Green space a ‘soaring priority’ at Leith waterfront development

CALA Homes has released visuals showing plans for a series of raised gardens that will offer residents at a thriving Leith development a rare urban feature.

The new communal gardens at Waterfront Plaza by CALA Homes (East) will span approximately 2500 square metres and serve to deliver attractive and sought-after green spaces for residents, something not often offered by urban developments.

Carefully designed and created, these raised gardens total an area of 10 tennis courts, feature generous amounts of seating and a bright southerly aspect and will be finished with artificial grass, paving and attractive planters above, while shielding parking for up to 74 cars below.

Created for recreational use by all residents of the development, the innovative design is the work of Edinburgh-based landscape architecture firm OPEN.

Work is already well underway on the gardens, as well as on an open landscaped walkway connecting directly to key walking and cycling routes. The first section of the gardens is scheduled to open to residents from spring this year.

Alastair Haigh, Associate with OPEN, said: “These gardens are a special element within this site – located above street level they will provide unique spaces for those that are lucky enough to live here.

“Green space is really coveted at the moment, so to be able to provide landscaped gardens that provide this and enhance the views from apartments by covering parking is a fantastic use of the space.”

Designed with contemporary urban living in mind, the gardens will mirror the raised terraces of the development’s townhouses and provide ample green space – unusual for a city development of its kind. The expanse of breathable, outdoor space corresponds with apartment interiors which offer uncluttered, open plan living.

Further landscaped walkways and private gardens serve to create a green, accessible and attractive site, connecting key parts of Leith while transforming formerly disused industrial land.

Phillip Hogg, Sales and Marketing Director for CALA Homes East said: “This new green space was designed with buyers at all stages of life in mind. Our Waterfront Plaza properties cater to a range of potential buyers, so we felt our outdoor space should too, while allowing them to connect easily with the wider area, whether walking or cycling.

“With the large increase in people working from home over the last year, we’re delighted to be able to offer apartments with views and an accessible green space, perfect for short lunch breaks. The secure keypad entry system also makes it an ideal area for relaxing or play.”

As well as cycle and walking routes, the development also benefits excellent transport connections to the surrounding area and city of Edinburgh itself – and is even directly adjacent to the route of the tram extension.

The 2.9-mile tram extension will be in place by 2023, offering effortless journeys across the city (if all goes to plan – Ed.). The extended line will travel from the airport, through Edinburgh down to Leith and Newhaven.

Launched in summer 2019, Waterfront Plaza is CALA’s latest brownfield regeneration project. After the sell-out success of the first release colony apartments, Waterfront Plaza currently features 2 & 3 bedroom apartments & 4 bedroom townhouses ranging from £295,000 to £520,000.

For more information please visit: or call 0131 516 6832.

Citizens’ Panel convened to discuss Scotland’s Covid strategy

A citizens’ panel met online for the first time on Saturday to discuss how Scotland is and should continue to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. The panel will meet for the next four weekends before reporting its conclusions to the Scottish Parliament’s Covid-19 Committee.

Participants in the 20-member panel, who have been chosen to broadly reflect the demographics of Scotland, and includes residents from all eight Parliamentary regions, will be asked to respond to the question ‘What priorities should shape the Scottish Government’s approach to COVID-19 restrictions and strategy in 2021?’.

To help in forming a response to this question, a range of experts will give presentations on issues including public health, medical and behavioural science, epidemiology and virology, and the social, legal and economic aspects of the pandemic.

It is expected that the panel’s findings will help the Committee scrutinise the Scottish Government’s strategic approach to the pandemic, including what priorities should inform any future restrictions in 2021.

The Committee will also reflect on the panel’s findings to inform its recommendations for how Covid scrutiny should continue after the election. 

Speaking ahead of the first meeting, the Covid-19 Committee Convener, Donald Cameron MSP, said: “In spite of the hope provided by vaccines, we find ourselves at a worrying juncture in this pandemic. Unfortunately, there is a going to be a need for restrictions for months to come, and the way we respond in 2021 is likely to shape our economy and society for many years to come.

“Therefore, it is critical that we have public support for Government plans to respond to Covid-19, and that we ensure areas important to the public are prioritised. While the Covid-19 Committee is able to provide robust scrutiny and recommendations, it will be immensely helpful to this work to have the informed opinion of a representative group of citizens.

“We are very grateful to the panel members and experts assisting them for giving up their time, and look forward to receiving the final report next month.”

The Citizens’ Panel will meet online on Saturdays 16, 23, 30 January and 6 February. A report will be produced thereafter.

‘Significant additional support’ for taxi and private hire drivers

A new fund to support taxi and private hire drivers affected by the pandemic will launch this week.

Local authorities will directly approach an estimated 38,000 private hire and taxi drivers inviting them to claim a £1,500 grant to assist with fixed costs, boosting the support from other funding for loss of income available through the Scottish and UK Governments.

A new total of £57 million has been allocated by the Scottish Government – three times more than the allocation announced in December.

Councils will start contacting eligible drivers this week to brief them on their potential entitlement and ask them to provide supporting information and bank account details. They do not need to apply, or contact the local authority.

Finance Secretary Kate Forbes said: “We know how difficult this pandemic has been for taxi drivers and their families. They’ve truly gone the extra mile, continuing to provide a vital service for key workers and vulnerable individuals throughout the lockdown and beyond.

“Following the introduction of tighter regulations at Christmas I have trebled the budget originally announced for this fund to £57 million, enough to provide grants of £1,500 to all of Scotland’s 38,000 taxi and private hire drivers.

“It will help to support the taxi trade by augmenting existing support and assisting drivers in meeting fixed costs including licence plate fees, rental fees and insurance payments for taxis not on the road.”

To be eligible for this financial assistance taxi or private hire drivers must be licensed for the period 9 October 2020 to at least 31 January 2021. Applicants can choose whether the payment is made to a business or personal bank account.

More details and full eligibility criteria available here.

Other schemes open to taxi drivers include the Scottish Government’s COVID-19 Public Transport Mitigation Fund and the UK Government’s Self-Employment Income Support Scheme.

The Scottish Government has allocated £3 billion in business support since the start of the pandemic on top of support available through the UK Government.

Charles RennIce MackinSlush: first new gritter name unveiled


An appeal to name the 50-strong fleet of gritters covering 400 miles of Scotland’s trunk roads from Glasgow to Dumfries and through to Ayr and Stranraer, has received over 1,200 online entries; with the first of the successful nominations being revealed today.

“Charles RennIce MackinSlush”, in reference to the iconic Glaswegian artist and architect, is the first of the new gritter names to be announced.

This gritter will join existing gritters on the network including “Yes Sir, Ice Can Boogie”, “Buzz IceClear”, and IRN-BRU®’s “Grits You Thru”.

Other successful entrants will be posted on the @SWTrunkRoads Twitter account each day, in the coming weeks. The naming appeal, which is normally run in conjunction with local schools, was moved online this year as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and opened to the wider Scottish public.

Many of the names submitted paid tribute to the recent passing of James Bond actor and Scottish icon Sir Sean Connery; and as a result five of the newly named vehicles will be badged in tribute to Sir Sean, and will reference several of the Bond movies. These are “Dr Snow”, “Coldfinger”, “You Only Grit Ice”, “On Her Majesty’s Slippery Surface” and “TroonRaker”!

The newly named gritters will be operated by Amey the company responsible for maintaining the Scottish South-West trunk road network on behalf of Transport Scotland. The appeal ran from 23rd December 2020 until 15th January 2021 attracting a record number of submissions. 

To support the travelling public, a free Winter Road Alerts service is available, providing real-time updates on weather-related incidents on the network.

An email address is all that is required to sign up for this service:

More details of NMC SW Winter Services can be found here:

Our full NMC SW Winter Plan can be found on the Transport Scotland website:

To report a problem on the network please visit:

Real-time journey information can be obtained by visiting  or via Twitter: @TrafficScotland

Surviving lockdown II

As the reality of the next few months sinks in, more parents once again face the hardships of home schooling and home working, we explore how parents can cope with the pressures of working from home with kids (again) …

“Our hearts literally sank when the Prime Minister said those words “schools are to close” because we remember what is was like last time – seriously tough times. Entertaining the kids whilst trying our best to keep working and the money coming in. Plus, last time the weather was nice, now it is awful”, explains Jonathan Ratcliffe from Office Provider

Working from home is tough. Home schooling is very tough. So, if you must combine the two for a long period of time, how are you going to cope?

“Home schooling is one of the hardest things we have done as parents. The expectation and the stress, and at the same time we are trying to hold down jobs – it’s a nightmare scenario”, explains Ratcliffe

You are going to have to plan well, get organised and work to a strict timetable if you want to get everything done. Equally, you will need to have a proper split between work, school, fun and rest.

“You firstly need to take some time to come to terms with the change in lifestyle – and lower your expectations, because the minute you try and do too much, is when the stress will hit you like a brick wall – life has changed for a few months and you need to accept that”, Ratcliffe adds.

  • Lower your expectations of what you will achieve with work
  • Communicate with your boss daily
  • Simplify your day into a set routine
  • Do not try and achieve too much
  • Pause and try and appreciate moments with your kids (if you can!)

Our 10 tips on how to survive lockdown with your kids

START EARLY AT THE SAME TIME EACH DAY: Routine is important for good sleep and mental health, for both you and your kids. School starts at a set time, so make sure you are ready and stick to the timetable.

GET DRESSED PROPERLY LIKE TEACHER AND STUDENT: Getting showered and dressed is important to divide sleep and school.

CREATE SPACES FOR DIFFERENT ACTVITIES: You might set up a teaching room (kitchen), quiet room (spare bedroom) and a play area (living room)

STRUCTURE YOUR DAY LIKE A SCHOOL DAY: Teaching time, activity time, play time and lunch time – just like their normal school routine

MAKE A PLAN WITH YOUR KIDS: At the start of the day ask them what they want to do (within reason) so they feel involved

TURN OFF YOUR PHONE: How are your kids meant to feel involved if you are checking emails?

SET ASIDE BREAKS FOR TV, IPAD AND EXERCISE: Use these times to schedule work emails or calls

TAKE EXERCISE: Depending on where you live, if you have a garden or not – try and get some fresh air, this also allows you some headspace

FINISH AT A SET TIME, BEDTIME AT A SET TIME: By getting a routine drilled in early on, you can try and get the kids to sleep at a sensible time, thereby giving yourself some space to work if you need to

DON’T BE TEMPTED TO HIT THE BOOZE TOO MUCH: If you can, evening time will be the only real time you can realistically work. If you drink your concentration will be poor, sleep poor and you will wake in a grumpy mood. Try and keep drinking to a minimum.

“The only positive is that you’ve done this before, and you can do it again – but life has changed and coming to terms with that is a good start. It is not an easy time for anyone, and especially the kids who will also be finding the change hard to cope with, more so if you are stressed! Good luck to everyone”, concludes Ratcliffe from

Join Samaritans for Brew Monday

Brew Monday kicks off on 18 January, the third Monday of the month, which is usually known as ‘Blue Monday.’ We’ll be turning Blue Monday on its head and into something positive by encouraging people to reach out and catch up over a virtual cuppa because now, more than ever, it’s important we stay connected.

Reach out to a friend, colleague, or family member for a cuppa and a chat. It doesn’t have to be on a Monday or a cup of tea, just taking time to really listen to another person could help them work through what’s on their mind. ​

PS: Don’t forget to join us on Twitter and Instagram on the 18th. Our plans are top-secret for now, but we’ll be joined by some special celebri-tea guests and sharing tips to make your virtual gathering brew-lliant!

Have a virtual Brew Monday

New Year, New Home? Property trend predictions for 2021

Why ‘urban village’ living is topping the wishlist of prospective homebuyers

Life as we know it changed dramatically in 2020. The way we work, socialise, and unwind has been fundamentally affected by the global pandemic and, in response, it is evident the priorities of prospective homebuyers have been altered significantly.

As we enter the New Year, the property experts at AMA Homes share their top property trends to look out for in 2021 and reveal which of their award-winning luxury developments ticks all the boxes.

Topping the trends in 2021 is the desire for ‘urban village’ living. The ideal urban village location offers residents all the comfort and sense of community that comes from village life, but couples it with the added bonus of having all the amenities of a large city within close proximity.

The rise in popularity of urban village living is, in part, related to the significant increase in professionals working from home. With many now opting to make home-working their permanent choice, the daily commute is no longer a deciding factor in the homebuying process. As a result, urban village living is being added to homebuyers’ wish lists.

Instead, many are succumbing to the appeal of urban village life – a slower paced way of living, a closeness with nature, a connection with neighbours, and a feeling of belonging. Yet all the benefits and convenience of remaining close to the city centre, where theatres, bars, restaurants, and shops are just a short journey away.

Ticking all the boxes of urban village living and therefore fast emerging as a property hotspot is Cramond – a quaint coastal village situated in the north-west of Edinburgh, at the mouth of the River Almond where it enters the Firth of Forth.

A peaceful and picturesque setting, Cramond offers residents an idyllic outdoor lifestyle less than 20 minutes from the capital.

It is here you will find Caer Amon, an award-winning development of luxury apartments from AMA Homes. The 32 ultra high-spec apartments are set within a series of gardens and landscaped courtyards. The exterior white walls sympathetically echo the whitewashed cottages at Cramond harbour, whilst the interiors have an unmistakably contemporary light and spacious feel. They benefit from zoned underfloor heating and excellent insulation, making them highly energy efficient.

The development was designed by Richard Murphy Architects, a world-renowned practice that has 20 RIBA awards to its name. From the very first Maggie Centre in Edinburgh, which was nominated for the 1997 Stirling Prize, to his own home on Hart Street, which won the RIBA House of the Year in 2016, Richard Murphy has created ground-breaking, innovative buildings, and Caer Amon is no exception.

28 properties at Caer Amon have already sold but house-hunters will be pleased to hear two apartments at Caer Amon have just been re-released; 30/11 Brighouse Park Cross – available now at the fixed price of £820,000, and 29/5 Brighouse Park Cross – available now at a fixed price of £500,000.

Commenting on the rise in popularity of the urban village lifestyle, AMA Homes Director, Behnam Afshar, said; ‘What we are witnessing is a major shift in the housing market which is directly related to wider changes in peoples’ lifestyles.

‘Urban village living offers the best of both worlds and nowhere is this better encapsulated than at Caer Amon – a peaceful neighbourhood in a stunning coastal location, a mere five miles from all that the Scottish capital has to offer.’

According to Behnam, the fast-paced property market shows no sign of easing up as we enter the New Year, therefore homebuyers interested in finding out more about urban village life at Caer Amon are advised to book a viewing in the first instance, strictly by appointment only.

2020 may have been an unpredictable year, with many homebuyers questioning their priorities, but it is clear from the performance of the property market that urban village living will continue to provide the ideal answer for many in 2021 and beyond.

Understanding the impact of Covid-19 on cultural participation

Creative Scotland has published the findings from independent research looking at public attitudes to cultural participation and attendance in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Surveying a representative sample of the population in Scotland, this is the second wave of research, following the first wave which was completed in August 2020. The survey provides valuable insight regarding how the Covid-19 pandemic has changed attitudes towards, and engagement with, cultural activity and also looks at public attitudes towards cultural participation in the future. 

Key findings include: 

  • More than half the population (56%) say they really miss attending cultural venues and events 
  • However, there is wariness amongst the culture-going public as regards returning to venues and events as restrictions ease, more so than with many other leisure activities 
  • The vast majority of the population (98%) are engaging with cultural activity from home during the Covid-19 pandemic but only a small proportion (17%) say they are willing to pay for cultural content that has moved online due to the pandemic 
  • Audiences are nevertheless looking forward to attending cultural activity when they can; are open to trying new experiences at different types of venue (70%); and audience levels look likely to return to pre-Covid levels, or increase, once a vaccine is widely available 

Iain MunroCreative Scotland Chief Executive said: “The impact on Scotland’s art and culture sector by the Covid-19 pandemic has been severe. This important and ongoing research helps us understand that impact from a public perspective and is helping inform our ongoing discussions with partners, including Scottish Government, regarding current and future support.  

“The research also provides invaluable insight that will help shape our collaborative work with the sector in terms of recovery and renewal as we emerge from the impacts of the pandemic through 2021.” 

The report summarising the findings from the research can be found on the Creative Scotland website. A further wave of this research is planned for Spring 2021. 

Stagecoach becomes first UK bus operator to invest in roll-out of new bridge alert technology

  • £4m project to strengthen existing safety measures to prevent bridge strikes
  • Enhancement to GreenRoad’s leading driver safety and fuel-efficiency system
  • Technology to cover 8,000 buses in England, Scotland and Wales by summer 2021

Stagecoach, Britain’s biggest bus operator, has announced that it will become the first bus operator in the country to invest in the national roll-out of new bridge alert technology across its fleet.

The £4m project will strengthen existing measures in place to prevent bridge strikes and build on Stagecoach’s industry-leading use of the GreenRoad driver safety and fuel efficiency system.

GreenRoad’s core safety system is installed on all of Stagecoach’s 8.000 buses in England, Scotland and Wales. The technology also serves professional drivers from companies across Europe, the Middle East, America, Australia and New Zealand.

Using a simple traffic-light-like LED system on the dashboard, the GreenRoad system gives drivers instant feedback about their driving manoeuvres, encouraging smoother, safer, more fuel-efficient driving that is more comfortable for passengers.

Stagecoach has been in discussions with GreenRoad over the past eight months on how to extend the telematics technology to further improve safety for its fleet – including 3,800 double-decker buses – around low bridges.

Data from Network Rail shows that there were 1714 railway bridge strikes across the country in the 2019-20 financial year. Most of these incidents involve heavy goods vehicles (HGVs), with between 40 and 50 a year related to buses.

As well as the potential for serious injuries, bridge strikes have significant financial and other costs for the country. On average, a single bridge strike costs more than £6,000 and in 2019-20 these incidents resulted in more than 7,800 hours of delays for rail passengers alone.

The intelligent GreenRoad system will use GPS vehicle location data and mapping services to alert the driver to nearby low bridges. If the technology determines that the bus is heading towards a low bridge, it will sound an in-cab alert, allowing a safe exit route that avoids the bridge.

Following a 16-week software development phase, the technology and associated speakers will be installed on Stagecoach buses across the country by summer 2021.

It will enhance a range of existing safety measures in place, including the design of bus routes to avoid low bridges, detailed classroom and practical route training for drivers, and ongoing work with authorities to ensure the placement of appropriate signage and other alerts.

Stagecoach Chief Executive Martin Griffiths said: “Everything we do starts with safety: for our customers, our people, pedestrians and other road users. Buses are already one of the safest forms of travel. But every year we invest millions of pounds in training our professional driving team and new technology to make our public transport operations even safer.

“Our country’s infrastructure includes many railway bridges designed in an era before modern transport vehicles went on the road, creating a safety risk. We have been working for many months with GreenRoad to design this important Low Bridge Alert enhancement to their proven safety technology, and are now implementing it to bolster the extensive measures we already have in place. We look forward to delivering the benefits from our investment across the country.”

The industry-leading initiative has been welcomed by Network Rail, which works with the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA), highways bodies, and road transport providers to help prevent bridge strikes.

Network Rail’s Chair, Sir Peter Hendy CBE, said: “Bridge strikes are an unnecessary burden on our railway. They pose serious safety risks, cause hours of delays for rail passengers and road users and swallow up public funds which should be used on upgrading and improving our network.

“We’ve seen encouraging signs of incidents declining recently thanks to our engagement work with industry partners, drivers and operators, as well as the introduction of technology which assists drivers, but the transport sector has to continue working together to make bridge strikes a thing of the past.

“I commend Stagecoach on taking the initiative with the roll-out of this technology and I hope to see other operators take a similar proactive approach to tackling the issue in the near future.”

Stagecoach’s bus drivers have been leading the way in GreenRoad’s global performance measurement programme for the past five years. More than 5,000 of Stagecoach’s 15,000 drivers have been awarded GreenRoad’s Fleet Elite status, reflecting the company’s approach to consistent improvement in safety and ongoing investment in driver training.

To gain Fleet Elite status, drivers must achieve an average of five or fewer events, such as harsh braking or acceleration, per 10 hours of driving over the entire calendar year. More Stagecoach employees have gained Fleet Elite status than any other company in the worldwide scheme.

David Ripstein, GreenRoad’s President & CEO, said: “We are pleased and honored to continue assisting Stagecoach in addressing some of its most significant safety challenges.

“We view ourselves as a safety technology leader that forms long-term partnerships with our customers, leveraging our best-in-class safety telematics solutions, together with our many years of experience, to help them reduce accidents, improve operations and minimise risk.

“We look forward to continued close cooperation to help Stagecoach reach the uncompromising standards of safety that they have set for themselves.”

Edinburgh entrepreneur’s ski start-up gets set for global growth

Ski instructor marketplace aims to raise £400,000 in second crowdfunding campaign, to complete £1.4M raise

Tech start-up Maison Sport – founded by a trio of former members of the British Ski Team, including Edinburgh-based CEO Nick Robinson – has launched a crowdfunding campaign on Seedrs in a bid to raise £400,000 as part of a larger £1.4M raise.

Covid-19 has undoubtedly hit the ski industry hard, but the challenges have accelerated the trio of founders’ determination to make the start-up flourish. 

The funds will allow the independent ski instructor platform to grow, evolve and expand into new countries across the globe.  Having already raised £1m at the end of the summer 2020 from a collective of investors, the additional crowdsourced funds will complete their fundraise, enabling the three co-founders to take the marketplace global.

Maison Sport was created to connect people with the very best independent and passionate ski and snowboard instructors, reducing costs to the customer, and providing a more profitable practice for instructors, affording them more control over their earnings and teaching schedules.  

Started in 2016, the tech company was founded by three former British ski champions – Edinburgh-based Nick Robinson, CEO and Co-founder and his brother Olly Robinson, COO and Co-founder, and Aaron Tipping, CFO and Co-founder. 

Starting in The Alps, the market leading platform has since grown rapidly to include more than 350 resorts and over 1000 trusted and fully qualified instructors across France, Switzerland, Italy and Austria.  The new round of funding is expected to help the business expand into more than four new areas across the globe over the next six months, including Scotland, Norway, Sweden and Japan.

Co-founder and CEO Nick Robinson, former member of the British Ski Team explains; “Myself and co-founders Olly and Aaron are all passionate ski instructors at heart, which is why it’s so important to us that this business grows but grows in the right way to ensure the best possible experiences for our customers and for our instructors. 

“The funding we’ve secured to date, along with the funds we hope to secure on Seedrs, will give the business the boost it needs to go truly global, and importantly, support independent ski instructors who have been hit hard in the current climate.”

Maison Sport raised £786,000 from a combination of an initial Seedrs crowdfunding campaign in 2018 which exceeded target by 135%, as well as two angel funding rounds in January 2016 and December 2016, which allowed them to launch their innovative concept and facilitated early growth. 

Last year, the founders raised an additional £1 million and have brought serial entrepreneur Lorenz Bogaert on board, to join the company as a non-executive director.  Bogaert joins non-executive chairman Graeme Gunn, and an impressive advisory board including some well-known fund managers and Kevin Byrne, Founder of

Early funding also allowed the founders to attract some of the best tech talent to ensure technology remains at the forefront of the business and that the user experience for both the customer and instructor is accessible, fast and seamless. Over the course of the past 6 months, the business has gone from 7 employees to 15 and expects to grow to 21 once further funding is secured.

As the only platform dedicated to independent instructors, Maison Sport has proven to be a game changer for ski and snowboard instructors who can significantly increase their earnings using the platform.

The marketplace has recently surpassed 20,000 hours of lessons taught and prides itself on the site’s 3,100+ individual instructor reviews left by over 70% of customers, placed on instructor’s profile after their lessons, over 90% of which are rated 5 stars.

For more information visit