amazing teacher – a patient and kind soul. Many of us would never have lasted this long without her. Being in the band has been one of the best things in my life.

“We’re a strong tribe and we’ve grown together, supporting each other through major milestones and life’s ups and downs. We’ve gone through births and deaths together… and many a party night. With Erin calling time, it just felt like the right time to hang up our sticks and wind up the group. It’s been a blast and I’ve made friends for life.”

Recognition and legacy

Erin has a shelf dedicated to her as part of Glasgow Women’s Library’s Women on the Shelf project, recognising all she has done to ignite the women’s drumming movement in Scotland.

Film-maker, Dianne Barrie, has been commissioned by the band to document the COP26 finale and capture stories that recall the essence of the 30 year wave of change.

The band is talking to Macrobert Arts Centre about how they might plug a gap and provide drumming classes going forward, to meet the creative, social and political desires of local women. The band is prepared to donate all its kit and Erin is prepared to donate all her compositions and music files to support passing on a legacy.

£1.25 million funding to help Scotland’s libraries to reopen

A new fund worth more than £1 million that will help libraries re-open is being launched by the Scottish Government.

The Public Libraries COVID Recovery Fund will allow libraries to re-connect with their communities as part of Scotland’s recovery from the pandemic.

The fund, which will be distributed through the Scottish Library and Information Council (SLIC), will support libraries in re-opening or extending their opening hours, as well as fund targeted plans for issues such as digital exclusion or mental health and wellbeing. 

While priority will be given to applications which support deprived areas and communities, all library services across Scotland are invited to apply for the fund, which is a commitment made in the new Programme for Government.

Culture Minister Jenny Gilruth said: “We hope that through this new fund the power of libraries to inform, educate, entertain and inspire can be unlocked again as part of the recovery from the COVID pandemic.

“We are aware that while many have returned, Scotland’s library services are currently operating below their pre-pandemic levels.

“The reasons for these closures are varied, complex and sometimes challenging – however we want to see as many libraries re-open as possible, and this fund will help the public library sector bounce back from a challenging time.”

Scottish Library and Information Council chair Ian Ruthven said: “The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have highlighted the vital role public libraries play in communities across Scotland.

“Libraries are at the centre of the collective endeavour to improve literacy, close the attainment gap, promote health, champion wellbeing, pioneer sustainability, reduce inequality, and close the digital divide.

“SLIC is pleased to be working with the Scottish Government to administer the Public Library Covid Relief Fund which will support the public library sector to extend access to these vital services, and prioritise wellbeing as communities continue to rebuild and recover.”